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Legends of Barovia
A Curse of Strahd Campaign
Campaign Guides
Campaign & Player Guides
Fey Quest

Location Guides
#1 Count’s Manor (Alternative to Death House)

Table of Contents
Credits .................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents.................................................................. 3
Strahd .................................................................................... 4
Strahd’s Motives........................................................................... 4
Ireena......................................................................................... 4
Fey Gems ................................................................................... 5
Uninvited Guests .......................................................................... 5
Captured.................................................................................... 5
Wizards of Wines .................................................................... 5
K10. Dining Hall .................................................................... 6
Strahd’s Request ..................................................................... 6
Attacking Strahd ..................................................................... 7
Missing Merchant Player Hook ........................................... 7
Uninvited Guests ..................................................................... 7
Conclusion ............................................................................ 7

Strahd Ireena
Ireena is of principal
interest to Strahd, as
Strahd is stoic and has little need or care for the party
she is the vessel for
early in the campaign. Strahd is a master manipulator and
Tatyana’s soul. Strahd
if/when he feels the party may provide him an opportunity
wishes for Ireena’s
or becomes a threat, Strahd will re-evaluate his position
(Tatyana’s) unrequited
towards the party.
love, thus he will not
Strahd has no reason to antagonize the party or become
force her or charm her
an enemy of the party, until or unless the party gives him
into loving him. Strahd
reason to. He will remain both aloof and seemingly
may charm Ireena, only
uninterested until the party provides a reason for him to
so far as to protect her,
take special interest.
but will not use any
By mid-campaign, as the party has explored Vallaki,
spells to trick her into
Strahd will have a better understanding of the party’s
loving him.
motives and capabilities via his intelligent network and
Strahd will begin paying close attention to the party if
perhaps even firsthand accounts disguised as Vasili von
they engage with Ireena and escort her. Strahd wishes to
see her protected at all costs. If the party befriends Ireena,
Strahd will be motivated to invite the party to dinner to
Strahd will use this to his advantage and remain friendly to
better understand their motives, while at the same time
the party. He may even attempt to manipulate the party
trying to use the party to his advantage.
and use them to provide him with intelligence on Ireena,
her disposition, location, and plans.
Strahd’s Motives In Vallaki, Strahd will take on the disguised persona of
Vasili, who will befriend the party and attempt to court
Two critical factors would elevate Strahd's interest and Ireena.
provides a motive to invite the party to dinner: Ireena and At dinner, Strahd will demonstrate genuine concern for
the Fey Gem. Ireena and will manipulate the party by casting Vasili in a
bad light, to make Vasili seem like Strahd’s enemy and
motivate the characters and Ireena to trust Vasili. Perhaps
even drive Ireena into Vasili’s arms, if the party is to
believe Vasili could protect her from Strahd.

Uninvited Guests
There is a possibility the party becomes uninvited guests,
which triggers the dinner with Strahd. In this case, the
party will slowly wake up in are K10 Dining Hall. The party
will be dressed in fine dinner attire, their weapons and
armor missing. The party will have no idea how they
arrived here.

Two methods to introduce uninvited guests.

If Strahd or his spies/minions capture the party.

Wizards of Wines
Fey Gems In the Wizards of Wines guide, Strahd may be in the
basement searching for the green fey gem. He escapes via a
The over-arching quest to restore Barovia and defeat teleportation circle and the party follows him.
Strahd is to find the Fey Gems, consecrate the Feys, and
gain the power to defeat Strahd. See Wizards of Wine Guide

The Fey Gems are of particular interest to Strahd, and he See Uninvited Dinner Guests as to how Strahd responds to
does not want them to fall into the wrong hands, which them after the dinner.
would tip the balance of power in Barovia. If the party is
seeking the Fey Gems and/or has consecrated at least one
of the Fey, Strahd will certainly take notice and will use the
invitation to dinner to offer the party a great reward for
obtaining the gem.

See Fey Quest Guide to learn more about the Fey Quest.

Strahd’s Request
"I have invited you here as I require your services. I have sought the
aid of stout adventurers to acquire an item that is of great interest
to me. A small green gem was found at the Wizards of Wines but
has recently gone missing. If you were to acquire the gem for me, I
would be grateful and may help you find a way through the mists
which have trapped you here I would also grant you some valuable
treasure so your time in Barovia is not without its rewards.

After your meal, you are welcome to explore the main floor and the
audience hall of my humble castle, which has seen far better days.
However, the upper floors are off-limits, and please do not venture
into the crypts. You must leave at midnight; a carriage will await
you at the front courtyard to take you to the Western Gates. If you
find yourself here after midnight, your presence is no longer
welcome, and I will be unable to guarantee your safety."

Before I take my leave so you may enjoy your dinner, I am sure you
have many questions about Barovia. I shall grant each of you one

K10. Dining Hall question, which I will do my best to answer."

Each character may ask a single question of Strahd. He will

A fire blazes in the hearth to the south and three large chandeliers answer truthfully but will not share everything if he feels it
flicker overheard illuminating the room. A large, faded fresco of a reveals too much. He will not lie or mislead; only omit
hunt in the forest covers the wall to the north. Before you, a dining information he feels is too important.
table is set with the finest silver and crystal, and laden with a feast
for a king. If asked about the gem, Strahd will say (which is true):

At the far west wall stands a pipe organ, decorated with skulls and "This gem is of no consequence to you, but it is important to me, as
skeletons in a macabre manner. The organ is flanked by two full- it is an ingredient to help return the life of my poor dear mother
length mirrors. You are memorized by the melancholy melody; you who was murdered. Would you deny a son's loving help for his
feel a deep loss and longing for a happier time. mother?"

A figure sits with their back to you, playing a dramatic piece that Once they have finished with their questions, Strahd will
echoes throughout the room. rise from the table.

Characters must succeed in a DC 10 Wisdom Save, on the "Midnight, not one second later, be at the front courtyard. Now I
success they recognize the song "Come, Sweet Death". Fail bid you farewell."
they are swept up by the melancholy sad tune, they think
of death, lost love, and their family, and tears begin well The main floor of the castle remains safe to visit - the
up. The characters who failed roll disadvantage on gargoyles, dragons, and other creatures will not attack.
charisma/wisdom checks and saving throws while the
song is playing and for 10 minutes after the song
concludes. Note
If characters have already had their dinner with Strahd, he
Note: The song is the first part of Come, Sweet Death by J.S. will no longer be in the room on the subsequent visit.
Bach However, the organ will be playing by itself, the fire
blazing, and the table will be empty.
The food is tasty and safe to eat, as is the wine.

Strahd has cast misled and created an illusion of himself.

The figure stops playing and slowly turns.

"Welcome to Castle Ravenloft, I hope your visit is comfortable."

Strahd joins the party at the dinner table, but there is no

food in front of him, but a simple glass of wine (blood).

Attacking Strahd
If the characters attack the illusion of Strahd it will simply
disappear. If the characters venture into the crypts, attack
anything, steal anything, or stay past midnight, the
following happens.

A cold wind blows through the castle, the torches go out and you
hear doors slam shut and lock throughout the castle. You are
shrouded in darkness and eerie silence.

They have now become enemies of Strahd and the Castle -

it will be a hard-won fight to leave.

Missing Merchant Player Hook

If using the Missing Merchant Player Hook (see Campaign
Guide)- the characters will find the missing merchant
(family member) in fine clothes sitting at the table next to

"My guest has shared with me many tales of their fabulous

journeys throughout the world. I have granted them every
available hospitality that someone in my unique position can
Uninvited Guests
afford. They have and will remain safe, and of course, are free to
leave once you have acquired the gem. In the meantime, they will If the characters were captured or followed by Strahd they
remain as my guest where I can provide them protection, as you will wake at the dinner table in fine dinner attire, but all
know Barovia can be such a dangerous place and we wish for our their weapons and armor are missing. He will add to the
merchant friend to have a safe visit." conclusion of his dinner monologue,

"You will find your belongings in the carriage at midnight."

The dinner with Strahd is one of the most memorable
events of the campaign. The dinner with Strahd provides
the opportunity to entangle themselves with Strahd’s
motives, a quest, and even rewards.

Characters should be left second guessing Strahd’s

motivations, their relationship with Ireena, and if they
should trust Vasili.

Strahd offering to answer one question from each

character creates vast possibilities to introduce clues,
hints, and information. Make sure not to introduce red
herrings or false information, which will only confuse and
discourage the party.

Characters can explore the main floor and the 2nd floor
(Court of the Count) without reprisals and allows the
characters obtain the Icon of Ravenloft and gather valuable
intelligence on the first two floors for a later visit and the
epic final encounter. However, they must leave at midnight
if they wish to remain relatively safe.

Including the Missing Merchant provides motivation for a

rescue attempt and a source of potential intelligence as the
merchant could slip a note with info on the castle, Strahd
or other information critical to the campaign.


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