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Soal No 6

1. Tom insisted upon a fair share of partership’s

a. Spare
b. Division
c. M erit
d. Help
2. The president held a brief press conference
a. Documented
b. Long
c. Pleasant
d. short
Grammar 2,125 poin x 40 butir
Soal No 1 (10 may)
Cause of the rain!
M ike was a boy of eight. His home was not ___(1)___
school. So he often walked there and back every day.
___(2)___ school, he passed a playground. There was
much water in it when it rained. One day, when M ike
came home, he was all wet. His mother became
___(3)___ and said, " ___(4)___ in the water on your
way." The next day M ike came back very wet again.
His mother became ___(5)___. She thought M ike was
___(6)___ his father because he was ___(7)___ his
son. "I'll tell your father if you come home wet again,"
sad the mother. " ___(8)___ he'll come back from
London next Tuesday. He'll punish you, I think." Two
days ___(9)___, it was raining hard when M ike got
home. But this time his clothes were dry. His mother
became happy and said, "You're a good boy today.
You didn't play in the water." "No," M ike said angrily.
"There were so many strong boys in the water when I
got there this afternoon. There ___(10)___ for me at
A. far from
B. too far away
C. from near
D. far away to
A. In middle
B. go to
C. By the way
D. on his way to
A. glad
B. angry
C. happy
D. sad
A. Not to swim
B. don't play
C. don't fall
D. keep away
A. worried about
B. even angrily
C. even surprised
D. even angrier
6/ 18
A. listening to
B. afraid of
C. the son of
D. told by
A. a good father of
B. always kind to
C. strict with
D. interested in
A. If
B. usually
C. may be
D. tomorrow
A. later
B. ago
C. early
D. after
A. was no water
B. were some rooms
C. were too many boys
D. wasn't any room
Kunci Jawaban Soal No 1.
Soal No 5
After the capture of Troy, Ulysses set out for his__
(1)__ many miles away. But so many strange __(2)__
happened to him on his journey that
ten__(3)__passed before he reached Ithaca.
1. A. neighbourhood
B. continent
C. homeland
D. street
2. A. sights
B. things
C. place
D. people
3. A.years
5/ 18
B. times
C. roads
D. cities
4. For the last five years at various hospital in the
country __________ has been practicing medicine.
A. now
B. that
C. before
D. a midwife
Jawaban Soal No 5
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. No

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