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Recount adalah teks yang menceritakan mengenai pengalaman atau kejadian

yang dialami seseorang di masa lalu. Kejadian tersebut diceritakan secara berurutan atau
secara kronologis.

Karakteristik Recount Text

Karakteristik dari recount text meliputi:
1. Social function/purpose of the text (tujuan komunikatif dari teks ini)
2. Generic structure (struktur penulisan teks)
3. Language features (ciri kebahasaan dari teks ini)

Social Function/ Purpose of the text

Social function/purpose of the text is to tell the readers what happened in the past
through a sequence of events.
(Tujuan komunikatif dari teks recount adalah untuk menceritakan kepada pembaca
kejadian atau pengalaman yang terjadi di masa lali secara kronologis atau sesuai
urutan kejadian).

Generic Structure
Struktur penulisan (generic structure) dari recount text adalah:
1. Orientation
Menceritakan mengenai latar belakang informasi tentang siapa, di mana, kapan
kejadian atau peristiwa terjadi.
2. Events
Menceritakan serangkaian peristiwa yang terjadi sesuai urutan kronologis.
3. Re-orientation
Merupakan penutup atau kesimpulan cerita. Untuk menutup suatu cerita, kita bisa
memberikan opini kita mengenai cerita tersebut.

Language Feature (ciri-ciri kebahasaan)

Ciri-ciri dari recount text adalah:
1. Past tense, menggunakan kata kerja bentuk lampau seperti we went, I saw, we
visited, dsb.
2. Action verbs, yakni menggunakan kata kerja aksi/tindakan, contohnya run, talked,
reached, swam, dsb.
3. Adverbs, yakni menggunakan kata keterangan, contohnya last summer, yesterday,
happily, beautifully, dsb.
4. Adjectives, yakni menggunakan kata sifat, seperti huge, great, bad, expensive,
cheap, dsb.
5. Conjunctions dan chronological connectors, yakni menggunakan kata hubung
seperti then, before, and, after, dsb.
Contoh Recount Text

Contoh 1

Contoh 2
Vacation to The Beach

Last week, I and my friends went to the beach after school. We used public transportation.
We reached the beach at 4 p.m. The beach was beautiful and clean.
At the beach, it was fun. We played football in the coast line. After that, we built a castle
from sand. In the night, we made bonfire together. We roasted fishes and squits then we
ate them. In the midnight, it was time to share our scary stories. One by one, we told our

At the morning, we went home. It was a moment I never forgot.

Contoh 3
Meet Bambang Pamungkas

On Friday, there was a football match between Indonesia and Japan. It held on Gelora
Bung Karno stadium. I went to Gelora Bung Karno stadium with my friend, Jono.

Before entering Gelora Bung Karno stadium, we looked the bus that took Indonesian
football players. Then, we followed that bus to main-entrance. I found that Bambang
Pamugkas left from the bus. When, we wanted to get close to Bambang Pamungkas, a
security guard held me back. But I thought that security guard was familiar. He was my
old friend, Budi. After that, he let me in, finally I could meet Bambang Pamungkas and got
his signature.

Next, I went back to my seat at the stadium and the match just began. It was an amazing
day and good match.

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