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For example "Stigma is often defined as a mark of disgrace because of stereotypes and

misunderstandings (Hungerford et al., 2021).  In the video provided for reflection, Heather Sarkis
discusses physical health issues and compares these with mental health issues, to highlight the
difference in how these are perceived by the public and how people are with mental illness and
treated differently, because of these perceptions.  Kondo (2018), discuss how social media
contributes to negative perceptions of mental health issues and/or mental illness, giving the
example where cinema often stigmatize mental illness, by portraying serial killers to have mental
illness for the purposes of provoking drama, even when this is often a misconception.  In health
care stigma against people with mental health issues and/or mental illness creates a barrier in
purposefully supporting a vulnerable population (Kohrt et al., 2020), limiting those with
symptoms of mental health issues seeking help early." (you cannot use this example in your own
work as it have been provided to turnitin)

Talking about mental health is important because it helps reduce the stigma surrounding mental
illness . Stigma can prevent people from seeking treatment and worsen their conditions . By
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talking about mental health, we can make it more acceptable for those suffering from mental
illnesses to seek help, learn to cope, and get on the road to recovery

Stigma refers to negative attitudes and beliefs that individuals hold towards a particular
group, in this case, those with mental health conditions. Stigma can lead to
discrimination, isolation, and social exclusion, which can all have negative effects on a
person's mental health.

Unfortunately, mental illness is still stigmatized in many societies, which can prevent
people from seeking help or accessing treatment. The fear of being judged or
discriminated against can lead individuals to hide their symptoms, delay seeking help, or
even deny that they are struggling with a mental health condition.

This can have serious consequences for individuals with mental illness, as delays in
seeking help can worsen symptoms and make recovery more difficult. In addition, the
stigma associated with mental illness can prevent people from receiving appropriate
support and understanding from their loved ones, coworkers, and communities.

Therefore, it is important to work towards reducing the stigma associated with mental
illness and promoting mental health awareness and understanding. This can help to
improve access to treatment and support, and ultimately reduce the impact of mental
illness on individuals and society as a whole.

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