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Population growth is affecting the world’s resources

June 8, 2023

Population growth is affecting the world’s resources

World human population growth from 10,000 BC to 2019 AD. Data from: The United Nations

As all we know, the global world population is sharply grown, and that
growing affects all the resource we collect from the earth. This has a
direct impact for the clime change, and it is linked to change in the
demographic pictures for city that are in developing; thus, change impact
the natural resource and economic of that city will impact, because this
has a direct impact in the fair basis.

These impact affects the cost of resources as oil, gas, agriculture have a
lot of impact in the clime change regarding the pollution that we made to
use and transport all the resource we need.

We see in the chart, for me, it is very difficult to meet all the food, oil and
that natural resource requirement for this considerably increase in world
population. As we discover new forms of technology to create betters’
solution, they bring thus resource in net-zero carbon impact.

We must do a social a significant change in our mind in order to help the

world, we can start with bring some marketing awareness for all people.
So, we have to look after with our little culture changes. Also, the
government must need to create a program for renewed all the garbage
we made in order to reduce the impact.
berkeley. (2022, March 8). Population growth. Understanding Global Change.



Maja, M. M., & Ayano, S. F. (2021, June). The impact of population growth on natural

resources and farmers’ capacity to adapt to climate change in low-income countries.

The Impact of Population Growth on Natural Resources and Farmers’ Capacity to

Adapt to Climate Change in Low-Income Countries. 

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