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Conversation Classes

What do you think of each of the characters?

Peter Quill is an interstellar Gamora is an orphan from an A physical brute, Drax has a
adventurer who was alien world who was raised personal vendetta against
abducted from Earth at a by the mysterious Thanos to Ronan, who killed his family.
young age. He is seen as become the perfect weapon. He can be seen as silly and
“goofy” and he is often the Dwight K. She could be often dumb.
butt of everybodies jokes. described as self centered.
Peter likes to be in the


The texts above have some adjectives of personality and expressions. For each
of the definitions below, find the right adjective from the texts.

• Foolish person _______________.

• To be the center of attention _______________.
• to be a person who is joked about or laughed at _______________.
• preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs _______________.
• Lacking intelligence ______________.
• having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment and foolish

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