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Should we deem Science as superior in terms of giving us a picture of reality ?

For me, NO. Science is not the only superior field of knowledge that gives us a picture of
reality. There are other fields that we need to consider. Science is based solely on reason
which means it is limited to what is observed by the senses and so does not contain all
knowledge. There is wealth of knowledge about reality that is available through divine revelation
and human experience. For example, our knowledge of freedom, justice, peace, and love does
not come from science and can't be measured by science. Yes, science can study their effects
but not their substance. For knowledge of these we need God's revelation and human wisdom.
We can also consider philosophy as an antecedent of science which simply means that it's
existed before or logically precedes an event. Thus, science is not superior over other fields but
it correlates to other fields of knowledge.

In addition, Science refers to the system or process of acquiring knowledge about the natural
world. To study the natural world, scientists use methods that are empirical, which means that
they are grounded in observations and experimentation and are not based on opinions or
feelings. Scientific inquiry refers to activities and practices involving scientists' pursuit of
knowledge. Science as a way of knowing refers to the belief that the actions of science are
based on logic, evidence and reasoning. Although there are other ways of knowing that may be
important in our personal and cultural lives, they rely on opinion, belief and other factors rather
than on evidence and testing.

Step-by-step explanation

Scientists come from all walks of life and all parts of the globe. Their diversity allows them to
look at problems from a variety of perspectives and search for answers in different ways. But
even though their approaches may vary, they use empirical methods of inquiry. Because
science and the body of scientific knowledge is so broad, most scientists specialize — just as
one doctor decides to become a pediatrician, while another chooses to be a brain surgeon. In
fact, scientists often spend their entire career studying a specific topic and thus may not be
qualified to evaluate the results of scientists who are working in other fields of study. What we
are trying to emphasize here is that Science in some point cannot stand alone because as its
conduct empirical research to look for a picture of reality it needs to consider another body of
knowledge like sociology, philosophy, religion, and other branches. Therefore, we can conclude
that science is not superior in giving us a perfect picture of reality as it correlates to other fields
or branches of knowledge.

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