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Psychology 10th Grade

Miss: Scarlett Wright Name:

Score: Class:

Answer in a short, clear and concise way.

1. List three developmental tasks that must be mastered by adolescents according to Havighurst




2. ________________________ is the biological event that marks the end of childhood.

3. What do menarche and spermarche have to do with physical development?

4. List 3 changes boys and girls undergo during puberty




5. Explain how differences in growth affect both boys and girls differently

6. How has the increase of sexual awareness benefitted society?

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7. Explain in your own words what formal operations thinking means

8. Some problems adolescents develop as a result of immaturity and abstract thought processes according to Dr.
David Elkind are:

a. Indecisiveness, Self-consciousness, Invulnerability

b. Fear, Immaturity, Messiah Complex

c. Moral thinking, Cognitive Development, Authority issues

9. According to Erik Erikson what must adolescents go through to achieve some sense of self?

10. Describe the social learning theory

11. What are the symptoms of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervorsa

12. Write five words or phrases that, in your opinion, characterize adolescence.

13. Which of the developmental tasks of adolescence do you think is the most difficult? Explain your answer.

14. When do changes in moral thinking occur?

15. Describe the role of parents in adolescents social development

16. BONUS Erikson and Marcia insist that all adolescents experience an identity crisis. Do you agree? Explain
your answer

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