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Environmental Science and Pollution Research


Exploring the relationship between economic growth, energy

consumption, urbanization, trade, and CO2 emissions: a PMG-ARDL
panel data analysis on regional classification along 81 BRI economies
Yao Hongxing 1,2 & Olivier Joseph Abban 1 & Alex Dankyi Boadi 3 & Evans Takyi Ankomah-Asare 4

Received: 12 May 2021 / Accepted: 22 July 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

The vision of every country or sub-regions is to achieve sustainable economic growth. The inability of individual countries to
have a sole sustainable initiative has resulted in the establishment of economic cooperation such as the Belt and Road Initiative
(BRI), which renders interaction among 138 relevant countries to increase economic development. This study delves into the
determinants of economic growth along the BRI economic corridors, taking into consideration regional classification of the
relevant countries. The analytical procedure applied indicated the presence of heterogeneity in the slope coefficient and cross-
sectional dependencies across the various panels. Applying the Westerlund bootstrap co-integration test, it was deducted that the
employed variables have a long-run equilibrium association. The results from the pooled mean group (PMG) revealed that the
contribution weight (order of importance) of the explanatory variables to economic growth varies across the regional panel
clusters. Finally, the causality results unveil that a bidirectional causation affiliation exists between energy consumption and
economic growth in all panels except Southeast and South Asia which experience one-way directional effects from energy usage
to economic growth. Trade and economic growth unveiled a bidirectional causal affiliation in all panel groups with exception of
the Middle East and North Africa, where a one-way directional affiliation from trade to economic growth was felt. These results
obtained indicate that energy consumption, urbanization, trade, and CO2 emissions are determinants of economic growth along
the BRI route. Based on the outcome, the suggested policy implications include the following: (a) The government across each
region could incorporate tax and other incentives to encourage entrepreneurs and citizens to produce equipment that reduces
carbon intensity and is ecologically friendly. (b) The necessity for a paradigm shift away from fossil fuels and towards renewable
energy sources should be advocated among the countries involved.

Keywords BRI economies . Energy consumption . Trade . Economic growth . PMG estimation


Responsible Editor: Nicholas Apergis Economic cooperation occurs when two or more countries
collaborate to improve their economies through trade and fi-
* Olivier Joseph Abban nancial assistance, among others. Inability of individual coun- tries to attain economic growth by depending solely on itself
necessitates economic cooperation (Lorenz 1999). Thus, as an
School of Mathematical Science, Institute of Applied Systems and economic cooperation, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) pro-
Analysis (IASA), Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, People’s posed an economic interaction between China and its partners.
Republic of China The initiative aims to improve connectivity between countries
School of Finance and Economics, Jiangsu University, along its route in terms of investment, trade, and infrastructure
Zhenjiang 212013, People’s Republic of China (Zhang et al. 2021). The New Maritime Silk Road known as
Directorate of Research, Innovation and Consultancy, University of the “Road” connects China to Africa, Gulf, and Southeast
Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana Asian countries, as well as Europe, while the Silk Road
National Commission for Tertiary Education, Accra, Ghana Economic Belt known as the “Belt” connects China to South
Environ Sci Pollut Res

and Central Asia and Europe. According to the Chinese gov- (Jannat et al. 2020). Among these factors, energy usage,
ernment, the BRI’s ultimate goal is a win-win cooperation that population growth, trade, and urbanization which result in
promotes mutual growth and prosperity (Li et al. 2021). CO2 emissions are thought to play a controversial role in
Zhang et al. (2021) stated that the BRI is a five-part bundle economic growth (Khan et al. 2020). Zahonogo (2016)
that includes infrastructure connectivity, financial integration, stated that trade openness has a negative significant effect
trade facilitation, coordination of development strategies and on economic growth with low financial development but
policies, and people-to-people exchange. has an insignificant effect in countries with high financial
Taking into account the per capita of the economies along development in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is contrary to
the BRI’s route, most countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, Amna Intisar et al. (2020) who posit that trade openness
Central, and South Asia per the World Bank’s categorization has a significant positive impact on economic growth.
are low and lower countries that are having a per capita less Chen et al. (2020) unveiled that energy usage has a neg-
than US$ 4,000.00 (Dong et al. 2020), whereas most countries ative significant effect on economic growth in a 103-panel
in the Middle East and North Africa, East Asia, and Europe sample, while Muhammad (2019) stated that energy usage
are known to be upper middle-income countries and high- has a significant positive impact on economic growth.
income countries, with an average per capita of $4,126 and Thus, from the above studies, the relationships of the de-
above $12,736 (Dong et al. 2020). Thus, increasing economic terminants of economic growth were inconclusive.
growth in lower economies while maintaining sustainable Odugbesan and Rjoub (2020) posit that the inconclusive-
economic growth in the upper middle and high countries is ness of economic growth’s determinants is as a result of
vital to the BRI. Figure 1 depicts the gross domestic product ad hoc approaches employed, different sample sizes, and
along the BRI countries in 2013 and 2018. the existence of omitted variable bias. Thus, the lack of
Many socioeconomic factors have been cited as consensus on the effect of employed variables on eco-
influencers of economic growth, including infrastructure nomic growth is a major impetus for this study. Thus, this
development, energy use, trade openness, population study aims to unveil the effects of some determinants
growth, a corruption-free society, financial sector devel- (energy intensity, trade openness, CO2 emissions, and ur-
opment, and good governance policy, among others banization) on economic growth along the BRI route.

Fig. 1 Gross domestic product of

countries along the BRI in 2013
and 2018 (source: author)
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These variables were chosen based on the following promote trade among economies involved in the BRI, it is
rationale. important to understand the effect of trade on economic
Energy usage plays a pivotal role in sustainable economic growth (Chen et al. 2019b). The addition of this variable is
growth (Muhammad 2019). Zhang et al. (2019) argue that the to lay a foundation for further study on trade’s impact on the
BRI economies can achieve the needed sustainable economic economic growth of BRI economies, as well as institutions
growth if there is an increase in energy consumption (renew- and policies needed to maximize the benefit of BRI (Zhang
able energy) across all economies along its route. The BRI, as et al. 2019). With the help of the UN Comtrade database, we
part of its plans, aims to promote energy infrastructure con- quantify the weight of 60 BRI economies in global trade. The
nectivity, develop cross-border power supply networks and trade data show that BRI economies accounted for 39% of
power transmission routes, work together to ascertain the se- world trade in 2017, whereas intra-regional trade between
curity of gas pipelines and oil and other transportation routes, Central Asia, East-Asia, Europe, and Pacific accounted for
and collaborate on regional power grid upgrading and trans- about 80% of the total trade along the BRI economies in
formation (Hafeez et al. 2019). Also, Zhang (2019) affirmed 2017. Thus, as intra-regional trade rises, it is expected that
that fossil fuels account for 84% of total energy consumption, economic growth along the BRI route increases.
while renewable energy accounts for just 16% of the BRI’s Based on the above highlights, the current study explores
plan to achieve economic growth. Thus, the inclusion of en- the effects of energy consumption, CO2 emissions, trade, and
ergy intensity in this study as a determinant of economic urbanization on economic growth. This study is complemen-
growth was critical. Another determinant of economic growth tary to existing knowledge by accounting for other covariates
is CO2 emissions (Mardani et al. 2019). Gozgor et al. (2018) like energy consumption, urbanization, CO2 emissions, trade,
revealed that to attain economic height implies increasing en- and economic growth in the regional classification of BRI
ergy consumption which turns to escalate CO2 emissions. countries in the presence of labor and gross capital formation.
Abbasi et al. (2020) posit that the degradation of the ozone As a result, this study aims to contribute to the existing liter-
layer and its associated global warming is on the ascendancy ature along the BRI route, which has previously been recorded
primarily because of greenhouse gases (GHGs) produced by in two ways:
burning fossil fuels all in the name of economic growth attain-
ment, which concurs with Wu et al. (2020) that fossil fuel (FF) (i) In terms of scope, this study, to the fullest of the authors’
combustion provides approximately 90% of the energy re- knowledge, is among the few to examine the employed
quirements along the BRI, thus the possibility of environmen- variables across regional integration. In addition, the
tal degradation. However, Kasman and Duman (2015) stated study discusses the problems and opportunities for trade,
that CO2 emission is just a by-product of economic growth energy efficiency, environmental degradation, and sus-
and with time, there will be a balance between economic tainable growth along the BRI.
growth and its associated emanations of CO2. (ii) In terms of methodology, cross-sectional dependence
Shaheen et al. (2020) have argued that urbanization is a and slope homogeneity are well-known problems in pan-
determinant of economic growth. This concurs with the work el econometrics, which some previous studies have
done by Bekhet and Othman (2017), who also posits that failed to address. As a result, in the study’s econometric
increase in urbanization increases the level of economic activ- modeling, these issues are addressed. The study uses the
ity, which turns to increase economic growth. Both economic recent panel estimators to ensure consistent and accurate
growth and urbanization are arguably interdependent, with results that are useful for decision-making along the rel-
economic growth occurring without urbanization and vice evant BRI countries.
versa (Abban and Hongxing 2021). However, it is unclear if
these economic growth and urbanization are causally related The remaining sections are as follows: literature review in
(Nathaniel and Bekun 2021). Furthermore, Nathaniel and the “Literature review” section, exploratory data analysis and
Bekun (2021) argued that economic growth is not only a model specification in the “Exploratory data analysis and
product of urbanization but also a source of it. The global model specification” section, and empirical results in the
urban population has grown from 30% in 1950 to about “Empirical results” section, followed by discussion in the
55% in 2018, and this increase was attributed to the economic “Discussion” section and then finally the “Conclusion” sec-
growth of nations (Statista 2018). With cities accounting for tion with the conclusion and policy implication.
more than 80% of global GDP (Hanif 2018), urbanization
would lead to long-term economic growth if it is well-
managed by enhancing competitiveness and encouraging in- Literature review
novation and new ideas. Thus, the issue of whether urbaniza-
tion promotes economic growth or vice versa, or whether they Numerous studies have been done in investigating the rela-
are mutually exclusive, remains unanswered. Intending to tionship between economic growth and energy consumption
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since the pioneering studies (Akarca and Long II 1979; Kraft Bidirectional hypothesis
and Kraft 1978). The results from these studies can be grouped
into four hypotheses. The first hypothesis is known as the Likewise did Baz et al. (2021) examined the nexus between
growth hypothesis, and it is supported by a unidirectional energy consumption and economic growth from 1980 to 2017
causality from energy consumption to economic growth. in Pakistan using a non-linear autoregressive distributed lag
The second hypothesis, known as the feedback hypothesis, and asymmetric causality approaches. They revealed that a
states that a two-way causal liaison exists between economic feedback causality was observed between economic growth
growth and energy consumption. The third hypothesis known and energy consumption. Munir et al. (2020) studied the rela-
as the conservation hypothesis implies that there is an evi- tionship between energy consumption and economic growth
dence of a unidirectional causal liaison from economic growth in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN-5)
to energy consumption. Finally, the neutrality hypothesis re- countries from 1980 to 2016. They utilized the Granger cau-
vealed that no causal affiliation exists between economic sality test and revealed that a bidirectional causation exists
growth and energy consumption. between energy use and economic growth in five countries
employed. Akadiri et al. (2020) examined the relationship
Growth hypothesis between trade and economic growth for 25 African countries
from 1980 to 2018 using the panel bootstrapping co-
Ajmi and Inglesi-Lotz (2020) investigated the relationship integration technique. The results from the Granger causality
between biomass energy consumption and economic for revealed a bidirectional trade and economic growth. Wasti and
26 OECD countries from 1980 to 2013. By employing the Zaidi (2020) investigated the relationship between trade and
panel VECM G ranger causality to examine the economic growth in Kuwait from 1971 to 2017 using aug-
relationship, they revealed the existence of a mented Dicky-Fuller and Phillips-Perron methods together
unidirectional affiliation from energy use to economic with the Granger causality. Their empirical results revealed
growth in OECD. Saad and Taleb (2018) also applied that a bidirectional affiliation exists between trade and
the Granger causality test to investigate the relationship economic growth. Iheonu et al. (2021) investigated the rela-
between economic growth and energy consumption in tionship between economic growth and CO2 emissions in
European Union from 1990 to 2014. The results obtained SSA from 12 using the panel quantile regression analysis.
from the Granger causality revealed that a one-way cau- The empirical evidence from their study revealed that a bidi-
sation effect exists from energy consumption to economic rectional effect exists between economic growth and environ-
growth in Europe. Bouyghrissi et al. (2021) examined the mental sustainability (CO2). Topcu et al. (2020) examined the
relationship between renewable energy consumption and relationship between urbanization and economic growth in
economic growth in Morocco from 1990 to 2014 by 124 countries using panel vector autoregressive (PVAR) ap-
employing the Granger causality test and the auto- proach from 1980 to 2018. They revealed that a bidirectional
regressive distributed lag model approach. It was evi- affiliation exists between urbanization and economic growth
denced from their results that there exists a unidirectional in high, upper middle, and lower middle-income countries.
causation effect from renewable energy consumption to
economic growth in Morocco. Armeanu et al. (2021) ex- Unidirectional hypothesis
amined the multidimensional linkage between economic
growth and urbanization across different income group- Abban et al. (2020) investigated the relationship between en-
ings from 1990 to 2014 by employing the Granger test. ergy intensity, economic growth, and CO2 emissions in 44
They stated from their empirical results that a unidirec- BRI countries from 1990 to 2018 by using the AMG
tional causation effect exists from urbanization to eco- estimation approach. Evidence from their empirical findings
nomic growth in high and upper middle-income countries. indicated that there exists a unidirectional causality effect
Stamatiou et al. (2021) also examined the relationship from economic growth to energy intensity in high and lower
amidst economic growth and trade from 2000 to 2017 middle income. Mohsin et al. (2021) assessed the impact of
for Greece by employing the vector error correction mod- transition from non-renewable energy to renewable energy on
el (VECM) and the Granger causality test. They revealed economic growth in 25 Asian economies from 2000 to 2016
that a one-way causal liaison exists from trade to econom- by employing robust random effect and Hausman Taylor re-
ic growth in Greece. Chen et al. (2019b) examined the gression. Evidence from their results indicated that the con-
relationship between CO 2 emissions and economic servation hypothesis exists. Thus, a one-way causation liaison
growth in China from 1980 to 2014 by employing the exists from economic growth to energy consumption.
Granger causality approach. They also revealed that a Ivanovski et al. (2021) also study the effect of renewable
unidirectional affiliation from CO 2 emissions to and non-renewable energy consumption on economic growth
economic growth exists in China. from 1990 to 2015 in both non-OECD and OECD countries
Environ Sci Pollut Res

by employing the local linear dummy variable estimation ap- a panel dataset for 81 BRI economies, taking into account
proach. They revealed the existence of the conservation hy- their regional groupings.
pothesis and concluded that a one-way causation effect exists
from economic growth to both renewable and non-renewable
energy consumption in all panel groupings. Asiedu et al.
(2021) study the relationship between trade, economic Exploratory data analysis and model
growth, and environmental degradation in Belgium, the specification
USA, and Canada using panel data from 1995 to 2016 by
employing the ARDL approach. They revealed the existence Descriptive statistics
of the conservation hypothesis; thus, a unidirectional effect
exists from economic growth to trade in all countries. Kong Currently, the BRI constitutes 138 states. Table 1 revealed that
et al. (2021) examined the impact of trade on sustainable eco- the study selected 81 countries as a result of data availability
nomic growth in China by using the ARDL model from 1994 from 1990 to 2018 and grouped them into their regional clas-
to 2018. They stated that a unidirectional affiliation from eco- sification. The selected variables, definition, abbreviation, and
nomic growth to trade exist, thus the confirmation of the con- sources are presented in Table 2. Comparatively from Table 3,
servation hypothesis. Anwar et al. (2020) examined the im- per capita income is relatively high in Europe compared to the
pact of urbanization, CO2 emissions, and economic growth in other regions, with SSA having the lowest per capita income.
eastern Asian countries from 1980 to 2017. They also Inferring to the values of kurtosis and skewness, none of the
confirmed the existence of the conservation hypothesis. variables followed the normal distribution. The Jarque-Bera
(JB) normality test is used to attest the kurtosis and skewness
Neutrality hypothesis test of normality, with the probability of rejection less than
0.05. The tolerance values and variance inflation factor (VIF)
Sunde (2020) examined the relationship between energy are used to ascertain the multicollinearity between variables.
consumption and economic growth for SADC countries Since the values of VIF are less than 5 and the values of
from 1971 to 2015 by employing the Granger causality test. tolerance are greater 0.2, it can be reasoned that each indepen-
The empirical evidence from their study revealed that the dent variable has a unique effect on the response variable.
neutrality hypothesis exists between energy consumption Lastly, the Pearson product correlation in Table 4 revealed
and economic growth in SADC. Nathaniel and Bekun that there was no strong association among the factors of eco-
(2021) examined the relationship between urbanization, elec- nomic growth under study since the coefficient of correlation
tricity consumption, and economic growth in Nigeria from was less than 0.7.
1971 to 2014 by using the bounds, Bayer and Hanck, and
vector error correction model Granger causality test. Their
empirical results revealed the presence of the neutrality Model specification
hypothesis between urbanization and economic growth in
the short run. Gozgor et al. (2018) also examined the relation- With the aim of establishing the nexus among GDP, ENI,
ship between energy consumption and economic growth in 29 CO2, EXP, and URB, this empirical analysis adopted the neo-
OECD countries by using the ARDL and panel quantile classical Solow growth model with the Cobb-Douglas produc-
regression approaches. Evidence from their study revealed tion function framework which is modeled as:
the existence of the neutrality hypothesis between energy
consumption and economic growth in the panel dataset for GDPit ¼ A*it f ðGCF it ; LABit Þ ð1Þ
the 29 countries. Mikayilov et al. (2018) also examined the
where GDPit denotes real income (GDP per capita), Ait
impact of economic growth on CO2 emissions in Azerbaijan
stands for technology parameter, GCFit is real capital stock,
from 1992 to 2013 by employing the DOLS/FMOLS. They
and LABit represents labor. The Solow (1956) neoclassical
tested the presence of EKC in Azerbaijan and confirmed the
Solow growth model originally does not treat trade, urbaniza-
existence of the inverted U-shaped hypothesis. However, the
tion, carbon dioxide emissions, and energy use as production
neutrality hypothesis was confirmed between CO2 emissions
factors, but rather treats the economy as a closed system in
and economic growth.
which goods are supplied by capital and labor inputs. Thus,
Overall, our evaluation of the literature revealed that prior
the Cobb-Douglas function for finding the relationship be-
study’s empirical findings are inconclusive. One possible rea-
tween performance and economic factors in this study was
son could be that prior studies did not take into account the
formulated as below:
relationship between economic growth, energy consumption,
urbanization, trade, and CO2 emissions. Thus, in this study, GDPit ¼ A*it GCF αit LABβit ð2Þ
this void was addressed by applying recent panel estimators to
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 1 List of selected countries

Regional panel classification Selected countries

East Asia and Central Asia (EACA) China, Kazakhstan, Korea, Rep., Kyrgyz Republic, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Iraq, Jordan
South America and Pacific (SAAP) Chile, Costa Rica, New Zealand, Ecuador, El Salvador, Jamaica, Panama, Peru,
Southeast And South Asia (SESA) Brunei, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan,
Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) Angola, Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Rep., Cote d'Ivoire, Gabon, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique,
Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, Togo, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Europe (Europe) Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech, Greece, Hungary,
Italy, Malta, Moldova, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,
Slovak Republic, Serbia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine

where the estimates of labor and physical capital stock are LnGDPit ¼ β0 þ β 1 LnENI it þ β3 LnEXPit þ β 4 LnCO2it
measured by α and β, respectively. Therefore, our designated
economic growth model was based on energy use, CO2 emis- þ LnURBit þ εit β 2 LnGCF it þ β5 LnLAF it
sions, trade, urbanization, physical capital stock, and labor. þ β6 ð5Þ
Thus, Eq. 2 can be expanded as:
where the coefficient of the slope is β0, t stands for the
GDPit ¼ Ait GCF αit LABβit CO2it ENI γit EXP∅ φ
it URBit ð3Þ period of study, i points to each country selected in the study
(1, 2, N), and error term is given by εit. The coefficients for
where ENI is energy usage, CO2 is carbon dioxide emis-
ENI, EXP, CO2, URB, GCF, and LAF are represented by β1
sions, EXP represents exports of goods, and URB is urbani-
− β6, respectively.
zation. α, β, γ, ∅ , and φ explain the output of capital stock,
labor, CO2 emissions, energy use, urbanization, and trade,
respectively. All variables are included in this study with the Analytical procedure
exception of Ait which was not observed.
In order to specify the effects of the exploratory variables on the
LnGDPit ¼ LnAit þ β1 LnGCF it þ β2 LnLAF it
dependent variables, the following process was undertaken: (1)
þ β3 LnENI it þ β4 LnCO2it þ β 5 LnEXPit Various cross-sectional dependency test (Breusch-Pagan LM,
Pesaran scaled LM, Pesaran CD, bias-corrected scaled LM, and
þ þβ 6 LnURBit ð4Þ Friedman) together with the Pesaran and Yamagata (2008) ho-
mogeneity test were performed to substantiate the existence of
cross-sectional dependency and heterogeneous slopes in the
Thus, LnAit = β0 + εit, where β0 measures the average ef-
panels. (2) The confirmation of cross-sectional reliance and
ficiency level across the cross-sections and over a period and
the heterogeneity in slope led to the usage of CADF and
εit is the deviation from the mean. Therefore, the above equa-
CIPS unit roots test suggested by Pesaran (2007) to determine
tion was rewritten as:
the stationarity of the employed variables. (3) In order to

Table. 2 Variables’ description and data source

Variable Definition Abb. Period Source

Economic growth GDP per capita (constant 2010 US$) GDP 1990–2018 WDI
Trade Export of goods (current US $) provided to the rest of the world TRD 1990–2018 WDI
Energy intensity Energy consumption per capital (kg of oil equivalent) ENI 1990–2018 WDI
Carbon dioxide emissions CO2 emitted from fossil consumption in kilotons CO2 1990–2018 WDI
Urbanization Urbanization, total urban population URB 1990–2018 WDI
Labor force Labor force, total LAB 1990–2018 WDI
Gross capital formation Gross capital formation (current US$) GCF 1990–2018 WDI

Note: WDI World Bank Development Indicators

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Table 3 Descriptive statistics

Regional Variable Mean Std.Dev Skewness Kurtosis JB test VIF Tolerance

EACA GDP 4970.354 6601.677 2.000 6.280 234.226a 1.734 0.401

ENI 1893.337 1443.227 0.855 2.600 27.025a 2.081 0. 334
LAB 1.13E+08 2.58E+08 2.055 5.263 192.701a 2.161 0.377
POP 1.181250 0.796435 −0.902 5.140 68.561a 1.603 0.472
GCF 26.68447 8.459802 0.072 2.819 560.74a 1.918 0.547
TRD 1.89E+11 4.75E+11 3.371 13.892 143.91a 3.419 0.731
URB 88517107 2.01E+08 2.429 7.573 389.55a 4.021 0.438
MENA GDP 10431.28 143.352 0.808 2.343 41.88a 3.044 0.280
ENI 2722.521 2955.106 1.784 5.478 259.58a 2.379 1.186
LAB 6387585. 6637930. 1.759 6.028 296.47a 3.086 0.245
POP 2.439873 1.379300 1.548 5.5272 219.75a 2.093 0.577
GCF 21.84189 7.068707 −0.344 3.931 18.488 2.328 0.791
TRD 3.55E+10 5.78E+10 3.803 19.399 443.69a 1.304 0.190
URB 12308379 10253456 0.839 2.797 39.35a 2.388 0.351
SAAP GDP 9159.204 9118.255 2.009 5.845 242.53a 1.732 0.112
ENI 1310.739 1139.596 1.826 4.978 172.49a 3.221 1.024
LAB 4497837. 4227460. 1.596 4.843 135.98a 1.649 0.846
POP 1.326825 0.567465 0.157 2.092 9.214b 1.889 0.730
GCF 21.79487 4.720225 1.364 6.709 212.16a 3.984 1.052
TRD 1.67E+10 1.93E+10 1.507 4.430 111.36a 3.460 0.744
URB 7034729. 6538934. 1.194 3.199 57.49a 2.635 0.532
SESA GDP 7444.971 13545.06 2.096 6.105 442.42a 2.050 0.755
ENI 1429.234 2212.031 2.020 5.849 397.37a 2.551 0.826
LAB 59319519 1.10E+08 2.922 10.461 149.70a 1.924 0.733
POP 1.657920 0.768146 0.526 4.657 62.641a 1.155 0.836
GCF 24.01301 6.674034 0.294 2.730 6.795c 1.231 0.890
TRD 6.02E+10 9.54E+10 2.263 7.944 730.35a 3.990 0.222
URB 49204426 90567415 2.943 11.243 167.67a 1.255 0.326
SSA GDP 1987.485 2310.644 2.657 9.731 156.19a 1.027 0.475
ENI 507.4638 389.3552 3.538 19.694 698.70a 2.135 0.699
LAB 8715044. 108089 2.784 11.194 205.93a 1.751 0.544
POP 2.705225 0.602513 −1.013 5.768 250.11a 1.386 0.327
GCF 21.89387 8.955119 1.650 10.147 137.43a 1.270 0.427
TRD 6.56E+09 1.42E+10 4.167 21.434 868.21a 1.150 0.756
URB 8689382. 140393 4.165 22.204 931.81a 2.992 0.695
Europe GDP 16938.08 19287.20 2.919 12.900 412.21a 1.560 0.937
ENI 2673.715 1465.493 2.084 9.136 1719.734 1.273 0.910
LAB 8971233. 1524519 3.190 13.575 477.51a 1.065 0.648
POP 0.093467 0.881261 0.445 4.198 69.718 2.773 0.308
GCF 22.47786 5.359089 0.887 7.167 641.57a 1.250 0.487
TRD 6.03E+10 9.73E+10 2.833 11.739 339.40a 3.028 0.352
URB 13155097 228501 2.955 11.829 327.67a 2.576 1.003

Note: a, b, and c represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively

determine the long-term connection among the variables, the The pooled mean group (PMG) formulated by Pesaran
Westerlund and Edgerton (2007) test was carried out. (4) The et al. (1999) was used to determine the short- and long-run
long-term and short-run effects of the exploratory variables on estimates of the employed explanatory variables on the re-
the response variable were obtained with the PMG estimators. sponse variable. The PMG permits the short-term parameters
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Table 4 Pearson correlation analysis


GDP Pearson corr. Sig.(2-tailed) 1 0.303a (0.000) 0.517a (0.000) −0.273a (0.000) 0.416a (0.000) 0.353a (0.000) 0.275a (0.000)
ENI Pearson corr. Sig.(2-tailed) 1 −0.336a (0.000) 0.272a (0.000) −0.412b (0.040) 0.016a (0.000) −0.512a (0.000)
LAB Pearson corr. Sig.(2-tailed) 1 −0.097b (0.011) 0.422a (0.000) −0.146a (0.000) 0.087a (0.000)
POP Pearson corr. Sig.(2-tailed) 1 0.260a (0.007) 0.102a (0.000) −0.479b (0.000)
GCF Pearson corr. Sig.(2-tailed) 1 −0.532a (0.000) −0.069b (0.012)
TRD Pearson corr. Sig.(2-tailed) 1 −0.317a (0.000)
URB Pearson corr. Sig.(2-tailed) 1

Note: a, and b represent statistical significance at 1%, 5% level respectively

m n n
to differentiate between the groups, whereas the long-term coef- ɸi ¼ −1 þ ∑ λij ; αi ¼ ∑ δij ; λ*ij ¼ ∑ λip þ; j
ficients are assumed to be equal between groups. The PMG j¼1 j¼1 j¼1

estimator again embraces heterogeneity in the slope-intercept, ¼ 1; 2; …m−1

short-term coefficient, and error variance in between groups,
while it observes uniformity in the long-term slope coefficient. b
δij ¼ ∑ b
More interestingly, the PMG is applicable in cases where the p¼ jþ1

employed variables are I (1) or I (0). Ultimately, the Hausman

poolability test was used to ascertain whether pooling long-term Thus, in regrouping Eq. 7, Eq. 8 was obtained:
coefficients were effective and appropriate. Considering an  0
 m−1 m−1 0
ARDL(p,q) model, where the lag order of the response variable Δyi:t ¼ ɸi yi:t þ θi xit þ ∑ λij Δyi:t− j þ ∑ δ*ij Δxi:t− j
j¼0 j¼0
is given by p, while q indicates the lag order of the independent
variables, then the expression of the model is given by: þ εi:t ð8Þ
p q 0
yit ¼ ∑ λij yi:t− j þ ∑ δij xi:t− j þ εi;t ð6Þ ɸ′s indicates the error correction terms, δ*ij shows parame-
j¼1 j¼1
ters in the short run, θi interprets the long-run association
among the response (yi. t) and exploratory variables (xit). δij
where i = 1, 2, ……N stands for the individual countries
0 on the other hand indicates coefficients in the long term which
and t = 1, 2, …T is the periods, λij is a scalar vector, δij is a k − are concerned with the long-term causalities between the de-
1 vector for the coefficients of the independent variables, xi. t − pendent variables and their corresponding explanatory vari-
j represents k − 1 vector of explonatory variables, yit indicates ables. The short-term causalities from the explanatory vari-
the response variable, and εi, t indicates the error terms. The ables to the dependent variables are described by the short-
error correction model of Equation 15 under the equilibrium run parameters. They are expected to be negative and signif-
state is expressed as: icant, indicating a long-term relationship among the variables.
The rate of adjustment is calculated according to the inverse
0 m−1 m−1 0
ratio of the absolute value of the error correction terms. Hence,
Δyi:t ¼ ɸi yi:t þ αi xit þ ∑ λ*ij Δyi:t− j þ ∑ δ*ij Δxi:t− j þ εi:t ð7Þ we constructed the modified model in Eq. (5) as ARDL model
j¼0 j¼o
in the following format:

h 0  i m−1 0
ΔGDPi;t ¼ β0 þ ɸ1;i GDPi;t−1 −θ1:i ENI i:t þ CO2;i:t þ TRDi:t þ URBi:t þ LABi:t þ GCF i:t þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGDPi;t− j

m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0

þ ∑ δ*ij ΔENI i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔCO2;i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔTRDi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔURBi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔLABi;t− j
j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0

m−1 0
þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGCF i;t− j þ εi:t ð9Þ
Environ Sci Pollut Res

h 0  i m−1 0
ΔENI i;t ¼ β1 þ ɸ2;i ENI i;t−1 −θ2:i GDPi:t þ CO2;i:t þ TRDi:t þ URBi:t þ LABi:t þ GCF i:t þ ∑ δ*i j ΔGDPi;t− j

m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0

þ ∑ δ*ij ΔENI i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔCO2;i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔTRDi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔURBi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔLABi;t− j
j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0

m−1 0
þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGCF i;t− j þ εi:t ð10Þ

h 0
i m−1 0
ΔCO2;i;t ¼ β3 þ ɸ3;i CO2;i;t−1 −θ3:i ðGDPi:t þ ENI i:t þ TRDi:t þ URBi:t þ LABi:t þ GCF i:t Þ þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGDPi;t− j

m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0

þ ∑ δ*ij ΔENI i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔCO2;i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔTRDi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔURBi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔLABi;t− j
j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0

m−1 0
þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGCF i;t− j þ εi:t ð11Þ

h 0  i m−1 0
ΔTRDi;t ¼ β4 þ ɸ4;i TRDi;t−1 −θ4:i ENI i:t þ CO2;i:t þ GDPi:t þ URBi:t þ LABi:t þ GCF i:t þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGDPi;t− j

m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0

þ ∑ δ*ij ΔENI i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔCO2;i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔTRDi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔURBi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔLABi;t− j
j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0

m−1 0
þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGCF i;t− j þ εi:t ð12Þ

h 0  i m−1 0
ΔURB ¼ β5 þ ɸ5;i URBi;t−1 −θ5:i ENI i:t þ CO2;i:t þ TRDi:t þ GDPi:t þ LABi:t þ GCF i:t þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGDPi;t− j

m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0

þ ∑ δ*ij ΔENI i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔCO2;i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔTRDi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔURBi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔLABi;t− j
j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0

m−1 0
þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGCF i;t− j þ εi:t ð13Þ

h 0  i m−1 0
ΔLABi;t ¼ β6 þ ɸ6;i LABi;t−1 −θ6:i ENI i:t þ CO2;i:t þ TRDi:t þ URBi:t þ GDPi:t þ GCF i:t þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGDPi;t− j

m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0

þ ∑ δ*ij ΔENI i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔCO2;i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔTRDi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔURBi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔLABi;t− j
j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0

m−1 0
þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGCF i;t− j þ εi:t ð14Þ

h 0  i m−1 0
ΔGCF i;t ¼ β7 þ ɸ7;i GCF i;t−1 −θ7:i ENI i:t þ CO2;i:t þ TRDi:t þ URBi:t þ LABi:t þ GDPi:t þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGDPi;t− j

m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0 m−1 0

þ ∑ δ*ij ΔENI i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔCO2;i;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔTRDi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔURBi;t− j þ ∑ δ*ij ΔLABi;t− j
j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0 j¼0

m−1 0
þ ∑ δ*ij ΔGCF i;t− j þ εi:t ð15Þ
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Empirical results variables. Considering the test statistics Gτ, Gα, Pτ and Pα, the
alternate hypothesis was accepted at the various significance
Cross-sectional correlation test results levels. The robust p-value, as seen in Table 8, which offers clear
evidence for co-integration, was the basis for decision-making.
Table 5 indicates the results from the cross-section reliance
test. The null hypothesis of cross-sectional independency was
rejected based of the findings from the different tests. As a
Parameter estimation
result, it was deducted that there are sufficient grounds for
Having inferred co-integration among the variables, it was
cross-section correlation in the error terms among the vari-
necessary to determine estimates for the short term and long
ables in the panel groupings. As a result, cross-sectional de-
term and again analyze the causalities. To be able to employ
pendency was taken into account in the econometric
the best estimator, the Hausman test was used as required by
literature to determine the proper estimator for the model. The
Hausman test was used to confirm the hypothesis of long-term
Heterogeneity of slope test results
homogeneity; hence, it was reasoned that the PMG estimator
was more effective. Per the results obtained from the PMG
Disregarding heterogeneity of slope coefficients can result in
estimator, the estimate of error correction terms of all variables
distorted inferences and imprecise estimates. Thus, by
(ECTs) has expected signs indicating statistical significance at
employing the Pesaran and Yamagata (2008) test in accession
the 1% level. Of interest in this study is the effect of the
making, Table 6 indicates the acceptance of the alternative
explanatory variables on economic growth and its causation.
hypothesis of heterogeneity in the slope coefficient. On this
foundation, robust estimators for cross-sectional reliance and
heterogeneous problems were utilized. Long- and short-run estimates for EACA

Panel unit root test results The PMG results for the EACA in Table 9 indicates that a 1%
increase in ENI, CO2, GCF, EXP, and URB turns to increase
Table 7 exhibits the findings from the unit root test. The find- GDP by 0.725%, 0.871%, 0.276%, 2.610%, and 0.642%, re-
ings unveiled that the null hypothesis of unit root is recog- spectively, in terms of the long-run estimations. However, for
nized irrespective of the time trend and levels. The seven the short-run estimates, a percentage increase in ENI, LAB,
variables were stable at the various significance levels of CO2, EXP, and URB steps up GDP by 0.503%, 0.110%,
1%, 5%, and 10% after the first difference. Thus, in econo- 0.148%, 0.308%, and 0.315%, respectively, whereas LAB
metrics, it is deduced that the variables were of order 0, I (0) and GCF had no significant impact on GDP. In regard to the
and then order 1, I (1). This then offers the possibility of causation effect using the PMG estimator, it was revealed that
further analysis of the long-term equilibrium relationship in the long run, a bidirectional causal effect exists between
among the variables. As stated by Abban et al. (2020), vari- ENI-GDP, GDP-EXP, and GDP-URB, whereas a one-
ables have to be stable to obtain efficient estimates. directional causal effect from CO2 to GDP and from GCF to
GDP. However, in the short run, a one-way causation effect
Co-integration test results was observed from ENI to GDP, from CO2 to GDP, from EXP
to GDP, and from URB to GDP. The inclusion of labor force
The Westerlund and Edgerton (2007) co-integration was and physical capital stock is a critical share of this study in
employed in evaluating the long-run relationship between the order to address bias problems with regard to omitted

Table 5 Cross-sectional dependency results


Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob.

BP-LM test 21.72a 0.000 166a 0.000 66.02a 0.000 366a 0.000 659.2a 0.000 554.7a 0.000
CDLM test 12.963a 0.000 6.385a 0.000 1.985b 0.047 12.98a 0.000 16.37a 0.000 7.089a 0.000
CDLM Adj. test 11.479a 0.009 17.16a 0.000 7.207a 0.000 42.83a 0.000 58.84a 0.000 9.905a 0.000
CDP test 9.371a 0.000 3.592a 0.003 8.954a 0.000 16.349a 0.000 16.623a 0.000 18.214a 0.000
Friedman test 74.252a 0.000 48.935a 0.000 83.603a 0.000 109.25a 0.000 141.24a 0.000 43.270a 0.000

Note: a, and b represent statistical significance at 1%, 5% level respectively

Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 6 Heterogeneity of slope test results


Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob Value Prob. Value Prob.

Delta tilde (Δ 41.34a 0.000 57.09a 0.000 28.509a 0.000 31.02a 0.000 52.76a 0.000 4567 7654
Adj. Delta tilde (Δ 23.75a 0.000 32.82b 0.000 9.07a 0.000 19.75a 0.000 34.06a 0.000 28.71a 0.000

Note: a represent statistical significance at 1% level respectively

variables. Finally, the value of the ECTs from the PMG estimator ENI, CO2, GCF, and EXP increases GDP by 0.266%,
unveiled that GDP, ENI, CO2, EXP, and URB are statistically 0.219%, 0.315%, and 0.142%, respectively. The long-
significant with their corresponding adjustment rate given by run estimates indicate that a unit increase in ENI, LAB,
3.60, 2.77, 3.32, and 2.40 years, respectively. This indicates a CO2, EXP, and URB correspondently increases GDP by
quick long-run equilibrium deviation by the variables. The 0.574%, 0.428%, 0.039%, 0.689%, and 0.503%, respec-
Haussmann test concludes that at a 1% level of significance, it tively. Considering the causal affiliation between the ex-
is difficult to decline the homogeneous restriction in long-term planatory variables and GDP, it was observed that in the
equilibrium, indicating that the PMG estimator is suitable and long term, a bidirectional causation effect was observed
accurate for estimating the pooling long-term coefficients. between ENI-GDP, CO2-ENI, and EXP-GDP, with a one-
way causation affiliation from LAB to GDP and from
Long- and short-run estimates for MENA URB to GDP. For the short run, it was observed that a
two-way cause and effect relation was seen between
For the MENA countries, the long-run estimates from the GDP-ENI, CO2-GDP, GCF-GDP, and URB-GDP, while
PMG estimation in Table 10 indicate that a unit increase in in the short run, a unidirectional causation affiliation was
ENI, LAB, CO2, EXP, and URB steps up GDP by 0.578%, seen from EXP to GDP and URB to GDP, with a bidirec-
0.215%, 0.109%, 0.697%, and 0.411%, respectively. For the tional causation effect between ENI and GDP. In regard to
short run, the estimates revealed that a percentage increase in the rate of adjustment among the employed variables, it
ENI, LAB, GCF, and EXP turns to speed up GDP by 0.257%, was indicated by the PMG estimator that GDP, ENI, CO2,
1.158%, 0.027%, and 2.948%, respectively. However, no sig- EXP, and URB have a rate of adjustment of 3.13, 2.24,
nificant effect of CO2 and URB was felt in the short run. In 2.12, and 3.23 years. Once again for SAAP economies, a
estimating the causal affiliation, it was revealed that in the quick long-run equilibrium deviation was shown by the
long run, a bidirectional causation affiliation was observed employed variables. Finally, the Haussmann test shows
between ENI-GDP, GDP-CO2, and URB-GDP, with a unidi- that at a 1% level of significance, it is difficult to reject
rectional causation effect which has been felt from LAB to the homogeneous restriction in long-term equilibrium, im-
GDP and from EXP to GDP. In the case of the short run, a plying that the PMG estimator is suitable and accurate for
one-way causation affiliation was observed from LAB to estimating the pooling long-term coefficients.
GDP, from GCF to GDP, and from EXP to GDP, with a
two-way causation impact between ENI and GDP. Inferring Long- and short-run estimations for SESA
from the PMG estimator, the ECTs of the employed variables
are statistically significant, that is, their corresponding adjust- Looking at SESA economies in Table 12, the long-run estimates
ment rate of GDP, ENI, CO2, EXP, and URB is given by 3.50, revealed that a unit increase in ENI, CO2, EXP, and URB corre-
1.16, 1.27, 3.82, and 3.13 years. Thus, it was inferred that a sponds to 0.351%, 0.413%, 1.312%, and 0.417%, respectively,
quick long-run equilibrium deviation is shown by the increase in GDP, whereas the short-run estimates indicate that a
employed variables. Lastly, according to the Haussmann test, unit increase in ENI, GCF, and EXP increases GDP by 0.063%,
it is difficult to decline the homogeneous restriction in long- 0.019%, and 3.703%, respectively. Considering the causal affil-
term equilibrium at a 1% level of significance, suggesting that iation, in the long run, a bidirectional causality affiliation between
the PMG estimator is suitable and reliable for estimating the CO2-GDP and EXP-GDP was observed, with a unidirectional
pooling long-term coefficients. causation affiliation from LAB to GDP and from URB to GDP.
In the case of the short run, a bidirectional causality affiliation
Long- and short-run estimations for SAAP between ENI-GDP, GCF-GDP, and EXP-GDP was seen, with
no causation affiliation between LAB-GDP and CO2-GDP.
For the SAAP countries in Table 11, the PMG estimation Inferring to the rate of adjustment for the SESA countries, the
for the short run revealed that a percentage increase in PMG estimator inferred that GDP, ENI, CO2, EXP, and URB
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 7 Panel unit root test results


Levels First difference Levels First difference

Variables Constant Constant and Inf. Constant Constant and Inf. Constant Constant and Inf. Constant Constant and Inf.
trend trend trend trend
GDP −1.725 −1.314 I (0) −4.742a −5.004a I (1) −1.855 −1.072 I (0) −4.739a −4.687a I (1)
ENI −1.226 −1.681 I (0) −3.653a −3.815 a I (1) −1.612 −1.367 I (0) −3.422a −3.939a I (1)
LAB −0.756 −1.425 I (0) −3.270a −4.487a I (1) −1.288 −1.192 I (0) −4.040a −4.846a I (1)
POP −1.564 −1.088 I (0) −4.025a −3.606a I (1) −1.953 −1.615 I (0) −3.796a −5.328a I (1)
GCF −1.455 −1.597 I (0) −4.563a −4.546a I (1) −1.815 −1.026 I (0) −4.244a −4.088a I (1)
TRD −1.881 −1.838 I (0) −4.848a −5.278 a I (1) −1.693 −1.913 I (0) −5.132a −4.148a I (1)
URB −0.828 −1.199 I (0) −3.940a −5.024a I (1) −1.654 −1.302 I (0) −4.945a −4.281a I (1)
GDP −1.545 −1.630 I (0) −5.469a −5.470a I (1) −1.474 −1.382 I (0) −3.867a −4.899a I (1)
ENI −1.372 −1.719 I (0) −4.389a −4.469a I (1) −1.735 −1.233 I (0) −4.051a −5.064a I (1)
LAB −1.066 −1.277 I (0) −4.789a −5.259a I (1) −1.552 −1.551 I (0) −5.265a −4.538a I (1)
POP −1.598 −1.443 I (0) −4.904a −5.703a I (1) −1.323 −1.861 I (0) −4.708a −4.885a I (1)
GCF −1.191 −1.885 I (0) −5.428a −5.494a I (1) −1.908 −1.677 I (0) −4.036a −4.012a I (1)
TRD −1.005 −1.362 I (0) −4.787a −5.009a I (1) −1.801 −1.076 I (0) −3.959a −4.573a I (1)
URB −1.557 −1.687 I (0) −5.404a −4.345a I (1) −1.865 −1.137 I (0) −5.539a −5.187a I (1)
GDP −1.610 −1.996 I (0) −5.603a −5.760a I (1) −1.086 −1.270 I (0) −4.696a −3.703a I (1)
ENI −1.811 −1.123 I (0) −4.876a −4.964a I (1) −1.062 −1.220 I (0) −4.852a −4.972a I (1)
LAB −1.381 −1.535 I (0) −4.083a −4.339a I (1) −1.678 −1.214 I (0) −5.105a −5.391a I (1)
POP −1.090 −1.439 I (0) −5.872a −4.695a I (1) −1.203 −1.270 I (0) −4.457a −4.699a I (1)
GCF −1.439 −1.867 I (0) −5.156a −5.062a I (1) −1.325 −1.851 I (0) −4.916a −4.910a I (1)
TRD −1.564 −1.715 I (0) −4.901a −4.969a I (1) −1.471 −1.555 I (0) −4.906a −4.727a I (1)
URB −1.417 −1.764 I (0) −5.106a −5.341a I (1) −1.949 −1.278 I (0) −4.838a −5.384a I (1)
GDP −1.443 −1.247 I (0) −5.019a −4.949a I (1) −1.066 −1.111 I (0) −5.011a −4.753a I (1)
ENI −0.932 −1.027 I (0) −5.401a −4.354a I (1) −1.359 −1.229 I (0) −4.416a −5.050a I (1)
LAB −1.348 −1.675 I (0) −4.754a −3.926a I (1) −1.790 −1.281 I (0) −4.606a −5.346a I (1)
POP −1.424 −0.840 I (0) −4.962a −5.220a I (1) −1.331 −1.218 I (0) −5.103a −4.908a I (1)
GCF −1.542 −1.370 I (0) −4.713a −4.777a I (1) −1.588 −1.395 I (0) −4.553a −4.589a I (1)
TRD −1.196 −1.427 I (0) −3.786a −4.351a I (1) −1.653 −1.668 I (0) −4.551a −4.034a I (1)
URB −1.020 −0.704 I (0) −4.592a −5.095a I (1) −1.267 −1.387 I (0) −5.065a −5.207a I (1)
GDP −1.712 −1.619 I (0) −5.292a −5.281a I (1) −1.549 −1.419 I (0) −4.653a −5.143a I (1)
ENI −1.074 −1.267 I (0) −4.605a −4.986a I (1) −1.249 −1.088 I (0) −5.314a −4.612a I (1)
LAB −0.612 −0.282 I (0) −5.432a −5.189a I (1) −1.682 −1.541 I (0) −5.220a −3.947a I (1)
POP −1.086 −1.017 I (0) −5.080a −5.172a I (1) −1.612 −1.143 I (0) −4.786a −4.968a I (1)
GCF −1.483 −1.389 I (0) −5.340a −5.415a I (1) −1.401 −1.105 I (0) −3.929a −5.877a I (1)
TRD −1.626 −1.046 I (0) −4.654a −4.787a I (1) −1.465 −2.000 I (0) −4.687a −4.054a I (1)
URB −1.603 −1.053 I (0) −4.710a −5.083a I (1) −1.503 −1.480 I (0) −4.932a −4.991a I (1)
GDP −1.721 −1.596 I (0) −5.054a −5.309a I (1) −1.181 −1.780 I (0) −3.714a −4.889a I (1)
ENI −1.935 −1.256 I (0) −4.743a −3.994a I (1) −1.750 −1.848 I (0) −4.937a −5.195a I (1)
LAB −1.078 −1.810 I (0) −4.820a −4.239a I (1) −1.480 −1.401 I (0) −5.016a −4.790a I (1)
POP −1.293 −1.661 I (0) −5.316a −4.381a I (1) −1.315 −1.452 I (0) −4.012a −4.657a I (1)
GCF −1.881 −1.598 I (0) −4.985a −5.101a I (1) −1.217 −1.188 I (0) −4.990a −4.762a I (1)
TRD −1.675 −1.130 I (0) −4.643a −4.795a I (1) −1.710 −1.136 I (0) −4.488a −5.174a I (1)
URB −1.012 −1.648 I (0) −4.308a −5.064a I (1) −1.143 −1.470 I (0) −4.504a −4.794a I (1)

Note: a represent statistical significance at 1% level respectively

have a rate of adjustment of 3.61, 2.16, 2.47, and 2.79 years. Thus, Long- and short-run estimations for SSA
a quick deviation for the long-run equilibrium was shown by the
employed variables. Finally, the Haussmann test shows that In the case of SSA economies in Table 13, the short-run esti-
at a 1% level of significance, it is difficult to reject the mates state that each unit increase in ENI, LAB, GCF, and
homogeneous restriction in long-term equilibrium, im- EXP turns to increase GDP by 0.033%, 0.073%, 0.019%, and
plying that the PMG estimator is suitable and accurate 0.703%, respectively. In the case of long-run estimates, the
for estimating the pooling long-term coefficients. PMG estimates revealed that a unit steps up in ENI, CO2,
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 8 Long-run relationship

test results Gτ Gα Pτ Pα

Value p- Value p- Value p- Value p-

robust robust robust robust

Deterministic chosen: constant

EACA −3.676c 0.070 −4.390b 0.011 −8.924b 0.010 −6.188b 0.070
MENA −5.029a 0.000 −3.806a 0.000 −5.897a 0.000 −3.537b 0.010
SAAP −4.581a
0.000 −3.403a 0.000 −4.929b 0.020 −4.858b 0.020
SESA −3.815b 0.020 −3.373a 0.000 −5.004b 0.030 −4.251a 0.000
SSA −4.257a 0.000 −3.761b 0.010 −6.383b 0.040 −3.055a 0.000
Europe −3.747b 0.010 −4.907a 0.001 −5.018b 0.020 −3.669b 0.050
Deterministic chosen: constant and trend
EACA −2.862a 0.000 −3.917b 0.024 −5.227a 0.000 −4.508b 0.020
MENA −5.344a
0.000 −4.521b 0.020 −5.438b 0.045 −4.811a 0.000
SAAP −4.619a
0.000 −3.848b 0.010 −7.456b 0.030 −4.203b 0.060
SESA −3.971a
0.001 −3.576a 0.000 −4.094b 0.010 −4.189a 0.000
SSA −4.2821 b
0.010 −4.941a 0.000 −4.004b 0.020 −3.846b 0.010
Europe −3.266b
0.020 −4.667c 0.070 −4.336a 0.000 −4.805a 0.000

Note: a, b, and c represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively

EXP, and URB which induces GDP by 0.071%, 0.403%, causal affiliation seen from LAB to GDP and GCF to GDP,
1.030%, and 0.277%, respectively. Considering the short- whereas in the long run, a bidirectional causal effect was ob-
run causation, a bidirectional causation affiliation was ob- served between ENI-GDP, EXP-GDP, and URB-GDP, with a
served between ENI-GDP and EXP-GDP, with a one-way unidirectional causal effect observed from CO2 to GDP. The

Table 9 Long- and short-run es-

timates for EACA Dep. variable GDP ENI LAB CO2 GCF TRD URB
(Eq. 9) (Eq. 10) (Eq. 11) (Eq. 12) (Eq. 13) (Eq. 14) (Eq. 15)

Long run
GDP - 0.725a −0.018 0.871a 0.276a 2.610b 0.642b
ENI 0.263a - 0.212a 0.065c 0.208c 1.022a 0.066b
LAB 0.140b 0.061 - 0.311 0.207c 0.302a 0.415
CO2 0.309 0.412c −0.184c - −0.426 0.067 −0.126a
GCF 0.321 0.285c −0.128 0.320 - 0.084b −0.231
TRD 0.078c 0.017a 0.065a 0.104c −0.036b - 0.773c
URB 0.398c 0.231 0.413c 0.214 0.157 0.036 -
Ect −0.278a −0.360a −0.321a −0.226a −0.237a −0.301a −0.417a
Short run
GDP - 0.503a 0.110b 0.148a −1.539 0.308c 0.315c
ENI 0.140 - 0.078a 0.171c 0.576a 0.710a −0.676
LAB −0.103b 0.237 - −0.973 0.285b −1.327a −0.390
CO2 0.081 −0.105b −0.323a - −0.321 2.017c 0.924b
GCF −0.212a 0.117 −0.742 0.077b - −0.164b 0.188a
TRD 0.037 0.276a −0.823b −0.401c 0.203c - 0.231
URB 0.211 1.342 0.302c 0.139c −0.153a 0.453a -
Haus. test value 3.06 2.71 5.12 3.17 0.98 5.39 2.37
p-value 0.13 0.36 0.51 0.12 0.47 0.42 0.27

Note: a, b, and c represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively. ECT shows the error
correction terms
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 10 Long- and short-run

estimates for MENA Dep. variable GDP ENI LAB CO2 GCF TRD URB
(Eq. 9) (Eq. 10) (Eq. 11) (Eq. 12) (Eq. 13) (Eq. 14) (Eq. 15)

Long run
GDP - 0.578a 0.215a 0.109a −0.116 1.697a 0.411a
ENI 0.890a - 0.489b 0.269a 0.356a 0.288c 0.102c
LAB −0.078 0.345 - −0.112 −0.940a 0.345a 0.153a
CO2 0.134a 0.152c 0.06 - 1.534 −0.761 −0.042
GCF −0.416a 0.281a 0.112 −0.044 - −0.056 0.024c
TRD 0.701 0.314a 0.484a 0.111a −0.095 - 0.317
URB 0.616b 0.029 0.104a 0.205 0.194a 0.307 0.289b
Ect −0.286a −0.861a −0.206a −0.788a −0.329a −0.262a −0.319a
Short run
GDP - 0.257a 1.158b −0.048 0.027c 2.948a 0.030
ENI 0.116b - 0.135c 0.082a 0.115c 0.744a 0.619
LAB 0.045 0.261c - 0.064c 0.014 −0.033b 0.701c
CO2 0.136c −0.226b 1.850c - −0.283c 4.968 0.413a
GCF −0.084 0.127c 1.416a 0.066 - 0.429b 0.813
TRD 0.169 0.368 −0.280 −0.139c 0.018a - 0.571a
URB 0.152a 0.412a 0.677 −0.401 3.272a 0.511 0.023b
Haus. test value 3.81 5.07 3.52 2.17 3.69 4.81 2.63
p-value 0.27 0.33 0.42 0.48 0.17 0.52 0.37

Note: a, b, and c represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively. ECT shows the error
correction terms

Table 11 Long- and short-run

estimations results for SAAP Dep. variable GDP ENI LAB CO2 GCF TRD URB
(Eq. 9) (Eq. 10) (Eq. 11) (Eq. 12) (Eq. 13) (Eq. 14) (Eq. 15)

Long run
GDP - 0.524a 0.428a 0.039b 0.301 0.689a 0.503a
ENI 0.264a - −0.283 0.109c 0.140c 0.712b −1.711
LAB −0.217 1.598 - −0.041 −0.247b 0.596a −0.325
CO2 −0.473c −0.149a −0.104c - 0.179 −5.525 0.127a
GCF −0.528a 0.027b −0.122 0.082a - −0.916c 1.016
TRD 0.518a 0.131a 0.113a 0.121a 0.145c - −1.983c
URB 0.560 −0.710 0.086a 0.276 −2.428 −1.813a
Ect −0.319a −0.447a −0.205a −0.242a −0.471a −0.232a −0.310a
Short run
GDP - 0.266a 0.914 0.219b 0.315a 0.142b 0.114
ENI 0.071c - −2.478c 0.089c 0.079c 0.989b 0.271
LAB 0.268 0.473c - 0.042 0.125 −1.034 0.307c
CO2 −0.629 0.417c −0.680c - 1.194b −0.499b 0.216a
GCF −0.121 0.218a 0.041 0.107 - 0.657 0.133c
TRD 0.280 0.280b −0.123b −0.312c −0.059a - 0.046b
URB −0.607a 0.469 0.202a 0.314b 0.627 0.662a -
Haus. test value 3.49 4.44 5.40 3.13 4.76 2.79 2.54
p-value 0.21 0.48 0.46 0.88 0.37 0.32 0.26

Note: a, b, and c represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively. ECT shows the error
correction terms
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 12 Long- and short-run

estimations results for SESA Dep. variable GDP ENI LAB CO2 GCF TRD URB
(Eq. 9) (Eq. 10) (Eq. 11) (Eq. 12) (Eq. 13) (Eq. 14) (Eq. 15)

Long run
GDP - 0.351a −0.101c 0.413c −0.037 1.312a 0.417a
ENI 0.185 - 1.294a 0.165c 1.208c 1.122a −2.721
LAB 0.041 0.261 - 0.361 0.607 0.102 −0.737
CO2 0.115b 0.404c −0.484 - −0.487a 0.007c 0.911a
GCF −0.136b 0.281c −0.088 0.013 - 0.084c 1.316
TRD 1.078a 0.029a 0.079a 0.114 −0.016a - −0.079a
URB 0.221 0.832a 0.137 2.326a 5.745c 0.726 -
Ect −0.277a −0.464a −0.201a −0.297a −0.335a −0.405a −0.359a
Short run
GDP - 0.063c 0.573 −0.205 0.019b 3.703c 0.086
ENI 0.280b - 0.478 0.028c 0.386c 0.649a 0.430c
LAB −0.057 0.167b - −0.377b 0.518 −0.252 0.217
CO2 0.048 −0.075 −0.057b - −0.534 0.041 0.782a
GCF −0.322b 0.215a −1.447a 0.065 - 0.319 0.817c
TRD 0.180a 0.272a 0.218b −0.148a 0.169 - 0.556
URB 0.708c 0.343 −0.319 0.512 0.408a 2.039a -
Haus. test value 2.01 3.74 3.51 4.17 5.10 2.85 2.62
p-value 0.26 0.61 0.34 0.48 0.17 0.39 0.16

Note: a, b, and c represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively. ECT shows the error
correction terms

Table 13 Long- and short-run

estimations results for SSA Dep. variable GDP ENI LAB CO2 GCF TRD URB
(Eq. 9) (Eq. 10) (Eq. 11) (Eq. 12) (Eq. 13) (Eq. 14) (Eq. 15)

Long run
GDP - 0.071b 0.113 0.403c 0.076 1.030a 0.277a
ENI 0.106a - 1.14a 0.065c 1.301c 1.120a 0.016
LAB 0.020 0.261 - 0.361 0.607 0.102 0.756c
CO2 0.219 0.404c −0.484 - −0.487b 0.007a 1.414
GCF −0.293b 0.281c −0.088 0.013 - 0.084c −1.498b
TRD 1.378a 0.029a 0.079a 0.114c −0.016 - −0.454c
URB 0.552c 1.342 0.519a 0.124b 1.380b 0.129 -
Ect −0.314a −0.264a −0.399a −0.212a −0.239a −0.495a −0.306a
Short run
GDP - 0.033c 0.073c 0.164 0.019c 0.703c 0.062
ENI 0.280b - 0.478 0.028a 0.386c 0.649a 0.011a
LAB −0.057 0.167b - −0.377 0.518 −0.252 1.064a
CO2 0.048 −0.075 −0.057 - −0.534a 0.041b 1.209
GCF −0.322 0.215a −1.447 0.065 - 0.319 −1.418b
TRD 0.180a 0.272a −0.218 −0.148 0.169c - −0.660
URB 0.167b 0.242 0.781a 0.701b 1.808 1.072c -
Haus. test value 1.48 0.97 1.45 2.01 0.76 2.08 5.31
p-value 0.56 0.43 0.29 0.78 0.24 0.61 0.79

Note: a, b, and c represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively. ECT shows the error
correction terms
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 14 Long- and short-run

estimations results for Europe Dep. variable GDP ENI LAB CO2 GCF TRD URB
(Eq. 9) (Eq. 10) (Eq. 11) (Eq. 12) (Eq. 13) (Eq. 14) (Eq. 15)

Long run
GDP - 0.611b 0.136a 0.537c 0.063a 2.530a 0.769a
ENI 0.418a - 1.294a 0.165c 1.208c 1.122a 0.385
LAB 0.075a 0.261 - 0.361c 0.607c 0.102c 0.261a
CO2 0.114 0.404c 0.484a - −0.487a 0.007 0.114c
GCF −0.230 0.281c −0.088 0.013a - 0.084c 0.154c
TRD 1.381a 0.029a 0.079a 0.114 −0.016 - 0.329
URB 1.669b 0.772 0.027 −3.402a 0.788a 0.456 -
Ect −0.508a −0.340a −0.154b −0.274a −0.203a −0.381a −0.295a
Short run
GDP - 0.423c 1.573b 0.211c 0.019 1.703c 0.601
ENI 0.280b - 0.478 0.028b 0.386c 0.649a 0.315b
LAB −0.057c 0.167b - −0.377 0.518 −0.252a 0.502
CO2 0.048 −0.075 −0.057c - −0.534c 0.041b 0.409a
GCF −0.322 0.215a −1.447 0.065 - 0.319 0.407a
TRD 0.180a 0.272a −0.218b −0.148 0.169 - 0.704
URB 0.897 1.646c 0.739 3.427b 0.105a 1.872b -
Haus. test value 1.48 0.97 1.45 2.01 0.76 2.08 2.51
p-value 0.56 0.43 0.29 0.78 0.24 0.61 −0.30

Note: a, b, and c represent statistical significance at 1%, 5%, 10% level respectively. ECT shows the error
correction terms

estimation from PMG results points that the variables GDP, whereas in the case of the short-run estimates, a unit increase
ENI, CO2, EXP, and URB are significant; thus, their rate of in ENI, LAB, CO2, and EXP correspondently increases GDP
adjustment correspondingly is given by 3.18, 3.79, 4.72, 2.02, by 0.423%, 1.573%, 0.211%, and 1.703%, respectively. In the
and 3.27 years, respectively; thus, the long-run equilibrium case of causality affiliation for the long run, a bidirectional
indicates a quick deviation response by the variables. causation impact between ENI-GDP, LAB-GDP, EXP-GDP,
Finally, the Haussmann test shows that at a 1% level of sig- and URB-GDP was observed. Considering the short run, a
nificance, it is difficult to reject the homogeneous restriction in bidirectional causal affiliation was observed between ENI-
long-term equilibrium, implying that the PMG estimator is GDP, LAB-GDP, and EXP-GDP, with a unidirectional cau-
suitable and accurate for estimating the pooling long-term sality effect from CO2 to GDP. The PMG estimator unveiled
coefficients. that, for Europe, the employed variables, GDP, ENI, CO2,
EXP, and URB, are statistically significant, with a corre-
Long- and short-run estimations for Europe sponding adjustment rate of 1.97, 2.94, 3.65, 2.62, and 3.39
years, respectively. Finally, the Haussmann test shows that at
Lastly, in the case of Europe countries in Table 14, the long- a 1% level of significance, it is difficult to reject the homoge-
run estimates indicate that a unit increase in ENI, LAB, CO2, neous restriction in long-term equilibrium, implying that the
GCF, EXP, and URB turns to increase GDP by 0.611%, PMG estimator is suitable and accurate for estimating the
0.136%, 0.537%, 0.063%, 2.530%, and 0.769%, respectively, pooling long-term coefficients.

Table 15 Diagnostics test results

Statistics test EACA MENA SAAP SESA SSA Europe

Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob. Value Prob.

WSC T 27.350 0.301 4.387 4.902 5.47 3.03 5.07 5.139 4.78 5.01 5.012 5.267
WH T 14.841 0.147 21.714 0.216 32.374 0.171 36.691 0.381 14.429 0.375 15.703 0.161

Note: WSC T Wooldridge serial correlation test, WH T White heteroscedasticity test

Environ Sci Pollut Res

Table 16 Roots of characteristic polynomial test results


Root Modulus Root Modulus Root Modulus Root Modulus Root Modulus Root Modulus

0.9990 0.9991 0.9998 0.9999 0.9539 0.9539 0.9891 0.9891 0.9943 0.9943 0.9932 0.9928
0.9731 0.9711 0.9383 0.9999 0.9266 0.9266 0.9912 0.9925 0.9973 0.9973 0.9526 0.9525
0.8254 0.8247 0.8469 0.7914 0.5357 0.5357 0.9869 0.9869 0.9731 0.9793 0.8341 0.8818
0.7741 0.7737 0.7633 0.4949 0.4192 0.4192 0.7879 0.8684 0.7764 0.7786 0.8342 0.8818
0.2749 0.2723 0.6486 0.4949 0.2531 0.2753 0.7879 0.8684 0.3331 0.3332 0.7370 0.7367
−0.0203 0.0809 0.6486 0.1709 0.2531 0.2753 0.7538 0.7538 0.2247 0.2267 0.054 0.1604
−0.0313 0.0135 0.4608 0.1701 0.0333 0.0333 0.0444 0.2414 −0.110 0.1104 0.054 0.1604
0.0241 0.0231 0.3298 0.1664 0.4192 0.4192 0.0411 0.2414 0.036 0.0356 −0.083 0.0848

Note: No root lies outside the unit circle; thus, the VAR satisfies the stability condition

Diagnostic checks in BRICs countries. To obviate spurious results during esti-

mation, it was vital to ensure that the employed variables were
After employing the PMG estimator to determine the short- stationary; thus, the unit root tests (CADF and CIPS) applied
and long-run effects of the independent variables on economic unveiled out that the series employed were stationary, I (1)
growth, the model’s validity was carefully tested. The before estimation. This result is affirmed by the work done by
Wooldridge serial correlation and the White heteroscedasticity Wang et al. (2018) on the effect of energy consumption,
tests were used to validate the model’s potency. The results urbanization, and economic growth on CO2 emissions in
shown in Table 15 indicate no definite serial correlation and countries with different income levels. Likewise, Abban
heteroscedasticity among the model residuals. Again, we em- et al. (2020) affirmed stationarity in exploring the relationship
ploy the roots of characteristic polynomial test and inverse amid energy intensity, economic growth, and CO2 emissions
roots of AR characteristic polynomial for the panels EACA, along the BRI economies. Considering the long-run connec-
MENA, SAAP, SESA, SSA, and Europe to determine the tion among the employed variables, the Westerlund-Edgerton
residuals from the subjected model. Figure 2 shows that the bootstrap co-integration applied unveiled the existence of a
VAR model for all the regions is well fitted and stable. The long-run association. This outcome is substantiated by
results from roots of characteristic polynomial estimation are Khoshnevis Yazdi and Dariani (2019) work in Asian coun-
reported in Table 16. Thus, we considered the estimated re- tries. However, these results disagree with the work done by
siduals (Fig. 2) in VAR stable if all the obtained AR roots Acaravci and Ozturk (2010), where they identified that the 15
(blue dots) are within the unit circle as highlighted with black countries in transition do not have a long-term relationship
circle and the modulus are less than 1. between electricity consumption and economic growth.
Empirically, taking into account the effects of the long-
term forecasts, it can be inferred that the rate of energy con-
sumption, urbanization, trade, and CO2 emissions generally
affect economic growth, in respective of regional groupings
BRI countries. However, based on the heterogeneity among
The current study aimed to unveil the nexus amid economic
the regional grouping, the effect of the variables employed
growth, energy consumption, trade, urbanization, and CO2
differs by weight and level of significance.
emissions in the presence of labor and gross capital formation
Across all the regional groupings, it was attested that ener-
in 81 countries from the BRI countries. Thus, applying the
gy consumption has a positive significant effect on economic
Pesaran-Yamagata test of homogeneity, the Breusch-Pagan
growth with the lowest effect of energy consumption showed
LM, bias-corrected scaled LM, Pesaran scaled LM, Pesaran
by the SSA region, while the highest consumption of energy is
CD, and Friedman test unveiled the existence of heterogeneity
the EACA region. The positive significant effect of energy
of errors in the slope and cross-sectional dependence. The
consumption observed on economic growth designates that
existence of heterogeneity of slope and cross-sectional depen-
all regional grouping along the BRI relies on energy (fossil,
dence entail any changes that occur in any variable employed
coal, oil) consumption massively for economic development.
in a country that can affect other regional economies. These
Therefore, there is a possibility of CO2 emissions along these
outcomes are similar to the study done by Khattak et al.
regions since the study employed energy intensity as a proxy
(2020), when they analyzed the impacts of innovation, in-
for energy consumption. This positive impact of energy
come, and renewable energy consumption on CO2 emissions
Environ Sci Pollut Res

Fig. 2 Illustration of the inverse roots of AR characteristic polynomial for all regions

consumption on economic growth does not deviate from the of both urban and rural inhabitants, as a conversion of fuel
work done by Gozgor et al. (2018), who also affirmed that a from traditional wood-burning to fossil fuel consumption
positive effect of energy consumption on economic growth in rises fuel to increasing household appliances. The change
29 OECD countries. Likewise, the study by Chen et al. in lifestyle has an effect on energy consumption, and the
(2019a) also confirmed the positive impact of energy con- demand for energy-intensive good, resulting in an increase
sumption on economic growth during the investigation on in CO2 emissions, is the possible reason for the positive
the connectivity of the BRI and its economic growth. impact of CO2 on GDP. The outcome obtained is in line
CO2 emanations were found to be a beneficial impact on with the study done by Acheampong (2018) in 116 coun-
GDP regardless of regional grouping with EACA having tries, where they affirmed a positive impact of CO2 emis-
the highest weight and SSA with the lowest weight. Thus, sions in Caribbean-Latin America, the Middle East and
it was inferred that a tangible connection exists between North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, and Asia-Pacific
GDP and CO2 along the BRI route. This rise in GDP caused regions.
by CO2 along the regional grouping was expected during Urbanization in all panel groups had a substantial pos-
the conceptualization of the study since the patterns of en- itive effect on GDP in all regional classes with SSA hav-
ergy consumption have shifted to higher emission-intensive ing the lowest weight of contribution on GDP, while
goods from lower emission-intensive products because of Europe has the highest weight of contribution. This pos-
the rise in economic growth since the implementation of the itive effect of urbanization on GDP substantiates the fact
BRI in 2013 (Hussain et al. 2020). That implies that as that developing countries (most countries along the BRI
economic growth along the BRI grows, so does the lifestyle are classified as developing) have embarked on numerous
Environ Sci Pollut Res

programs of accelerated urbanization to increase econom- et al. (2021) in South Asia economies. Their empirical find-
ic growth. Thus as stated by Bekhet and Othman (2017) ings substantiated the fact that a one-way causal affiliation
with the aim of enhancing economic growth, countries exists from energy consumption to economic growth.
have been transforming their cities’ self-organization Considering the causal relationship between GDP and
theory and through a new field of complexity science. CO2, across the regional groupings (MENA, SAAP, and
Underneath the obvious chaos and diversity of urban SESA), GDP and CO2 had a reverse causality affiliation, with
spatial form, cities are now having a clear sense of order the exception of EACA, SESA, SSA, and Europe, where there
and pattern, and they are no longer viewed as disordered is a unidirectional causal effect from CO2 to GDP. The exten-
structures. This positive effect of URB on GDP is sion of economic activities, increasing roads and dams con-
consistent with the study done by Zhou et al. (2020) in structions, etc. along the BRI economies could be the possible
China. In their empirical finding, they stated that the ur- explanation for this reverse causation affiliation. Thus, any
ban population has a positive impact on economic growth. attempt to abridge the emanations of CO2 will as well reduce
The influence of trade on economic growth was as well economic growth. Therefore, CO2-GDP is related in a way
significant in all regional groups in the long run, with EACA that reducing or increasing in one turns to affect the other
having the highest impact weight and SAAP having the correspondently. Thus, the consumption of energy such as
lowest impact weight. Thus, from the theoretical point of fossil fuel, oil, and coal must be curtailed, while increment
view of the relationship between economic growth and consumption of renewable energy is proposed. This
trade, this study supports the majority of studies with the bidirectional causal effect does not pervert from the study
view that trade has a positive impact on economic growth. done by Aslan et al. (2021) in the Mediterranean countries,
The study by Feng et al. (2020) does not deviate from the where they stated that a bidirectional causation effect exists
results obtained in this study, where they observed a positive between CO2 and GDP. However, the one-way causal affilia-
effect of trade on economic growth during their study on the tion observed in EACA, SESA, SSA, and Europe is in line
exportation of the influencing factors of trade competitive with the study done by Cai et al. (2018) in G7 economies,
advantage network along the BRI. Likewise, this result is where that submitted that a unidirectional causality affiliation
affirmed by the work done by Raghutla (2020), who inquired exists from CO2 to GDP.
the effect of trade on economic growth in emerging market Inferring from the causal affiliation between TRD and
economies. Their empirical findings revealed that that trading GDP, with the exception of MENA economies, all regional
within the region and international trade increases the level of groupings signaled a bidirectional causal effect between TRD
economic growth. Likewise, the study done by Okoro et al. and GDP. Thus, this two-way causation liaison between CO2
(2020) in the ECOWAS community stated that regional trade and TR proposes that within the economies in these panels
is much important since it has a significant positive effect on (EACA, SAAP, SESA, SSA, and Europe), trade and CO2
economic growth. emissions are extremely inter-dependent. High levels of trade
With regards to the causal affiliation unveiled by the PMG are linked to a higher level of economic development and vice
estimator among the employed variables as determinants versa. This observation does not deviate from the work done
(ENR, URB, TRD, CO2) and economic growth, it was vital by Safi et al. (2021) in seven emerging countries, which stated
to state that in establishing effective policy implications, the that trade has a bidirectional causal affiliation exist between
causation affiliation among the employed variables is of great TRD-GDP. In the case of the one-way cause causal affiliation
importance. Across the regions, EACA, MENA, SAAP, SSA, seen in MENA economies, it can be inferred that an increase
and Europe, a bidirectional causation effect was observed be- or decrease in TRD turns to an increase or decrease
tween GDP and ENI, while a unidirectional relation from ENI correspondently in GDP and not vice versa. This
to GDP was seen in the SESA region. Thus, it was inferred unidirectional causal affiliation seen in MENA economies is
that ENI and GDP are related in such a way that an increase or in line with the work done by Çevik et al. (2019) in Turkey,
decrease in one variable turns to correspondently increase or where they stated the existence of a unidirectional causal af-
decrease the other. Through the BRI, China has built about filiation from TRD to GDP.
240 coal-fired power plants equivalent to 251 GW of installed Lastly, considering the causal relationship between URB-
capacity in 25 BRI countries with the aim to increase econom- GDP, the existence of one-way causal from URB to GDP in
ic growth (Dombrowski 2017), which could be one of the SAAP and SESA regions, while a bidirectional causal affilia-
reasons for this relation. The two-way causal effect result seen tion exists between GDP-URB in (EACA, MENA, SSA, and
in EACA, MENA, SAAP, SSA, and Europe is consistent with EUROPE. The bidirectional causal effect between URB and
the work done by Yusuf et al. (2020) in oil-producing African GDP depicts that these variables are related such that a unit
countries, where it unveiled a bidirectional causation effect change in one variable turns to have a correspondence change
between ENI-GDP, whereas the one-way causal affiliation is in the other variable. Thus, this observation does not deviate
seen in SESA which is in line with the study done by Usman from the work done by Wang et al. (2019), who also observed
Environ Sci Pollut Res

a bidirectional causality affiliation between URB and GDP in are not ideal for better environmental efficiency. As a
186 countries. However, the one-way causal affiliation seen in result, smart national policies should be introduced to
SAAP and SESA regions is in line with the work done recognize sustainable energy sources (such as renew-
Shaheen et al. (2020) in Pakistan, where a one-way causal able energy) in order to mitigate CO2 emissions from
affiliation from URB was felt on GDP. energy usage. Clean, cost-effective, safe, dependable,
and long-term energy should be prioritized. To ensure
the efficient supply of increasing energy needs, more
Conclusion supervisory and administrative changes must be made.
2. The government across each region could include tax
The key policy goal of each country is economic growth. and other incentives to enable multinational companies
Thus, the BRI is a monumental push by the government of and businessmen of the country to build equipment that
China to accelerate economic growth among the countries are environmentally friendly and help minimize carbon
involved. Thus, the current study used a panel framework to dioxide intensity. Again, the government could reduce
examine the relationship between economic growth and its imports (cars, machinery, etc.) levels in order to reduce
determinants based on regional groupings along the BRI over fuel usage to a certain degree and to explore alternative
the period 1990 to 2018. In order to incur more reliable and modes of transportation that use renewable energy
valid results, the study employed robust panel methodology sources and do not harm the environment.
such as slope heterogeneity, cross-sectional dependency test, 3. Since East, Central, Southeast, and South Asia have a
the CIPS and CADF panel unit root test, the Westerlund- very high population density, these regions’ most valu-
Edgerton bootstrap co-integration test, and the pooled mean able resources are their large labor forces (labors), which
group estimator. As a result, different conclusions were delin- contribute to economic development. Economic growth is
eated accordingly. also influenced by population density. As a result, gov-
Evidence from the empirical results revealed that both ernment and non-governmental organizations must en-
the long- and short-run effect from the PMG estimator sure that skill-based training and quality education are
showed that the employed explanatory variables (ENI, provided in order to generate more skilled labor, which
CO2, TRD, and URB) are deemed as key factors marked is necessary for development.
to increase economic growth among the BRI corridor, with 4. Lastly as trade steps up economic growth, it can be attrib-
different weight contributions along the regional panels. uted to the reality that these countries’ production capac-
The causation affiliation among the employed variables ities are competitive on a global scale. These countries’
also revealed various causal liaison among the regional governments should continue to take appropriate mea-
classification. Thus, taking into account the heterogeneity sures in this regard. Imports of intermediate and produc-
among the regional panels, the empirical results observed tive capital goods should take precedence over imports of
in this study are robust and relevant to transnational depen- consumer goods. This will boost both domestic and ex-
dencies. Therefore, based on the inferences made during port demand. To achieve the desired goals in the short and
the study, some policy implications deduced are as long runs, proper development-oriented trade policies, as
follows: well as other macroeconomic policies, must be formulated
and implemented.
1. Based on the empirical results of the study, it is pro- 5. Since there is a linear link between urbanization and
posed that governments in countries with the highest economic growth, urbanization has the potency to in-
levels of environmental degradation (EACA, Europe, duce economic growth; however, this potency will be
and SESA) should invest more in the department of limited unless favorable institutions are established
energy innovation in order to develop devices that and appropriate investments in public infrastructure
minimize energy intensity and to help reduce CO2 are made. Thus, economic growth could be facilitated
levels. Again, the government in the stated regions by removing barriers to rural-to-urban migration, but
could educate its citizens about the negative effects the advantages will be substantially larger if support-
of environmental pollution not just in their personal ive policies, market creation, and infrastructural ex-
lives, but also on animals, and non-living things, so penditures are made. Thus, governments along the
that the usage of renewable energy will be optimized. BRI must take appropriate steps to enable the benefits
CO2 emissions have a positive impact on economic of improved urban aggregation and reduced dispar-
development, implying that industrial production and ities in income. In doing this, a careful intervention
manufacturing activities contribute to growth. As a in the urbanization process is required. Cities must
result, manufacturing outputs can continue to in- employ real-life projections as a basis for public in-
crease. Increased CO2 emissions, on the other hand, frastructure investment.
Environ Sci Pollut Res

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and the anonymous referee, which have significantly improved the pa- Environ Res Public Health 17:2531
per’s depth. Armeanu DS, Joldes CC, Gherghina SC, Andrei JV (2021)
Understanding the multidimensional linkages among renewable en-
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