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AN ea Pre-Test Practice Additional Exercises WITH KEY EXAM TASKS READING Task 1: choose the best option to fill in the gaps. This exercise often includes words which are easily confused like bring and take or borrow and lend. Revise personal pronouns, elementary adverbs (always, never, etc.), collocations (make, do, have, get, etc.) and vocabulary. Task 2: order the paragraphs so that they make a story: pay attention to time expressions and discourse markers used to sequence ideas, such as first, secondly, then, after that..., which will help you build up the sequence of events. Find references to people, places, etc. For example, in a sentence beginning by ‘He was also...', he can only refer to someone already mentioned. The same thing happens regarding places like ‘it was there where...’ Task 3: fill in the gaps with words from a list. It helps if you know what kind of word Is missing in the text - is it an adverb, an adjective, a verb, a noun, a preposition? Pay attention to the position of the words, and to whether they are singular or plural, etc. Task 4: to find the headline that best matches the text, read each paragraph carefully and try to figure it out what the main idea is. Sometimes, the headings will include words or expressions which are synonymous with those used in the main text, however, do not waste time trying to understand every single word in such text; most of the times, you will be able to guess the meaning of most words from the context, VOCABULARY Task 1: find words with a similar meaning to the ones given. Task 2: match each definition with the verb. You will have verbs and definitions of different levels of difficulty. Task 3: complete the sentences using words from a list. This is about common expressions, idioms, set phrases, etc. Task 4: find words with a similar meaning to the ones given. Task 5: choose words from a list which are normally used with the words given to make word pairs such as bus top, primary school, train station, heavy rain, etc. To learn vocabulary you can use dictionaries, online resources, books, textbooks, etc., and read and read as much as you can, Online resources sometimes group vocabulary by levels, so you can use this as a reference to make your own lists. Try to look for vocabulary by topics - travelling, family, free time, etc, - and learn the vocabulary you would use in your language; it is useless to try to memorize vocabulary you are not familiar with or expressions which are not very common. Use your intuition. For example, in task 4, the words can be adjectives, nouns, adverbs, etc. So, if you are not sure about which word to use but you know you are looking for, say, an adjective, see which words from the list are adjectives, too. GRAMMAR The grammar test consists of 25 multiple choice questions with three options, which test formal and informal English (the majority of them testing formal written English). List of contents EXAM TASKS READING........ VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR. SPEAKING © WRITING. PRE-TEST PRACTICE © PRE-TEST VOCABUALARY & READING PRACTICE . © PRE-TEST WRITING PRACTICE © PRE-TEST SPEAKING PRACTICE TESTS o TEST 1, o TEST 2. o TEST3. ADDITIONAL EXERCISES BASED ON TESTS 1, 2 & 3 © ADDITONAL EXERCISES BASED ON TEST 1 © ADDITIONAL EXERCISES BASED ON TEST 2. © ADDITIONAL EXERCISES BASED ON TEST 3. ooo © KEY TO PRE-TEST PRACTICE 0 KEY TO TESTS 1, 2& 3., © KEY TO ADDITIONAL EXERCISES BASED ON TESTS 1, 2&3. EXAM TASKS, READING Task 1: choose the best option to fill in the gaps. This exercise often includes words which are easily confused like bring and take or borrow and lend. Revise personal pronouns, elementary adverbs (always, never, etc.), collocations (make, do, have, get, etc.) and vocabulary. Task 2: order the paragraphs so that they make a story: pay attention to time expressions and discourse markers used to sequence ideas, such as first, secondly, then, after that..., which will help you build up the sequence of events. Find references to people, places, etc, For example, in a sentence beginning by ‘He was also...’, he can only refer to someone already mentioned. The same thing happens regarding places like ‘it was there where...” Task 3: fill in the gaps with words from a list. It helps if you know what kind of word is missing in the text - is it an adverb, an adjective, a verb, a noun, a preposition? Pay attention to the position of the words, and to whether they are singular or plural, etc. Task 4: to find the headline that best matches the text, read each paragraph carefully and try to figure it out what the main idea Is. Sometimes, the headings will include words or expressions which are synonymous with those used in the main text, however, do not waste time trying to understand every single word in such text; most of the times, you will be able to guess the meaning of most words from the context. VOCABULARY Task 1: find words with a similar meaning to the ones given. Task 2: match each definition with the verb. You will have verbs and definitions of different levels of difficulty. Task 3: complete the sentences using words from a list. This is about common expressions, Idioms, set phrases, etc. Task 4: find words with a similar meaning to the ones given. Task 5: choose words from a list which are normally used with the words given to make word pairs such as bus top, primary school, train station, heavy rain, etc. To learn vocabulary you can use dictionaries, online resources, books, textbooks, etc., and read and read as much as you can. Online resources sometimes group vocabulary by levels, $0 you can use this as a reference to make your own lists. Try to look for vocabulary by topics - travelling, family, free time, etc, - and learn the vocabulary you would use in your language; it is useless to try to memorize vocabulary you are not familiar with or expressions which are not very common. Use your intuition. For example, in task 4, the words can be adjectives, nouns, adverbs, etc. So, if you are not sure about which word to use but you know you are looking for, say, an adjective, see which words from the list are adjectives, too. GRAMMAR The grammar test consists of 25 multiple choice questions with three options, whic informal English (the majority of them testing formal written Enalish). test formal and EXAM TASKS SPEAKING Common topics for the speaking test + Physical appearance, personality traits, age. + The house: parts of the house, furniture, household chores, etc, * Daily life activities + Free time and entertainment + Transport and travel + Personal relationships + Interests and hobbies + Healthy habits and health care * Food and restaurants + Languages and communications Weather and climate Science and technology © Travel and tourism + Shopping and buying: traditional shops, online shopping, places to buy * Public spaces, public transport and other amenities. * Professions and occupations * Education Environment «Sports and free time activities + Arts and the media = New technologies © Ete, To prepare your speaking test, use pictures from magazines, newspapers, online, etc. Write all the words and expressions that spring to your mind when looking at those pictures. Then use those words and expressions to describe the picture and say what the picture suggests. You can write your answers or record them so you can go back to them later. In the exam, you will not be able to write and then read your answers, but when practicing, writing sample answers can be useful. However, see that reading a text is not the same as speaking out loud. For instance, for a text of 90 words, we would need 23 seconds of reading time but about 40 seconds of speaking time. See an example of how to practice the description of pictures: Father, daughter, homework, study, help, family, quiet, relaxing, views, mountains, outdoors, young, toddler, pencil, pen, child raising, parenthood, stay-home father, painting, drawing, writing, reading, free time, quality time, weekend, afternoon, summer, spring, fine weather, terrace... In this picture I can see what I presume are a father and his young daughter, who are in a EXAM TASKS terrace with beautiful views to the mountains. The little girl is painting or maybe drawing, while her father looks at what she is drawing and is drawing too, as I can see he Is holding @ pencil in his right hand. I think he is a father who likes to be involved in his child's upbringing and spend quality time with his daughter. Task 1 In this part, you must answer three short questions about yourself, your interests, hobbies, and general topics. Try to answer with short sentences to avoid mistakes, and use connectors to link your ideas. You don't have to answer exactly to what they ask you, but always say something related to the topic. For example, if the question is what your favourite film is and you don't like watching films, you can say that, and then explain why - you prefer reading books, watching series, etc.), or talk about a film you liked, although it might not be your favourite, and comment on its plot, settings, etc. Common topics for this part of the speaking test are: daily routines, the weather, free time and sports, hobbies and interests, places to live, feelings and emotions, clothes, abilities such as speaking languages or playing musical instruments, technologies... Common questions in this part of the test are what...?, who...2, how many...?, how...?, Do you...?,Can you...?, Are you...2. etc. (What is the weather like today? Do you have any pets? What are you wearing?, etc.) Task 2 In this part, you have to describe a picture and then answer two questions related to it. When describing the picture, try to figure It out what the pictures is about. To do this, it can help if you comment on whom, when, where, why they have chosen this place, what are they doing, how are they feeling or what you think will happen next. You don’t have to answer all of them, but they will help you build a structure from which to build a detailed description. Use connectors and the speculative mode - It seems that they are having a party, they seem to be having a party, she looks like a nurse or maybe a doctor; I think it is summer because the weather seems very fine; they might be father and daughter; they are in what I presume is the kitchen of heir house, etc. - and give reasons and examples to justify your answer. You can practice the description of pictures with photos from magazines, the Internet, etc. Write vocabulary lists with all the words and expressions that spring to your mind when looking at that picture, and then write a description using connectors and appropriate grammar structures. Task 3 In this part, you will have to compare two pictures. Say what they have in common - for example, places to live - and what the differences between them are - a big city and a small town, Remember that this time you are not just describing two pictures, but establishing a comparison between them. You can comment on one picture first and then the other as long as you stick to the topic they depict. Use expressions like: © Both pictures represent ..., but whereas/while in the first photo.. © In both pictures, we can see... EXAM TASKS Both ... and ... represent...., However, .. The photos are both lar in that they. In the first photo ..., whereas in the second photo ... One difference is..., another difference is that.... Firstly, secondly, in the third place, finally... In the picture on the left...... while in the picture on the right... o00000 Task 4 In this part of the speaking, you will see 2 picture, but you do not have to describe it. However, you will have to answer three questions related to it. Use different tenses, modals, conditionals, and more complex connectors and grammar structures to express contrast, similarity, add elements to a list, etc. (SEE WRITING TIPS) Make use of the preparation time to write an outline of your monologue, with the ideas you want to express and the vocabulary and structures you want to use. Common mistake: © Proper names: whenever there is an English word for a city, town, monument, etc., use it. It is a common mistake, for instance, to mention cities we have visited and say ‘'ve been to London (in English), Firenze (in Italian) and Praga (in Spanish), rather than London, Florence and Prague. ° Giving examples: give two or three examples of, say, cities you have visited, dishes you like, books you have read, etc, There's no need to produce a long list - and, perhaps, make mistakes like using words in other languages. ©. If you realise you have made a mistake, rectify it the moment you realise but do not come back to it further on. You would only be placing the focus on that mistake. © Do not try to use the vocabulary you are not familiar with not even in your own language. Choose the words and expression you already know and manage. ° In the exam, you will not have much time to prepare your answer - except in task 4. That is why it is important to know how to face each of the different tasks (how to describe a picture, how to compare two pictures, what to mention and what to omit). Connectors are essential since they will help you link your ideas without the need to use very long and complex sentences, which could lead to mistakes. Also, we must insist on the Importance of using speculation and guessing, especially when describing a picture. For example, if we see a young boy and a man at a museum, you can say they are father and son, or teacher and student. For example: ‘in this picture we can see a young boy and a man, probably his father, or maybe his teacher...’ By speculating, we can say more things in the time available. EXAM TASKS WRITING Task 1: The simpler your answer, the better. It is essential to understand the question and respond exactly to what you are asked about. You can use up to 5 words, so do not worry about producing a short answer, it will be fine as long as it is related to the question and you use suitable vocabulary. Sample questions in this task are: How do you get to work?, What Is the weather IIke today?, What is your favourite colour/season/film.....?, Can you speak.....?, Do you like....?, Have you ever been to Task 2: You will have to answer to one question from the club with no more than 30 words. Again, simplicity is the key. In this case, you have to use more words, use them to answer the question and justify your answer by giving some examples or explaining your reasons to think so. One question here could be ‘Why did you join the club?’ or ‘When did you become interested in...?" Task 3: You are in a chat room and will have to answer three questions from other members, using up to 40 words, Keep it simple and colloquial. The questions will be related to the subject matter of the writing test. Sample questions are: What do you Ike most about travelling?, What countries would you like to visit?, Have you ever been to....?, Why did you join the club?, What is the most interesting place you have visited? Task 4: consists of two writings, formal and informal, both based on the same plece of information. You will have to express similar ideas but in formal and informal style. In the informal wi 19 you.. © Can use contractions, phrasal verbs, idioms, colloquial expressions and slang: J can’t believe it; I took up yoga two years ago. Other colloquial expressions are: © Have you heard about...?/Did you get the email from... whether he/she knows that...) © Thank you/Thanks for ... © I'm glad/sorry to hear that... (to explain how you feel) © By the way, ... (to change the subject) 2: to ask the other person o Can use simple sentences and omit some words: [have you] got the email from our club?; [I’m] sorry to interrupt, but... ° Are expected to use a personal tone. You can use the first or third person (I/We), and address the reader by the second person (you). © Can use direct questions and emphatic informal expressions and exclamation marks: where is the train station?; what a pity! © informal greeting and closing - Hi/Hello; That's all for now, See you/Best wishes/Best regards/See you soon/Take care In a formal writing you. © Cannot use contractions, phrasal verbs, unless they are formal, idioms or colloquial expressions and slang. EXAM TASKS Must use an impersonal tone. To do so, you can use the passive voice, the impersonal ‘it’ and the nominalisation (changing verbs into nouns, to avoid repetition and the use of personal pronouns) , etc., and when possible, avoid using the first or third person (I/We) and addressing the reader by the second person (you), or else omit the subject. Use modals to make your writing more subjunctive (see MODALS IN FORMAL WRITING further on) You have raised the fee - Passive: the fee has been raised = Nominalisation: there has been a rise in the fee. Can use formal emphatic expressions: It is such a nuisance! Must use indirect questions: ° Direct: Where is the train station? o Indirect; Could you tell me where the train station is? Should use more complex grammar resources: more sophisticated linking words and clauses, conditionals, modals, ete. Avoid vague words like very, thing or get and used more specific vocabulary instead. Common alternatives to very...: * Highly expresses a very strong probability and it usually collocates with. positive words: highly recommended/ successful, etc. + Absolutely/Utterly collocate with very. strong adiectives which cannot be used with very: absolutely /utterly miserable/ disappointed/ impressive, etc. + Bitterly always implies a strona feeling of sadness.or disappointment, so it is commonly used with negative words: bitterly disappointed/ resentful/ regretful, etc. * Deeply is most commonly related to feelings: deeply moved/ concerned/ affected, etc. * Ridiculously is used to express that something. seems.MUch.t99,....0F 19k. great extent: ridiculously cheap/expensive/big/small enough to a beliefs: strongly suggest, recommend, advise, feel, object, believe, etc. * Others: extremely cold, hot.., honestly believe, feel, regret..; positively believe... sincerely hope, expect, wish...; perfectly understand, heard, did..; totally understandable, justifiable, etc...; blissfully happy, etc... and many others. When possible, try to use positive statements rather than negative ones, especially when the negative is made by auxiliary/modal + not (don't, can’t, won't, shouldn't, isn’t, etc.), This will not always be possible, but by avoiding negative expressions whenever possible, we can pose a more positive image and communicate more clearly. See the examples below: © She doesn’t have a job > She’s unemployed. © They aren't occupied > They are free © It isn’t fair > it is unfair EXAM TASKS © Formal greeting and closing. o If we know the person we are writing to, we use Dear Mr,(for a man) or Dear Mrs, (for a woman) and close with Yours sincerely, © If we do not know the person or it is a group we are writing to (i.e. Customer Service), we use Dear Sir/Madam or Dear Customer Service and close with Yours faithfully, o Use discourse markers to link and sequence ideas: © To express contrast: although/even though, despite/in spite of (the fact that), however, but, whereas/while. See the different uses of these conjunctions to express the same idea: Although + clause (subject + ver) Although/Even though/Though it is raining, they will not cancel the match. Despite/In spite of + noun/-ing verb Despite/In spite of the rain/being raining, they will not cancel the match. Despite/In spite of the fact that + clause (FORMAL) Despite/In spite of the fact that It is raining, they will not cancel the match. It is raining. However, they will not cancel the match. It is raining but they will not cancel the match. Whereas/WI = contrast between two ideas or facts. My brother has green eyes whereas/while mine are brown. © To sequence elements in a list and establish time relations: also, besides, firstly, secondly, in the third place, as soon as, when, before, after, by the time. Example of use: Safety instruction: Firstly, you must wear safety glasses. You must also wear safety gloves. Secondly, do not operate the machine when the red light is on. In the third place, make sure all mobile parts are connecte I will phone you when/once I get home. (1 get home and then I phone you) Twill phone you as soon as I get home. (I get home and immediately after I phone you) Iwill phone you after/before lunch. By the time I arrived at the cinema, they film had already started. (I arrived at the cinema when the film had already started). © To present alternatives or different choices or possi S$: neither, neither...nor, either...or..., none of..., whether...or. Examples of use: Neither = not either of two or more things. Neither of my friends likes jazz (they all dislike it) Neither... nor = two or more things are not true. Although the meaning is negative, the verb goes in the positive. Neither Peter nor Mary like jazz (both Peter and Mary dislike jazz) EXAM TASKS Either = there are two choices or possibilities Either thing you want to eat will be okay as long as I don’t have to cook! Either ... or = two connect two clauses which pose two different options or possibilities Either we have pasta or rice for lunch. Which do you prefer? (One thing or the other) None of + the/this/that/these/those/possessives/pronouns + clause None of my friends like jazz (They all dislike it) Whether...or = r mors bilities ecially when ex! int I don’t know whether he wasn’t home or (whether) he was too busy to pick the phone. Give examples: for instance, for example, such as, like... Examples of use: I like Italian dishes like/such as pasta or pizza. I like Italian dishes, for instance/for example, pasta and rice. SEE THAT you can use any of these link words, but not two or more of them combined in the same sentence. Incorrect: I like Italian dishes like for instance pasta. Correct: I like Italian dishes like pasta. Express cause: because, because of, due to, owing to, as, since, for. Examples of use: Because + clause (subject + verb) They have cancelled the tennis match because it started raining. Because of /Due to/Owing to + noun They have cancelled the tennis match because of/due to/owing to the rain. Since/As/For + clause They have cancelled the tennis match since/as/for it started raining. Express purpose: in order (not) to, so as (not) to, so that. We use so that, in order that + clause to talk about the purpose why someone does something (normally followed by a modal). In order that is more formal than so that. In Informal contexts, we normally omit that. In informal language, we can also use to, so as to. See the examples: Ti take a taxi so (that) I can get to the station on time. I will take a taxi in order that I can arrive at the station on time, am following a diet to lose some weight. Iam following a diet in order to lose some weight. State a condition: provided/providing (that), as long as, if, in case (of), unless, in case, supposing, only if, even if. Examples of use: Twill not lend you my car unless you promise to take good care of it. I will lend you my car provided/providing/as long as/if/only if you promise ... They will play the match even if it rains. (They will not cancel it because of the rain) Take an umbrella with you In case it rains later. Supposing you won the lottery, would you buy a bigger house? EXAM TASKS © Emphasise: not only... but also, as well as, what is more, besides. Examples of use: NORMAL: The food was not only delicious but also properly presented on the plate. INVERSION: Not only was the food delicious but also properly presented on the plate. He is a good professional as welll as a supportive workmate. He is a good professional. What is more/Besides, he is 2 supportive workmate. INFORMAL vs. FORMAL To say why you are writing Just a quick line to .... Have you heard about...? You got the email from...? Lam writing with regard to, in connection with, with reference to... To say how you feel or what you think What a pity, shame, nuisance, good news! I feel very disappointed ... It's great to hear that. (I'm sorry) to hear that. I don’t know why. T want to. It is such a pity, shame, nuisance, goods news... (that...) I would like to express my disappointment 1 am pleased to hear that I regret to hear that. I cannot understand the reason why... I wish to... ‘To say what you want someone else to do I want you to. Why can’t they...? T hope you consider my suggestions I think they should Vd like it if. I want to suggest alternatives To sequence i Anyway, (to change the topic) To start with, then, finally But Also, on top of that Maybe I would like you to... I wonder whether they could... I hope my suggestions are taken into consideration In my opinion, they should... I would appreciate it if you (did). I would be grateful if you (did)... I would like to suggest some alternatives, I suggest that you do... (1) I would prefer it if you did (2) rder paragraphs, emphasise, etc. On the other hand In the first place, firstly, secondly, finally, last but not the least. However, Besides, on the other hand. Perhaps, possibly, probably 10 EXAM TASKS To/So In order to, so that Now, At present, currently, at the present time Because, because of Due to the fact that ‘To ask for some further action and sav goodbye Let me know.. Write to me if you need more Should you require further information, information. do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks! I thank you (for...) 1am looking forward to your email I look forward to hearing from you Bye, see you, write soon..., Yours sincerely, yours faithfully, (1)We can use suggest + that-clause: to suggest an action to someone (that can be omitted in informal language). © Present action: J suggest (that) you call. = Past action: J suggest (that) you (should) call. We use suggest + ing when we suggest an action but we do not mention the person because It is understood: The doctor suggested doing more exercise. (2) Talking about preferences: * [prefer reading the book to watching the film (general preference) «I'd prefer to stay home rather than go out (specific preference) = I'd rather/sooner stay home than go out. (specific preference) When we are saying what we would prefer someone else did, we can use: © I would prefer it if you didn’t make so much noise. MODALS IN FORMAL WRITING Modal verbs are widely used in both spoken and written language, and in both formal and informal contexts, Here we will focus on the use of modals in formal writing, where it is always preferable to be subjunctive, Compare these two sentence: He is joking. He is not serious. - He might be joking. He can’t be serious. In formal writing, we use modals to express different degrees of probability, show capability and politeness, etc. See examples of the different uses of modals: To express ability: can, could The new meeting room can host 100 people. In the past century, not everybody could read and write. > To ask for or give permission: Can/Could/May Can you tell me where the new meeting room is? I wonder whether you could help me with the move on Saturday. I would like to make some suggestions if I may. 1 EXAM TASKS To express possibility and probability: can, could, may, might / will, should This measure can damage the reputation of the club. Weather forecast said it could rain later in the afternoon. This fee rise may damage the reputation of the club. A reduction in the monthly fee might attract more members to the club. This measure will damage the reputation of the club. Your computer should have a USB slot on the left, can you see it? To express logical assumptions: must, can’t That can’t be Peter over there. He's on a business trip to Paris. Everybody must have left the office, because all lights are off. ‘To express necessity: must, have to, need to, should I need to buy a dictionary for my language assignment. We must leave now if we want to get to the airport on time. You needn’t/don’t need to ask! Of course you can use my computer! The computer room should be equipped with more computers. ‘To express obligation: have to, must I can’t go shopping with you because I have to work in the afternoon. I really must go now! It’s getting late and I have to get up early tomorrow. ‘To express criticism, annoyance or regret: should, could (should have, could have) You could drive a bit slower! We are going to have an accident! I should have known this would happen. I was too naive. You could have told me you didn’t want to go to the cinema! Now, I already bought the tickets. ‘To make suggestions: can, could, may, might You could change the date of our next meeting so more members could attend. They might send an email informing about the latest changes in the policy. To express prohibition: mustn’t, can’t (*) You mustn’t smoke in the premises. You ean’t use the computer room after 17.00 (*) Since we are in a formal context and we cannot use contractions, to express prohibition we will use: not be allowed to, be forbidden to. See the examples: You are not allowed to smoke in the premises. It is forbidden to smoke in the premises. You are not allowed to use the computer room after 17.00, It is forbidden to use the computer room after 17.00. 12 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE Exercise 1 - WORDS EASILY CONFUSED - Fill in the gaps with the words from the lists below. borrow been play lend attend only game already assist just gone yet 1. If you need help, I will gladly. you 2. If you want to... the meeting, please write to the secretary of the club. 3. Twill only .. you my car if you promise to take care of it. 4. [have www. $@N that film, It’s quite good. 5. Have you ever to Rome? 6. Tennis is my favourite “ to watch on TV. 7. Llike to . hess with my brother. 8, Have you finished your homework wvnnneu? 9. We are nn ..six students in my English class. 10. Peter has .to the supermarket. He'll be back in about an hour. 11. Can I. your calculator? Mine is not working. 12. Thad .. left home when the telephone rang. argument _ folder hear care speak see talk look carpet listen mind discussion 13, Susan doesn’t ....nncmso0king after our cat while we're on holidays. She loves animals. 14. There is a black spot on the I couldn't clean it. 15.1 know you had a heated with your friend. Would you like to .. 16. Could you please speak a bit louder? I can’t you 17. Put all the documents in the White ..0.0 18. If you have a minute, I'd like to . 19.1 don't if your car didn’t star 20. The matter is still under......... 21. After the lesson, there will be a .to you about the sales results. ‘ou're late again and I'm fed up with your excuses. They have not reached an agreement yet... on New Technologies & Education, 22. If you Peter, will you tell him to call me? 23. at that girl over there. Isn’t she your friend Alice? 24, Tike to... ‘0 the radio while I’m driving to the office. lecture library realised reading notice scenery stage know bookshop _ target card met 25. The hikers took a break to admire the beauty of the mountain.. 26. The audience started clapping when the actress went on 27. Mr Brown is giving a on Work Motivation 28. Lam enjoying... of the book you recommended. 29. The .... audience of the reality show are people aged 18 to 30. 30. Do you like playing .... games? 13 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 31.1 borrowed a book from the and I have to return it today. 32. Do you how this printer works? 33. There is a small near my house where they sell good travel guides. 34. As soon as I arrived home, I Thad left my keys at the office, 35. Susan and I at university. 36, He was so engrossed in the film, he didn’t.....c0mnennsnnenetMe leave the living room. lay soon early lie advice suit advise actually hard fit currently hardly 37.1 ..ever see Peter these days. He Is snowed under work. 38, When I go to the beach, I like to .. soenw0M the towel and sunbathe, 39. You'll have to work .... if you want to pass your final exams. 40. My mother always gives me good 41. Those trousers ... 42. See you ...... 43.1 woke up so 44. I'm not working ..... 45.1 didn't. want to go out, but Daniel insisted and I couldn’t say no. 46. Doctors ......... Not smoking. 47. Could you please help .. 48. Red doesn't .. you like a glove! They're right your size. this morning the sun had not risen yet. ‘m unemployed. ..the table? you. You should buy the blue shirt instead. discoverer other take sensitive succeeded = managed sald told another inventor sensible bring 49. I’m still thirsty. I need 50. Clyde Tombaugh was the .... 51. Remember to. beer. ..OF Pluto, in 1930. our notebooks to our next class, you'll have to take notes. 52. She ... in passing her driving test at first try. 53. She she would phone, but she didn’t. 54, I came across Peter at the supermarket the. 55. SHE wes eetsateinnnenme she had bought a new car. 56. You should your umbrella with you if you go out, I think it’s going to rain. 57. My brother is only ten, but he is very ... .for his age. 58, I don’t know how she .. .to run her own business and raise three children on her own. 59. Try not to upset her with the news. You know how she Is. 60. Marconi is regarded as the .. ..of the radio. day. 14 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE trip make vase quite ads work do glass quiet news travel job 61. It was a beautiful ceramic MING....o.cennnm 62. Would you like to have a of wine? 63. She's found a.... s a secretary. Part of her... is answering the phone. 64. Although his parents are both very short, he iS... tall. 65. Last year, I went on a .. to Italy with my parents. 66.1 like to because I love experiencing different cultures. 67.1. souauthe washing up if you .... he bed. 68. Could you please be I'm trying to listen to the radio. 69. I sometimes read the classified in the newspaper. 70.1 read the headlines, and If I find them interesting, I read the whole piece of . remember chance funny damage fun prevent possibility raise remind avoid harm rise 71. There is always the 72. This measure will cause great 73. There has been a sharp 74. A security alarm will 75.1 clearly ... of rain in this part of the country. sto the reputation of the club, in the figure for the monthly sales. thieves from breaking in your house. the first time we met, when we were both at university. 76. We had a lot of .at Peter's birthday party. 77. She's got every 0 pass the exam. She’s the cleverest student in her class. 78. Come one, doing a bit more exercise will not do you any . 79. We should take the M56 to .... _.the traffic jam in the M46. 80. Please, your hand if you have any questions. 81. Could you please enn me to call Peter as soon as we get home? It’s important. 82. He is such a clown, always telling jokes and making faces! class channel dessert —_ food desert career cooker degree cook lesson _—_ meal canal 83. Panama ... ..connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. 84. The First ess .on Fridays is English. 85. She’s done a soon iM Physics. 86. Daytime temperatures ON a -cnsesenenne CAN Feach 100° F 87. Breakfast Is my favourite ....... 88. We are thirteen students in my English. 89. My mum is an excellent ... 90. There was a lot of drinks and .. $1. What film is on today on 82. Would you like an apple pie for 53. We need to buy a new .. $4. He's hoping for a... but I can’t even fry an egg! at Jane's birthday party. Four? 2 and a new oven. asa lawyer. 15 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE. Exercise 2 - Make & Do collocations - Choose the best option (make or do) 1. [like to do/make exercise every day. It helps me keep fit and relax. 2. She is very good at making/doing speeches. 3. The company did/made great profit last term. 4, We'll have to make/do a bigger effort if we want to solve our problems. 5. I hate doing/making the ironing. It’s boring! 6. Sorry, I didn’t mean to do/make you any harm. 7. She did/made a lot of money selling handmade jewellery. 8, I made/did a terrible mistake and now I have to face the music, 9. Peter and I did/made friends with each other at university. 10.1 always do/make the shopping at the shopping centre near my home. 11.Stop doing/making excuses, will you? 12.1 wish to make/do a formal complaint. 13. She always manages to make/do me laugh. 14, My daughter is doing/making much better in her studies this year. 15.1 started deing/making yoga two years ago. 16. Have you already made/done plans for the weekend? 17. I'll do/make dinner if you make/do the washing up. 18. Can I make/do a suggestion? 19. They are doing/making research into the market before launching the product. 20. He always manages to do/make me laugh, 21. If you are not doing/making anything this afternoon, would you like to go to the cinema? Exercise 3 - Adverb collocations - Choose the best option. The car got seriously/strongly damaged after the accident. Doctors highly /strongly recommend not sunbathing without proper protection. The shoes are ridiculously /totally cheap! I was totally /utterly disappointed by the film. 1 expected more. This Chinese Ming vase is absolutely /incredibly priceless. This new app I have downloaded is completely /terribly useless. It is awfully /extremely important to follow the instructions carefully. It was amazingly /bitterly cold at the summit of the high mountain. 9, Everybody was highly/deeply moved by his farewell speech. 10. Are you fully /completely aware of the risks involved in the operation? 11.It is greatly/generally accepted that global warming is a serious environmental issue. 12. She is a strongly/highly qualified professional, so I have no doubt that she will get the job. 13. This venue Is becoming totally/increasingly popular with young people. 14.1 am not particularly /specially interested In videogames. 15. The jacket was reasonably/conveniently priced. 16. It was sufficiently /relatively easy to find the way out of the maze. 17.She got terribly /severely injured in the accident. 18. Audience was highly /heavily impressed by the amateur cast performance. 19. My sister is totally/painfully shy. She doesn’t speak much and dislikes crowds. 20. It is strictly /completely forbidden to smoke in the facilities. Fee Pee Ee 16 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE Exercise 4: Collocations: Fill in the gaps with the most suitable words from the lists. waste serious valuable ulterior awake expectations immediate casual sound majority admit riser 1, Our trip was long and hard, but we returned home safe and ... 2. I'm sure he’s got a(n) ..motive for being so suspiciously kind and friendly. 3. The storms caused. ...damage to the tower clock. 4. Avast. ..of teenagers use social networking sites to catch up with the news. 5. DONE sss our time arguing with each other! 6. After the third goal, the team had no alternative but to .... 7. My mum always gives me ... advise, 8. We stayed. until late watching a film. 9. He is an early. .. He always gets up at six in the morning. 10. Local government is taking ..action to repair damages after the wildfire. LL. The film exceeded MY ..ecseennnd really liked it, 12.0n Fridays, employees are allowed to wear. clothes. native thought come stand early equal reached pattern free harm broke false 13.All people should have...........1ights, regardless their race, genre or religious beliefs. 14. This situation must. to an end at once! I can’t stand your arguing all the time! 15.Come on! Doing a bit of exercise won't do You any swnnn Don't be so lazy. 16.1n his sunnday$ aS an actor, he used to play the role of the bad guy. 17. They are looking for ... Italian speakers to work as translators. 18.The drawings on the vase follow a geometrical... 19. Has the jury already . a @ verdict? 20. The politician. his promise and increased taxes as soon as he was elected. 21.1 cant... .the smell of petrol. It makes me feel sick. 22. At first he intended to accept the job, but on second. , he turned it down. 23. Members of the club have .. access to all the facilities and services. 24.1 was under the impression that they had broken up, but they are still together. human key lost join odd offer make lucky fatal. ~— overall, ~—miss sure 25.A high number of........ . traffic accidents are caused by the use of mobiles while driving. 26.1, 3 or S are... ...Numbers, while 2, 4 or 6 are even numbers. 27.The plane crash was due to a z sn€ITOF, 28. We must all ... forces if we want to overcome this difficult situation. 29, Global warming is a ..environmental issue. 30. The driver .. contro! of the vehicle and crashed into a tree. 17 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 31. They made a escape from the burning building and suffered only minor injuries. 32. Did he. ny explanation for being late again? 33. There are some issues to be solved, of course, but the .nuSituation is not so bad. 34.1 would like to. appointment with Doctor Wilson, please. 35. Make. _..there is paper on the paper tray before pressing the ‘Print’ button. 36. If you go to Rome, don’t. the opportunity to visit the Coliseum. pay risk threat raised piece voice poor place pack late root goal 37. The Spanish .... of cards comprises 48 cards. 38. He jotted down his telephone number on a... 39. If I have time this afternoon, I will... .a visit to my grandmother. 40. This invasive mosquito species poses a ..... sue to mative species. 41.1f you wish to .. an order, call 999 888 777. 42. At the meeting, It was Tom who .... ..the question of whether the company was intending to make people redundant, 43. We need to find the 44, She needs glasses to correct her. 45. Could you please raise your 46. You are running a big ... 47. All trains are running. 48.The team scored a .of paper and handed it to me. cause of the problem if we want to fix it. eyesight. ..? Ican barely hear you. .. investing in a stat-up. _.due to maintenance works on the railroad. .in the last minute and won the match. amends safety hard seat rough speedy tuned off figures serious ahead take 49.1 made som: 50. You always have to keep the. 51. The company’s sales. 52. Police has only a, 53, She made a. pelling mistakes that lowered my grade. distance with the vehicle in front. have improved this term. idea of how the robbery happened. recovery after the accident, and she’s now back to work, 54.Go straight. until you see a pharmacy and then turn left. 55. 1s I try, I don’t get to lose any weight. 56.1 am snowed under work and need to take some time...... 57. We've been studying for two hours, shall we... .a break? 58. Thanks for having subscribed to our app and, stay... 59. Why don’t you take a. and tell me what happened? 60.1 just want to make.. for having talked to you like that. .to unwind. for further updates! common public _—_ fortune makes get net day turns rate mental lost safety around ends 61,When something is very expensive we say it costs a. 62. When something is known to most people we say it is..... knowledge. 18 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 63. When you ..better after an iliness, you are healthy again. 64. The interest the bank charges you for borrowing money is the interest... 65. Personal objects left in public spaces by accident are... 66. When something is clear and easy to understand we say it 67.An illness that affects the mind is a vulllness. 68. The money made after costs and taxes is th 69.To be in the... eye is to receive attention from the general public. FO. Pesos jneuhazard 1s a potential source of danger. 71. When two or more people take something in 72.To move so as to face in the opposite direction is to turn... 73.To decide to stop doing something is to call it... 74.To earn enough money to but the things you need is to make they do it alternately or in succession meet, Exercise 5 - Vocabulary by topics ~ Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word from the lists below. ARTS & THE MEDIA plot centre review album historical critics documentary plays chat gallery live series character _reality play release station settings news action cartoons 1. I worked at radio ... for three years. 2. She made a beautiful photo -with pictures taken during her holidays in India. 3. Othello is a famous theatre. 4. His last film has not been very well rated by film 5. The new exhibition . is opening on 5" May. 6. My three-year-old son loves watching the ..... . 7. At the beginning of her career on TV, she worked as a ... presenter. 8. The ... was rather simple, but the special effects were awesome, 9. Last night, I watched a very interesting . about the Second World War. 10. She always invites very interesting guests to her .. . show. i1.The art ... i8 exhibiting a collection of abstract paintings. 12.1 can’t understand why .. shows are so popular. Who cares about other's live? 13, It was a very popular comedy in the 1960s 14. In his last film, he . the part of a wealthy businessman. 15. The main... of Madame Bovary is a young woman named Emma. 16.1 like reading novel, especially those set in the Middle Ages. 17. The film has its . in a remote African village. 18.1 sometimes read the film. before deciding to go and watch a film. 19.1 like going to concerts because to listen to .... music. 20. The band wil. . their new album next week. 21. Last week, I watched a(n) .film with a lot car chase, shooting and fighting. PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE BODY AND HEALTH nasty heavy splitting loss badly newborn blood fell birth medical caught sore stomach = breakdown = lost —s undergo keep balanced ~— upset minor plastic alternative side _— eating 1, I ate too much for dinner and the next day I got a . ache. 2. The baby . j. asleep the moment her mum took him in her arms. a. A aaa baby needs to feed every two hours or so. 4, He had a nervous . when he learnt about the terrible news. 5. I took an aspirin cause I had a wos headache. to a beautiful baby girl. 6. She gave. 7. Twent out without a coat and T.... vu @ Old. 8. What do you do to ..... . fit? 9, He got injured in a car crash. 10. I've had throat and a ...... 11. It was so hot that the old lady fainted and .. a 12. Before my backpacking trip to Nepal, I had a ........ examination. 13. Weigh .. an be achieved by COMBINING @ weennnmenne let with regular exercise. 14, She has tried .. a .medicines such as acupuncture or homeopathy. 15, Wart removal or skin biopsy are examples of operations. 16, She has regular... . tests to control her anaemia. 17.Heisa.. smoker, He smokes more than thirty cigarettes a day. 18. Some people take antacids with their food to avoid a(n) stomach. 19. He will laser surgery to correct his myopia. 20. Some medicines can have. a effects. 21. Some people undergo ... surgery for aesthetical reasons, but others do it for health reasons. 22. Physical activity and healthy... habits are the key to prevent obesity. cough since yesterday. consciousness. EDUCATION & STUDY marks scholarship heart course taking school tuition failed private blackboards graduate head primary learning boarding educational assessment revise 1. lam. my driving test tomorrow. 2. My first term at university was hard and 1 most exams. 3. My favourite subject at swan, Schoo! Was Science. 4, Law students must learn a lot of laws by. 5. I’m doing an intensive 6. He's got special... 7. He isa Maths and Physics... 8. She always studies hard and gets good .... 9. She 1S AITING A,r tutor to help her son with his studies. 110. Teachers have regular . -meetings every term, LL. He got a1) sn .to one of the most prestigious universities in England. on IT, 20 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 12.As a child, he was sent toa .. . school for boys. 13. They two children involved in the fight were called to the. 14.All classrooms are equipped with digital ... 15.Sorry, I can’t go out today. I have to 16. We are going to Paris on a .. uttip. 17.The .. fee in some private schools can be really high. 18.Do you think the «system needs to be reformed? ..teacher’s office. because I’ve got an exam tomorrow. RELATIONSHIPS & FAMILY close wedding raise acquaintance only childhood settle _ siblings throwing upbringing distant eye-to-eye along extended ~—_—ikeptt date close-knit marriage out single twin nuclear get-togethers familiar He is a., ..relative of mine, a second or third cousin, I think. . It'll be a small wedding, we are only inviting some. i friends and relatives. It’s hard to wna child asa .. parent. Asan .. child, he sometimes missed having someone his age to play with. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. Children are entitled to care, security and a good... 6. 7. 8. He had a really happ: Lin his parents’ farmhouse in the countryside. . He grew up in a.. .and supportive family, that’s why he misses them so much. 2 THEY Fe wennensnnnrdl party to celebrate their twentieth .. anniversary. 9. After fifteen years of .., the two film stars decided to get a divorce. 10. I've got four ..... ; two sisters and two brothers. 11.In my. family it’s just my parents and I. 12.He's a. face on TV because he presents a daily quiz show. 13. Doctor Robinson is an sestissenaOf my mother, but I barely know him. 14.1 get ... with all my classmates. They are very nice and friendly. 15.We made friends with each other at university and have .. in touch ever since, 16.1've got a Very 1arge wennnesnne family, with more than thirty aunts, uncles and cousins. 17. Peter and I see .. . on everything, that’s why we get on so well with each other. 18. They had a heated argument and fell 19. The two. sisters are so alike that many people find it dificult to tell them apart. 20. He‘s only twenty five but he says he’s ready to .Gown and raise a family. 21. Have you ever gone on a blind. 2 22.1 like informal family and friend better than formal celebrations. WEATHER, CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT. warming ecological tropical thick climate _ breeze severe bank endangered high range draughts flooding Iey gale-force calm rough forecast 1. Driving was dangerous due to .. fog. 2. The Alaskan fishing village is protected from the .. winds by 2 mountain... 2a PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 3. Global... acid rain and oil spills are only some of the threats our world is facing today. 4. The sank of the oil ship was a true disaster. 5. Lions and tigers are two of the many Species. 6. THE rss .sea prevented the fishermen from setting sail. 7. The island Is only reachable by boat when there 1S nm .. tide. 8. The tennis match was cancelled dU€ t0 su.n.nmummWeather. 9. Do you usually check the weather. .ubefore setting off on a trip? 10. They went on holidays to a BeaUtiful nine island. lL. winds cause significant devastation in the area. 12. The tower of Belem, in Lisbon, is on the river... 13. There was a . sea and a cod. , so we had a great sailing day. 14. Dealing with ..change is essential to fight against poverty and social inequality. 15. It hasn't rained for months and the whole area is affected by severe...» 16. It rained heavily for days, which resulted in .. ind landslides in the area. SHOPPING street shop commerce gift convenient traditional loyalty bakery commodity station newsagent window shopping sales refund value discounts —_spendthrift shopaholic —articles_—-bargain cafés clearance 1. Ina Jnusuuaarket you can buy fruit, vegetables, meat, fish and other basic products. 2. There’s a popular . market near my home every Monday. 3. One advantage of buying in a .. shop is that you can get advice from the shop keeper. 4. IN @ csunsnssnnneeCentre, You can find a wide variety of shops under the same roof. 5. There has been a rise In online..u..maiN the past few years. 6. Sheisa.. sump always buying things she doesn’t need. She just can’t resist the temptation. 7. She works part-time as a .. assistant in a clothes shop. 8. Customer are entitled to a full. .if not satisfied. 9, Lenioy going shopping more than I actually enjoy shopping. 10. There’s a small near my house where my father buys the newspaper every day. 11. At this. , they make delicious wholemeal bread, 12, Customers with a .. card can benefit from special discounts on selected. 13.1'm running out of petrol, I need to go to the petrol. 14, This shop has really good . and special offers during the period. 15.1 find buying online very since you can buy at the click of a button 16. She Is such a .. No wonder she finds it so difficult to make ends meet. 17. Restaurants, wom and hotels are examples of hosteiry establishments. 18.Ata .. ... Shop, you can buy things which are suitable as a present. 19, Something sold at a lower price than usual is a. 20. This restaurant has good..... for money; delicious food at a more than reasonable price. 21.4 ..Sale is an event during which a store sells products at a lower price, normally at the end of the season, to get rid of them. 2 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE ‘TRANSPORT, TRAVEL AND TOURISM. camping secluded coach crew light sightseeing sunbathe aisle agent commuting public booked rush make charter half-board wife air return non-stop resort family-run lane trip 1. We stayed at a nice . hotel owned by a friendly couple with two children... 2. snnnsnes @€oMmodation includes breakfast and dinner. 3. We went for a walk and discovered a beautiful, . beach far away from our hotel. 4. Itwasa.. .., even-hour flight, long and tiring, but cabin .. were very friendly and supportive, 5. We took a cheap midnight ... 6. Ihate 7. Users of . 8. My father gave mea... 9. Last year, we stayed at a beach. 10. When I was a child, I used to go 11, The new bicycle 12.Do you want a single oF & sun 13.1 always travel ‘A backpack Is more than enough for me. 14. Most ..... we travellers prefer ... Seat rather than window. 15.On Tuesday, we will go .... .in the Roman Forum. 16. During our holidays in London, we went one a day to Bath. 17. The difference between a BUS AND 2 wewnmunumune iS that the latter makes longer journeys and often more services, like air conditioning or internet access. 18.1 prefer making travel arrangements online rather than going to a travel .... sess 19. The hotel we wanted was fully +, 80 We could not ... . a reservation. 20. It Is dangerous to . . without using sunscreen, ... flight to London. . by car because of traffic jams in .... hour. transport will have to pay a higher fee from next week, .to the airport and stayed to see me off, in Rivera Maya. with my parents. .. has a length of 5 kilometres. seve ket? FOODS & DRINKS eat lay charge fast dairy fridge junk _—_ processed cuisine vending wash take-away flavour oven cookery homemade meal juice seafood = microwave diners soda_ canteen _freshly-made Cream, yogurt and milk are Moroccan 6... 1 products. 2, uses a lot range of fruits and vegetables and meats like beef and lamb. 3. This restaurant is specialised in ... and fish. 4. The bill included the 10 % service 5 6. 7. . Tlove my grandmother's. Is it an eat-in or a. seen FeStAUFANt? Not al food is necessarily ... food. For example, at some establishments you can have green and fruit salads and vegetables sandwiches. 8. They've installed a new .. machine at school which only sells fresh fruit and juices. 9. Both his parents work, so the boy has lunch at the school food. It’s filling, warming and delicious. 23 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 10.1 am doing a... course because now that I live alone, I want to learn to cook. 11.1 love the smell of . coffee in the morning. 1 is not very healthy because it contains a lot of fat, sugar and other additives. 13. If you do the cooking, I'll... ... the table and .. the dishes. 14. The restaurant has capacity for a hundred .. 15.We had a three-course... . consisting of starter, main course and dessert. 16. This coffee has a rich and intense.. 1 drinks contain a very large amount of suger. 18. Today, I'd prefer to. out rather than stay at home. I don't feel like doing the cooking. 19.1 always have a bowl of cereals and an orange jor breakfast. 20. You keep food fresh in the.. bake cakes in the. and heat food in the .. TECHNOLOGY sites surfing laptop junk gadgets page search networking devices check = vacuum appliances operating — making online flat messaging —_ application 1. Will you buy a.... .or a desktop computer? 2. Children spend much time with technological. . like tablets and game consoles. 3. It Is one of the most popular internet woe With thousands of visits every day. 4. You may refer to their web... for contact details and other relevant information. 5 6. 7. 8 . What .. system does your computer use? First thing I do when I get at the office is go .... . My inbox was full of ... mail. . Can I borrow your charger? My mobile’s battery is .. 9, What Is your favourite Social. cnnnnnennee SIO? 10. More and more people prefer instant .. to 11.He is a techno-geek, he’s always buying all type of electronic 12, What arn . engine do you normally use? 13. My teenage son can spend HOUFS wn . the internet! 14, Washing machine, dishwasher and .cleaner are examples of home. 15. App is the shortened form for...... . and .. my email, WORK & EMPLOYMENT nine-to-five leave working dead-end promotion overtime internship living rise apply workload part-time unemployed change _— resignation _— application _—turned sack shifts run job 1, What does your brother do for a..... ? Mine is a lawyer. 2. In her former job, she would work long hours and at weekends, so now she’s happy to have a Job. 3. Some nurses and doctors have 12-hour 4, It’s a modern company which has flexible hours and other benefits. 24 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 5, When there is heavy... you might have to do.. 6. I always get very nervous before a interview. 7. She's found a. . job in the afternoons at a clothes shop. 8. Lam writing to . for the job as a junior sales assistant, 9. T've been working hard for two years and itis high time I asked for a salary.. 10. After years of hard work, he’s finally getting a .. su to senior product manager. 11.If you feel stressed and tired at work, and you no longer believe in your employer, probably it is time for you to wdJobs. 12.The period of training, sometimes unpaid, someone works for a company to get experience is called an 13, The company is doing a lot to improve the smn .conditions of their employees. 14. It was a... job where I had no chance whatsoever of progressing, so I decided quit. 15. One day, I would like to my own business. 16. Helen out of work, She iS sn. 17.You shouldn't have ... down that job offer. It was the perfect job for you! 18. All candidates must fill IN th.jnssereneeenneen and submit It to HR. 19. He handed in his, and left the office without looking back. 20. Susan is on maternity... , $0 the company is hiring a temporary substitute. 21. Mike was given the. .for always being late and for his poor performance, HOME, HOUSES, PLACES residential sprawl health block bungalow cottage semi-detached buildings quarter essential butchery youth fishmonger rented air square outskirts central 1. She lives in a tall and modern .. ..of flats in the suburbs, 2. It’s one of the most avant-garde and functional office... the City. 3. A(n).. is a house that has only one storey. 4. A(W)esssen house is joined to another house on only one side, 5. A(n).. is a small house in the countryside. 6. A(n) shostel is a place which offers cheap accommodation, usually to young people and for short periods of time. 7. The place where they sell meat is the .. 8B. Although it is a small town, it has all the ... ©. The place where they sell fish is the 10. Uncontrolled urban 11. Our hotel room did not haven. 12.As a university student, I lived in a. 13. Their new house has is equipped with.... 14. They are opening a new factory on the.... .of the city. 15. There are many 15%-century buildings in the Old... of the city. 16. They live in a quiet .. area near in the suburbs. 47. The nearest hospital is 5 km away, but there is a ...€entre right across the street. 48. Every year, the public.... hosts the Christmas market. services of a big city. .I5 a serious problem in most developing countries. conditioning, so it was too hot. woflat. eating. 25 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE MONEY income award save account raising statement made deposit pension withdraw insurance _ budget repay expenses permanent _ bankrupt earn Joan 1. He has been given an ..» in recognition of his career as club secretary. 2, The NGO is ... suns Money for the poor. 3. The company offers additional benefits such as... plans and free health and dental. 4. He a fortune trading with precious metals and gems. 5. To open a bank ..., , you will be asked to provide ID and other personal information. 6. Hello, I would like to make a - in my account. 7. Clients will be given a debit card which will allow them to . money from any of our ATMs. 8. Abank.. . shows a record of the money paid to and taken out of your account. 9, We'll have to cut down on our au IF we want to .. . money. 10. He's got a really low ... and finds it difficult to make ends meet. 11.1 know, I owe you € 20, I promise I'll as soon as I have the money. 12, He went. .after a few failed investments. 13. We will ask for a bank 0.00.02... t0 buy a new car, 14, After a six-month internship, she was offered a .... .. job at the company. 15.When I was at university, I had a really tight ... .«, $0 I had to find a part-time job to . some extra money. FREE TIME AND ENTERTAINMENT kites off coach play barbecue walk ~—-goes chess out hiking drawing _ skating board venues kill Sportive paragliding gardening jumping _plays 2. Till take next Friday... . Can you .. 16, ). 1 don’t particularly like adventure sports like ......... . When the weather is fine, you can see young children flying their ......... . We were having a... vin the backyard when it started to rain. . There are plenty of restaurants, cafés and other entertainment . . I had some spare time before taking the plane, so I read a magazine to .. My Friend Alice 1S & cso . My cousin Tom is a true At weekends, I like to hang 180 TAM QO nnn any musical instrument? My father’s favourite hobby is. She's got artistic hobbies like painting and. It has stopped raining, would you like to go out for a...... nites? In winter, New Yorkers go ice. at The Rink at Rockefeller Centre, Tused to play ...nmmmnWith my grandfather, who was a true master. Playing... .. games is @ good option for a rainy day with family or friends. or bungee ... ith my friends. .. with you. I've already got my special boots! .He loves his flowers and plants. in the park. in the city centre. wees time. volleyball twice .. person, She does yoga on a daily basis, ... cycling every weekend. . potato, He always spends his free time sitting on the sofa. a week and ..... 26 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE FEELINGS AND EMOTIONS pleased worried annoying disappointed bored exhausted interested delighted relaxed upset overwhelmed bewildered hungry _ hopeful amusing sleepy scared — enthusiastic afraid angry keen Your always being late is really w......umnesnee! Could you try to be on time just for once? They are... sum. to know that they are having a baby! We felt sanmmnane BY the Impressive beauty of the landscape. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to you. It was just a joke. He suns Me to death when he started driving so fast. Many people are .. of flying, Thave always been ..... in ancient history. My brother is mad . on videogames. °. I'm. about Janet. I haven't heard from her in days. 10. Hello, Mr Wilson, I am . to meet you. 11.1 cannot stand children who are always complaining they are .. 12. It was a really film and everybody was laughing. 13. Everybody was .. after the three-hour hike to the summit. 14. It was hot and I had had a large meal so I started to feel... 15.Can we have dinner already? I am wn. st 16. The teacher got......esssss0 When the student arrived late and interrupted her lesson. 47.He had the right qualifications and was .. to get the job, so he got really when they rejected his candidacy. ying on the golden sands of the Caribbean beach. about sports in general, and football in particular. ..and disoriented sometimes, which is normal at her age. 18. She felt 19. My brother is . 20. My grandma gets ... DESCRIBING PEOPLE slim stubborn skinny medium toddler grown-up bossy thin temper absent-minded = mean __ikind introverted vain attentive well-built brave cheerful middle-aged self-confident friendly _ sympathetic loyal _polite . Someone who is large and strong is a ove Person. . People can be tall, short or height. . It is healthier to be .. han . or let alone 1 2. 3. 4. A(n).. is a young children who has just learn to walk. 5. A(n)... .is an adult person. 6. 2. 8. 3 He’s got such a bad.. You'd better not talk to him when he’s angry. He IS Very ., always giving orders and telling others what to do. Someone who is is shy and quiet and like to be on his or her own. . They are a.. couple with three children. 20.Someone who is is either someone cruel and unpleasant or someone who is not willing to share his or her money or possessions. 21. Someone who is .cares about others and understand their feelings. 27 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 12.A(n) . person is very interested in his or her own appearance. 13. A(M) sn person Is helpful and willing to take care of others. 14, Someone WhO IS nnnnnn IS generous, helpful and friendly. 15. The teacher told the student off for being wn. during the class, 16.A(n) . person shows no fear of dangers or difficulties. 17.A(n) person has a happy and positive attitude. 18.A(n), .. person is someone you can trust, someone who is faithful and shows constant support to you, for example, a really good friend. 19. A(n). person has a dogged determination not to change his or her attitude or determination, no matter what other people say. 20. A(n). behaves in a way which is socially acceptable and who respects others. 21.A(n) .. person has no doubts about his or her abilities and knowledge. 22..A(n) .. person is kind, warm and pleasant and makes people feel at ease. Exercise 6 - Time expressions - Fill in the gaps with the most suitable words or phrases from the list below. then first for the next while soon so far later until at the age when atpresent = just sooner following _ by the time never in no time after 1. Lam not working 2. Thad 3, She has .... 4, The telephone rang . 1am unemployed. been to England before. . arrived from her holidays in Italy. i I was driving, so I couldn’t take it. I arrived home, they had already gone to bed her husband died, she had to find a job to support the fai 7 after they got married, their child Eric was born. 8. She graduated from university and some years 9. He lived in Black Ow! Hall... someeshi death, 10.She moved to London, and... .. five years worked at a law firm. 11.No .. had I arrived at the front door than realised I had left my keys at the office. 12. He was working at a factory .. he wrote his first novel. 13. This was the .. sometime I travelled abroad, 14, The team has won every game ... vu, $0 they are closer to winning the championship. 15. First, put all the ingredients in a bow! and .. stir until they are mixed. 16. We were starving so we ate our lunch .... 17. sun Of eighteen, she decided she wanted to be a doctor. 18.1 had gone to a party and the nnn I had a terrible headache. she met Thomas. Exercise 7 - Fill in the gaps with the words from the list below. There are three extra words. (C1-C2 difficulty) amidst mismanagement — making expertise up giant concern sharp according down longer afraid limelight further stood 28 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE (). Rainbow Hotels & Resorts is in the (01) after CEO James Olsen made an announcement (02) to which the company is planning to close (03) 15 of their hotels and holidays resorts in Europe. an This announcement comes out (04) rumours that the company is (05) over three hundred employees redundant, and has consequently raised (06) among both staff and investors. arn. Mr Olsen has refused to make (07) statements, but critical voices point at his (08) as the cause for the (09) fall in profits which has led to this critical situation. av) 5 Only time will tell whether this is a temporary situation or, on the contrary, the difficulties thi hospitality business (10) is facing mark the beginning of the decline of a company with more than thirty years of (11) in the sector, which has always (12) out for its excellence and professionalism. Headings Bad news in the horizon The fall of an emporium? In the public eye They are all to be blamed The focus Is on him monep Exercise 8 - Fill in the gaps 01 to 12 with the most suitable word from the list below (C1-C2 difficulty). Then choose the most suitable heading A to E for each paragraph. There are three extra words and one extra heading. depicting destiny close _— intimate envisions _ gifted sight | destination bulk knack optimism insight promising Isolation unconventional @).. Charles Blacksmith was born in a middle-class family, the only child of a primary school teacher and 2 nurse. Ever since his earliest childhood, he had a (01) for words. He was a (02) child who could read at the age of two and wrote his first composition at six. This was just the beginning of a precocious and successful career of cult author for an entire generation. aq). His prose is direct and simple, and yet (03) and full of references to reality from an (04, perspective. Book critic Alison Abigail has defined his prose as ‘magic realism’, a term usually used in photography and painting, and which characterizes for (05) a realistic view of the modern world while also adding magical elements. 29 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE, (esto Indeed, the (06) of his works make reference to chance, (07), and luck, as well as aspects of current reality such as unemployment, violence or ‘digital (08)’, issues which worry his generation. av). His (09) Into such reality is mainly pessimistic, this pessimism being a major feature in all his works, but at the same time, and though perhaps unaware of it, he (10) future as a blank canvas, in which all of us can paint our own story. It is this uncertain though (14) future towards we all head for. There are, therefore, reasons for (12). Headings A. Light at the end of the tunnel B. Similarities with another form of art C. Family support D. An early talent E. The subject matter of his works Exercise 9.1 - Fill in the gaps with the right preposition in, on or at (place & time prepositions) 1. Well arrive nna 2. He was born 3. Shall we meet 4. Lalways watch TV ... 5. They live in a detached house... 6. Susan and Patrick met the airport in twenty minutes. March the 23%, 1997, 06.00? . the afternoon. .» the outskirts of Greenfield. university. 7. Till visit my parent ... Christmas. 8, [got home time for a quick shower before my guests arrived, 9. Nutritionists recommend eating fruit and vegetables a daily basis. 10.1'll give you a call as Soon as I arrive eu Rome. 11. Despite the traffic jam, we arrived at the airport .. Ime. 12. When we arrived ..... the cinema, Mary was already waiting for us. Exercise 9.2 - Fill in the gaps with the suitable preposition by about inx2 to at_—swithx2 = for ~—on_—of 1, Can I pay creait card? 2, Lam interested ... . attending the English online course, 3. My parents have been married ..... fifty years. 4. As I child, I used to go to school .... foot. 5. The club has always excelled providing members with the best service. 6, Iam so happy .... the news of Mr Clark’s visit to our club! 7. If you want to succeed ... passing the exam, you'll have to study harder. 30 PRE-TEST VOCABULARY & READING PRACTICE 8. Part of my job is to deal ...... complaints from customers. 9. They have cancelled the excursion to the 200 Que ...n.m.nm forecast of heavy rain. 10. The exam consists ssosnaaee FiVE TASKS. 11. The club will provide members ..uthe necessary equipment for the hiking trip. for x2 about x2 to at onx3 ofx2 in 12.1 would like to congratulate Mrs Olsen eee her retirement. 13. Phone me regardless the time you get home. It’s Important. 14. Children today spend too MUCh tM .womunune Video games. 15.1 would appreciate it if you could offer an answer. my question. 16. He has always been respected .. his honesty and loyalty, 17.An At++ in Maths! I am so proud you! 18. Next week this time, I'l be lying the beach. 19.1 would like to ask a question .. ..... the use of your website. 20. They are opening a new shopping centre . the suburbs. 21.1 always feel full of energy .. .... the beginning of the day. 22.1 feel very upset .. . this new fee rise. 23. My attending the meeting will depend whether I can take a day off work, tox2 from about_~— with of inx3 = onx3 for 24.From next month, we will apply 2 reduction .. 25. 1'm looking forward to meet Mrs Allison 25. This computer club is very popular 27.We are sure all members will benefit 28.She insisted seeing the manager. 29. 1n addition .. increasing the fee, they have cancelled two of the scheduled events for this week. 30. The renovation of the computers room will result . a better quality of the service. 31. There are some aspects of the new safety policy I would like to comment .... 32. Instead . .. Increasing the fee, they should try to cut back on expenses. 33. Those trainers are not suitable... hiking. You should wear proper boots. 34.1 will complain the club the closure of the conference hall. the monthly fee, person. young people. . the refurbishment of the meeting room. 31 PRE-TEST WRITING PRACTICE Exercise 1 - Change these sentences into passive 1. They have increased the fee again! The fee . again. 2. They cancelled the meeting. The meeting 3. They will introduce a new fee. Anew fee 4, The club has requested members to state their opinion. Members... to state their opinion. 5. They do not allow non-members to use the computer room Non-members ...the computer room. 6, Someone has reported that the computer room will be closed from June to August. TE .the computer room will be closed from June to August. 7. They have postponed the photography trip to London. The photography trip to London 8. A professional is decorating their house They are having ..... 9. I hope you take my suggestions into consideration. I hope my suggestions, Exercise 2 - Change these direct questions into indirect questions. 1, How much does the course cost? I would like to know ... 2. Where is the head office? Could you please tell me . 3. When will the next meeting take place? Can you tell Me. ..esssses 4. How can I subscribe to your website? I would appreciate it if you told me .. 5. How many students are there per class? Please tell me. 6. Is the price of this trip included in the monthly fee? want to knoW.ssessess 7. Who is the contact person? Please indicate . 8. How much is the admission fee to the Science Museum? I would like to know . 32 Pre-TEST WRITING PRACTICE Exercise 3 - Rewrite these sentences avoi using the words in capital letters. 1g negative statements and/or double negative 1, I can’t believe they have cancelled the meeting, UNBELIAVABLE Ttis ..they have cancelled the meeting. 2. I don't like the new computer room. DISLIKE Das 3. She will not attend the meeting. MISS. She . the new computer room. .. the meeting. 4, This new rise in the fee isn’t fair. UNFAIR This rise in the fee... 5. Itisn’t healthy to eat only processed food. UNHEALTHY Itis to eat only processed food. 6. Please, don’t forget to call Peter as soon as you get home. REMEMBER Please, . to call Peter as soon as you get home. 7. Sorry, but I don't agree with you. DISAGREE Sorry, but I with you. 8. You mustn’t be late, ON TIME You. 9. Idon’t think it is necessary to make a reservation. UNNECESSARY I consider it to make a reservation. 10. She didn’t pass the exam. FAILED She -.... the exam. 11. He isn’t aware of the risks involved in the operation. UNAWARE He .. of the risks involved in the operation. 12. I’m not happy with the changes. UNHAPPY lam. with the changes. 13. I haven't ever been to Paris. NEVER Is .» been to Paris. 14. I can’t see anything without my glasses. NOTHING fi, .«. without my glasses. 15. There wasn’t anybody at home when I arrived. NOBODY There... . at home when I arrived. 16. I don’t see Peter very often these days. HARDLY Ts . these days. 17. They don’t go the same school, DIFFERENT They. schools. 33 Pre-TesT WRITING PRACTICE 18. The computer room doesn’t have enough space. LACKS The computer room... 19. The computer room isn’t big enough. TOO The computers room . 20, It isn’t possible for me to attend the meeting. IMPOSSIBLE It .to attend the meeting. 21, It isn’t clear what the procedure is to ask for a refund is, UNCLEAR It. . what the procedure is to ask for a refund is. Exercise 4 - Nominalisation - Rewrite these sentences into positive statements using the words in capital letters. You might need to make other changes. 1. Iam writing because you have cancelled the meeting, CANCELLATION Tam writing with regard to... 2. I'm really disappointed! DISAPPOINTMENT I would like to express..... 3. I would like to know how I can pay. PAYMENT T would like to know what, 4, Please, write to the secretary to confirm that you will attend the meeting. ATTENDANCE Please, write to the secretary to confirm sees. 5. We have received the email confirming your personal details. CONFIRMATION We have received an email 6. I'm pleased to meet you. PLEASURE It is. 7. [hope you take into consideration what I have suggested. SUGGESTIONS/CONSIDERATION ThOpeeessssvssesers 8. It is impossible to explain how the accident happened. EXPLANATION There is no .. for the accident. 9. He performed brilliantly the film. PERFORMANCE His . os sossseee was brilliant. 10. He reacted badly to the news. REACTION He had, aN ‘to the news. 11. They have increased the fee by 5%. INCREASE There has been. 2 12. He finds it difficult to make ends meet. DIFFICULTY He has making ends meet. 13.The heavy storm has damaged the power line. DAMAGE The heavy storm... ‘0 the power line, 34 PRe-TesT WRITING PRACTICE 14.1n my opinion, the event was very badly organised. ORGANISATION. In my opinion, the was very bad. Exercise 5 - MODALS - Rewrite these sentences using the modal in capital letters. 1, It is possible that they will change the date of the meeting. MIGHT They .. 2. Lam thinking about writing to the club to let them know my opinion. MAY Tes to the club to let them know my opinion. . the date of the meeting. 3. Tam sure they have gone to bed already because it’s very late. MUST They .. .to bed already because it is very late. 4. I'm sorry I didn’t tell you I would be late. SHOULD I .»- you I would be late. 5. It is possible that it rains later in the evening, COULD Tis .. later in the evening. 6. Ladvise you to change the date of our next meeting. SHOULD You. ..the date of our next meeting. 7. Members can't use their mobiles during the presentation. ALLOWED Members .. .their mobiles during the presentation. 8. They are obliged to inform about any changes in thelr policy. MUST They .. .-about any changes in their policy. 8. Nobody can’t park in front of the emergency exist. FORBIDDEN It... front of the emergency exit. 10.1s it okay if I make some suggestions? MAY .. some suggestions? Exercise 6 - Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word or phrase from the list below. There are 3 extra words/phrases you will not need to use. by the way although actually so (that) despite however then tough while even when providing as soon as since as well as before due to none for instance not only when Dear Jane, How are things going? Sorry I haven’t written to you before, I've been busy with the move. I don’t think Ill have much free time for the next couple of weeks. , I promise to write again (03).. wu have settled in. 35 Pre-Test WRITING PRACTICE Also, I've been feeling a bit under the weather for the past few days (04) a nasty cold. Now, London is an amazing city. It (05), . has a lot of museums and other tourist sites but also lots of parks and gardens. The neighbourhood is small and quiet and well connected. (06) J live in Zone 2, you can go to the city centre by train or by bus, and there are plenty of shops, cafes and restaurants in the area. My roommate is very nice and we get along very well, (07). common. (08). , she likes to stay at home on weekends (09).. to go out and explore the city. (10) of us can cook, (44). have to learn if we don't want to ruin ourselves eating out every day. The pace of life here is very different from home, and I think it will take me some time to get used to It. (12).cccsssnessesaeeethe course begins, I will have to get up at six (13)..... . I can take the seven o'clock train and (14). it will take me another forty minutes to get to college. On the other hand, the weather is rainier, it is sometimes cold (15). ‘s sunny, and it gets dark earlier than back home. (16)... .-, T have already visited the specialized bookstore that you recommended to me, and you were right. Tove it! I have bought an A-Z guide (17).. .. 1 don’t want to miss any of the many attractions that London offers. T hope you can come to visit me in August, (18). you don’t have other plans. Regards to you (20)... shaving nothing in sunmeed prefer , $0 we will . the course starts, (19)... svesamnenene tO your family. Best wishes, Exercise 7 - Fill in the gaps with the suitable words or phrases in the list below to complete formal email. There are three extra words or phrases. have the opportunity to wish to which what both on the other hand would like to should faithfully finally more and more with regardto _—_ sincerely not only despite Dear Secretary, 1am writing (01). your email in which members of the club were asked to express their views on the refurbishment works carried out in the computer room. Firstly, I (02).. ‘express my gratitude to the club for wanting to know our opinion. It is always pleasant to (03). .. participate in the decision making process. (04).. », and in response to your question, I (05)... express my satisfaction with the result of the work done. Now the facility is (06)..........0.6. More spacious but also better equipped with more terminals and a faster and more reliable internet connection. (07 )anse +, I wish to say that (08)... ... the club continue offering such a high quality service, I am sure (09)... «members will join in, (10). will in turn contribute to the continuous Improvement of (11). the service and the facilities. I thank you in advance for your time. Yours (12).. 36 PRrE-TesT WRITING PRACTICE Exercise 8 - Fill in the gaps with the suitable words or phrases in the list below to complete formal email. There are three extra words or phrases. whether or severely in connection with both requesting what should would appreciate it utterly for this reason first of all sincerely agreat numberof forward Dear Mr Smith, 1am writing (01)... the notice on the website of the club (02). volunteers to the cleaning-up of the beach (03) . damaged by the heavy rains last week. (04 , I would like to express my satisfaction with this Initiative, which I am sure will count with the participation of (05: volunteers. I am (06)... . proud to belong to an organisation which is always willing to contribute to the preservation and conservation of our nature environment. (07). Iam pleased to volunteer to the cleaning event. Moving on to a different matter, I (08)... if You confirmed (09)... the meeting point and time Is. I would also like to know (10)... . the club will provide us with lunch (11)... @ must take our own food. Looking (12). Your sincerely, to hearing from you, Exercise 9 - Fill in the gaps with the suitable words or phrases in the list below to complete this informal email. There are two extra words or phrases. because about what a regards sincerely sucha to let got very disappointed Hi, vou (01) . the email from the club? They’re rising the fee a 10%, (02). . high, and now this. I'm .. them know I'm very nuisance! I joined in (03). the fee wasn't (04)........ sure many members will sign out. 1 think Til write them (05)... you? Exercise 10 - Fill in the gaps with the suitable words or phrases in the list below to complete this informal chat. There are two extra words or phrases. busy take can’twait letmeknow ask shall hope = a quick line Hello, Just (01). .. to say I feel very happy because the club is organising this photography trip. I (02).. .. to take some nice snaps of the lovely Greenfield’s landscape! (03)..... you 37 PRE-TEST WRITING PRACTICE are coming, too. I NOW YOU'TE (04)...cnsnor Let’s meet for a coffee one of these days, (06) but I suppose you can (05). we? .. the day off... Exercise 11 - Put these sentences in order so that they make a formal letter 1. 1am writing in connection with the notice on your website informing about the online courses for the next term, 2. Dear Mrs Bowes, 3. I look forward to hearing from you. 4. For this reason, I would like to express my interest in attending some of these courses and would like to know what the procedure for inscription is. Firstly, I wish to thank you in advance for organising these courses. Last term, I did one of these online courses, which I found highly educative. 6. Thank you again and congratulations on your hard work in providing members with the best of services. 7. I would also appreciate it if you could confirm the cost of the courses since this information does not appear on the website. 8. To my understanding, the monthly fee does not cover for such cost. Could you please confirm whether this is correct? 9. Yours sincerely, 38 PRE-TEST SPEAKING PRACTICE Exercise 1 - Answer these questions Do you like travelling? What is your favourite type of holiday? What do you like doing on holidays? Are there many tourists in the area where you live? 5, Is there any place you would like to visit? 6. Do you come from a large or a small family? 7. When was the last time you met with friends or relatives? 8. Tell me about your best friend, 9. Do you think the social media are changing the way we relate to others? 10. In what way is your family important to you? 11. Who are you close to in your family? 12. Are your friends your age or different age? 13. When do you usually do with your friends? 14, In what way are your friends important to you? 15. What is your favourite room in your home? Why? 16. Would you like to move to a different home in the future? 17. Buying or renting? 18. What do you like the most about the place where you live? 19. City life or country life? 20. What kind of food do you like? 21. What food is typical of the area where you live? 22. Do you like eating out? 23. Who does the cooking in your home? 24. Do you like trying new dishes? 25. Do you enjoy shopping? 26. What do you usually buy when you go shopping? 27. Do you usually buy online? 28. What is your favourite place to do the shopping? 29. What do you do to control your expenses? 30. What do you do for a living? 31. What is your ideal job? 32. How have new technologies changed the working market? 33. Is there any kind of job you wouldn’t like to do? 34, What jobs are overpaid in your country? 25. What do you like doing in your free time? 36. How often do you hang out with friends? 37. Do you like playing board games? 38. Do you do any sports? 39. How important Is it to have a hobby? 40. What do you like doing when the weather is fine? 41. What do you like doing when the weather is bad? 42. What's the weather like in the area where you live? 43. How does the weather affect our daily life? 44. Are you a ‘techno-geek’? Ne aw 39 Pre-TEST SPEAKING PRACTICE 45. What gadgets do you use on a daily basis? 46. What gadget you could not live without? 47. Do you think we rely too much on technology? 48. How have new technologies changed the way we entertain ourselves? 49. Do you use any social media? 50. Do you like art? 51. Do you have any artistic hobbies? 52. Do you think there should be art classes at school? 53. Do you enjoy reading? 54. Do you like watching films? 55. Tell me about a film or a book that had a strong impact on you. 56. Tell me about your first school 57. What was your favourite subject at school? 58. What Is your opinion about online learning? 59. How important is it to learn languages? 60. How have technologies changed the way we learn? 61. Is there anything you would change about the current educational system? Exercise 2 - Look at the pictures and answer the questions. You can use the reference vocabulary. PICTURE 1 train station - platform - kill time - commute - wait for - check the email - go to work come back home - take the train - arrive ~ depart ~ chat with friends ~ surf the internet «How many people are there in the picture? «Where are they? ‘© What are they doing? + What time of the day has this picture been taken? «© What will happen next? * How often do you use public transport? * What is your favourite means of transport for short/long distances? 40

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