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Practice 1: fewer students are studying science at school and university, favcuring more

computer based subjects instead. Is this a positive or nagative development? What are the
reason for this?

In conclusion, while there may actually be a wonderful feature in the movement of students
towards computer-related subjects, they must assume that studying technology know-how shows
it to be valuable treat positive values. It's up to parents and instructors to choose the best
direction, which is the obvious technological know-how.

Practice 2: Tourism has increased so much over the last 50 years that it is having a mainly
negative impact on local inhabitants and the environment. However, others claim that it is good
for the economy. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and give your own

In summary, it is clear that the great factors of tour groups though outweigh the disadvantages.
However, I would really like to explain that the authorities despite their desire to regulate the number
of holidaymakers within an appropriate range and to subsidize enough invest in maintaining a state's
cultural identity. and protect the environment around tourist attractions.

Practice 3: Increasing numbers of students are choosing to study abroad. To what extent
does this trend benefit the students themselves and the countries involved? Discuss

In conclusion, it can be said with certainty that student migration, which is becoming
commonplace in the current situation, has both positive and negative effects.

Practice 4: In the past, shopping was a routine domestic task. Many people nowadays
regard it as a hobby. To what extend do you think this is a positive trend?

In short, it's far a top notch style due to the fact the company has grown stronger withinside the
past. That's a top notch for all of us because of the reality it's far an opportunity for all of us to
spend time shopping for outside together.
Practice 5: In the past, most people used to travel to their place of work. With increased
use of computers, the internet and smartphones, more and more people are starting to
work from home. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

In short, telecommuting opportunities are becoming attractive to workers because of the freedom
and flexibility it offers, but require health awareness and focus. Furthermore, feelings of isolation
can be present, so it's important for teleworkers to sometimes pay attention to working in the

Practice 6: some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only
better for their own health but also benefits the world as a whole. What are the reason for
this trend?

To conclude, vegetarians who keep in mind fitness and environmental concerns, in addition to moral concerns,
have their personal reasons. In addition, each perspectives are simply effective for preserving person our
bodies wholesome in addition to maintaining the sustainability of animal lifestyles across the globe.

Practice 7: qualities of a successful student

To sum up, to become a quality student, young bugs must have good qualities and must know
how to behave properly. If everyone could teach their children such things, the number of quality
students would increase rapidly.

Practice 8: factors that math a class productive and enjoyable

In short, each teacher will have ways to make the lesson more interesting and interesting in each
lesson. Besides, teachers also need to innovate teaching methods to help students become more
effective and more comfortable

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