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Life Cycle Management

Asset Management
Franklin K. Genta, SE.,MM.,CIIQA.
081803990840 /
What is Asset Management?

• Computer system?
• Tools & Techniques?
• Planning Procedures?
• Decision Methodology?
• New Business Process?

Well, maybe all of the above, but

Start small and think2simple
• Setiap organisasi, perusahaan swasta,
maupun pemerintah tentu memiliki aset
baik yang berwujud (tangible) maupun
tidak berwujud (intagible).
• Setiap aset yang dimiliki haruslah dikelola
dengan efektif dan efisien sehingga aset
tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat
Aset = Kekayaan
• Tangible Asset : tanah, gedung, peralatan dan
• Intangible Asset : hak kekayaan intelektual, hak cipta,
hak paten dan lain-lain.

Aset adalah barang atau sesuatu yang dimiliki oleh

seseorang, organisasi (swasta maupun pemerintah) yang
• Nilai ekonomi
• Nilai komersial
• Nilai tukar
Prinsip & Isu Penting
Manajemen Aset
Siklus Alur Aset (Sugiama, 2013)
Bentuk Pemanfaatan Aset
Definition of Asset Management

“Asset management is a structured

program to deliver the service levels your
customers require while minimizing the
whole-life costs of asset ownership.”

Let’s look at this definition closely…

Element 1: A Structured Program
“Asset management is a structured program
to deliver the service levels your customers
require while minimizing the whole-life costs of
asset ownership.”

• AM is highly structured
• Asset decisions are made in repeatable and
supportable ways, based on good data!
• AM’s structure always includes continuous
improvement cycles
Start small and think9simple
Element 2: Specified Service Levels
“Asset management is a structured program to
deliver the service levels your customers
require while minimizing the whole-life costs of
asset ownership.”

• AM doesn’t want to deliver the optimum

service—it wants to deliver specified levels of
• These levels are selected based on service
level/cost tradeoffs
• Ideally, service levels are “agreed” with customers
in full knowledge of those tradeoffs
Start small and think
Element 3: Minimizing the Costs of Asset
“Asset management is a structured program to
deliver the service levels your customers
require while minimizing the whole-life costs
of asset ownership.”
• All asset decisions (acquire, maintain, refurbish, replace)
are made on a life cycle basis
• Each decision minimizes the present value of all future
ownership costs
• Costs must include economic, environmental, and social
costs (“triple bottom line”)
• Decisions must consider risk costs
Start small and think
Asset Management: A Summary

• AM is intensely customer-focused
• What levels of service do our customers need?
• How can we deliver these services at the lowest
• In a mature AM organization, this is an automatic
way of thinking!

Start small and think
Why Asset Management?

• Better Service and Lower Costs

• Sustainable Infrastructure
• Good Business!

Start small and think
Better Service, Lower Costs
• Know the condition of your system and its value
• Optimize asset lives
• Optimize Operation & Maintenance (O&M)
• Optimize Removal & Replacement (R&R)
• Balance O&M versus capital expenditures for lowest
life-cycle cost
• Allocate resources to where they’re needed—and
away from where they’re not

Start small and think
Sustainable Infrastructure
• Much infrastructure was “free,” contributed by
developers or grant funds

• This “hidden treasure,” usually not reflected in

utility rates, is getting old and is enormously
expensive to replace

• Lack of AM means that huge bills are coming due

without the means to pay

Start small and think
Good Business!

• Service levels tied to expenditures

• Unnecessary capital investment minimized
• Life-cycle cost approach means costs and
benefits better balanced
• Better allocation of day-to-day and long-term
• Overall, improved delivery of value and not just
delivery of service

Start small and think
Programmatic Foundation is Essential to
Successful AM

Programmatic Foundation Systems

Action Plan

The Continuous Improvement Cycle




Getting Started in a Structured Way

• Two components
– Where are we now, and
– Where do we want to be?
• Evaluate both, then do a “gap analysis”
• The overall AM Plan and the individual action
plans must support closing the gaps

Start small and think
AM Concepts Are Simple!

Service Life-Cycle
Levels Costs

n Getting Buy-In
n Understanding Risk
n Understanding Financial Impacts
n Understanding Tools and Decision Frameworks
n Understanding the Organization’s Culture
Sample Service Levels
• Clean, safe drinking water (all regulatory guidelines
met, sampling done, zero IPS Points)

• Zero air vac failures

• Zero pumping system failures during peak season

• Zero PRV station failures

• Unnacounted for water losses < 15%

Start small and think
What Service Levels Provide Lowest
Overall Costs?

Total cost
NPV of Community cost

d &R
R& R
R ned

Low Level of Service High

High Life of asset Low

Start small and think
Asset Ownership Costs:
Each Sees Part of the Elephant
• O&M sees: Trucks, crews, pumps, etc.
• Engineering sees: Studies, capital costs (concrete
and steel)
• Finance sees: Interest, other financial costs
• IT sees: Cost of IT systems (CMMS, other O&M
support, GIS, productivity, etc.)
• Few see: Internal and external overhead

Start small and think
These Costs Add Up. . .

• USEPA estimates that good AM will result in at least

a 20 percent reduction in asset ownership costs
• How significant are asset ownership costs? Question:
What would our annual budget be if we had no
infrastructure to manage?
• The difference between this and our budget now can
be attributed to ownership of assets

Start small and think
Manajemen Aset
Pentingnya Manajemen ASET
• Aset merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi
suatu organisasi.
• Kenyataannya banyak kasus yang dimulai dari
salah kelola dan salah urus masalah aset,
sehingga berdampak kerugian yang tidak sedikit.
• Penggunaan aset tidak dapat dilakukan secara
baik karena tidak jelasnya manajemennya,
sehingga sulit untuk mengetahui apakah aset
tersebut sudah saatnya untuk diganti atau masih
layak untuk di perbaiki
Pentingnya Perencanaan
Manajemen Aset

q Mengurangi ketidakpastian dan

perubahan-perubahan di waktu yad.
q Memusatkan perhatian kepada sasaran.
q Menjamin proses pencapaian tujuan
terlaksana secara mudah dan murah
q Memudahkan pengawasan.

Manajemen Penyimpanan
Penerimaan Aset

fisik barang dokumen

“Menerima fisik barang dari pabrik,

prinsipal atau distributor yang
disesuaikan dengan dokumen dan
dalam kondisi yang sesuai dengan
persyaratan penanganan barangnya”
persyaratan penanganan
Trik Penerimaan Barang

1. Sopir tidur, hitunganpun hancur

2. Siapa bayar dia yang lancar
3. Dokumen kurang, tetapi karena penting barangnya maka
tetap diproses
4. “Beda dikit, ah cincaylah”
5. Meletakkan barang yang tersisa atau salah dari
penerimaan barang disembarang tempat
6. Malas melakukan pengecekan barang full pallet
7. Waktunya “mepet” barangpun digencet
8. Terima nyatanya tidak terima
9. Unlimited Jam Terima
Penyimpanan Aset

Tantangan Tantangan
Barang tercampur/ Boros Listrik
Rusak Penerangannya

Tantangan Tantangan
Keamananya Krn Tdk Efisien
Tidak Berseragam Penyimpanannya

Tantangan Tantangan
Kecelakaan Kaki Tidak Akurat Tidak
Terluka ada alamatnya

Intrasindo Pte Ltd's Warehouse

Sistem Informasi
Manajemen Aset = SIMA
• Pelaksanaan Manajemen Aset (SIMA/SIM Aset)
adalah upaya untuk tertib dokumen dan tertib
administrasi pengelolaan aset.
• Tertib dokumen aset berkaitan dengan upaya
penyediaan dan pendataan dokumen yang
menyertai keberadaan aset, sedangkan tertib
administrasi lebih dimaksudkan pada upaya
membangun prosedur pengelolaan aset mulai
saat pengadaan, penerimaan, perubahan data,
hingga penghapusan aset. (Hartono, 2010)
Manajemen Keuangan
dan Penilaian Aset
Asset Life Cycle Cost Example

Asset: Deep Well & Pump Station

• Consider Capital Costs
• Consider Annual Operating Costs
• Consider Annual Maintenance Costs
• Consider Annual Repair & Replacement Costs
• Add Costs and Prepare NPV Cost

Start small and think
Examples: Why do we…
• Replace pipes? èReduce risk of water main
breaks and outages
• Monitor pumping èReduce risk of water
stations? outages
• Have redundant pumps? èReduce risk of asset failure
and water outages
• Do preventive èDitto
• Increase system capacity? èReduce risk of capacity-
related delivery constraints

Start small and think
Risk Assessment
We can Reduce Likelihood of Failure…
…or Consequences of Failure
Your Efforts
Likelihood of Failure

Consequences ($)
Risk Cost: A Rational Approach
• Risk cost is an inherent cost of asset ownership
• It is measured in dollars per year
• It is the product of the likelihood of an event and
the dollar consequence of that event
• Once we know the risk cost, we can make
rational decisions on reducing risk
• We’re now managing risk!

Start small and think
Risk Quantification

Risk Cost =

Frequency of Failure Consequence of Failure

(Projected events per year) X (Dollar cost of each event)

Measured in Dollars/Year

Start small and think
Example: Risk Cost of Having Your Car Towed

• Average towing bill: $240

• Average frequency of needing a tow for
your make/model of car: 8 years
• Annualized risk cost: $240 x 1/8 = $30
• Add overhead and profit: $10
• Insurance company assumes your risk cost
of towing: $40 a year

Start small and think
Consequences of Failure Include Both Direct
and Indirect Costs

• Direct repair costs

• Loss of production/revenue
• Social costs (traffic, cleanup, health, etc.)
• Image repair costs
• Legal costs
• Fines, penalties

Start small and think
AM principles apply to all aspects of the
asset life-cycle

Plan/Create Acquire Maintain Refurbish IT

Risk based: Apply BCE OPERATIONS Replacement SCADA

Master Planning process Strategy development planning model GIS
Facility Planning Populate CMMS, Re-rating (RPM) CMMS
Regulatory Mgmt Financial data, SCADA Condition Financial
Public Relations As-builts, Asset Energy Management Assessment Laboratory
Service levels Information On-line O&M linked Asset Plans Data Interpretation
Succession planning to CMMS for decision makers
Trouble Shooting

Develop Failure
Reliability Centered
Maintenance (RCM)
Failure Modes
Analysis 41
Asset, Risk, Lifecycle, Maintenance
• Interaksi ketiga nya dalam kerangka besar asset
• Setiap asset
– Terjadi resiko
– Perlu maintenance
– Bagian inherent dari Lifecycle Management

Start small and think simple

Start small and think simple
Pengertian Penilaian Aset (Sugiama, 2013)

Penilaian adalah:
• Merupakan suatu perkiraan nilai
ekonomi atau harga dari suatu aset
• Dilakukan pada hari yang ditentukan (as
of specific date)
• Berdasarkan pada hasil analisis atas data
pasar yang relevan
Jenis-Jenis Nilai Aset
1. Nilai Pasar adalah perkiraan jumlah uang pada tanggal
2. Nilai pasar untuk penggunaan yang ada adalah nilai aset
berdasarkan kelanjutan dari penggunaan
3. Nilai asuransi adalah nilai aset yang diterapkan
berdasarkan kondisi-kondisi yang dinyatakan di dalam
kontrak atau polis asuransi
4. Nilai Buku adalah biaya perolehan dikurangi dengan
sejumlah penyusutan yang dibebankan selama umur
penggunaan aset tersebut.
Pelaporan Aset
a. SETIAP 6 BULAN : Laporan Mutasi Barang Semesteran

b. SETIAP TAHUN : Laporan Tahunan

Laporan ASET
• Laporan disusun berdasarkan data yang dikumpulkan
• Laporan aktiva tetap terdiri atas:

Laporan Aset Dalam Keadaan Rusak

• Laporan Aset Sedang Diperbaiki

Laporan Aset Yang Digunakan

• Laporan Penyusutan Aset


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