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JN: Jennifer Anniston

AS: Adam Sandler
EW: interviewer

EW: So, Jennifer, I heard that you were quite susceptible to paranormal events, is that
JN: Yes, actually, since I was a little girl, that kind of thing has always happened to me. I
even remember once when I was alone at home, I was about 12 years old, I was in the
kitchen, and then I saw a shadow pass by me, and when I turned around, a glass had
AS: Really? When I was a child I also had a lot of paranormal things happen to me, for
example, I had a lot of nightmares, and I would wake up in the early morning sweating,
quite upset and with the feeling that someone was watching me. It was terrifying.
EW: Okay, okay, that's horrible. It even made my hair stand on end. Good guys. Now we'll
do a little game called "what do you prefer". Are you ready?
Both: Yes
EW: So, well, first question, what do you prefer? Being stuck in a desert or in Antarctica
for two days? For my part, I prefer to stay in Antarctica, I hate the heat and I couldn't
stand not drinking water for two days. But well, what about you?
AS: I think I prefer the desert. First, I hate the cold, second, I'm not good at resisting the
cold, and third, my bones hurt when it's cold.
JN: I'm not entirely sure, but I think I prefer Antarctica. The heat and I are complete
enemies, although I don't like the cold either, well, anyway, I prefer Antarctica.
EW: Okayy. Now, what do you prefer? Being in a room full of cockroaches, or full of
JN: I hate insects with every part of my body, it is one of my biggest phobias, especially
spiders, so I would rather be in a room of cockroaches. Of course, I would hate to be in
any of the rooms, regardless of which one it is.
AS: For my part, I detest cockroaches and spiders, however, I find spiders to be a better
choice, because cockroaches disgust me too much, spiders not so much.
EW: I choose... neither, I hate spiders, in fact I'm arachnophobic, I'm too afraid of them,
however, cockroaches also disgust me too much, but, I think I choose cockroaches. Just
the thought of them gives me the creeps.
EW: Well last question, what do you prefer? Travel to the future, or travel to the past?
AS: is quite a difficult question, but I choose to travel to the future, I have always wanted
to know how civilization is going to be in the future.
JN: I really don't know what to choose, I would love to travel to the past and see how
some things were in reality, but I would also like to travel to the future. Although now that
I think about it, if I travel to the past, then maybe I could see the big bang explosion, so I
choose to travel to the past.
EW: Well guys, this is the end of this interview, I hope to see you again. It was amazing to
have you here.
Both: bye, thanks for inviting us.

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