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To make a general observation on the text I have chosen, "Squatting is not the answer," I would like to

say that it is a consistent document because of many powerful arguments and supporting evidence. To
be quite honest, the arguments' premises and conclusions are excellent and have a clear relationship
with one another. This evidence has demonstrated it in various different ways. The text demonstrates
that, although being an ongoing issue, the initial assessment of the squatting problem in various
Western nations, such as the United Kingdom or the Netherlands, has consistently been grossly
understated. primarily due to the generosity and tolerance of a few egislatures. Additionally, they view
squatting as a modern remedy for the homeless.When it comes to humanity in the first paragraph, it
may initially seem strange and odd because the homeless truly need a place to rest and squatting is their
only remaining means of subsistence. Additionally, the author of is against squatting. The next
paragraph, though, makes it plain how the author feels. However, I would like to talk more about the
first argument of this text before I analyze that part. Squatting, according to the author, is an example of
such a degradation because of the injustice of the circumstance. Because squatting violates social
norms, it is assumed that the individual who does it is disrespectful.This is regarded as a very incisive
argument made by the author. However, I continue to think that individuals will go to any lengths to
survive under the worst circumstances because they feel so helpless and powerless. Consistently, I think
the second defense is a strong one. Without a question, I agree with the author that regular folks should
safeguard property because even if it doesn't belong to us, we still have a responsibility to protect it for
the sake of society as a whole.Furthermore, the author of is opposed to squatting. However, it is clear
from the following paragraph how the author feels. Before I study that section of the text, I would like to
talk more about the first argument. Because of the injustice of the situation, squatting is an example of
such a degrading behavior, according to the author. Squatting defies societal expectations, thus it's
considered that whoever does it doesn't respect others.It is thought that the author made a pretty sharp
argument with this one. However, I still believe that since people feel so helpless and powerless, they
would do whatever it takes to survive in the worst situations. I consistently believe the second defense
to be effective. Without a doubt, I concur with the society

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