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was a war chief elected by the council to carry out its

a time embittered the relations between the two countries.

order to prevent the generation of heat when the bullets set

equatorial forest by a new route to the Congo and the west

series'' of the general formula Cn H2n+1COOH, ethylene

side of the Taurus, and the strong city surrendered without a

777 and 786 built a magnificent palace on the site of that of

councillor. In 1754, after seven years' residence partly in

some fifty or sixty plays, among them dramatized versions of

C3H4O3N2. It is reduced by sodium amalgam to glycouril

with ake, a sharp point), a genus of plants belonging to

limits of the Algerian formations took place. Hitherto marine

brought back reports of tribes ruled entirely by women,

bishops of the district, who rejected the extraordinary

effecting a marriage alliance between his house and Philip's,

were famous over Europe, were collected at Amsterdam in 5 vols.

The secondary literature that accompanied the work of

of means of communication and the extension of effective

is manifest in a certaine place, Naturalis Historiae Plinii,

iron. The other impurities are of minor importance.

or set at an angle (a proceeding which is paralleled by the

of the trade between Europe and the East, caused by the

His Life was written by Ferris Greenslet (1908).

productive huertas or gardens, such as those of Alicante and

which he laid before the king in March 1718, eleven months

times to 653, and was continued by other writers until the

and Lombards, and was occupied by the Saracens in 731. Aix,

close of 1779 Sir George Rodney had been appointed to command

mown. Attica was famous for its olives and figs, but general

conceived the idea of his didactic poem, ``The Pleasures of

(see Bosanquet, op. cit. p. 54). Among modern writers the

death he was connected with the Johns Hopkins University,

The consideration covenanted for by the poet's friends was

touches on foreign affairs; the second, to the ``Gentlemen of

Uber die Hochgebirgsflora des tropischen Afrika, 1892).

the academy ran a tilt against the abbe Delille and his

1302 a l'an 1311 by G. Schlumberger (Paris, 1902). (D. H.)

flesh was boiled off the bones at once (``scarification''), or

of the Consuls, very little changed since the time of the

like that of Hissariik, in central Phtygia and at Pteria

received his signature, with the words, ``I approve of this

AMMAN, PAUL (1634-1691), German physician and botanist, was

B.RP.N. Boho reipublicae natus.

first dropped the a- as in the Italian form mandola; the

Olive Oil . . . 306 9 2.9

meet the particular wants of troops engaged in the vicinity;

upon Gratian to call a general council from all parts of the

roused the jealousy of the northerners, and a treaty which

liability. By the common law, as we have seen, the exemption

camera, &c.), they cause a confusion, named chromatic

impartiality. It was his peculiar virtue that he could quote

discharge has been rapid, a rest will enable the cell to resume

so. There are probably more than 100,000 sq. m. of cod-banks

1874 to 1877 as the gateway to the Cassiar mines in British

high court of letters, and a rallying-point for educated

interior and offers easy means of communication. Both the main

discovered by their navigators Portugal claimed sovereign

province. About 1771 he was placed at the head of the ``Green

seize), a term used in Scepticism to denote incomprehensibility.

supplied it with Nile water, became blocked; and although it

figures, and for the wonderful skill with which he retains and

powerful monarchs of the East by the invasion and conquest of

these speeches, as also to titles like ``Jesus the Nazarene''

for the translation into the vernacular of western literature;

See Bahrens, Poetae Latini Minores (1879) and Fragmenta

Halberstadt. In 1514 he obtained the electorate of Mainz,

the mainland of South America about the mouth of the Amazon.

Alpine region.

AFGHAN TURKESTAN, the most northern province of Afghanistan.

himself with whichever power promised at the moment most

1895 73 6305 69,931

Of the rivers flowing to the Indian Ocean the only one draining

Ocean. It is the largest and strongest of all sea-birds.

east to the great crossing of Euphrates at Birejik, and thus

letter to the community at Montpellier proposing to forbid the

the traitor Taku Umar, who had been in alliance with the

arrangement was accepted by Gegenbaur and Haeckel. In the


novelist, also a foreign resident, Francis Marion Crawford

statesmanlike, and under his rule the produce of the Nile

says: ``Although our hands may be already pure, yet unless

to be spoken in Herat, or, roughly speaking, west of the

undertaking. In 1635 a second attempt to found an academy

of the agricultural department of the University College,

scripture. The inconvenience of having a single ambo led

valley are the mining townships of NANTYOLO and BLAINA,

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