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Morning Slot

Writing task 2
12 February 2022
Idp & BC
Ielts Morning slot, 12 February 2022
writing task 2

In many parts of the world, people do research for

family history. Some people think that finding for the
previous generations is a thing to be useful, but others
think that it is better to be focus on present and future
generations. Discuss both views and give your opinion?
People all over the world like to know about
their ancestors and family history. Some people
feel that it makes great sense to research one’s
family background. Others, however, oppose
this view. In their opinion, we should
concentrate more on the present and future
generations. In my opinion, it depends upon the
individual. If one really wants to know about
one’s ancestors, I see no harm in researching
one’s family history.
There are several benefits to researching one’s family
background. Many diseases, for example, are
hereditary. Someone who studies their family history
will be able to identify the diseases that run in their
family. This information will help them stay better
equipped to deal with such diseases. Studying one’s
family history is also a great way to discover the
culture and traditions of one’s family. This research
may help people stay rooted in their culture. What’s
more, people feel proud when they discover that their
family had a glorious history.
On the flip side, not everyone is fortunate enough to
have a glorious family history. Some people
therefore feel that researching one’s family history
may reveal embarrassing or disturbing information
about one’s ancestors. In their opinion, our present
is far more important than our past. So, they opine
that instead of wasting time on family research, we
should focus on the present and future. After all, the
past is past and there is nothing we can do about it.
Therefore, it makes greater sense to focus on our
To conclude, everyone has the right
to learn about their forefathers. This,
however, does not mean that everyone
should research their family. People
who are interested in discovering
more about their families should be
able to do it and others should just
focus on the future.
Task 1 – bar graph

Listening – Easy

Reading – Easy-Moderate

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