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Name: ___________________________ Class:______ Date: __________

1) Complete the gaps with A, AN, or SOME.

a) _____ glass of water

b) _____ jug of juice
c) _____ roast beef
d) _____ hot soup
e) _____ hot dog
f) _____ hamburger
g) _____ scrambled eggs
h) _____ green ruler
i) _____ eraser
j) _____ mashed potatoes

2) Complete the sequences with the correct numbers.

Example: three - six - nine - twelve

a) twenty – thirty - __________ - fifty.

b) two – four – six - __________ - ten.
c) seventy - __________ - ninety - ________________.
d) five - ten - ____________ - twenty - ________________.

3) Complete the gaps with the correct answer.

Anna: Hey! _____________________ (Who are you / How are you)?
Carlos: Hello! I’m _________ (Carlos / fine). _________ (What / And)
Anna: I’m _________ (Anna / fine too).
Carlos: Nice to meet _______ (you/too)!
Anna: Nice to meet _______ (you too/me too)!
Carlos: And who is she?

Anna: She is _________ (her / our) new Portuguese teacher, _________

(Mr / Mrs) Silva.

4) Ask and answer according to the pictures.

a) ____________________________________________


b) ____________________________________________


c) ____________________________________________


d) ____________________________________________


5) Complete the gaps.

This is my family! My sister _____ (1) twenty years old. _____ (2) name is
Samantha. My brother _____(3) four years old and ____(4) favourite fruit
is melon. My parentes _____ (5) Hugo and Anna and ____ (6) are forty
years old. My mom ____ (7) from the US and my dad _____ (8) from
Mexico. I love piza, but ____ (9) favourite food _______ (10) mashed
potatoes. My siblings and I have got two cats. ____ (11) cats _______ (12)
really cute! ______ (13) names _______ (14) Thor and Odin.

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