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Az alábbi szöveg alapján válaszoljon magyarul a kérdésekre!

New Jersey
State Bicycling
The New Jersey Department of Transportation has just released the
New Jersey State Bicycling Manual, which was funded by the Federal Highway
„Bicycling is a popular and enjoyable means of personal transportation
for all ages.”
The main purpose of this manual is to provide information required by
bicyclists to ride on roadways with other traffic. It is intended for
those who have a basic understanding of how traffic operates on
our roadways.
The first sentence is, “Driving a bicycle requires you to be responsible for
your actions, for your safety and for the safety of others.”

Here’s a typical paragraph from the manual:

Motorists may not be aware of a bicyclist’s rights to ride in the roadway,
or may not be looking for bicycle traffic. Therefore, when riding
in a public right-of-way, in order to be seen, you need to operate in a
way that increases the chances that other traffic will notice you: signal and communicate;
don’t ride on sidewalks; yield right of way; know the difference between wide and narrow
traffic lanes; know the right way to pass.

Responsibilities For Riders

Riders must obey NJ motor vehicle laws. Bring tools: tire irons,
pump, and spare tube. Bicycle must be in good working order.
Don’t ride in a category that is too difficult for you. Advise leader if
you are making an unscheduled stop or leaving the group. Rides
will not go in the following conditions: rain, snow, wet or icy roads, or temperatures
under 5°C. Rides will leave 15 minutes after the published meeting
time (unless otherwise noted.) For rides longer than 15 miles,
bring snacks, for rides over 30 miles, bring lunch. Note: anyone under 18 years of age must be
accompanied by a parent or legal guardian on all rides.
Every rider is required to wear a helmet that meets CPSC
Performance Standards on all club rides. Headphones are not
permitted on rides.

1. Melyik korosztály körében népszerű a kerékpározás?

2. Milyen célból adták ki ezt a kézikönyvet?
3. Milyen veszély fenyegetheti a kerékpárosokat a közutakon és ezt hogy lehet elkerülni?
4. Mit tehet annak érdekében, hogy kerékpártúrája biztonságosabb legyen?
5. Ha csoporttal megy túrára, milyen körülmények hiúsíthatják meg a kirándulást?

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