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As a student i want to earn 15 euros everyday without wasting time suggest me


There are several ways for students to earn money without wasting too much time.
Here are some suggestions:

Online Surveys - Many companies pay people to take online surveys to gather
consumer data. These surveys can be completed in your spare time and can earn you a
few euros per survey. Some popular survey sites include Swagbucks, Survey Junkie,
and Vindale Research.

Freelance Work - Freelance work can be a good option for students who have skills
in areas like writing, graphic design, or coding. Websites like Upwork, Freelancer,
and Fiverr allow you to find freelance work opportunities and get paid for
completing projects.

Online Tutoring - If you excel in a particular subject, online tutoring can be a

good way to earn money. There are several online tutoring platforms like Chegg,
TutorMe, and Skooli that allow you to earn money by tutoring students in your area
of expertise.

Delivery Services - With the rise of delivery services like Uber Eats and
Deliveroo, students can earn money by delivering food or groceries in their spare
time. This can be a flexible way to earn money without committing to a regular

Selling Items Online - If you have unwanted items like clothes or electronics, you
can sell them online on platforms like eBay, Amazon, or Facebook Marketplace. This
can be a good way to earn some extra cash and declutter your space at the same

Remember, earning money takes effort, so it's important to be disciplined and

consistent in your approach. These are just a few suggestions to get you started,
but there are many other ways to earn money as a student.

i live in germany , give me some specific details to earn 15 euros everyday without
leaving house and spending less than a hour.

Here are some specific details for earning 15 euros every day without leaving your
house and spending less than an hour:

1. Online Surveys - Many survey websites are available in Germany that allow you to
earn money by taking surveys. Some popular survey websites include Meinungsplatz,
Toluna, and Swagbucks. You can earn 1-5 euros per survey, and each survey usually
takes between 5-20 minutes.

2. Virtual Assistant - If you have administrative skills, you can offer your
services as a virtual assistant. You can find virtual assistant jobs on websites
like Fiverr and Upwork. You can charge 5-15 euros per hour for your services, and
each task usually takes less than an hour to complete.

3. Testing Websites and Apps - You can earn money by testing websites and apps for
usability and functionality. Some websites that offer this service in Germany
include Testbirds and UserTesting. You can earn 5-15 euros per test, and each test
usually takes 15-20 minutes.

4. Online Translation Services - If you are bilingual, you can offer your services
as an online translator. Websites like Unbabel and offer translation
services to businesses and individuals. You can earn 5-10 euros per hour for your
services, and each task usually takes less than an hour to complete.

5. Sell items online - If you have unused items lying around your house, you can
sell them online on platforms like eBay or Amazon. This can be a good way to earn
some extra cash without leaving your house. You can take photos of the items and
write a description, which usually takes less than an hour to complete.

Remember, these are just a few options to get you started, and it's important to
find a job that suits your skills and interests. You may need to spend some time
researching and applying for jobs before you can start earning money. Also, keep in
mind that some of these jobs may require a bit more time than an hour to earn 15

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