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1. Apple, mango, jambo, avocado are ....

A. Vegetables
B. Fruits
C. Animals
D. Insect
2. I am looking for new book reference in
A. Toilet
B. Swimming pool
C. Library
D. Airport
3. Rachel is a nurse, she works daily in a …
A. Restaurant
B. Hospital
C. Bank
D. Store
4. My hobby is playing badminton , I need a … for playing it.
a. racket                     c. motorcycle
b. ball                         d. stick
5. My Mother……..tea yesterday
a. Drink
b. Drank
c. Eat
d. Drunk
6. Soto and gado-gado are kinds of…
a. vegetables                                                  c. drink
b. drink                                                          d. Food
7. I look the moon at....
A. rainy   C. night
B. sunny   D. village
8. Merah in English is…
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. Brown
9. Sepeda in English is…
A. Bicycle
B. Motorcycle
C. Plane
D. Bus
10. I have … fingers hand.
A. Ten
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five 
11. Aliyah drinks a cup of …
A. Broom
B. Spoon
C. Soap
D. coffee

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