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Student’s name:…………………………………………………………………………….

Text: How the War in Ukraine May Impact Africa?

On February 22, Macky Sall, chair of the African Union, and Moussa Faki Mahamat, chairman
of the African Union Commission, called on the Russian Federation to “respect international
law, and the territorial integrity and national sovereignty of Ukraine.” This position reflects the
charter of the African Union, which has upheld and protected the colonial borders of member
states since the inception of the organization, then the Organization of African Unity, in 1963.
For Africans, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine raises the specter of irredentism and secessionism
that caused several conflicts, including the Ogaden War and the partition of Sudan.

Beyond territorial integrity and national sovereignty concerns, a protracted war in Ukraine
would affect Africa in other ways that can either be disastrous or offer new economic
opportunities. For instance, both Russia and Ukraine are major suppliers of food commodities
such as wheat, soybeans, and barley to African countries. In 2020, the combined value of this
trade was estimated at $6.9 billion. A disruption of this supply due to the fighting would drive
up the prices of commodities and exacerbate food insecurity across Africa.

On the other hand, as the European Union and the United States impose sanctions to deny
Russia access to European oil and gas markets, oil-producing African countries could seize on
the opportunity. They could circumvent Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
(OPEC) pressures and increase their production, which would increase state revenues. With
soaring prices, oil companies might expand prospection operations. Mauritania and Senegal,
which have undertaken substantial natural gas prospection, might be encouraged to move to the
exploitation phase. However, if Russia manages to sell its oil to China, African suppliers may
suffer. China is the main buyer of African oil and would bargain for lower prices.

France built a robust coalition of Western powers and donor countries to support international
stabilization efforts in the Sahel, including the Sahel Alliance. The United States is a key
contributor to these initiatives. Now, as these countries focus their resources on the war in
Ukraine, they may reduce their contributions, which would further destabilize the Sahel.

Student’s name:…………………………………………………………………………….

Level of the class: Upper Sixth form School: ……………………………

Tle L ENGLISH EXAM Academic year: 2022 / 2023
duration: 3hours

A. Choose the most appropriate answer, a, b or c ( 0,5 x 2= 1mark)
1. In the first paragraph, the chair of the African Union and his collaborator Moussa Faki
a) Condemn Russia for killing many civilian Ukrainians
b) Think Russia’s invasion of Ukraine may cause a third world war.
c) Suggest Russia to respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty
of Ukraine.
2. In the second paragraph, the writer think that the war in Ukraine:
a) Would affect some African Countries’ food security.
b) Would weaken the diplomatic relationship between Russia and
African countries.
c) May cause a disastrous lack of raw materials in African
B. Complete the table with correct information from the text.
(0, 5 x 4= 2 marks)
Types of consequences of Specific examples.
Ukrainian war listed in text.
Political 3…………………………………………
5………………………………… increased state revenues

C. All these sentences below are false. Justify them with relevant quotations
from the text. (1 x 2 = 2 marks)
7. Russia and Ukraine import all their food commodities from African countries.
8. France and many other Western powers such as the United States would be able to intervene
both in the Ukrainian war and in the Sahel crisis.

D. Complete the following passage meaningfully with words from the

indicated paragraphs of the text. (0.5 x 4 = 2 marks)
The Russia’s ……………9 (parag 1) has negatively impacted the world trade particularly in the
African continent. Russia and Ukraine are considered the most……………… 10 (parag 2) of
cereals that are necessary to the African countries’ industries.
The war has then caused a huge…………………11(parag 2) of goods coming from Russia and
Ukraine. That’s the reason why the UN and EU leaders should……………….. 12(parag 3) for
the end of this war.

Student’s name:…………………………………………………………………………….

E. What or who do the following words refer to? (0.5 x 2 = 1 mark)

13. They (parag 3) refers to: …………………………
14. These (parag 4) refers to: ………………………….
II. Communicative competence (6marks)
F. Complete the following paragraph with the correct tense of the verbs in
brackets. (0,5 x 6 = 3 marks)
Russia 15……………………….. (to invade) Ukraine for half a month now. It’s a terrible war.
The number of victims 16……………………. (to increase) day by day. Many Ukrainian
civilians have been killed. Last week, Russian army 17…………… (to throw) missiles in a
hospital and many pregnant women and even babies were killed. It’s high time Russia and
Ukraine 18……………. (to find) a ceasefire at least and 19……………. (to sit) around a table.
Had Vladimir Poutine and Zelenska thought about the consequences of that war, they
20……………( to end) it.
G. Complete this conversation meaningfully between Moussa and Matar.
(0, 5 x 3 = 1, 5marks)
Moussa: Did you know that the Ukrainian embassy in Senegal is enrolling young volunteers
who want to fight in Ukraine?
Matar: No, I 21………….
Moussa: The enrolled people will receive a free visa. Besides, they will get a Ukrainian
nationality once the war is over.
Matar: 22…………………………………………………………………..?
Moussa: I heard the news from radio last time.
Matar: That’s really unfair, 23 …………………….?
Moussa: Yes, it is. Our Senegalese authorities should stay firmed and sensitize youngsters.
That battle is not ours.
H. Match the notions in (B) with the statements in (A). (0, 5 x 3 = 1,5 marks)
Wish – Prohibition - Advice - Regret

(A) Statements (B) Notions

24. It’s not allowed to use nuclear weapon in a war.
25. The whole world wishes Russian army hadn’t
thrown bombs in a hospital ……………………………………...
26. The UN and the EU leaders should talk to ……………………………………
Vladimir Poutine

WRITING: Choose ONE topic and write about 150 – 200 words (6 marks)
Topic 1: Abdou and Awa are classmates. They are discussing about the enrolment of young
African people to fight in Ukraine. Abdou is convinced that it’s a good opportunity to have a
bright future. Awa doesn’t agree. Write down their conversation.
Topic 2: Your uncle Aliou is a migrant in Ukraine. You didn’t get news from him for the past
few days. Write him a letter.

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