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THIET KE P & ID Distributed control system (DCS) Programmable logic controller (PLC) Distributed control system (DCS)—a computer-based system that controls and monitors process variables. The main role of the DCS js to handle BPCS (basic provess control system) actions, to “adjust” the process to make it run smoothly. However, the action of the BPCS is not only regulating or throttling a valve (control valve); it could also be opening or closing a valve! Programmable logic controller (PLC)—a simple, stand-alone, programmable computer. The role of the PLC is to handle SIS (Safety Instrumented System) actions. The SIS is not an adjusting, regulatory action like BPCS but rather a direct action, which may involve opening a valve, shutting down, or starting up pump. It is a drastic action, intended to protect equipment from damage and to keep operators safe. These.» may be called = “safety imerlocks.” a ap val a) ote Rovtorpaive Oapa nce Mak ene isa cng “ Gey he ep Deen Yoho: ocet aes ra trae Senger tad es et etd nae Towed fend ania baal psoto0 Em Bang 2.2 (Process Automation Handbook, Springer, 2007) Eee Myc tigu hge tap ciia chong 7 Sau khi hodn think chuomg 7, sinh vin o6 thé: ~ Doc hidu thigt ké cia hé théng thiét bj dé van han, diéu kin quy tinh trong bin vé P & ID = Bua ra thiét ké so b§ cho hé thing digu khign quy tinh - Basic Process Control System (BPCS) i sc Mees oF okt Moder eadotorpaive Oupufintioa Moder pie fine ets anc, eg Momenary ia ore elma eine eee Poet te) comity Inte ation cad op ‘Spedortogueny Sty sion Tempetre = Viren ‘neo aig ight ce ‘wa orp Unda eis Undaod ——Ondaied acid Eratermte Yar ay, compete ‘asia boing Insramont ‘measured (icy Key Cont on (@) Function Clarification (b) Carrier Clarification ‘COMMON ALARM. res oot Son ‘oa ese 7 Progmeratia Loge Cntr PLC) Leak ASBMS" is a bumer ‘management system eS ems: eS... ‘The same for two (€) Tag Clarification “8 igh lector selec T]he — different items, A & B 1: “safety interlock” ‘The number 1091 relates to the action 1091 that would be taken by the SIS Pk the ihe pit gal Pk the ower magnitude sal "che ger magne ial T] owner apd (Sataind Pick asgal ed the oper Se ae ‘Thong tin cin thiét cho m6t instrument e6 thé chita théng tin phy thém “Additional info.” nhw hinh bén dusi aL Signa Meaning ]_ Semming Adige ala tpeher YP] Sebring Sebectingone signal om other signl > ins Sobirscing one signal em : Matiphing ——Muliping seo pple together 7 Proporanal —Mulipingone spl 2 ‘mitt iae : Ding Ding two lls al Aveaging — Averagingsvea signals 7 oat Mtr al Fuca Aplings compe ncn al te easing he ate of nal \wccessirn NST ee 2 No bon 5 Patton Cot Pant O}D|O|DjO DOORS (a) 7 > Kee) SA (b) Figure 13.13 How do"boxes' communicate? Socraceaen Ifthe two elements are situated within one housing, we show them side by side with no evidence of a signal gg (Figure 13.13(a)). In reality, you need something to carry wren a signal between the two but this is obviously part of the internal wiring ofthe particular control panel. If the two instruments are situated in remote locations, you need to show a signal line connecting them (igure 13.13(b) ‘Common appl Capillary tube To some fluid-in sensors Chong 7 - Phin 2 Hlectrical- By default choice analog signal SME ACIT CT Hectral | Advanced choice ‘Thiét ké he théng didu khién ligital signal SS Preuumatic On pneumatic Basic Process Control signal control valves that System —BPCS) are very common Ee ydrautic On hydraulic control signal valves =0—0—0—0-= Softwarelink Connection between “brains” cic Parameter Immediate danger High structural integrity level ——~ High-high level ——- High level —— --. Low structural integrity level —— Immediate danger Time Vige ede thong 6 van hind trong quy trinh (niet 45, dp suit, uu Iurgng, myc chit léng, thinh phan héa hoc) chéch Khai gi ti ‘mong musn / gi tj “bin thudng” la hign tog ph bién (va {khong thé tinh Khoi), Neuy@a nan 1a do o6 sy xudthign cia cic “disturbances” (cée yéu 13 géy nhiéu), Ngudn géc cla céie “disturbances” nay nhur sau ~ Thay ddi vé diéu kign (nhiet 46, dp suai, haw lung, thanh pphin héa hoe) cia cae ding ahap liga ~ Thay di vé didu kign méi truémg xung quanh (nhiét 46, 46 im,...) nh hung chi yéu dn vin dé ruyén nhigt cit thi bi truyén mbit giim dn do vin de bim ban be mat ‘truyén nist) = Thay di setpoint (gié tr] mong mudn) ciia mét vai théng 86 vn hin; nguyn nn: khi can thay dieu hugmg. sin phim, thay dBi chit lum san phi = Nhing sf lgn quan dn thit bj hose 1 thie k& Disturbance variables — Manipulated P [> controlled variables rocess | variables — * Disturbance variable: bién / yéut6 gly nhiu * Controlled variable (biéndigu Khién): bign ed duge diéu kbién dé gia tr] cia n6 dn dinh 6 mGt gid tr} da cai dBi (setpoint) * Manipulated variable (bién diéu chinh): bién c6 thé duge thay «bi (rong mbt khodng bién thign nit djnh) dé ba tren hung, cia cde yéu tb gy nhi&u lén biéndidu Khin 2 , & Bey "@ Hot feed to (oak ty Mie dich cia théng didu khién ty d6ng va bio vg an ton nha iy (bg thing BPCS, alarm, SIS, vi Relief) la dé los b6 ede yéu 16 gay niu 6, Cy thé hon, mue dich ea théng nay li = Bio dim quy trinh van hinh an toin: cée thong s6 vén ih cite quy tinh trong ngung gid han an todn ~ Pat duge myc ti v8 sin ugg vt chit hugng sin phim. ~ Ti da hoa loi ieh ind i: gdm hanh & didu kign khéng én dinh, tgo ra sin phim khong dat chun, ~ Tinh én djnh: nha may vén hanh tron tra, én dink, it cn sy can thigp cla nguéi van hanh iu thoi gian quy trinh van ‘Myc tgu cia hg thing didu khign BPCS 1a “di chuyén” sy dao dng /sy thay db cdc yéu tb piy nhigu sang cdc bign du chinh dé cac bién diéu khién duy tri gid tri On dinh cla nd (chinh 1a ede sctpoins), Hinh dudi dy minh hoa cho tr hop ving ida khign dom: 1 biéndigu chinh —1 bin digu khign Conair ‘cont |, Ener equation Singer | Onl ey — Manip arate > Control valve Disturbances Degrees-of-Freedom Analysis + The number of degrees of freedom is given by; ND=NV-NE where ND is the number of degrees of freedom, NV is the number of process variables, and NE is the number of independent equations that describe the process. + The number of manipulated variables NM is given by: NM-=ND-NED = NV -NE-NED where NED is the number of disturbances (they are externally defined in the process model) + The number of manipulated variables equals the number of controlled variables that can be regulated. Chon bién duge ditu khién 1, Nhiing bién di ju ra khdng ty dn dinh (non self-regulating or unstable) digu phai duge diéu khién, Nhimg bién ty Gn dink (selfregulating) 88 khéng “run-away": nd s® ty dich chuyén din trang thi dn inh mei hi ob yéu 8 gay nha 2. idw khign nhimg bién du ra ma cin phi duge git rong gigi hhgn khi vn han tht bi (eg, mhigt 46, dp sult, mye chit Jing) 3. Didu khign nhimng bién du ra thé hign rg tip chit hegmg sin phim (e.g., thanh phin, ct én chat lugng sin phim (¢.g., nhigt 46 phan ting) ‘nie xa) hoe anh hurémg manh Controlled variables: la ede bién = Cé anh hueéng trp tigp dn tinh bn dink khi vén han, tinh an ton hode higu ning cia mét thiét bi héa hoc (process equipment) nio d6 = Cé.anh hudng trye tiép dn san Iuong va cl phim (he bid age i "nse sa pa ne + Lea int dog tic klniy sv + Thedseithay 6 ct teste) Chon bién duge diéu chink 1 + Controlling reactor temperature: option A Controlling reactor temperature: option B ‘The hot shot / cold shot (option A) as manipulated variable has ‘more rapid / direct effect om the controlled variable (reactor temperature) than the cooling / heating fluid (option B) Chon bién duge digu khién 4) Cac bi 6 nb hung manh mé dn oat dng ca ef tide bj c6 lién quan rong quy tinh, vi du: dp sudt hoi nade trong hg thing sin xuit va phn phi hoi nade cin phi duge digu Xin vin6 nh hung dén ee thiét bi cd sit dung hoi nese trong quy tri 5) Cc biém o6 thé dpe do hung vii tha ian ra kt qu do nhanh, vi “nhgy” v6i mét (hai vai) bién digu chinh (manipulated variable) nao 45 |____ chon ign dugediguehinn | 1 Iva chon bin duge dit chin (manipulated variable) cho 1 ign diéu khién (controlled variable) nao 46: 1, M@t céch I tzimg, mot sy thay 46i tong bién duge dibu chinh si gy ra mot su thay di ding ké trong bign duge didu kh theo m@t ech nhanh chéng va tre tiép 2. It giy anh hung / tie dng len ede théng 86 vn hah Khe 3. ‘Trdnh sir dung ding hai lau nba bign didu chinh vi ding niy 6 khuynh hung “hbi hr cde yéuté gy nhigu ma khéng ‘hii a Tog be cée yéut6 iy nhiéu Manipulated variables: li cc bién Lama lung oi cde ding tign ich nong va lanh trong quy (vi dy: hoi nude, hot oil, nhién dot trong 10 nung, nude Tam mit,...): duge sir dung phé bign nhat + Dang eéng nghé (process steam) khong cin due tip tue xi 1g ha ngudn; vi dy: ding khi di dén dude dét hose hé thong: thu gom khi, ding sin phim di vio béa chica + Méts6 loai bign khie: mire chit ling trong thiét bi tray nhiét (quyét dinh dign tich bé mat trayén nhigt va cng sudt truyn mbit), 1 ding di tit bypass stream) gua mt thi bi truyén mit, ty 38 hbi hu trong thiét bi chung edt, Manipulated variables: mye chit ling trong thiét bi ruyén nigt(quyét inh digntich b& mat truyén nhiét va cong suit truyén nhigt) igure 207 Conte syste ora jcecd CSTR Controlled variables: + Myc chit ling: can thidtcho host ng dn dinh va‘ toan cia CSTR + Nbigtd6 phan tng: ci thiét cho hoat ng én dinh vlan toin| ca CSTR, vi thinh phin ding sin phim (én hug tbe 46 phin img) + Thanh phan (chit long) ding sin phim duge dita chinh bing ich ditu chinh Iu Iugmg np igu (digu chinh tha gian loa trong thit bi phn img) Concliedvaiabe = Mye chat ling: can thigt cho hogt déng én dinh vi an toan cua bh ash Ss ® dda khin ot chung of . Nn ge a er ote Reng Sn dinhvbanedn Ch nin (a) 6 inh dng bo tho eh (i ~ an Lith - khién thanh phan sin phim dinh hon céu hinh (b) * Lan Iuong ding nhip ligu (optional: quyét din Iw lugmg ce Sir dung edu hinh (b) kh ty 6 bot lew Ién, lu Iugng dng sin dong sin phim phdm dinh nhé (so véi dong hdi lu) ‘Trinh ty thiét ké hg théng digu khién quy trink + Cang vite thidtké he thing didu khién BPCS li mot cng vige «ino rind chayén mn cao, thug dug the hign bei “Trinh oy che bre dé tit KE hg thdng thi bj d8 vn hin, dba ‘céc kf su / chuyén gia chuyén vé hé théng digu khién khién quy trinh nw sau: + Phuong php thiétké hg thing didu khién bing cdch thi lap 1. Thi&t lip mye tu didu kin, Vi dy v8 ete mye iéu did Khién va giai mé hinh toan hoc cia hé thing didu khién ngay cang_ thong dung li dtuge se dung phd bién + Law lugng sin phim theo yéu edu + Mot tinh tr thi ké gdm nhigu bude, khong sir dung m6 hin + Bé chuyén hin ra sin phim a ti da tom hoe, duge migu ti trong ti liu tham khio 4, 5,6 duge sit + at chi tgu chit huang sin phim dang trong méa hoe nly, 2. Xie inh bac te do ditu khiém 36 bién duge didu khién bing bic ty do digu khién ‘Trinh ty thiét ké hg théng digu khién quy trinh, 3. ‘Thi ip coche did khign dé kidm sot nhigt trong cc ‘thigt bj tigu thy, hode gidi phéng ning lwong (thiét bj phan ing, thigt bj phan tich) “In tis step, control loops are positioned to regulate exothermic and endothermic reactors al desired temperatures. In addition, temperature controllers are positioned to ensure that disturbances are removed from the process through utility streams rather than reeyeled by hheatintegrated process units.” 448 dat san hugng sin phim mong ‘Trinh ty thiét ké hg théng didu Ki 8, Bibu khign img thiét bj ey thé ong quy tinh: hg théng didu kkhién ndi chung d duge dy du trong bude 1-7, bude 8 nay them vio ede vong didu khign cho cée thiét bj riéng ré trong quytrnh néu cl thiét 9, Ti a ha tn kn 8, ei thi etn dibu Khién dng boe ca quy trnh (abu o6 hd) Sir dung cdc goi sau dé tit ké he théng BPCS (¢) = Khi thi bi gyrase thay dive mht 6 (vi du thidt bi trayén nit, thi bj phan mg, dt ching oft: sir dung ving digu khién nhigt d6 cho thiét bi nay = Vong didu khién niet 5 thug dita chinh low hegng dng ‘ign ich néng / lanh, hofec ty 16 dng di (bypass stream) 6 thé diu chinh Iu = Sirdung ving didu khién law luong ( Jagng) cée déng nhip liga vio quytrinh 5. ‘Trinh ty thidt ké hg théng did khién guy trinh “The lip co ché didu khigm dt chit lugmg sin phim mong mun; thit lip ce phurong in du khién a8 bio bim quy trioh vin hinb an toin, tuin the cic tiga chi v8 bio v mdi truing.. 6, Digu kbién lwu Ivgng ede ding hoi lwu, diéu khién Iugng chat thi va long nim trong cdc thiét bj (cy thé hon, a kh dp suit va mye eit ing. 7. Kiém tra cin bing vit chit cia cde cd ti: dé tran hign ‘ung tich ty eta mot edu tie nde dé trong quy tinh Sit dung céc ggi ¥ sau dé thiét ké hé théng BPCS: a bién digu ~ Néu mot dong cng nghé (process stream) no 46 chin, sir dung duy nt mgt van didu khién cho dong nay = Vong dita khign mye ehdt long ein duge ste dyng bit ky Khi no 6 bé mit phan chia pha long — hoi hoje Tong — long trong ‘hit bj (vi dx: mye chit Tong trong condenser vi day cOt chug ft thurimg duge diéu khién) ~ Khi thi bj o6 chita pha hoi, sit dung wing digu Khién dp suat cho thigt bj nay ~ Vong digu khign ap suat c6 dp dmg nhanb nt Kh de van didu khién tén ddng kit ra Khoi hiét bj Phan tiép theo trong chuong hoc trinh bay cdc co ché diéu khién co ban dé digu khién / van hanh mét quy trinh cng nghé héa hoc Feedback control loop ‘Contin Q rene Manjatated variable aS (ae Contoled variable Control vale Disturbances Single-input/single-output feedback control loop Corrective actions: Taking corrective action after upset propagated, to eliminate the error after occurrence Cascade control loops ‘Secondary Secondary Primary controller 1 se | [Control |, error \ Be —| Sae Me Osm ny st procees |_ Control valve to a Disturbances Cascade control loops ===] Single-inpovsingle-ousput BEE) feedback consol loop Lau hg bot oil én tit bj ple Cascade contol oops Feedback control loop Ui diém: + om gin: 48 tht kp dit, van hinh + Lillva chon pha bién nh, duge xem xét du tién + ap img yéu clu cng vige véi cdc img dung didu khién ichng qua phite tp: didu khign dp suit, du Khién mye chat long, Nae dé: + Khong phi li lua chon tt cho ede tng dung dia Khign “hs ichn”, vi du: yu t5 gy niu thrmg nay ra; thi gia tr ki fn dfn kh bidn di i “disturbances” x1 bj anh huéng, 1 lau (vi du: vai pha) Cascade control loops Single-inpuvsingle-ourpor feedback contol lop Lu gp su ot made ad hid by ay thay ae Be © 2 Cascade control loops Cascade control loops I Conventional control TI Cascade control Cascade control loops Cascade control loops Khi mio nén sir dung cascade control architecture? = Khi phuong én dom gin hon (conventional feedback contro loop) e6 higu ning khong dip ting yeu edu Remote setpoint ~ Koi lew leon, 6p suit diu vao eta bign didu chint (thug 1a ‘mgt dng tgn ih) thudng xuyén thay d&i ~ Khoi 6 thé didu khién moe bién (vid, thdnh phn) théng qua vige didu khién mat bidn khde (wd, nhigt phan ting) Feed Figure 14.8 Composition-to-temperature-to-flow cascade control architecture. Cascade control loops Feedforward control =e ara Sz} @.°@ {RSP Input. < P Process |——+ Output fe Foe "Proactive mode": Taking corrective action before upset propagated. It “predicts” the disturbance and proactively takes action to prevent it It prevents error before occurrence Feedback vs. Feedforward control |_ Combined Feedback / Feedforward control Disturbances (a) (eer Fevdback Feeders SW esate [|S etc (mr Oy equation © Catt vate an ed eee o ‘ si Ps re} . Tecan seam gener upstrean of qipmest) i S ® xO Toni eauaton | Combined Feedback / Feedforward control_[ S* eo a Fire 67 Combined fedora nd cca canal at change Ratio control dung khi cin dm bdo 19 16 gta xu luemg cde ding nhip ligu vvdo mot thigt bi (phan ‘ing, phi trdn,...) a khong, d6i (pi ti edt it “setpoint ratio control Ia gi tr ‘mong mun cho ty 18 sia lau Irgng cde dong nap ligu) MOt sé vi dy vé digu khién mye chat long Level control |_ Combined Feedback / Feedforward control_| cored ‘igre 69° Feedonnadeedbac convo ofa wastewater deniicaion process. Ratio control ach 1 ach 2 MOt sé vi dy vé digu khién ap sudt Mt sé vidy véditu khién Iu twong | M6t sé vi du vé diéu khién nhigt 46 J te #8. THe SB o © © @ {a sak iw carro owe pop Eonar acniasi pane pnp Trove cof ore adores (8 yeas coc Acer wh Eas AF SOW va ert sz ae erate pet dive Mot sb vi dy vé thiét ké hg thdng digu khién_| Bs 6 Mot sb vi dy vé thiét ké hg théng digu khién_| fp Pp Pp Pp > be Distillation column — Preheat train |_Mot sé vi dy vé thiét ké hg théng digu khién, Comment: nhiét 46 iu ra eda overhead stream can duge digu whidn bing temperature-o-fow cascade contol loop Distillation column = Overhead system |_Thiét ké hé thong diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 1 ty Sepals (198) hemi of & CSTR wh pin A ‘esttfcemBineneete actin. Te acount fl i ses te thew oe cone ‘ssne het romthe es ict wth al tm este fol oer tha hig etre i he dese om etre Tepe htc ecru ge the EST uth ug ro igure 2.12 Process onshore esis poe |_Thiét ké hg théng diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 1 3. ‘Thi ip co ché did khign dé kidm sot nhigt trong cde ‘thigt bj tigu thy, hodc gidi phéng ning luong: + NhiGt 5 trong thiét bi phn ting R-100 duge dit khign bing ‘ich digu chinh fr hugng dng nuge lim mit (se dng van v2) + NhiGt db ding ahp ligu vio R-100 duge ditu Khién bing ‘ch digu chinh fr hugng dng hoi née gia nhidt (sit dong ‘van V-3) 4. ‘Thi ap co ch did khién dat sin kugmg sin phim mong muén: sir dung van V-7 (phurong én “on-demand product’) noe van Vol (phuong.n “fixed feed”) |_Mot sé vi dy vé thiét ké hg théng digu khién, Ty Distillation column + = Bottom section Kettle reboiler, Ex-705, utilizes a natural circulation feed system i |_Thiét ké hg thong diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 1 1. Thiét tap mac tu digu kin: me du chinh ka hugmg. sn phim theo yéu chu. é hai cich thye hig + idu khign iu luomg dong sin phim véi ving ditu khién hru Igng (sir dung van V-7): phuong én “on- demand product” 2 ditu + Didukién hn lugng dng ap liu voi v8 Uhidn uu hxgng (at dng van V-1): phuong én "fired feed” 2. Xie dinh bie ty do didu khigm 6 bign dave du kin bing be Wr do dibu Khign = 8 van didu Kbién = 7 |_Thiét ké hg théng diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 1 5. ‘Thi lip co che didu khign dé dat chit rong sin phim + Thinh phn ding sin phim ra khéi R-100 (ding 06 gd van V- 4) cin duge di thinh phin dong nay chinh la nhigt d6 trong R-100 khidn nhigt 66 trong R-100 (43 thiét lap & bude 3) khién, Théng s6 c6 anh huéng mn nhit dén cin ditu + Thinh phin ding sin phim chinh B dage quy$t dinh béi than phn ding sin phim ra khdi R-100, vi mht 46 va dp suit trong ‘V-100: ding van V-6 a8 diu Khién nhigt 46 va van V-5 €@ didu kin dp suit trong V-100 ‘Thiét ké hé théng diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 1 ‘Thiét ké hé théng diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 1 6. Bidu Khién haa fagmg, ede dng hbi lu, digu khién dp sudt va me chit lng: tng c6 dong hi hs) 7. Kigm ta cin bing vit chit ca cde cfu tis NIA + itu khién dp suit: chi dp dung d6ivéi V-100 (sir dung van V- 8. DibuKhidn ting tid bi ou thé wrong quy wink: NIA 5). R-100 hi 66 pha ling, Khng 06 pha hoi 9. ‘Toi hia tinh kinh ti thign de tinh dibu Khién dng hoc + Digu khign mur chit ling: myc chit ling dg dig khién mt cia quy trinh (nu 66 the): gi sre thé xe dink thin phiin bing céch dia chinh uw lung dng ling nhfpligu hove ding Jong ra Kh ti6t bj Y Phuong dn “on-demand product”: mye chat long trong V- 100 duge didu Khia bing van V-4 => mye cht long trong to-temperature” cascade controllers voi primary controller Ii R-100 duge dibu khign bing van V-1 ving digu khiénthinh phan, secondary controller Ii ving Phuong dn “fived feed”: mye chit long trong R-100 duge khign nhigt 6 thiét bj phin img R-100 mye ehdt ling trong V-100 ‘duge dibu khién bing van V-7 cin dibu v2) ‘khién nhigt d6 trong R-100 (da thiét lap & bude 3) oo + Thin phin ding sin phim chinh B duge quyStdinh béithinh 4, "Thik ip co ch did khign dé dat sin hngng sin phim _ : eee pin déng sin phim rakhdi R-100, va mht d9 va dp su trong \Ve100: ding van V-5 dé did Khién nhigt 46 va van Ved khién p suit trong V-100 song muén: sr dyng van V-1(phuong dn iced feed”) Thiét ké hé thong diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 2 ‘Thiét ké hg thong diéu khién — vi dy minh hga 2 6. iu khién hu haomg cde dng hb lu, didu khién dp sud wa ‘mye chit lng: 7. Kidim tra cn bing vat chit cia ede edu ti: NIA . pine hoi Iu auge digu khién (6n dinh Iu lugng ding héi 8, Diéu khién timg thigt bi cy thé trong quy tinh; N/A hu) bing van i " - + Didukhign dp sult chi dp dng d6i vi V-100 (ir dung van'V. 9% Ti hoa inh kin 8, ei shign fe tinh didw khiba ding hoe pha ling, Khong e6 pha hoi ‘lia quy trinh (nu 06 thé): “To maximize conversion, a : Jing: mye chit léng duge didu khién ing cdch diu chinh Inu lung dong lng nap ligu hose dong «eascade controler is installed as inthe previous example in Tong ra kh thiét bj . ‘hich the setpoint ofthe reactor temperature controler (TC ¥ V6i V-100: dang ra dugc én dinh bing van V-6 => myc chat long trong V-100 duge diéu khign bing van V3. on V-2) is adjusted to control the concentration of B in the v 10: ding ra (gin van V-3) 48 duge sir dung lam reactor effluent. Again, for an irreversible reaction, it is bién diéu chinh, ding héi lu (1 trong 2 dong vio) durge én dinh lau lugng => mye chit long trong V-100 duge dieu enough to operate the reactor atthe highest possible khién bing cach digu chinh leu lugng dng vao (edn van temperature” ‘V-I) theo co ché “level-to-flow” cascade controller hiét ké hé théng digu khién — vi dy minh hoa 2 ‘Thiét ké hg théng diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 3 ‘Mt hitb bay hai (evaporator) duge ding dé cb fe mt dung dich (Gia chit an + dung mi) dén ndng d§ mong mada che cit tan xy [Nhigt cho qué trinh héa ha duge cung cp boi hoi muse. Cc bién eb FB > dupe diguchinh Thru Hugg dng ho, has Iugng hoi nue, how Iugng ding sin phim, Cac yéu tb py nhiéu (yéu t6 thay 48i) 1a knw sr thinh phin ding sin phim 6 he duge do leg with giane6 két qu nan, Tht ke be thdng, Aidu kg cho tid bj ni: a Production Rate Hale ea were ; ee ‘Thiét ké hé thong diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 3 1. Thi8t tip me tgu dibu ki: sin phim dat iu chun chit Jeong v2 tinh phn sin phim: 2. Xéc dinh bac ty do diéu khién = 3 3. Két qua ciiacée bude 3, 4,5 @ slide sau ‘Thiét ké hé thong diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 3 6, Digu khién leu legng cée ding héi luu, digu khién dp suat vib mye chat ling: + idu khién dp suit: gin va sit dyng van diéu khign tn dng, ‘hot ra khdi thigt bj = Digu khién mye chat long: mye chit long duge digu khién ‘bing cich diéu chinh liu long déng san phim long ra khéi tide bi 7. Kiém tra ed bing vat chit cia ede cfu tin N/A 8. Digukhimtimg thi bj ey thé trong quy tinh: N/A Két qua dén bude 8 duge trinh nay @ slide sau hiét ké hg thong diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 3 9. T6i wu hoa tn kinh t, edi thign df tn diéu Khién dng hoe cia quy trinh (néu c6 thé): phuomg én thiétké vita trinh bay 6 thé duge cdi thign thém bing céch thém feedforward control, trong dé théng tin vé luu hong (hode thanh phan) dling nhap ligu sé duge ding 4édigu chinh lau hugng boi nage, vi dy: khi how lugng ding nhép lig ting len eh aw lugng hoi nuée duge digu chinh ting lén. Nhu vay ta siz dung combined feed forward/feedback control d8 ditu khién thank phin ding sin phim véi bién duge ditu chinh ia ia long dong hoi mée. Feedforward controller ‘Thiét ké hé théng diéu khién — vi dy minh hoa 3 Vi dung méi D bay hoi & nhigt 46 xem nhu khéng déi (khi p suit duge git 5 dink), ving didu khién nhigt €@ khing cén thiét = Vi than phi dong sin phim e6 thé due do Iuemg véi thei gian c6 két qua nhanh, ching ta c6 thé thiét lap mot vong digu khign thanh phan dng sin phim, + b§ dat duge tigu chun vé thinh phan san phim (xy theo yéu clu), 1 Inong dung méi tong img véi thinh phin va hu Igng dong np ligu phi duge h6a boi = 6 digu kign dp suit (va nbigt 46) duge git ¢6 dink, Iugng dung ‘mdi bay hoi (rong khoang thoi gian bing thai gian Iu eta Tw chit) phu thude vio hrgmg nbigt eép vao thiét bi = Phuong dn duge ép dung li sir dung leu lugng hoi nuée nhur bin digu chinh cia vng digu khién thanh phan sin phim ‘Thiét ké hg thong diéu khién — vi dy minh hga 3 Signal selector By

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