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| Muu Aradhane p_Most SYMPTOMATOLOGY ataige ~ 1 LAnwety | A nervous disorder markeu! by excessive uneasine:s A hy. ack of ISHS!" OF emotional | feeley, ina — ty to unders du 7 mul of Lain Camage ~——— The outward expression of she immediate expenence of £°* ij gwen time (ttis the prevailing emotional tone observed by 1» | intenmewer duning Menta Snitus Examiaation ) ere-mnomr resista 6 8 Aphonia jo. | Apawia ho vu n Ambwalance ity to decide for or ag.1inst._ jrawal into self ~_| Fear of high places. _| Feat ofpain aced, (ae | Calapeeny Cénciestruss (23 Compulsion — Agana lang association | Using two words with a si nilar Sound. ie-choice 0! «or determina | by their sound & not by their meaning. _ 25 | Circumstantiality | A patter of speech with :nclusion of many irrelevant & unnevess:. | | details before coming to tue-point.__ 26 | Conversion Strong emotional conflict are expressed 5 of con ited inte phys (27 (Coma _ [28 | Clouding of |_| consciousness ‘28 {Coherence “30. | Confusing thoughts, a _ = 31, {Comprehension | The action or capacily of understanding. - ‘Compensation __| itis. a patter of ad wnich tension of ee es Pe caeectaion” ~ Tnesnconssous ing «memory gaps by margin 6r Wibaae bes babe! ___| expenences “due to menvory impairment. |34°| Delusion | A false, unshakable beliv.f which is not amena to atatening dune in \ _| keeping with the patients soc cat nat barkGuetct | Persistent sadness. A chronic of persistent pwr TA A false sense of familiar [an | Depersonalzation | An alteration in the pei | ‘reahty ental disorder mavked b by faluves with nek :plion of , self, so that the feriic ©) 68 emporanly changed _ realization ‘0. . Drsonentation + Distractibility 42. | Denial_ _ 43 | Displacement | baa | Echopraxia Elation 47 | Ecstasy Ey of external world, so that the feeling, vl ‘ihe ones’ realty or externa) world is temporarily changed or lost. “A disturbance in ofientatior, im time, place and /orperson. | Inability to concentrate or fc focus attention... f unacceptable truth or emotion jy j\! The unconscious transfer of an intense emotion from one obj another, | An alteration in the percepti | Repetition, echo or raimickig of action observed, i Moderate elevation of moo. (feeling of confidence & enjoyment sictig __| with increased psychoma! | Very severe elevation of mood. (Intense severe of bi “28 TEuphona ~T Mild elevation of mood (in : ___._____| ana happines: 149 | Euthymia | Normal range of mood witi abs (50. | Exaltation | Severe elevation of mood ‘intense elation with dele af gran i 51 Fantasy oR Day dreaming Gratification | ‘oy imaginary achievement. 1.2 \ __| tminking _ a2 olan 8/58 calor {63 Mitusion ” | Rapid speech with suddes: sil | connection. ie pe J ~ | A person's manner of we ushing & ¢ _| Watch over in order to keoy SER + feoirict of pleasures. ofa stimulus or an Incoherent 65. | Identification (66. |ins {or 168 \70. 1 Mannerism | 71. [Mood admires, The ability t 10 uni | Odd, repetitive a dmovemenis, The pervasive feeling tone which is sustained (it is the client's self feport regarding his /her prevailing emetonal state) Complete absence 2 of spinech. ‘An event marking a significant new development o: [75 \Negatiism | Deep and lung lasting sa {Doing just the opposite « 1g CORN oe a —_[ Doing just the opposite «.t what is being commande 76. | Negativism "7 | Neologism Le. ‘Obsession wp | Panic UL Reap uate ing of news words troubling exter - aa irrational fear of an object, situalion or acuity A particular position of the body OR the way 1s whic’. their bod ielming episodes of anys llneniominentecus eee a Rutilent 2upilition 4 uuorcds a ie pontorreluante. | to 3 r-aladaptive behavior. 7 ‘om nate the mind to the e-clusion or other thougtts. Ads. repetve and non-goal directed movemert._ fi: tate of near unconsciousness or insensibil ~ 4 form of speech in which client tends to wander away irom thi | ____ intended points, never returming to the original point. Involuntary, sudden, rapid, recurrent, nonrhythia movement | Mamtan riod.) incoherence mixture of words & phrases 94 | Word saiad

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