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+ Includes the Sun and the 8 planets: Leet Ae Earth ie ecg erm ery ery See UC ea This is our Solar System. Solar System includes the Sun and the 8 planets. And the 8 planets include our Earth. The order of positions of the 8 planets from near to far from the Sun is as follows: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. And our Earth is the only planet with life in the Solar System. TT BRUCE U Deca mau ac See et ee ea Sete RUCe anc First, we will talk about the Sun. The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System. And it’s also the hottest star, The surface temperature of the Sun reaches 5,505 degree celsius. The sun is actually white, but it looks yellow from the Earth's surface because of atmospheric scattering. MERCURY Saat Ase Recency + avery hot planet (4.....) - but at night, it’s very cold (-2. Se ens R ea aun es Cec U ose lis Now, let’s go to the first planet, Mercury. Mercury is the smallest and closest planet to the Sun of the 8 planets in the Solar System. It’s also a very hot planet, of the 8 planets because it is closest to the Sun, the light from the Sun to Mercury is 7 times stronger than our planet. But at night, Mercury is very cold, the temperature can drop to minus 184 degrees Celsius. And it is the second thickest planet in the Solar System, after our own Earth. As it is mainly composed of heavy metals and rocks. Mercury also a planet with the strangest orbit in the solar system. VENUS Oe ea a et ae Ren See os ued sc} earners eg And now, we will move on the second planet in the Solar System is Venus. Venus is called the twin of the Earth because Venus has 0.81 times the mass of Earth. It is the hottest planet in the Solar System and also the second brightest natural object in the dark sky, after the Moon. gest of the terrestrial planets Ort Oar ute eee cy Oe ad Next, the third planet in the Solar System is our Earth. Our Earth is the largest of the terrestrial planets of the solar system in terms of radius, mass, and matter density. Earth is also known as the "blue planet" because Earth is the only planet with water that supports life in the solar system and also the only planet with an atmosphere. The orbit of the Earth is the path of the Earth around the Sun. MOON CRUE CC ca ep Cee cane CRS nu POLT Ley The Earth has 1 moon. The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. It is the fifth largest natural satellite in the Solar System. And the Moon orbits around the Earth in 28-29 days. LENS Sea Ua See Lacy Creu ure ace seasons on Mars are the closest to those ee The fourth planet in the Solar System is Mars. Mars is often referred to as the "Red Planet", because iron oxide is so abundant on the planet's surface that its surface appears red. The radius of Mars is approximately half the radius of the Earth. And, of the planets in the solar system, the seasons on Mars are the closest to those on Earth, due to the approximation of the inclinations of the rotational axes of the two planets. Tet Seed ea eS + matter on Jupiter: gaseous and liquid states. Dee eee Let’s move to the fifth planet in the Solar System, Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. It is a gas giant with a mass one thousandth of the Sun but two and a half times the total mass of all the other planets in the Solar System combined. Jupiter mainly contains matter in the gaseous and liquid states. Jupiter also has the largest atmosphere in the Solar System. Pye De oes ia Ce Dee ee ue nee ieee Deena eS cn aa Ra ais Let’s continue, Saturn-the sixth planet in our Solar System. Saturn is the second largest planet in diameter and mass, after Jupiter in the Solar System. The rings of Saturn are the most extensive of all the planets in the Solar System. Saturn is the only planet in the Solar System that has an average density less than that of water. TO cee eae te Se CU cy oe ee ens paren ene aS After Saturn is Uranus-the seventh planet in the Solar System. Uranus is the third largest planet in radius. It is the fourth most massive in the Solar System. The seventh plant in our Solar System is a giant ball of gas and liquid. Uranus has a similar composition to Neptune. Both have different chemical compositions than the two larger gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, ells Beret ess Dea ue a See oR uae eae Cau cet con ns Finally, the farthest planet in the solar system, Neptune. Neptune is the coldest planet in the Solar System with an average temperature of minus 214 degrees Celsius. Neptune is the smallest of the four gas planets with an equatorial radius of more than 24,000 km. We cannot observe Neptune with the naked eye from Earth. It is mainly composed of gases in liquid form. THANK YOU

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