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1 ##Chapter 63 Where Is My Bag?

2 Carolyn had a sound sleep.

3 When they gathered in the morning, she noticed the dark circles under Kelly's eyes.
4 Carolyn sighed and shook her head.
5 But Kelly wasn't the only one who didn't sleep well. On the couch in the hotel hall, Oliver was
6 Carolyn got closer and found that he was memorizing math formulas.
7 She suddenly patted Oliver's back.
8 "Who is that?" Oliver was frightened.
9 "Carolyn! Hey!"
10 Carolyn cocked her brows. "You're too nervous. I'm trying to help you."
11 Oliver was speechless, "Well, that was so kind of you!"
12 Carolyn then got him a glass of water. "It's not your first exam. Why are you so nervous?"
13 Oliver refused the water and said, "Thanks. But I'm afraid that I'll always think about the
14 He didn't want that, but he got a call from his father.
15 His father warned that if Oliver failed to get the place, he should prepare for the College
Entrance Test then.
16 God knew that Oliver forgot about everything of humanities. He would rather die.
17 "Just take a few deep breaths and clear your mind. Don't think that much."
18 Oliver breathed a few times and he got better.
19 At half-past seven, Ronald came out sleepily from his room.
20 Carolyn walked over and asked, "What took you so long?"
21 Ronald was befuddled and he blinked, "It's half an hour to go."
22 He didn't late after all.
23 Carolyn rolled her eyes. She didn't get more patience for Ronald. Plus, he was becoming more
and more casual these days.
24 "Identification paper? Admission paper?"
25 "Safe and sound." Ronald held up her pen case.
26 "Breakfast?"
27 "Not yet." He just got up and didn't have time for that.
28 Ronald found it difficult to get used to his bed in a strange environment and stayed up late.
29 "I knew it! Here, I bought them for you from the canteen."
30 Ronald took the breakfast, went to the hall, and began to eat.
31 Kelly also held a plastic bag with breakfast. She then saw Ronald.
32 Look like Kelly was one step late.
33 At fifteen to eight, the leading teacher was checking the number of students. After making sure
everything was right, he was ready to take the students into the examination room.
34 Kelly was with Oliver. Ronald finished his breakfast and joined the Math competition group.
35 There were fifteen minutes left. Carolyn was going to read the documents Ronald had given
36 Kelly blinked at Carolyn. "Carolyn, the Biology group is over there. You should be with them
37 Carolyn looked over and said, "I know. Later."
38 At five to eight, the competitors began to enter the examination room.
39 25 minutes later, Carolyn got her biology competition papers in a big bright room.
40 She first glanced over the whole paper. There were no tricky questions, and most of them were
at a basic level. As long as one listened carefully in class, there should be no problem.
41 Carolyn estimated how long she would take and made a plan. Then she picked up her pen and
started working on them.
42 One and a half hours for each exam.
43 Carolyn finished the paper in the nick of time.
44 When she got out, she saw Ronald, Oliver, and Kelly out there.
45 "You guys are quick."
46 Oliver rubbed his head and said, "Not really. I just got out."
47 Oliver, Ronald, and Kelly were in the same exam room. Ronald turned in the paper in less than
40 minutes.
48 The whole room became anxious.
49 The sound of paper flipping, pens dropping, and people gasping behind Oliver was too much
for him. He then rushed to finish his paper and handed it in ahead of time.
50 "How's your paper? Simple?"
51 "Yes," Ronald said.
52 Oliver rolled his eyes. "Not at all! Although they are all basic questions, it is difficult to get
high marks."
53 Carolyn thought over her paper and said, "I felt the same with biology."
54 Some questions were setting students up.
55 As more and more people came out of the exam room, Carolyn didn't want to stay at the door.
56 "What should we do this afternoon? Did the teacher say anything?"
57 More than thirty high schools were participating in the International Math Contest.
58 The papers were flown in from the capital, and students from each high school read each
other's papers out of order.
59 By 3 pm, the scores of each school could be published.
60 The finals were at 9 am the next day.
61 Oliver checked the message and said, "The leading teacher should go to the meeting. He didn't
tell us what to do. Maybe we'll just study this afternoon."
62 Kelly looked into the distance. Sal City was near the sea. Blue sea and sky, urban scapes were
all in their eyes.
63 "We can't just stay in the hotel. I haven't seen the sea before. What about we go to the beach?"
64 Kelly said "we", but she was just looking at Ronald. Obviously, "we" meant Kelly and Ronald.
65 Carolyn shrugged, "I'm okay with that. What about you guys?"
66 Oliver took a few steps forward and saw the attractive scenery.
67 "I want to take a look at the sea. Let's go then. It won't be far."
68 The hotel was only two or three kilometers from the nearest shore.
69 "You mean, we walk there?"
70 Carolyn was a little hesitant. "Should we tell the leading teacher?"
71 Kelly followed up, "It's on me. I'll text our teacher now and tell him that we'll come back
72 Oliver rubbed his belly. "There better be some store around here. I'm starving."
73 He was so nervous about the exam this morning that he couldn't eat anything.
74 Now the exam was over, and the feeling of hunger came back.
75 "I have some biscuits left. You can have them all."
76 Oliver looked at Carolyn with emotional eyes, "You are my goddess!"
77 Carolyn then was about to find her biscuits, but she only knew that her bag was not there.
78 Ronald held up his hands and Carolyn felt strange. "Why are you carrying my bag?"

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