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The Tsunami Class 8 Questions And Answers CBSE - CBSE Tuts

(i) I don’t know if Sanjeev was cheerful, ………….. or ………………

(ii) I think that he was very brave, …….. and ………………..
(iii) Sanjeev was not heartless, ………….. or ………………
(i) I don’t know if Sanjeev was cheerful, humorous or heroic.
(ii) I think that he was very brave, sel�ess of frightened.
(iii) Sanjeev was not heartless, careless or frightened.

Question 3.
How are Meghna and Almas’s stories similar ?
Both had lost their parents. Both had saved their lives by sitting on a wooden log and reached the shore.

Question 4.
What are the different ways in which Tilly’s parents could have reacted to her behaviour ? What would you
have done if you were in their place ?
They could have ignored her as she was just a ten year old girl or they might rebuke her for screaming too
much. If I would be there, I would have also taken her seriously to take some steps enough for the coming

Question 5.
If Tilly’s award was to be shared, who do you think she should share it with her parents or her geography
teacher ?
She should have shared it with her geography teacher only it was due to she could make out that it was a

Question 6.
What are the two different ideas about why so few animals were killed in the tsunami? Which idea do you
�nd more believable ?
The �rst idea is that the animals have sixth sense to know when the earth is going to shake. The second
idea is that they have acute power of hearing and feeling about earth’s vibration. The second idea has more
authentic aspect in it.

The Tsunami Working With Language (Page-31)

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The Tsunami Class 8 Questions And Answers CBSE - CBSE Tuts

Question 1.
Go through Part-I carefully, and make a list of as many words as you can �nd that indicate movement of
different kinds. (There is one word that occurs repeatedly—count how many times!) Put them into three movement slow movement neither slow nor fast.
Fast movement Slow movement Neither slow nor fast
Can you explain why there are many words in one column and not in the others?

Fast movement Slow movement Neither slow nor fast

rushed out rising recede                        ‘

washed away walking

swept away �oating

jumped into ran

rushed to

In part I, the word “rush’ occurs repeatedly – more than about 5 or 6 times.
In column I, more words indicate that the people’s movements are rather faster than in a normal way.

Question 2.
Fill in the blanks in the sentences below (the verbs given in brackets will give you a clue).
(i) The earth trembled, but not many people felt the ……. (tremble).
(ii) When the zoo was �ooded, there was a lot of ……………… and many animals escaped into the countryside.
(iii) We heard with ………… that the lion had been recaptured. (relieve) (iv) The zookeeper was stuck in a tree
and his ………… was �lmed by the TV crew. (rescue)
(iv) There was much …….. in the village when the snake charmer came visiting. (excite)
(i) tremors
(ii) confusion
(iii) relief
(iv) rescue
(v) excitement.

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The Tsunami Class 8 Questions And Answers CBSE - CBSE Tuts

Question 3.
Study the sentences in the columns A and B.


Meghna was swept away. The waves swept Meghna away.

Almas’s grandfather was hit on the head. Something hit Almas’s grandfather on the head.

Sixty visitors were washed away. The waves washed away sixty visitors.

No animal carcasses were found. People did not �nd any animal carcasses.

Compare the sentences in A to ones in B. Who is the ‘doer of the action in every case ? Is the ‘doer’
mentioned in A, or in B?
Notice the verbs in A : ‘was swept away’, ‘was hit’, ‘were washed away’, ‘were found’. They are in the passive
form. The sentences are in the Passive Voice. In these sentences, the focus is not on the person who does
the action.
In B, the ‘doer’ of the action is named. The verbs are in the active form. The sentences are in Active Voice.
(i) The doer is ‘the waves’ (mentioned in col. B)
(ii) The doer is ‘something’ (mentioned in col. B)
(iii) The doer is ‘the waves’ (mentioned in col. B)
(iv) The doer is ‘people’ (mentioned in col. B)

• Says whether the following sentences are in the Active or the Passive Voice. Write A or P after each
sentence as shown in the �rst sentence.
(i) Someone stole my bicycle ……….A……………..
(ii) The tyres were de�ated by the tra�c police …………….
(iii) I found it last night in a ditch near my house …………….
(iv) It had been thrown there …………….
(v) My father gave it to the mechanic ………………..
(vi) The mechanic repaired it for me. …………….
(i) ‘A, (ii)P, (iii) A, (iv) P, (v) A, (vi) A.

The Tsunami Speaking and Writing (Page – 32)

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The Tsunami Class 8 Questions And Answers CBSE - CBSE Tuts

Question 1.
Suppose you are one of the volunteers who went to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands for relief work after
the tsunami. You work in the relief camps, distributing food, water and medicine among the victims. You
listen to the various stories of bravery of ordinary people even as they �ght against odds to bring about
some semblance of normalcy in their lives. You admire their grit and determination. Write a diary entry.
You may start in this way.
31 December, 2004
The killer tsunami struck these islands �ve days ago. But the victims are being brought in even now. Each
one has a story to tell…
Jan. 28, 20xx
For nearly one month I had to use all my skills to lessen the pain of victims in the relief camps. Tsunami
made the conditions there worst, inhumane and disturbing. The people became homeless. But their act of
bravery kept all volunteers tight in their spirits. The survivors in the camps told me their stories and rescue. I
helped them to wipe their tears and distributed food, water, essentials with the government-o�cials. My
heart was of immense regards for those victims who lost everything, but courage.

Question 2.
The story shows how a little girl saved the lives of many tourists when a tsunami struck the beach, thanks
to the geography lesson that she had learnt at school. She remembered the visuals of a tsunami and
warned her parents.
Do your remember any incident when something that you learnt in the classroom helped you in some way
outside the classroom ? Write your experiences in a paragraph of about 90-100 words or narrate it to the
whole class like an anecdote.
On that particular day, I was walking on foot in a Park as my doctor advised me to do. Many old men and
women were also there. They were laughing at the top of their voice. Suddenly, an old man started
coughing. In a twinkle of an eye, the coughing had incieased. What we could do, I thought for a while. I
remember what my teacher had told me in First-aid classes. I, at once, made the old man sit with ease
getting his legs straight. Then I gave him a massage on his back below the shoulders and requested him to
cough slowly. The tears came to his eyes by coughing. An other boy was asked to fetch some sweet water
from the neighbour. After 10–15 minutes he was able to sit with ease and back to the stone-chair.

The Tsunami Introduction

A tsunami is a powerful wave caused by earthquake under the sea. On 26 Dec., 2004, a tsunami hit a large
area including Thailand and some parts of India such as the Tamil Nadu coast and the Andaman and
Nicobar Islands. The present lesson portrays the stories of courage and survival made lively by the persons

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The Tsunami Class 8 Questions And Answers CBSE - CBSE Tuts

The Tsunami Word Notes

Pages 25-26.
archipelago-a group of many Islands �ीपों का समूह;
tremors shakes कंपन;
chaos disorder अ�व�ा;
swept away-�own बह गई;
shore-bank िकनारा;
daze-wonderstruck भौंच�ा ;
giant-vast िवशाल;
clinging-holding tight कसकर िलपटे �ए;
fainted-lost consciousness बेहोश;
traumatised-shocked and distressed सदमे म�।

Pages 27-28.
beach-shore तटीय;
resort-motal �रजोट�;
triggered-caused के कारण;
massive-large and heavy भयंकर;
swelling-grow larger बढ़ रहा था;
sensed-felt महसूस िकया;
screamcry चीखना;
hysterical crying in a wild way उ�ेजना म� चीखना;
frightened-terri�ed डर गए;
Forewarned–warned before hand. पूव� चेतावनी;
terrifying-fearful भया�ांत।

Pages 29-30.
slammed_shut with force धमाके के साथ;
abandoned-gave up �ाग िदए;
enticed-tempted फुसलाया;
possess-have रखते ह�;
acute-apt सही;
vibration-shiver कंपन;
disaster-ruin बरबादी; perished-�nished,
died मर गए;
carcasses-dead bodies शव;
observedsaw दे खा;

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