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Adaptations to the Needs of Individual Students

Adaptations to the needs of individual students in the classroom can encompass a multitude of

direct strategies of instruction that may include a method of differentiated instruction for the

student that may indicate a learning disability or if the student has an IEP (Individualized

Education Program). There are technologies and assistive devices that could help the student

thrive at the level of their learning capability.

According to the Journal of efficiency and responsibility in education and science, the

idea of adaptive teaching in e-learning environment is based on paying attention and giving

support to various learning styles. Adaptive e-learning means an automated way of teaching

which adapts to different qualities of students which are characteristic for their learning styles.

(Kostolanyova, 2011)

Using this strategy in the classroom would indicate to implement a Universal Design of

Learning and apply differentiated instruction for the student(s). I’m going to be starting as a first

year Special Education K-4 Structured Learning Classroom this upcoming school year. My

students will be AU verbal and non-verbal. It will consist of about six to eight students. If some

students are not overstimulated, they will be included in the General Education classroom

however, the teacher and I will create a UDL to help the student be successful throughout the

school year and not feel overwhelmed.

There are adaptations and accommodations that can be used in which I will prepare

before school begins and those teaching strategies will be determined according to their

individual education program or 504. It is going to be a learning experience for both myself and
my students because most importantly I want to build a relationship with them and their

parents/guardians. Because the child will thrive with support and help not only at school but at

home too.

The InTASC Core Teaching Standard utilized would be Standard #1: Learner

Development – The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that

patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive,

linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally

appropriate and challenging learning experiences. This standard is exactly what is required to

recognize and assess students for the beginning of the school year. My cohort team will work

together to collect data and if needed will provide evidence once a meeting is needed to help the

student achieve at their highest level of cognitive understanding.


Kostolányová, Kateřina, Jana Šarmanová, and Ondřej Takács. “Adaptation of Teaching Process

Based on a Students Individual Learning Needs.” (Kostolanyova, 2011)(2011): 3–17. Print

Wentzel, Kathryn R., and Jere E. Brophy. Motivating Students to Learn. Fifth edition. New York,

NY: Routledge, 2021. Print.

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