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CUI CB3 | Course 006

It’s Tuesday 24th January, 2023

✓ Today we checked homework and finished Unit 2C.

I’ve got a/an younger/older brother
Por ahora = for now, at the moment
Hasta ahora = so far
Es esencial = it’s essential
¿Puedo decir…? = Can I say…?
¿Cómo sería? = How would it be?
¿Qué hago ahora? = What do I do now?
¿Qué debo hacer ahora? = What should I do now?
¿Qué tengo que hacer ahora? = What do I have to do now?
Yo voy = I go/It’s my turn/Me

Online Act | Have you got…?


Online Act | Are these sentences right or wrong?

CUI CB3 | Course 006


Online Act | Make the negative sentences affirmative, and the negative
sentences affirmative.

For next class: Thu 26th Jan
1. Workbook – Page 12 | Do the exercises and correct yourself with the
Key at the end of the book. Bring questions to discuss in class.

Consult me if you have any questions!

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