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Received: 23 November 2020 Revised: 1 February 2021 Accepted: 13 February 2021

DOI: 10.1111/bcp.14783


The association between cigarette smoking and efavirenz

plasma concentration using the population pharmacokinetic

Ngah Kuan Chow1,2 | Sabariah Noor Harun1 | E-Jinq Wong3 | Lee Lee Low4 |
Siti Maisharah Sheikh Ghadzi1 | Amer Hayat Khan1

Discipline of Clinical Pharmacy, School of
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Aims: Efavirenz is still widely used as the preferred first-line antiretroviral agent in
Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
middle- and low-income countries, including Malaysia. The efavirenz population
Department of Pharmacy, Hospital Kulim,
Kedah, Malaysia pharmacokinetic profile among HIV-positive smokers is still unknown. We aimed to
Department of Pharmacy, Hospital Sultanah assess the association of smoking with efavirenz and the differences in HIV clinical
Bahiyah, Kedah, Malaysia
Department of Medicine, Hospital Sultanah
Bahiyah, Kedah, Malaysia
Methods: A total of 154 stable HIV-positive patients on efavirenz in northern
Malaysia were recruited with a sparse sampling for this multicentre prospective
Amer Hayat Khan and Chow Ngah Kuan,
cohort study. The association between smoking and efavirenz pharmacokinetic
Discipline of Clinical Pharmacy, School of parameters was determined using the nonlinear mixed-effect model. A mixture
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, 11800, Penang, Malaysia.
model of clearance was adopted to describe the metaboliser status because genetic
Email:; data are unavailable. The effect of smoking on HIV clinical markers (CD4, CD4/CD8
ratio and viral blips) for at least 2 years after the antiretroviral initiation was also
Results: Our data were best fitted with a 1-compartment mixture model with
first-order absorption without lag time. Smoking significantly associated with higher
clearance (β = 1.39; 95% confidence interval: 1.07 to 1.91), while weight affected
both clearance and volume. From the mixture model, 20% of patients were in the
slow clearance group, which mimic the genotype distribution of slow metaboliser. An
efavirenz dose reduction is not recommended for smokers ≥60 kg with normal
metabolism rate. Smoking significantly associated with slower normalisation of CD4
and CD4/CD8 ratio.
Conclusions: HIV-positive smokers presented with significantly higher efavirenz
clearance and unfavourable clinical outcomes. Close monitoring of adherence and
clinical response among smokers is warranted.

efavirenz, mixture model, plasma concentration, population pharmacokinetics, smoking

Principal Investigator: The authors confirm that the principal investigator for this paper is Ngah Kuan Chow and that she had direct clinical responsibility for patients.

3756 © 2021 British Pharmacological Society Brit Jnl Clinical Pharma. 2021;87:3756–3765.
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CHOW ET AL. 3757

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N
What is already known about this subject
Efavirenz was mainly metabolised by cytochrome P (CYP) 2B6.1
In vitro studies have proposed that cigarette smoke induces CYP2B6
• In vitro studies suggested that cigarette smoke induces
through human constitutive androstane receptor2 and pregnane X
CYP2B6. However, the efavirenz pharmacokinetic profile
receptor.3 The expression of brain CYP2B6 activity among smokers
among HIV-positive smokers is unknown.
was also higher,4 which may lead to lower efavirenz concentration
• Efavirenz is recommended to be given at a lower dose of
among this population. As compared with the total adult population,
400 mg daily.
there is a higher prevalence of smokers among people living with
• CYP2B6 genotype is essential in determining efavirenz
human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV).5 To date, most of the studies
population pharmacokinetic parameters.
reported the effects of smoking on efavirenz as incidental findings.
Only 1 study in Serbia demonstrated that smoking significantly associ-
What this study adds
ated with lower efavirenz plasma concentration regardless of genetic
constitution.6 There was no data of head-to-head comparison in
• Clearance of efavirenz is higher among HIV-positive
efavirenz concentration between smokers and nonsmokers. Further-
smokers regardless of their genotype.
more, none in the literature incorporates smoking status as a covariate
• Efavirenz 400 mg daily or lower is not recommended for
that influences the population pharmacokinetic (Pop PK) properties of
smokers with normal efavirenz metabolism rate who
weigh >60 kg.
CYP2B6 genetic polymorphism appeared to be a predominant
• When genetic data are not available, the population
covariate that affects efavirenz concentration significantly in 10 out
efavirenz clearance can be estimated using the mixture
of 16 studies in the literature review.6–15 However, genetic testing is
model approach.
not readily and widely available in resource-limited settings, including
Malaysia. Therefore, individualising efavirenz therapy by taking into
consideration the influence of genotype among local PLHIV may not
be feasible. Thus, an alternative way of quantifying the efavirenz PK
profile while minimising the inter- and intrapatient variabilities and
confounding effects, such as genetic factor, is required. efavirenz Cpss, as well as the association between smoking status and
The neuropsychiatric adverse effects of efavirenz can be severe HIV clinical markers (CD4, CD4/CD8 ratio and viral blips), were also
enough to cause treatment discontinuation.16 There is a higher risk of studied.
central nervous system side effects among patients with efavirenz
plasma concentration >4 mg/L.17 However, efavirenz is still widely
used as the preferred first-line antiretroviral agent in the middle- and 2 | METHODS
low- income countries, including Malaysia.18 Efavirenz dose of
400 mg daily was reported to reduce efavirenz toxicities,12 and was 2.1 | Study design
noninferior to the usual 600-mg daily dose in adult HIV-positive
patients.19–22 Nevertheless, none of the previous studies evaluated This multicentre prospective cohort study involved adult HIV-positive
the drug response of efavirenz dose reduction among HIV-positive patients recruited from the infectious disease (ID) outpatient clinics
smokers. in Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah and Hospital Kulim in Kedah, Malaysia.
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) has been shown as a useful Recruitment was done from September 2019 to September 2020
tool in optimising efavirenz therapy, especially among patients with but was paused from 18th March to 9th June 2020 due to the
inadequate dose or drug toxicities.21,23 Nonetheless, efavirenz is movement control order. All participants were followed up for at
usually taken at bedtime and trough level sampling for TDM is not least 24 months after highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)
convenient for outpatients. Hence, by applying the Bayesian fore- initiation.
casting method to Pop PK model development allows the prediction
of the efavirenz steady-state trough concentration (Cpss), which may
reduce bias and improve precision compared to the conventional 2.2 | Participants and clinical data
The prevalence of smokers among Malaysian PLHIV is unknown. The diagnosis of HIV-positive status is based on repeatedly reactive
Moreover, no previous studies describe efavirenz concentration and results from anti-HIV antibody testing using microparticle enzyme
its variability in this population. Hence, we reported a prospective immunoassay. All the participants were supplied with Efavir (Cipla)
cohort study on the association of cigarette smoking with efavirenz throughout the study period, which is fully subsidised by the
PK properties among PLHIV in northern Malaysia, using the nonlinear Malaysian government. Smoking status was retrieved from the record
mixed-effects modelling approach. The dose–response relationship of of regular social history taking by the attending physician and later
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3758 CHOW ET AL.

being confirmed again during a face-to-face interview session with 2.5 | Efavirenz blood sampling and assay
patient. The assessment of smoking status was done more than once
throughout the study period to minimise the selection bias. Blood samples were collected at 8–20 hours postdose for better
The viral load in this study were measured using real-time poly- correlation of efavirenz plasma concentration and 24-hour area under
merase chain reaction, and the limit of detection was 20 copies/mL. the curve (AUC).24,31 There was no predetermined sampling time for
Values <20 copies/mL were defined as undetectable. Low-level all patients. Each participant was numbered with a study code for
viraemia of ≥20 and <1000 copies/mL was counted as a viral blip and confidentiality. The treating physicians and other staffs in the clinic
was categorised into transient, recurrent or persistent type. Viral blip were not aware of the patients' coding. For each recruited participant,
is used as the study endpoint because baseline viral load testing is not 3 mL whole blood was collected in an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
a routine practice in the study sites. Persistent viral blip is a detectable tube. Blood samples were then centrifuged at 3000 g for 10 minutes
viral load for 2 consecutive readings at least 1 month apart. CD4 within 6 hours of collection to obtain the plasma. The plasmas were
count is a longitudinal value, which was measured using immunofluo- placed in a water bath at 56 C for 30 minutes for virus inactivation.
rescence assay. CD4 counts were compared at 0, 6, 12, 18, Sample extraction was done by protein precipitation using ice-cold
24, 36 and 60 months post-HAART initiation between smokers and acetonitrile. The plasma was then analysed using reversed-phase high-
nonsmokers. Low CD4/CD8 ratio (<1) was shown to be indepen- performance liquid chromatography according to a validated protocol.32
dently associated with non–AIDS-related morbidities. CD4/CD8
ratio has a slower recovery rate than CD4. Thus, it was compared only
at 0, 12, 24 and 60 months after HAART commencement. Causality 2.6 | Pop PK analysis
assessment of suspected adverse drug reactions (ADR) was done
using the World Health Organization–Uppsala Monitoring Centre The Pop PK model of efavirenz was built using the nonlinear mixed-
Causality Assessment System.26 effects modelling (NONMEM) software (version 7.4.4).33 All the
diagnostic plots were created using R (version 3.6.3)34 and RStudio
(version 1.2.5033),35 with the R package nonmem2R (version 0.2.1),
2.3 | Inclusion and exclusion criteria xpose4 (version 4.7.0)36 and ggplot2 (version 3.3.2). Perl-speaks-
NONMEM (PsN; version 5.0.0)37 was used for model evaluation and
HIV-positive patients who fulfilled the following criteria were automated procedures. The first-order conditional estimation method
eligible to participate in this study: (i) aged 18–65 years; (ii) received with interaction was used for model fitting. Natural log-transformed
HAART for at least 1 year and efavirenz for at least 1 month, on concentration was used as the dependent variable.
tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, emtricitabine and efavirenz as their
current HAART regime; (iii) had normal liver (liver enzyme <40 U/L)
and renal profile (estimated glomerular filtration rate >60 mL/ 2.7 | Base model development
min/1.73m2); and (iv) had suppressed viral load (<20 copies/mL) and
CD4 count >200 cells/μL,. Patients with active opportunistic One- or 2-compartment model, with or without absorption lag time,
infections or receiving medications with significant drug–drug was attempted for the base model. In this study, efavirenz was
interactions with efavirenz were excluded. Participation was termi- assumed to have a first-order absorption with first-order elimination
nated if there were changes in the patient's treatment regimen or if based on the previous literature.10,13 The parameters estimated
the patient became pregnant. include oral clearance (CL/F) and apparent volume of distribution
(V/F). The absorption rate constant (ka) was fixed at 0.7 h−1 because
the efavirenz blood sample during the absorption phase was not
2.4 | Sample size available. According to the literature, by using a fixed ka value from
0.3 to 3 h−1, there were no significant differences in the other
The sample size was estimated using the Fleiss sample size calcula- estimated parameters.10 Furthermore, a mixture model was also
tion method for cohort studies. The 2-sided significance level tested to mimic the metaboliser status due to the unavailability of
was set at .05, and the power of the analysis was set at 80%. The genetic data regarding CYP2B6 polymorphism. The $MIXTURE func-
prevalence of smokers among the HIV population was approximately tion allows NONMEM to compute the probability of subpopulations
40%.5 From the preliminary data, 30% of smokers and 10% of based on CL/F. Therefore, if a participant has a low CL/F, it may
nonsmokers have trough efavirenz Cpss of <1 mg/L. Therefore, the indicate that the participant is a slow metaboliser. The interpatient
calculated total sample size for this study was 125 participants with variability in PK parameters was modelled in a log-normal distribution
50 smokers (Supplementary Information). For Pop PK modelling, a with exponential variance model as shown in Equation 1. θxi is the
minimum of 2 PK data sets from each participant is required,29 and at PK parameter x of the ith individual; θx is the fixed effect population
least a sample size of 50 individuals is sufficient to estimate the parameter estimate; ηxi is the interindividual variability for parameter
parameters precisely (95% confidence interval, 50% precision level, x in individual i drawn from a normal distribution with a mean of zero
power of .8).30 and variance of ω2.
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CHOW ET AL. 3759

θxi = θx  expðηxi Þ ð1Þ among smokers with different weight and metaboliser status. The
median and 95% CI of the simulated efavirenz concentrations for each
Proportional, additive and combined proportional and additive category and the probability of target attainment (Cpss efavirenz
residual error models were explored to describe the residual variabil- ≥1 mg/L) were plotted.
ity. The minimal objective function value, which is proportional to
minus twice the natural log-likelihood of the data, was used as a
goodness-of-fit metric. A decrease of 3.84 in objective function value 2.9 | Other statistical analyses
corresponds to a statistically significant difference between models
(P = .05, χ2 distribution, 1 degree of freedom). Residual plots were also Apart from the Pop PK model development using NONMEM, all the
examined. other statistical tests were performed using IBM SPSS Statistics
(version 24). Viral blips between smokers and nonsmokers were
analysed using the χ2 test. The differences of CD4 count and
2.8 | Covariate model development CD4/CD8 ratio between smokers and nonsmokers were evaluated
using a linear mixed model with heterogeneous first-order
Once the appropriate structural model was established, the following autoregressive covariance structure. The time interval between
covariates were explored: smoking status, sex, age, weight, hepatitis CD4 count measurement was unequal for most of the participants.
coinfection status and duration of efavirenz therapy. The relationships
between covariates were examined for independence. Dichotomous
covariates were introduced as a linear additive model (Equation 2), 2.10 | Nomenclature of targets and ligands
and continuous variables were modelled using a power model with
normalised covariate (Equation 3). Key protein targets and ligands in this article are hyperlinked to
corresponding entries in, and
θxi = θx + θCOV × COV i ð2Þ are permanently archived in the Concise Guide to PHARMACOLOGY
θxi = θx × ð3Þ
COV median

3 | RE SU LT S
θxi and θx were defined as described previously. In Equation 2, θCOV is
the coefficient of the value for the dichotomous covariate COVi, 3.1 | Descriptive results
which equals 0 or 1. In Equation 3, COVi is the value of the covariate
for the ith individual; COVmedian is the median value of the covariate in A total of 154 participants were recruited, and 202 efavirenz concen-
the population dataset; θCOV is the exponent describing the covariate trations were available from 138 participants (Table 1). Four samples
effect. For weight as a covariate, an allometric model was applied to (2%) were below the limit of detection due to nonadherence. Hence,
CL/F and V/F using a reference value (WTref) of 70 kg in Equation 3 198 levels were included in data analysis, with 60 patients had 2 data
above instead of the median of the dataset and fixing the exponent to points. The prevalence of smoking was 45% (n = 69), which included
0.75 for CL/F and 1 for V/F. 14% (n = 22) of ex-smokers. The smoking status of the participants was
Exploratory plots were used to assess the relationship between consistent throughout the study. On average, the viral load of the
covariates and individual predicted PK parameters. All the relevant participants took 7 months after HAART initiation (interquartile range:
covariates were added into the base model to form a full covariate 7) to become undetectable, while the first viral blip occurred around
model.38 A posterior distribution of the covariate effect plot was 17 months (interquartile range: 7). Among patients with hepatitis
sketched to evaluate the clinical relevance of covariates. Any covariate coinfection, 56% (n = 20) were coinfected with hepatitis C. Participants
with a point estimate and 95% confidence interval (CI) of >±20% from with ADRs were noted to have a lower median efavirenz concentration,
reference is deemed to be clinically significant.14 Statistically significant but no significant association was found (1.47 vs. 1.68 mg/L; P = .092).
but not clinically important covariates were removed from the full The efavirenz-related ADR experienced by the participants mainly
model to obtain the most parsimonious final model. consisted of dizziness (n = 35; 57%) and drowsiness (n = 19; 31%).
Internal model evaluation was performed with prediction-
corrected visual predictive check of 1000 simulations. The observed
data points have to fall within the prediction intervals (80%) of 3.2 | Chromatographic results
the simulated data for better correlation.39 Bootstrapping of the final
model with 500 replicates was carried out using PsN. Each parameter The calibration curve obtained for efavirenz was linear in the range
estimate was compared with the 90% CI of the bootstrap result. of 0.5–16 mg/L. The equation of the calibration curve was
A Monte Carlo simulation (n = 15 000 subjects) was executed to y = 129.66x − 0.0257, R2 = .9999. The limit of detection calculated
investigate the dosing regimen scenarios of 400 vs. 600 mg daily was 0.04 mg/L, while the lower limit of quantification was
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3760 CHOW ET AL.

T A B L E 1 Descriptive statistics of demographic and clinical data of 3.3 | Pharmacokinetic model


Total (n = 154) A 1-compartment mixture model with first-order absorption without

lag time, with an additive residual error model, best described our
Variables n (%) or mean (SD)
data. The probability of subpopulation 1 (normal clearance group)
Smoking status
computed from the mixture model was 80%. From the posterior
Never smoked 85 (55.2)
distribution plot (Figure 1), weight and smoking status were the only
Ever smoked 69 (44.8) clinically significant covariates and were included to form the final
Cumulative pack-yeara 10 (17.9) model. The additive residual error variance term shrinkages were rela-
Efavirenz trough steady-state 1.7 (1.49) tively high with 41.3% (subpopulation 1) and 26.9% (subpopulation 2),
concentration, mg/La which was due to sparseness of the individual data. Inspection of
Age, y 42 (11.1) the covariance and correlation matrix did not find any over-
Weight, kg 60.7 (13.07) parameterisation and ill-conditioning of the final model. The parame-
Sex ter estimates of the final model were all within the 90% CI of the
Male 106 (68.8) bootstrapping results (Table 2).
Female 48 (31.2) In the prediction-corrected visual predictive check, the observed
Ethnic data points were within the 80% prediction interval of the predictions

Malay 94 (61.0) denoting a good predictive performance of the model (Supplementary

Information). From the Monte Carlo simulations, among smokers
Chinese 40 (26.0)
weighing 60 kg and above, only 54.1% of them on 400 mg efavirenz
Indian 14 (9.1)
will have a trough level above therapeutic range (1 mg/L), while this
Others 6 (3.9)
happened in 67.6% of those on 600 mg (P < .001; Figure 2).
Mode of transmission
Therefore, dose reduction of efavirenz to 400 mg is not
Heterosexual 87 (56.5)
recommended for smokers ≥60 kg with normal metabolic rate.
Homosexual/bisexual 38 (24.7) Besides that, cumulative pack-year and cigarette quantity had no
Intravenous drug use 12 (7.8) association with efavirenz Cpss.
Blood transfusion/vertical transmission 3 (1.9)
Others/unknown 14 (9.1)
Alcohol drinker 3.4 | HIV clinical markers
No 135 (87.7)
Occasional 13 (8.4) The prevalence of viral blips was not significantly different between

Regular (at least once a week) 6 (3.9) smokers and nonsmokers (P = .166), as well as for efavirenz trough
Cpss (P = .725). In terms of frequency of viral blips, more smokers had
recurrent or persistent viral blips (P = .021). A significant difference in
No comorbidity 83 (53.9)
CD4 count was found between smokers and nonsmokers up to
Hepatitis B or C 36 (23.4)
24 months after HAART initiation (P = .026). Heavy smokers (≥20
Other comorbidities 35 (22.7)
cigarettes/d) presented with slower recovery of CD4 count (P = .005).
Adverse drug reactions
There was no association between mean CD4 count and efavirenz
Yes 61 (39.6) Cpss within 24 months of HAART initiation (P = .813). A distinct dif-
No 93 (60.4) ference in CD4/CD8 ratio between smokers and nonsmokers was
Nadir CD4 count, cells/μLa 120 (243) observed even at 60 months post-HAART (P < .001; Table 3). The gap
Viral blips began to diminish when the duration of HAART approaching 15 years.
Yes 30 (19.5) No association was found between CD4/CD8 ratio and efavirenz Cpss
No 124 (80.5) (P = .088).
Duration of HAART, mo 56.5 (84)
Duration of efavirenz, moa 48 (70)
Presented as median (interquartile range). SD: standard deviation.

The parameter estimates of our model were comparable and within

the range of the values reported in previous literature (CL/F:
0.13 mg/L. The intraday and interday precision's relative standard 0.5–19.6 L/h; V/F: 102–293 L).9–15,42–44 Besides weight, no other
deviation was 3.75 and 4.09%. The accuracy and recovery rates were covariates could effectively address the variation of V/F, which
99.7 and 97.4% respectively. resulted in little reduction in relative standard error from the base
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CHOW ET AL. 3761

FIGURE 1 Posterior distribution plot of covariates effects. (CL/F: oral clearance; V/F: volume of distribution)

TABLE 2 Parameter estimates of base model and final covariate model with bootstrap result

Base model Final model Bootstrapping result

Parameter Estimate RSE (%) Estimate RSE (%) 90% CI RSE (%)
OFV −143.006 −159.539 - -
CL/F subpopulation 1, L/h 8.50 6.0 9.88 4.6 (9.09, 10.67) 4.8
CL/F subpopulation 2, L/h 2.17 13.8 2.26 12.5 (1.68, 2.84) 15.5
V/F, L 159.52 29.9 260.92 29.2 (115.23, 406.61) 30.9
ka, h−1 0.7 FIX - 0.7 FIX - - -
%CV ETA-CL/F 39.46 27.4 30.12 18.4 (26.46, 33.17) 16.5
ETA covariance 0.1612 59.4 0 FIX - - -
%CV ETA-V/F 55.47 68.8 0 FIX - - -
SD RUV 0.14 18.2 0.14 18.7 (0.10, 0.17) 18.2
Probability of subpopulation 1 0.86 4.2 0.80 4.9 (0.75, 0.84) 3.5
Smoking status on CL/F - - 1.39 25.0 (0.73, 2.05) 26.6
Weight on CL/F - - 0.75 FIX - - -
Weight on V/F - - 1.00 FIX - - -

CI: confidence interval; CL/F: oral clearance; CV: coefficient of variation; ETA: interindividual random effect; ka: absorption rate constant; OFV: objective
function value; RSE: relative standard error; RUV: residual unexplained variability; SD: standard deviation; V/F: apparent volume of distribution.
%CV was computed as variance × 100.
CL/F = βCL/F × (Weight/70)0.75 + βSmoking × Smoking status (0 or 1); V/F = βV/F × (Weight/70).

model. The lack of genotype data might be another reasons. The not converge, which might be due to inadequate samples of the
aggregation of CL/F subpopulation by mixture model in this study individuals with intermediate CL/F. Nevertheless, the percentage of
might not be congruent with the actual genotype data. In the litera- individuals in the slow CL/F group (subpopulation 2; 20%) was
ture, the population of PLHIV on efavirenz was commonly specified in agreement with the CYP2B6*6 distribution among the
into 3 different genotype polymorphisms (extensive, intermediate, Malaysian population. The application of mixture model to cater
slow), which accounted for the difference in CL/F.9,12 However, an for unavailability of genetic data was also described in other
attempt to model our participants into 3 subpopulations did studies.46,47
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3762 CHOW ET AL.

F I G U R E 2 Target attainment of trough efavirenz concentration by smoking status vs. body weight (1000 Monte Carlo simulations,
n = 15 000 subjects). *P < .001

TABLE 3 Mean CD4 count and CD4/CD8 ratio of smokers vs. nonsmokers over time

Ever smoked Never smoked Ever smoked Never smoked

CD4, cells/μL CD4, cells/μL CD4/CD8 ratio CD4/CD8 ratio

Time point Mean (SE) Mean (SE) P value Mean (SE) Mean (SE) P value
Nadir 128.59 (19.10) 196.28 (16.74) .012* 0.16 (0.033) 0.25 (0.031) .081
6 mo 172.91 (17.87) 242.26 (16.23) .005* - - -
12 mo 261.02 (18.09) 334.30 (16.49) .003* 0.17 (0.027) 0.28 (0.026) .006*
18 mo 314.97 (18.52) 387.51 (17.18) .005* - - -
24 mo 377.02 (18.04) 431.28 (16.06) .026* 0.37 (0.029) 0.50 (0.028) .003*
36 mo 401.54 (17.31) 434.88 (15.41) .152 - - -
60 mo 429.86 (16.56) 459.82 (14.83) .179 0.46 (0.024) 0.60 (0.023) <.001*
P < .05; SE: standard error.

F I G U R E 3 Simulation plot of 600 vs. 400 mg oral efavirenz in smokers with weight 60–80 kg.
Note: The upper shaded area is 95% CI of concentration among the slow clearance group, while the lower shaded area is among the normal
clearance group

Since there was still no consensus on the actual minimum effec- we proposed that efavirenz might exhibit a time-dependent efficacy
tive concentration of efavirenz, we used the cut-off point of 1 mg/L, profile. Furthermore, persistently low or fluctuating efavirenz concen-
as indicated by most of the literature.48 Our study has a longer trations resulted in the development of resistance.50 Therefore, it is
follow-up period of 24 months compared with 12 months in most of advisable to maintain efavirenz concentration above the minimum
the literature, but has yet to prove any significant association between effective concentration at all times throughout the treatment period.
efavirenz Cpss and viral blips. Patients who were presented with per- Following the results of our simulation data, dose reduction of
sistent viral blips had efavirenz Cpss of 0.55–1.26 mg/L, which is in efavirenz to 400 mg was predicted to be safe, except for smokers
accordance with the data of a study in China.49 From this observation, with normal metabolism rate, especially those who weigh >60 kg. In
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CHOW ET AL. 3763

institutions with limited resources, where genetic data are not avail- interventions for smoking cessation need to be enforced to
able, single efavirenz Cpss is speculated to be sufficient to identify the achieve better HIV treatment outcome. Application of TDM may
presence of slow metabolism. As shown in Figure 3, there was a dis- contribute to the evaluation of antiretroviral response, medication
tinctive difference in the range of efavirenz Cpss between slow CL/F adherence and dosage adjustment. With Pop PK modelling, antire-
and normal CL/F population. Once the metabolism and smoking sta- troviral dosing regimen can be optimised without extensive blood
tus is known, efavirenz dose adjustment can be made safely. Clinical sampling. Mixture model can be a useful approach when genetic
management with the application of TDM or genotype testing if pos- data are not available. Currently, there was still no adoption of
sible was proven to be more cost-effective.51,52 pharmacometrics in clinical practice in Malaysia. A centralised
By contrast, there were contradicting reports regarding the asso- research institution with TDM service of antiretroviral agents could
ciation of hepatitis status with efavirenz concentration. Considering be set up in future.
23% (n = 36) of our patients coinfected with hepatitis, the effect on
efavirenz concentration might be confounding. Therefore, we also AC KNOW LEDG EME NT S
investigated the influence of hepatitis on efavirenz among smokers We wish to express our sincere thanks to all the patients who
and nonsmokers. As a result, we found no association between volunteered to participate in this study. Our heartfelt gratitude also
hepatitis status and efavirenz concentration in both smokers and non- goes to the infectious disease physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and
smokers. Our observation was in agreement with the findings of a medical assistants of Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah and Hospital Kulim
genetic study.53 The expression of CYP2B6 had no significant changes for their warm welcome. The authors acknowledge the contribution
among hepatitis patients, which indicated that the metabolism rate of of the MyPharmetrix Group, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
efavirenz does not decrease with hepatitis coinfection. Hence, we can Universiti Sains Malaysia for the NONMEM software licence and
conclude that smoking significantly reduces efavirenz concentration hardware. We would also like to thank the Director-General of
regardless of hepatitis status. Health Malaysia for his permission to publish this article. No funding
Given the slower recovery of CD4 and CD4/CD8 ratio among was received for this study.
smokers, the clinical progress of HIV smokers should be monitored
closely, especially during the first 2 years of HAART. HAART should COMPETING INTER ESTS
be initiated immediately after HIV diagnosis if no contraindication.54 There are no competing interests to declare.
Within 2 years of starting HAART, more frequent viral load and CD4
test should be carried out for smokers until viral suppression is CONT RIB UTOR S
achieved and maintained, while adherence should be assessed at C.N.K. was responsible for study conception and design, collecting and
every encounter with the health-care providers. analysing the data and drafting the first manuscript. S.N.H. participated
in concept development, reviewed and supported the analyses,
reviewed and edited the manuscript. S.M.S.G. reviewed and supported
5 | L I M I T A T I O NS the analyses, reviewed and edited the manuscript. A.H.K. participated in
material preparation, reviewed and edited the manuscript. W.E.J. and
Sparse and random samplings of efavirenz concentration were the L.L.L. contributed ideas to the clinical aspect of the data and reviewed
main limitations of our study. For the sake of convenience of the the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
study participants, blood sampling was in an outpatient setting, which
meant that the PK profile of the absorption and distribution phase DATA AVAILABILITY STAT EMEN T
could not be captured. Nevertheless, Pop PK modelling using sparse The data that support the findings of this study are available on
data is possible and had been described before in the literature. request from the corresponding author. The data are not publicly
With the overlay of the COVID-19 pandemic, participants could not available due to privacy or ethical restrictions.
present for further blood sampling. Patients who did not turn up in
the clinic were not recruited, which could also be a source of selection
bias. Efavirenz concentration of ex-smokers before quit smoking was
Ngah Kuan Chow
not available. Therefore, we could not describe the effect of smoking
cessation on efavirenz. Only limited participants were electronic ciga-
rette users; hence, the data were not presented in this study.
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