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Chan/Deshma/Jemima/Gan: Good morning to Cikgu Hairulnizam.

Today, I,
________ from 3 KSN would like to interview Cikgu Hairulnizam about the
hockey team and your hopes for district, state and national level competitions?
Cikgu Hairulnizam: Good morning __________. Sure.
Chan/Deshma/Jemima/Gan: Cikgu Hairulnizam, what was the best
achievement gained by TAHA hockey team so far?
Cikgu Hairulnizam: The best achievement gained by TAHA hockey team was in
________________. I remember looking at the record and feel proud looking
at the team. I remember watching them training every day for weeks and
witnessing the success of the team was a great achievement.
Chan/Deshma/Jemima/Gan: Thank you. Are you satisfied with the result? Do
you think you can break the record?
Cikgu Hairulnizam: With constant training, I am confident that we can break
the record. The past few years have shown that with effort, teamwork and
regiment training, we could go further and fly higher than we intend to.
Chan/Deshma/Jemima/Gan: Thank you. What’s the effort to gain this
Cikgu Hairulnizam: In order to be where we are now, we have to think about
the strategy. With a strategy, we can have plan to achieve the target or goals
set by our school. And after we plan the strategy, we must have to ensure that
everyone is ready to achieve the same goal, which is success.
Chan/Deshma/Jemima/Gan: Thank you. Cikgu Hairulnizam, as a Co-curricular
GPK, what are your hopes for district, state and national level competition?
Cikgu Hairulnizam: I hope that TAHA Hockey Team will continue to rise and fly
higher, even higher than before. It must be great to see that we can witness the
success of the team in the next few years.
Chan/Deshma/Jemima/Gan: Thank you Cikgu Hairulnizam for your time. That’s
all for the interview, sir. Hope you have an awesome day!
Cikgu Hairulnizam: Thank you too. Bye.

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