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Climate Friendly A Climate Friendly

Travel journey exploring

Travel (CFT) a low carbon, SDG linked,
Diploma Paris 1.5, Tourism sector.
The world’s first course
dedicated to Tourism &
Climate Resilience

1st Year lecture

2nd Year internship

Start: 03 October 2022

SUNx Malta EU : €2,500
Non-EU: €3, 500
in collaboration with
Institute of Tourism
Studies Malta

Some Scholarships available

for students from
Developing States
Our Students Say
Why Take the
Climate Friendly ‘Honored to speak about the
Travel Diploma? climate crisis and it’s impact

Looking for a purpose-led

on tourism at
career and to contribute to The Strong Earth Youth
the Travel & Tourism Summit'
industry’s greener, cleaner Shrestha Paul, India

Want to learn why Climate 'I can’t imagine a better

Change is the top issue on learning experience about
the global agenda? the challenge of our
Discover Climate Friendly
Travel and how it benefits Dominic Wanjiru,Kenya
companies & destinations
while conserving nature & The Campus
biodiversity? ‘Thank you. I will always be
123 Anywhere St.,
grateful for12345
Any City, ST the opportunity
Become part of the to be part of this group'
community of global ‘Strong
Erica Carvalho, Brazil
Climate Champions and Contact Us
make change happen.
Course Details

Climate Friendly Travel Diploma -A Two Year Journey

In year two you will have
an internship with SUNx
In year one you will have 300 hours of in depth
Malta, where you will
teaching about the Climate Crisis and Sustainability
test the practical
as they relate to Climate Friendly Travel - SDG
application of what you
linked and Paris 1.5 targeted.
have learned, within the
Tourism sector and with
Interactive Lectures will be given by 25 of the leading
it's leading stakeholders.
tourism academics in the world.
You will be led through the
work of SUNx Malta's
Your Course Director, Professor Geoffrey Lipman is a
Climate Friendly Travel
former Executive Director at IATA, first President of
Registry, of our 30+ SDG 17
WTTC and Assistant Secretary General at UNWTO. He is
partners and the services
also an Envoy for the new Saudi Arabian Sustainable
they offer to members of
Tourism Global Center.
the global Climate Friendly
Travel Community and of
You will review carefully curated top journal and online
our Strong Climate
source material, to bolster your knowledge of
Champions. You will
Transport, Hospitality and Travel Services exposure
interact with those
and response to the existential Climate Crisis.
members and help in the
building of sustainability
and climate plans
When you receive your Certificate from ITS -
Institute of Tourism Studies - you will be
superbly qualified to work in the Travel &
Tourism industry or it's Government partners
Some of our Guest Lecturers

Prof Geoffrey Lipman Prof Susanne Becken Ignace Schops

Course Director-SUNx Malta Griffiths U, Australia Director Belgium National Park

Olly Wheatcroft Paul Steele Paul Wilke

Program Manager, SUNx Malta Fmr. Corporate Secretary IATA Founder Upright Communications

Dr. Hans Friederich Vicky Smith Prof Harold Goodwin

CFT Registrar, SUNx Malta Founder Earth Changers M.D. Resp. Tourism Partnership

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