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Koen Cheung

The new kid

Once, there was a boy who went to school (lets call him John). John did not have friends

or anyone he knew for this school was new to him. He has just moved schools since his dad got a

new job and since he was in a jr school. Today, he entered the school an hour in front so that he

would know were to go and where his classes would be. It took him half an hour to find the

Men’s room. Then it took him another half an hour to find his next classes. It was time, all the

grads came in and ran into their classes and took their seat. When John went in, the grads looked

at him as if he was a freak, they stood there and laughed at him. The guide told them to be quiet

and asked for his name. John, John Joe Jr he said. After, they laughed even harder at him. He

stood there and was mad at this school already. The guide told them to stop and so they stopped,

but then, John just knew that there was one kid, one kid who did not laugh at him. He sat there

and asked what was his name. He said Joe John Jr. So then they were friends.

One week has passed since the first day of school. John and Joe were good friends and

hung out a lot. One day the guide said that they would have their first test of the school year and

it was on math. Joe knew a lot about math but John did not. They worked for 5 hours after school

and John was done. On test day he knew how to do it and he got an A+; so did Joe.

John thanked Joe for all he did. An that was it

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