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BURIEDJIBONES OR RRC ee eee on aCe ee ete Ly Tee ER Maen Ree ae ee ae a SOT Tita SER MeL ae ees ee ee ‘The party may come across this tower in their travels, or perhaps catch word through hearsay. Locals are reludiant to impart anything further than “It is birthed on a full moon...”; as though unnecessary mention would will it further into existence . ‘The monolith is surrounded by desolate bog, ankle deep swill hindering navigation. After thirty minutes, even the most proficient trackers will note the only sure landmark to followis the stiletto tower itself'as it pierces the heart of the moon. There is no uneasy feeling of being watched. There is no noise that suddenly hushes. The party is alone. Fromalar, they will notice the ground and top floors are illuminated from within. They ascenda barren knoll pockmarked by open graves and loam spoil, the shallow ditches housing pauper’s coflins buried lid down. They contain nothing bar a clouded faceful of chalked bone, causing a lingering cough. Wretched vines constrict blackened stone and the obscene mason’s marks cause headache if one’s gaze more than lingers. On their approach to the heavy, oaken doors the more perceptive among them will identify that ss i the top floor lights are doused as they get closer a d a however the more rational will attribute this to i oes BUNA Hece Greeti al perm acces calc ame = eee with no reply. Testing them, they are unlocked. a eo j . ua Fy | owling winds subside as pou enter. Song shadows creep over mothbitten carpets Ie Brough cobwebs towards a saute ceifing. %acing the entrance, a corpse sits ae in vigif. Depond tBe cractle of way and wick there is onfp sifence. Nineteen lit candles surround the figure, their fire reflected in an eye not fully decayed. Failing any skill checks within this room, as well as careless or quick movement will result » D4 candles being extinguished each time. If the entrance door was left open, a gust of wind will shortly enter and extinguish a further D6 candles. Note these amounts, as well as the player(s) responsible (DM’s note -zero gameplay impaci). The candles have bumed for several hours already and do not have any magical properties. A successful DC14 Arcana or Insightroll will however reveal that they are arranged to form. an incomplete sigil around the body, though the purpose is unknown. ‘The figure displays no signs of any wounds or cause of death. On a DC12 History roll, the unknown sigil emblazoned on their tunic may be identified as belonging to an excommunicated sept of clerics centuries old. Their mace is leaden and clutched tightly by bone and mail. DC12 Investigation or Perception rolls will observe that the cobwebs covering the room are not present on the body or its weapon. Attempting to converse with, attack, or otherwise disturb its repose will have no effect. Attacks may cast it to the ground or damage it at the DM’s discretion. are cracked and interlaced with turgid mold. A cursory search of the room will uncover several more unlit candles, a leatherbound tome that crumbles at the touch, and a trunk filled with loose and soiled clothing. The staircase leads upwards over a roughshod wooden door, which if tested revelas that the handle is deadbolted and will require a DC25 Street rol oe a ea ¥ upon their return to this floor the door will be ajar. ‘The stairs ascend into darkness, every step making a dull groan echo through the body of the tower. Gripping the cracked balustrade tightly, the party may continue upwards if they choose. Tf at any time the party is idle, a faint clicking sound may be heard intermittently. Each click is painful, feltsharply within * the intersection of skull and spine. T- Ce enitep s: grourt floor Once open, the wooden door reluctantly opens info a larder and sioreroom. Players will quickly recognise the smell of puttefaction @, cuigiates not fiom the longspoiled vegetables and unknown meat FA) present, but rather the second set of stairs leading fimther down. A search through the cellu will yiekl D4 bottles of daret of an unknown P Vivtage, whilst the banels of gain and other such stores have fallen to weeulls or are empty altogether. Wet mud filing grooved scratch marks canbe observed at the foot of the steps leading down. Upon finst setting foot upon the steps, another cick will be heard by the party - louder than those experienced previously: II-SBartour an’ fang quarters Paintings hang from the walls with tom canvas, leaving ragged, empty frames. The dining table is set with an ecletic mix of aacked porcelain The bedroom isneatly arranged and wouldappear unused were itnot fora large dass minror laying shattered across the floor: Searching the bed will uncover a plain gold ring beneath the pillow, An oaken wardrobe contains a selection of affluent, but outdated gaments. TIT Gap ant fibearp ‘Within the modest library players will nd the njoriy of tomes have been soled and mildewed beyond repair. Several pages featuring innocuous woodant illustrations and illuminated text have been tom. out and preserved separately upon an omate wnting desk. Rummaging futher, players may find a collection of mundane letters between unknown individuals. A search of the fireplace will find several more as well as a handful of chipped teeth and oil soaked clothes. IV - Cfrabes The ascent is steep, and the doying air thickens as the party continues upwards, Pkyers must make a Constitution save 0 avoid loudly dhoking back their revulsion. The fight ends on a surface of bare, cine nmble where nought but a age pre ffs fl ihe arcane) Cen eee Joudly frombelow. When the players retumto the» sound floor; they willfind the wooden doorajar, ecay and putrefaction water epes, Boting pour senses. In the sputtering torch ‘ fight. Be Boffow soctets of tBe passage’s arcBitecture fotfow pour everp step. ; 8) Sgnore Be tumour-fear Bought Bat it appears to stiff be unVer construction... Should the party resolve to descend into the bowels of the tower, their torches gradually iluminate a charnel arch inlaid into wrought stone. Players must make a Wisdom save lest they recognise something reminiscent of their hearth or kin amongst the cracked bones Gf failed, the fearful distraction will impose -1D6 to their next roll). Characters with Darkvision must roll with disadvantage given their greater exposure to the savagery. ‘The ossuary steps lead further down into a roughly hewn octagonal cavem. The rightmost walls are piled with bones, those dlosest to the entrance still bearing scraps of flesh and garb. Central to the room is a stone sarcophagus with lid asunder, and through the gloom an occupant can be viewed inside. IF the party wishes to look closely they will perceive ribs splayed open, things missing and others replaced. There is no need to look again, for whilst nerves fal them imagination will not. | Oe ator serrata rae s chores dmitiet Phil ee aril spurple sludge. A large hook and two gold coins are haphazardly submerged within the muck. be Spending more than thirty seconds within the room will require players to make another {Wisdom swe as above. Touching anything within the room, or deciding to depat, > _ will also cause the party’s torches to flicker and extinguish. Within the darkness, a single cick is heard followed by the scuflle of something heavy being dragged. acToss stone... .» Atthe DM's discretion, the tower’s inhabitant may make ils appearance. Combat will not immexiatly begin ules the party elects to run. If so, have all players SIC A ecm RU Coe mE Eieenied lara) nee on comco eazy attack them before combat begins. Otherwise, have all players roll Stealth then initiative before any other action. The Vivisect is extremely shortsighted and from the entryway will move Sit towards the Berne et te aes OTe rep eet nemo ica ig Coe DC15 Stealthroll, otherwise the Vivisect will SoCo Me TRC SME cn BD Me aeons THe) Ror eM I EM nem RL Monnet ig Eine a ‘The abomination is opportunistic, and if a party member is left alone (ie. on a separate tower floor entirely); the DM may wish to Pion Rob ce niet era C Rhyne! oe eC cere Ree! chen el Cr Ce Oe ot Le a cd something befind pou not stirred. St unravets to its furl Beight, cBittering as eR OM My COR te ees tke ae CHIROPTERAN VIVISECT eae eee Armor Class 13 Peer) Speed 20 ft Se eo Te Cee ed eae blinded, charmed, frightened, poisoned Senses blindsight 100 ft, darkvision 15 ft, passive Perception 11 Languages understands Common but will not speak Senet) Savage Hunger. If the Vivisect hits with its bite attack against a Creature that hasn't acted yet in this combat, it scores a critical i Multiattack. The Chiropteran Vivisect makes two attacks. Nese] Cae Cea ee a Eorcirelnaeaiaaciy Claws. Melee Weopon Attack: +6 to hit, each 5 ft, one target. Hit: 14 (add + 2) slashing damage. The target must succeed on a DC Sree Tard eo Oman paralyzed target repeats the saving throw at the end of each of Perera ae ete Ca ence A tuly evil party may be able to convince the Vivisect of their utiliy, where it will proffer 5gp 6f diamond powder per live victim brought to Pearce NS na Copyright Chronicle Cards 2099, al rights reserved

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