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Please Bring Your Monster to Yoga Class

Kelly Garnett Joseph-Brooks


Have you ever thought about using your monster to get out of doing something you didn’t want
to do? Don’t do it! You think that your monster will help solve your problems, but your monster
will mess up your life. Why have a monster if it won’t do what you want it to do? Ugh! This
book uses rhyming words and colorful characters to engage the reader and show the reader
that trying new things can be scary, however; there is growth in doing something outside one’s
comfort zone. It is also important to acknowledge that you are afraid and share those fears with
others, so that one can push pass fear.


Kristy-Kadence (K. K.) Garnett

Marley the Monster
The Eishas: Tieisha, Eisha, Nieisha, Brandon “Brando” Herbert
Lori Brooks (Coach Me Lori B)
Mr. William and Mrs. Bertha Garnett
My best friends, the Eisha’s, were causing the biggest strife.
They wanted me to go to yoga class and waste my life.
To entice me to go,
they said, Kristy-Kadence, we meant, K.K. you can bring Marley the Monster to Coach Me Lori
B’s yoga studio.
Brilliant visions kept popping in my head.
Of Coach Me Lori B. politely and patiently shooing us away in a bobsled.
Now, I have nothing against Lame-o Togo, I mean yoga.
I guess if you like looking a flailing pretzel in the battle of Saratoga.
I have better things to do,
like sit on the couch and watch tv, read books, do experiments, and tinker boo-boo.

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