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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb

‫ وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله أما بعد‬,‫الحمد هلل الذى أمرنا باإليمان واإلسالم أشهد أن الإله إالهللا وحده الشريك له‬

Honorable the juries of speech

Honorable the committees of speech contest

Honorable the participants of speech contest

Happy ladies and gentleman

Standing over here, I would like to give my greatest thanks to Alloh the almighty, who has been giving
me and you all his mercies and blessing. So we can gather in this nice occassion in a good health.

Sholawat and salam may be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, who has brought a lightness
through Islamic religion in this earth.

Happy ladies and gentleman

Thanks for the opportunity, so I can deliver my speech in front of you all today. The tittle of my speech

Happy ladies and gentleman

We are students of islamic junior high school and as next generation for our parents, teachers, society
and country, we are expected to be better and to bring brighter future. This is because the future of our
country is on or hand whether to be better or worse. A wise word says:

‫إن فى يدكم أمر األمة وفى أقدامكم حياتها‬

It means, we have to do the best for their life, we should study hard in order to increase our quality life
in education, since the progressive shool and country is depend on us. The good quality of us make our
country become forward. Not only good quality in education but also we must have good attitude to our
parents, teachers, and to all of their friends. It’s needed to make their life useful.

Nowadays, most of islamic young generations are influenced by modernization era, Many of them
consume drug, alcohol and something else that far from Islamic guidance. There isn’t moral value in
their life, because could their body and their brain aren’t healthy anymore. Therefore it could damage
their life and their future. Our nation needs a strong young generation, therefore they can be
responsible for their life.
 Ladies and gentleman,

We are as islamic young generation, let’s do the best for our brighter future. Let’s improve our ability
and quality in education. Let’s show to the world that Moslem students are able to compete with others.
I belief by working and studying hard, the brighter future is ours. Be a good islamic young generation,
absolutely it will make our nation’s future brighter.

Happy ladies gentleman

 I think that’s all my speech, I wish we can meet again in other occasion, thanks for your kind attention.
You are Moslem students, keep doing the best and always be success. Good by and see you.

‫إهدناالصراط المستقيم‬

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

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