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The Queen’s Swamp

The Queen’s Swamp is an independent production by Paladin10 and is not affiliated with Losing Games. It is
published under the Mausritter Third Party License. Mausritter is copyright Losing Games.

The Queen’s Swamp is written by Paladin10 and licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0
A swamp on the edge of a large, sluggish river. Generations ago Queen Coppermane brought a
number of sprites to the region which created a period of great prosperity. The swamp appears
idyllic, but it has been in the state of slow decline since the death of the Queen - none of her
heirs have had the same drive. The greatest threat to the security of the region is the
cottonmouth (snake) Shadowbite - she, her brood and their minions hunt the swamp
unopposed. Of late they have been hunting the lyn to drain their magic for their own nefarious

Encounters Rumors

d6 Encounter d6 Rumor

1 1 Brood of Shadowbite looking for prey 1 Shadowbite is hunting lyn

2 d6 frog minions hunting for lyn 2 The mice living in the central cattails are odd
3 d6 Mindbender Cultists 3 Lord Carigmoor wants to control the swamp
4 1 water or field sprite 4 A great, strange beast lives in the north hills
5 d4 crawfish hunting 5 Mice that go near the ruined barn don’t come back
6 Roll on Adventure seeds table 6 Carla is trying to unite the Lords against Shadowbite

2: Cave of the Chimera

The chimera looks like a mountain lion but she is covered in scales. She only comes out to hunt
- luckily she prefers larger game than mice. She isn’t welcoming to strangers.

6: Shimmering Forest
A wooded, weathered hill that is home to a number of forest sprites.

8: Channel Turf
A cattail marsh claimed by channel catfish sire, his family and crew. It is best for mice not to get
near the water.

10: Twisted Gate

Named for the old, twisted and rusted gate that just sits in the empty field. The mice of the
village are friends with all the neighboring sprites and anyone who wants to buy sprite-made
works knows to come to Twisted Gate. The elderly Lord Burquest rules over the region with a
gentle hand.

12: Portal Waterfall

There is a good waterfall that feeds the stream that runs into the river. There is a deep cavern
behind the waterfall and the sprites claim that there is a secret portal within that leads to another
15: Sprite Field
A decent sized stream fed by the waterfall cuts through the lowlands on the way to join the river.
A few stream and field sprites inhabit the area. They hold combined parties every week rotating
from one site to another.

17: Brooding Cattails

A mist and a palpable malaise always seems to hang over this region. It is home to a cult of
mindbender leech thralls that are always looking for new hosts for their worm masters.

20: Queens Grove

The largest settlement in the region - over 1000 mice live within the hex. The largest gathering
is the Coppermane estate which rests up in the crook of the trunk of a great live oak. Numerous
other live oaks around the limestone hill have other smaller mouse populations.

It is the seat of power of the Coppermane family which still claims the region as their kingdom.
However, the current King does not wield the power or respect of his ancestor. They are deeply
involved in power struggles with the other lords of the region. Only the king’s sister, Carla, sees
Shadowbite as a true threat to the region.

23: Honey Swamp

There are a large number of beehives in the region and they love the native tupelo trees. Some
of the Coppermane family are still friends with a couple of the current queens.

24: Field of Gold

This region is completely covered with goldenrod and it is home to a number of field sprites.
Elowia, the matriarch of the sprites, is one of the first to come to the region and was a friend to
the former queen.

26: Shadowfen
Lowland region where mice dare to go. It is thick with the brood of Shadowbite and most believe
that she lives here as well.

27: Sunken Den

The second largest town in the region is situated in a part of the swamp near the edge of the
greater river. Most of the mice live high in the branches though some do live on and navigate
the waters in beetle or dragonfly powered boats. Lord Carigmoor claims the region and relies on
well paid robins to be his eyes and ears.

29: Slow Stream

A number of stream sprites tend this patch of swamp. More relaxed than usual they enjoy
games of chance when they aren’t off pranking the nearby crawfish.
30: Abandoned Barn
A dilapidated abandoned barn sits in the middle of an idyllic field. However, any visitors to the
area will be quickly found and attacked by minions of Shadowbite. The barn is heavily guarded
because that is where they take all of the captured lyn. A host of spider warlocks loyal to
Shadowbite live within and they drain the lyn of their magic and life.

37: Mud Flats

A mud clogged bit of swamp dotted with numerous crawfish holes. They claim this part of the
swamp and don’t take kindly to outsiders. If the locals can be convinced to talk they will make it
very clear that they don’t serve Shadowbite or her brood willingly.

Swamp Denizens

Catfish Shadowbite
12hp, STR 14, DEX 8, WIL 10 18hp, STR 12, DEX 12, WIL 14, Armor 2
Attacks: d8 bite and barbs Attacks: d8 bite
Critical damage: Swallow whole, d4 STR Critical damage: Instant death
damage per Round until rescued or escape Knows three spells

Wants to catch a tasty morsel Wants power and all in the swamp to fear her

Crawfish Her Brood

8hp, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 8, Armour 1 1. Poisontongue - knows two spells, eldest son,
Attacks: d6+d6 pincer organizes the hunting parties
2. Scar - 14hp, STR 10, WIL 16, knows three
Wants to be left alone spells, eldest daughter, scar over right eye,
leader of the spider warlocks
Mindbender Leech 3. Snakeling - 10hp, STR 12, DEX 10, WIL 10,
4hp, STR 8, DEX 8, WIL 14 Armor 2, average member of the brood
Attacks: d6 bite
Critical damage: Latches on and completely Spider Warlock
controls its victim.
4hp, STR 8, DEX 15, WIL 12
Attacks: d6 poison bite (damages DEX
Wants to find new hosts for other leeches instead of STR)
Critical damage: Carry away in web
Knows one spell.

Wants to drain lyn to gain more spells

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