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notes and assignments

sed 's/----/----/g' filename

find , -mtime, type f perm
find is very important --learn it well
netstat - change port
netstat -l, list all the listening ports

soft link -- point to the path of the file

hard link of files , not deleted and oints to the i node in the memory--> ln -s or
ln path of the file
ps -ef --> shows all the process running
ps -aux --> shows latest ones
ps -u username
kill --> to kill any process
bashrc, bash_profile --> both files will be executed whenever a new session starts
we can edit bashrc file to execute all routine commands
alias --> type, source
ping 0 --> status of the current server
ping ip address gives the status of another server.

what is the command to delete a particular line using 'sed' permanently?

command to print particular line using 'sed' ?
command to display last but column using awk ?
how to find only directories and files separaterly - two different commands?
command to display all the empty files and delete them ?
command to display all the files that are larger than 1mb ?
command to display all the non empty files ?
what does the -F mean in awk?

what are the different package installers for different distributions of linux ?
what is the difference between ps and top commands?
what is the difference between bashrc and bash_profile
how to establish a connection & how to setup a passwordless connection in linux
(hint: ssh keygen trsa......)
difference between scp and rsync ?
check for different port numbers? (ssh, tomcat, jenkins, http, https etc.,)

maxdepth, min depth --> find

create hard and softlink
grep and find --- full mastery
inode number - hard link and soft link...
how to run a command or script in the background bring it to foreground, zombie
netstat also full mastery
network commands -- read and practice
command to start a particular service
telnet - command mastery
kill command?
learn hoe to setup a passwordless connection
command to check all packages which are install
command to check the inode number of the file
command to switch between directories
how to check disk usage

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