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Nephrol Dial Transplant (2006) 21: 979–983

Advance Access publication 29 December 2005

Original Article

Genetic polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system

in end-stage renal disease

Monika Buraczynska1,2,, Piotr Ksiazek1,, Andrzej Drop3, Wojciech Zaluska2,

Danuta Spasiewicz1 and Andrzej Ksiazek2

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Laboratory for Molecular Diagnostics of Multifactorial Diseases, 2Department of Nephrology and
Department of Radiology, University Medical School, Lublin, Poland
*MB and PK contributed equally to this paper.

Abstract ESRD and might be useful in planning therapeutic

Background. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is a strategies for individual patients.
complex phenotype resulting from underlying kidney
diseases of different etiologies as well as from environ- Keywords: angiotensin-converting enzyme;
mental and genetic factors. The responsible genes angiotensinogen; angiotensin II type 1 receptor;
influencing the development and rate of progression DNA polymorphisms; end-stage renal disease
to ESRD have yet to be defined. We examined an
association of the three renin-angiotensin system
(RAS) gene polymorphisms with renal disease and
progression to ESRD in dialyzed patients. Introduction
Methods. Genotyping was performed in 745 ESRD
patients and 520 control subjects for the angiotensin- The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has been strongly
converting enzyme (ACE) I/D, angiotensinogen (AGT) implicated in the pathogenesis of essential hyper-
M235T and angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) tension, cardiovascular disease and progressive renal
A1166C gene polymorphisms using polymerase chain disease [1–3]. RAS plays a central role in the regulation
reaction and gel analysis. of blood pressure, sodium metabolism and renal hae-
Results. Allele and genotype frequencies of the ACE modynamics, with its actions mediated primarily by
polymorphism did not differ significantly between angiotensin II. Angiotensin II is a powerful vasocons-
ESRD patients and controls. The patient group trictor and mediator of cellular proliferation and extra-
showed an increased frequency of the T allele of the cellular matrix protein synthesis and accumulation.
AGT polymorphism (P ¼ 0.02) and the C allele and Intrarenal effects of the RA system include changes in
CC genotype of the AT1R polymorphism (P<0.01). renal haemodynamics, such as increase in intraglomer-
There was an association of the AT1R gene poly- ular pressure as well as direct stimulation of mesangial
morphism with the progression of renal disease to cell proliferation and matrix production [4,5].
end-stage failure. The time from diagnosis to the onset Association studies based on the comparison of
of ESRD was significantly shorter in patients carrying genotype and allele distribution in cases and controls
the C allele than in subjects with the homozygous are considered a useful approach in studying the role of
AA genotype (4.7 years vs 12.6 years, P<0.001). The candidate genes in the development and progression
observed effect was not associated with hypertension in of multifactorial diseases. Among the candidate genes
studied subjects. of the RAS, the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE),
Conclusion. The results of our study demonstrate the angiotensinogen (AGT) and angiotensin II type 1
association between the AT1R A/C polymorphism and receptor (AT1R) genes seem to be particularly biologi-
renal disease progression. The CC/AC genotype of this cally and clinically relevant to renal disease. The genetic
polymorphism might serve as a predictor for early polymorphisms of these key components of RAS
provide a basis for studying the relationship between
Correspondence and offprint requests to: Monika Buraczynska, genetic variants and the development of vascular
Laboratory for Molecular Diagnostics of Multifactorial Diseases,
Department of Nephrology, University Medical School,
and/or renal damage in individual subjects [6–8].
Dr K. Jaczewskiego 8, 20-954 Lublin, Poland. ACE gene has a frequent insertion-deletion (I/D)
Email: polymorphism characterized by the presence or absence
ß The Author [2005]. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of ERA-EDTA. All rights reserved.
For Permissions, please email:
980 M. Buraczynska et al.
of a 278 bp Alu repetitive sequence in intron 16. This allele and 190 bp for the deletion allele. With the use of
polymorphism is associated with circulating ACE levels insertion-specific primers, the product of 335 bp was obtained.
[6,9]. Detection of the AGT gene M235T polymorphism was
Several polymorphisms were identified in the AGT performed by restriction typing of polymerase chain
gene which was linked to essential hypertension. reaction (PCR) product. The following primers were used:
Of those, M235T polymorphism (methionine forward: 50 -CCGTTTGTGCAGGGCCTGGCTCTCT-30 and
substituted by threonine) was extensively studied in reverse: 50 -CAGGGTGCTGTCCACACTGGACCCC-30 .
cardiovascular and renal diseases [3]. Genomic DNA (300 ng) was amplified in a final volume of
AT1R polymorphism A1166C is due to a substitu- 50 ml, containing 10 mM TRIS pH 8.3, 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mM
MgCl2, 200 mM each dNTP, 1 mM of each primer and 2 U Taq
tion of cytosine for adenine at the position 1166 in 30
polymerase (all reagents from MBI Fermentas, St. Leon-Rot,
untranslated region. It has been considered a risk factor
Germany). The initial denaturation at 95 C was followed
for hypertension and cardiovascular disease [5]. by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94 C, annealing at 65 C and
In the present study we examined the association elongation at 72 C, 1 min each. Final extension was at 72 C
of the ACE, AGT and AT1R gene polymorphisms for 7 min. The PCR products were digested with PsyI
with the development and progression of end-stage restriction enzyme (MBI Fermentas, St. Leon-Rot,

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renal disease (ESRD) in a fairly large population of Germany) and DNA fragments were separated by electro-
dialysis patients. phoresis in 2% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide.
The M allele was detected as a band of 165 bp, whereas the
mutated T allele showed two fragments, 141 bp and 24 bp.
Subjects and methods The A1166C variant of the AT1R gene was identified
with primers: forward: 50 -GCAGCACTTCACTACCAAAT
Patients and controls GGGC-30 and reverse: 50 -CAGGACAAAAGCAGGCTA
GGGAGA-30 . The reaction conditions were the same as
The study population consisted of 745 unrelated adult for the AGT polymorphism, except for the annealing step
individuals on maintenance dialysis (687 haemodialysis and which was at 55 C. The PCR products were digested with
58 peritoneal dialysis), recruited from ten dialysis centers. BsuRI restriction enzyme (MBI Fermentas, St. Leon-Rot,
All patients were Caucasians of Polish origin. ESRD resulted Germany). In the presence of cytosine there is a restriction site
from chronic glomerulonephritis (n ¼ 246) and interstitial for this enzyme, resulting in a fragment 231 bp (C allele).
nephritis (n ¼ 121) (both confirmed by renal biopsy in Undigested 255 bp fragment indicates the presence of the
majority of patients) as well as from diabetic nephropathy A allele.
(n ¼ 141), polycystic kidney disease (n ¼ 69), hypertensive
nephropathy (n ¼ 53), obstructive nephropathy (n ¼ 33) and
other causes. In about 4% of patients the renal disorder could Statistical analysis
not be diagnosed adequately.
From the study group, 583 patients (78.2%) were Statistical calculations were performed using SPSS for
hypertensive and on antihypertensive medication at the Windows 5.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). Hardy–Weinberg
start of dialysis. Hypertension was defined as a systolic equilibrium was tested with the 2 test. Genotype distribution
blood pressure >140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure and allele frequencies were compared between groups using a
>90 mmHg. Positive family history in first degree relatives 2 test of independence and z statistics. Odds ratios (OR) with
was reported by 163 patients (22%). Creatinine, urea, 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated for the effects of
electrolytes, total cholesterol and other standard chemistry high risk alleles. Student’s t-test was used to compare mean
evaluations were performed in serum, at the onset of dialysis times to ESRD between genotypes. Values of P (two-tailed)
therapy, according to routine methods. The time interval <0.05 were considered statistically significant.
from the first diagnosis of renal disease to ESRD was assessed
by clinicians who did not know the genotype status of the
patients. Results
Healthy control subjects (n ¼ 520), with no clinical signs
of vascular or renal disease and no family history of renal
We genotyped 745 patients undergoing maintenance
disease, were recruited among hospital staff and blood bank
donors. An informed consent for genetic studies was obtained
dialysis and 520 healthy controls for the ACE, AGT
from all subjects. The protocol of the study was read and and AT1R gene polymorphisms. The clinical charac-
approved by the ethics committee of the University Medical teristics of both groups are presented in Table 1. The
School in Lublin. baseline serum creatinine levels and blood pressure
values did not differ between genotypes.
The genotype frequencies in each group satisfied the
Determination of genotypes Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium.
Genomic DNA was isolated from all subjects from peripheral The distribution of genotype and allele frequencies
blood leukocytes by the standard method. were compared between patients and controls (Table 2).
Angiotensin I-converting enzyme I/D genotype was Analysing the entire patient group, no significant
determined using standard protocol [9]. Because of the difference was observed in the genotype distribution
preferential amplification of the D allele, each DD genotype and allele frequencies for the ACE gene polymorphism.
was confirmed by using insertion-specific primers [10]. The carriers of the T allele of the AGT polymorphism
Amplification products had the size of 490 bp for the insertion were more frequent in the patient group compared to
RAS polymorphisms in end-stage renal disease 981
Table 1. Clinical characteristics of studied subjects Table 3. Allele frequencies in dialysis patients with different
primary renal diseases
Characteristic Dialysis patients Controls
(n ¼ 745) (n ¼ 520) Primary disease ACE AGT AT1R

n I D M T A C
Age at study (years) 51.1±11.6 48.3±9.6
Sex (M/F) 415/330 294/226
Dialysis duration (years) 4.5±3.3 NA All patients 745 0.46 0.54 0.49 0.51 0.68 0.32
Time to ESRD (years) 9.8±5.1 NA Glomerulonephritis 246 0.44 0.56 0.47 0.53 0.66 0.34
Total cholesterol (mg/dl) 189.2±41 171±48 Diabetic nephropathy 141 0.44 0.56 0.51 0.49 0.67 0.33
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) 8.9±2.32 ND Interstitial nephritis 121 0.45 0.55 0.44 0.56 0.69 0.31
Hypertension (%) 583 (78.2) 0
Diabetes mellitus (%) 141 (19) 0
Family history of renal disease (%) 163 (22) 0
GFR 9.36±3.59 ND

Values are presented as mean±SD. NA: not applicable. ND: not

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Table 2. Distribution of alleles and genotypes in dialysis patients

and controls

Polymorphism Dialysis patients (n ¼ 745) Controls (n ¼ 520)

alleles I/D 0.46/0.54 0.47/0.53
genotypes: II 171 (23) 112 (21.5)
ID 346 (46.4) 268 (51.5)
DD 228 (30.6) 140 (27)
For D allele carriers OR ¼ 0.92 (95% CI: 0.70–1.20)
Patients vs controls 2 ¼ 0.28, P ¼ 0.59 Fig. 1. Progression to ESRD in dialyzed patients.

alleles M/T 0.49/0.51 0.54/0.46
genotypes: MM 190 (25.5) 163 (31)
MT 354 (47.5) 238 (46)
significant differences were observed compared to the
TT 201 (27) 119 (23) whole patient group.
For T allele carriers OR ¼ 1.33 (95% CI: 1.04–1.70) Genetic polymorphisms of the ACE, AGT and
Patients vs controls 2 ¼ 4.91, P ¼ 0.02 AT1R genes were analysed for their association with
AT1R the rate of progression to ESRD. The results are shown
alleles A/C 0.68/0.32 0.80/0.20 in Figure 1. Progression of renal disease to the end-
genotypes: AA 346 (46.5) 322 (62) stage failure in our patient group was influenced by the
AC 322 (43.2) 182 (35) AT1R polymorphism. We pooled patients homo- and
CC 77 (10.3) 16 (3.0)
For C allele carriers OR ¼ 1.87 (95% CI: 1.49–2.35) heterozygous for the C allele for comparison with the
Patients vs controls  ¼ 28.83, P<0.0001 AA homozygotes. The time from diagnosis to the onset
of ESRD was significantly shorter for patients carrying
ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; AGT, angiotensinogen; the C allele than for subjects with the homozygous AA
AT1R, angiotensin II type 1 receptor; Percentages are shown in
parentheses; NS, not significant. P-values given where significant.
genotype (4.7 vs 12.6 years, P<0.001). When progres-
sion to ESRD was compared between the AA and
AC/CC genotypes in dialysis patients with different
primary renal diseases, the highest rate of progression
controls (P ¼ 0.02). The dialysis patient group also was observed in interstitial nephritis patients with
showed an increased frequency of the C allele and the the C allele (4.1 vs 13.3 years for AC þ CC subjects).
homozygous CC genotype of the AT1R polymorphism, The differences between studied primary diseases were
compared to controls (0.32 vs 0.20 and 10.3 vs 3%, not statistically significant.
respectively), OR ¼ 1.87 (95% CI: 1.49 to 2.35). The No significant differences were found when hyper-
frequency of combined AC and CC genotypes was also tensive and normotensive patients with AC þ CC vs AA
higher in the patient group (53.5 vs 38%, P<0.05). genotypes were compared (data not shown).
Dialyzed patients with hypertension and those without Some interesting results were obtained when the
it showed very similar frequencies of genotypes and patient population was divided into late (>50 years
alleles of studied polymorphisms (P ¼ 0.08 for ACE, of age) and early disease onset subgroups (281
0.12 for AGT and 0.31 for AT1R). and 464 individuals, respectively). The homozygous
Allele frequencies of the examined polymorphisms in TT genotype of the AGT gene polymorphism was
the subgroups of patients with most frequent primary more frequent in the late onset subgroup (38 vs 12%,
renal diseases are presented in Table 3. No statistically P<0.001). Mean time to ESRD in this subgroup
982 M. Buraczynska et al.
was 3.3 vs 8.7 years for the early onset subgroup In a separate study, we genotyped 710 patients from our
(P<0.01). ESRD group and 490 controls with the AGT G(-6)A
polymorphism. The frequency of the A allele was
higher in dialyzed patients than the controls (P ¼ 0.04;
Discussion data not shown). The functional role of the M235T
polymorphism, alone or in conjunction with the G(-6)A
Renal disease progression results from the interaction polymorphism cannot be excluded.
of multiple environmental and genetic factors. Several The interesting finding of our study was the associa-
studies have shown a relationship between genetic tion of the AT1R genotype with the development of
variants of the renin-angiotensin system genes and renal disease and progression to end-stage renal failure.
renal diseases as well as the rate of progression of renal This confirms our previous results [22] with 430 ESRD
damage (reviewed in [3]). There are also studies with patients investigated (206 of which, genotyped for all
negative results concerning these polymorphisms. three polymorphisms, were used in the present inves-
Therefore, including large numbers of patients from tigation). We observed a significant difference in the
the same population might benefit evaluation of these frequency of the C allele and CC homozygotes between

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relationships and add to our knowledge. patients and controls. Due to a small number of
We examined the association between the ACE, patients with the CC genotype, AC and CC genotypes
AGT and AT1R gene polymorphisms and ESRD in were pooled for the renal deterioration analysis.
dialyzed patients. There are only a few papers published Patients carrying the C allele showed more rapid
concerning the relationship of these polymorphisms deterioration of renal function than those with the
with the rate of progression to ESRD in patients with AA genotype. This, to our knowledge, was earlier
chronic renal failure resulting from different diseases. reported only by us for a dialyzed patient population
The I/D polymorphism of the ACE gene was studied [22]. In one study, time to ESRD in female patients with
frequently in cardiovascular and renal diseases. Several diabetic nephropathy who had AC/CC genotype
reports link this polymorphism to the development was significantly shorter than in those with the AA
and progression of chronic renal diseases of different genotype [21]. The comparison between hypertensive
etiologies [11–14]. Some of these studies, however, and normotensive patients indicates that the associa-
involve rather small numbers of patients (n<80). As the tion of the C allele with renal failure and faster
association studies are critically dependent on sample progression to ESRD is independent of hypertension
size, we included a large group of dialyzed patients (data not shown).
in our study. In this group ACE allele frequencies We are not sure at this point whether the association
were similar to those described by others for the Polish of the C allele with renal failure progression is
population. Neither the distribution of ACE genotypes dependent on underlying kidney disease. In our
nor the D allele frequency in the entire patient group previous study [22] the strongest effect was observed
showed any difference from those in the control group. in interstitial nephritis. In the present study the highest
After dividing a patient population according to rate of progression to ESRD was also observed in
underlying renal disease, we still did not observe interstitial nephritis patients with the C allele, but
any differences. This lack of association between the compared to other underlying diseases the differences
ACE I/D polymorphism and renal failure in our study were not statistically significant. Although we studied
is in agreement with some reported data, either for the a large group of patients, this number is probably
entire ESRD population [15] or the particular primary still inadequate to assess the role of the C allele in
renal disease [16–18]. individual disease subgroups.
Several reports investigated the relationship between The risk of renal failure associated with the AT1R C
the AGT gene M235T polymorphism and development allele seems to be more apparent in dialyzed patients
and progression of renal failure in patients with with a positive family history. However, an interactive
different primary renal diseases. Some reported an effect of several factors may lead to an underestimation
association of the T allele of this polymorphism with or an overestimation of the role of any studied
development of chronic renal disease and renal failure polymorphism in determining the phenotype.
[11,14,19]. There are also contradictory reports, The mechanism by which the AT1R A/C poly-
from different populations, that failed to find such morphism affects the development of renal disease and
association [18,21]. In our study the TT genotype was its progression to ESRD remains to be elucidated. It is
more frequent in the patient group compared to healthy possible that predisposition to renal disease is related to
individuals, but the strong association of the TT genetic variability in the sensitivity of target tissues
genotype of the M235T polymorphism with develop- to angiotensin II whose actions are mediated by the
ment of renal failure was observed only in patients AT1R receptor. The studied polymorphism is located
with onset of renal disease after 50 years of age. At in the 30 untranslated region of the gene and is
present this association is difficult to explain and will apparently a nonfunctional mutation [23]. It may be
be a subject of further investigation. The AGT 235T linked, however, to an unidentified functional mutation
allele is in a linkage disequilibrium with the AGT-6A in the AT1R gene or in another closely linked gene
allele of the promoter region polymorphism which was possibly located in regulatory regions, involved in the
found to increase the level of transcription of AGT [20]. development and progression of renal damage.
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Received for publication: 25.3.05

Accepted in revised form: 29.11.05

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