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Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata kerja TO BE adalah kata kerja yang sangat penting untuk
mengerti susunan kalimat. Kata kerja TO BE mempunyai delapan bentuk: AM, ARE, IS, WAS,
WERE, BE, BEEN, BEING. Semua bentuk kata kerja TO BE ini dapat dihubungkan dengan kata
yang mengikutinya untuk membentuk susunan tertentu.

1. TO BE yang diikuti oleh kata kerja lain berfungsi sebagai KATA KERJA BANTU (auxiliary

a. TO BE + kata kerja lain dalam bentuk –ING membentuk PROGRESSIVE FORM

yang menunjukkan bahwa suatu situasi atau perbuatan sedang berlangsung.

To be calling
I am working in my office.
She is washing her clothes.
They are doing their homework.
He was writing a letter when somebody knocked on the door.
They were playing football when there was a sudden downpour.
I shall be traveling in Malaysia next week.
I have been reading this book for over an hour.
They were being questioned by the police.

b. TO BE + kata kerja lain dalam bentuk –ED membentuk PASSIVE FORM yang
menunjukkan perbuatan yang dilakukan.

To be closed
I have been asked to write an essay on pollution.
The door was opened by his mother.
I am forbidden to tell you anything.
She is liked by almost everybody.
They were seen by the neighbour when they broke into the house.
He was told to clean the car.
The thief is being interrogated by the chief inspector.
You are not allowed to eat in class.

c. Kadang-kala kata kerja TO BE yang diikuti oleh kata kerja dalam bentuk –ED
tidak menunjukkan perbuatan yang dilakukan (passive form), melainkan suatu
keadaan. Bentuk –ED di sini berfungsi sebagai kata sifat.

The visitor was annoyed by the impoliteness of his host.

(to be annoyed = to be angry)
I was surprised to hear of his sudden death.
(to be surprised = not expect)
I am impressed with the progress you made this year.
(to be impressed = to have a good opinion)
He appeared to be interested in the children’s performance.
(to be interested = to find attractive)
2. TO BE yang diikuti oleh kata benda atau kata sifat berfungsi sebagai kata kerja
penghubung (LINKING VERB), dan tidak mempunyai arti. Maka sebaiknya kata itu tidak

I am a doctor.
We are happy to see you again.
They weren’t very glad to move to Jakarta.
This machine is a paper cutter.
Nobody here has ever been a student.
Ten years ago she was still a grammar school teacher.
They were busy with their homework.
The weather has been hot for over a month.
This animal can’t be an insect.

3. TO BE yang diikuti oleh kata-kata atau kelompok kata benda yang dimulai dengan kata
depan (P-GROUP) berfungsi sebagai kata kerja penuh (FULL VERB) dan berarti “ada”.

Father is in his room.

Tomorrow I’ll be on my way to Singapore.
God is in heaven and all is well with the world.
I have never been in Australia yet.
The toys were under the table.


Instruksi: Tentukanlah fungsi kata kerja TO BE di dalam kalimat-kalimat yang berikut, dan

1. I have never been to Europe yet.

2. Many people were hiding from the police.
3. The beggar was attacked by a wild dog.
4. Although he is a teacher, he is not able to control his own children.
5. The knives are on the kitchen table.
6. I have been assured that I will not have to repeat the exam.
7. Production must be increased soon.
8. It would be foolish not to lock the door at night.
9. The city is getting bigger and bigger.
10. Two weeks ago they were in Singapore.
11. Much progress has been made in the last ten years.
12. The zoo is not open on Wednesdays and Fridays.
13. His uncle must be a rich man.
14. Will you accept the position that has been offered to you?
15. She was very anxious to send off the telegram at once.
16. The watch is very expensive, but I’ll buy it.
17. He spoke English so well that he was often taken for a native speaker.
18. They seem to be old friends, though they seldom meet.
19. Most shops are in the main square in front of the monument.
20. The house is being built at their father’s expense.
21. The child was given first prize for its original drawing.
22. The engine having been repaired, we continued our trip.
23. Electric toys are extremely dangerous for little children.
24. Tell them that they msut be in their seats when the guest arrives.
25. It will not be easy for you to do this exercise.

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