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9 _ Read the passag e given bel ow :

1. Apparently, women are now fully ema nd
ncipated1 and free to choose the ir profession
the way of life. But, the fundamentally , life pa~ner a .
deep-rooted feeling of inequality and
persists due to domineering attitudes of discriminat1on2 st111
males and age-old customs and traditio
2. Working wives are, however, trea ns. .
ted with a little more respect and
dependence of Indian women on their con sid era tion . Economic
husbands has kept the m in a state of
This is the crux4 of the whole problem per pet ual3 bo nd age.
of Indian women.

) ------------
- - - - -- - - - - - ----4~
- $ect·ion- A .--Reading_
3. The condition of women narrated above is still true for rural India. Exploitation of women in nd e
count ryside still prevails. She is still identified as a daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, w ife, etc., a
not as a person. She has no independent connections, friends and relatives outside the family.
4. It maybe said that considering the long history of suppression 2 of women under patriarchy, women
seem to be on the path to empowerment, although at a slower pace. The fact that women come
forward to contest elections for various civic bodies from panchayat to municipalities and to become
professors, vice-chancellors, engineers, doctors, business and bank executives, pilots and many other
responsible posts is itself a step on the road to empowerment.
5. In raising the issue of women's autonomy3 and right to go out to work, they challenged entrenched
gender roles, and even suggested that not getting married might be a valid choice for women.
Christensen, President of the National Council of Family Relations, once remarked that sex has
suffered much from giving married women complete equality with their husbands.
6. It has encouraged her to become more aggressive7and hence more masculine ...... Furthermore, she
sometimes has confused equality with identity, and in her effort to be equal with man she has tried to
copy man in dress, mannerisms, even vulgaritiesa .... At the same time, man has tended to soften both
because of woman's inroads and because of the comforts of modern culture. (2015-KTGTSIE)

( Word-Meanings )

act of preventing someone

1. emancipated freed 5. suppression
from being important
2. discrimination treating someone as
6. autonomy independence
inferior to others
3. perpetual continuous/everlasting 7. aggressive bold
8. vulgarities things or actions which are
4. crux most important part of an
bad in taste

Based o n your understanding of the above passage, answer the following quest ions.
(1) What accounts for woman 's inequality and discrimination ?
(a) age- old traditions and customs (b) illiteracy
(c) dominating attitude of males ' (cf) both (a) and (c)
(i1) Why have woman in India remained in bondage for long ?
(a) family responsibilities (b) economic dependence on their husbands
(c) kitchen work (d) none of the above
(iii) How is a woman looked upon in the countryside in India ?
(a) as an object (b) as a slave
(c) as a daughter-in- law/mother-in-law (d) as .very respectable
(iv) The suitable sub-heading to passage 4 can be _ _ _ _ .
(a) Women's emancipation (b) Suppression of women
(c) Women em.powerment (d) Women on road to empowerment
(v) The pace at which women empowerment is taking place is _____.
(a) slow (b) quite slow
(c) very fast (d) astonishing
(VI) To gain empowerment, what have the women challenged ?
(a) gender roles (b) male dominance
(c) education system (d) old traditions
(vii) How has man reacted to woman's empowerment ?
(a) angrily (b) reconcilingly
(c) rudely (d) none of these

Q ection-A : Reading )>--- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - @

What is the tone of the writer in the passage 7
(a) formal ·
(c) analytical (b) informal
(ix) w h f
(d) sad
omen now seem to be o th
(x) In their effort to be n . e pat o empowerment but the pace is ················ .
vulgar·t· (T equal with men, women have tried to copy men in dress, mannerisms, even
1 1es. rue/False)

lO. Read the passage given below :

1· Sociability should also be exhibited in our dealings with animals. They too are sentient 1 beings, and
some of th em are capable of attachment and devotion to human beings and to one ano th er. Man
killed many animals in the early period of civilization in order to clear the jungle, and th e same
cruel but unavoidable process can be witnessed in new colonies. There are also noxious, venomous,
and ferocious animals like tigers, jaguars, wolves, sharks, snakes, and others, which kill us, and we
must kill them. We are not responsible for their appearance on earth, and they cannot be tamecf2
and used. There was only one wolf of Gubbio, and even he did not exist. Rats, flies, wasps, locusts,
white ants, and other animals destroy our property or spread disease; they must be destroyed. We
cannot afford to feed all these hungry hordes.
2. Zoroaster enjoined upon3 all his disciples4 the duty of exterminating5 such pests, and you should
follow his teaching. But all animals which are employed6 in the service of man should be treated
with the greatest kindness and sympathy. They are your colleagues and comrades. They have also
done their part in building up the fabric of civilization. Feed them well; lay not too heavy burdens
on them; give them medicine and a holiday when they are sick; allow them a day of rest now and
then; give them a warm blanket in cold weather; speak affectionately to them at times. They can
feel the words of love, though they do not understand them. The cow, the ass, the shepherd's dog,
the horse, the camel, the bullock, the elephant, the milkman's dog, the pony, the yak, and other
domesticatecfl animals are humble and helpless members of the fellowship of Labour. They must not
be robbed of their rights, especially as they cannot strike back, or agitate for the redress of their
3. But do not make useless pets of dogs, cats, parrots, and other animals. Don't waste precious human
affection and care on such idle parasites6 • There are many lovely children whom you can pet and
fondle. The enormous army of 'pet' dogs of all varieties is only a ridiculous appendage to feminine
frivolity9 in capitalist society. What useful purpose do they serve ? Their biscuits, kennels, and
hospitals represent so much sheer waste of money and time. A prince has even built a palace for his
dogs I This foolish cynophilism 10 must cease. No animals should be kept as 'pets' : children should
be our "pets". The animals are to be welcomed only as fellow-workers.

( Word-Meanings )

1. sentient able to see and feel 6. employed used

2. tamed controlled 7. domesticated tamed
3. enjoined upon : strongly advised / ordered 8. parasites those who depend upon
4. disciples followers others totally
5. exterminating : destroying 9. frivolity weakness
10. cynophilism love for dogs

Based on your ·
understanding of the above passage' answer the foll owing •
(1) What 1s not common between men and animals ?
(a) eating (b) loving
(c) feeling (d) thinking

~ - -- - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -'----=--- - - -- - - - -- ( Section-A : Reading;

(ii) Whic h creatures need to be k'II d
(a) ferocious e ?
(b) poisonous
(c) rats, flies etc.
(d) all of the above
What did Zoroaster instruct his disciples ?
(a) Love all ·
your th'i ng . h (b) Kill harmful creatures
(c) Share s w,t others (d) N
(iv) What i~ the suitable heading for paragraph 2 ? one of the above
. . ..
. (a) Animals and Humans (b) Similant,es between Animal and Huma
Comp assio n t d .
owar s omesO t1c Anim als (d) s ave the Domestic Animals
(v) What have th d . .
e omest,c animals done for humans ,
(a) prote cted them (b) helped in build ing a civilization
c) d)
( gave comp anion ship ( gave them love and care
Wh ' h • autho r ?
by the
(vi) ,c anim als are consi dered useless pets
(a) bears
(b) dogs, cats
(c) bullo cks
(d) monk eys
(vii) Whos e weakness of keep ing pet dogs is referred to ?
(a) of all wom en (b) of a few wome n
(c) of rich fashi onab le wom en (d) of aristocrates
(viii) Wha t is the mood of the autho r ?
(a) happ y critical
· (Al
(c) unple asan t u 1 cynica 1
be treate d with ................. .
(ix} Acco rd ing to the write r the anim als empl oyed in the service of man shou ld
· ·on t h at preci·ous huma n affec tion and care shou ld not be wasted on useless pets
(x} The write r ·is O f th e opini
who are only idle parasites. (True/False)


1. Read the passage given below :
DUE (CR) prod uctio n in north west ern state
PAD DY (unsh elled rice) & RICE CROP RESI x paddy straw
Approx propo rtion of paddy Appro
Produ ction of paddy · Paddy straw produ ced• burnt (thous and tonne s)
(thous and tonne s) (thous and tonne s) straw burnt in fields (%)5
85 12,803
Punj ab 11 ,586 15,062
75 4,342
Haryana 4,453 5789
35 6,258
Uttar Pradesh 13,754 17,880
20 164
630 . 819
Uttara khand
20 4
17.3 22.2
NCT of Delhi 23,571
30,440 39,572

2-3 crops /year,

irriga tion, farme rs of north west India raise
1. With mech anise d farmi ng and assured has increased
me the predo mino nt cropp ing system. This
and rice (sum mer) -whe at (wint er) has beco More than
s in 1951 -52 to 310 millio n tonne s in 2020 -21.
foodg rain prod uctio n from 52 millio n tonne ins in the fields as
crops is inedible for huma ns; it rema
half of the dry matte r produ ced by these rest is burnt
CR for anim al feed and hous ehold fuel. The
crop resid ue (CR). Farmers remo ve some for anim al
In Punjab, 80-90 % of whea t straw is remo ved
in the fields or incor porat ed into the soil. te conte nt
is burn t in the fields as high silica and oxala
feed. Howe ver, 80-90 % rice/p addy straw
make s it less diges tible for livestock.

- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
---section-A : Read~ ~ - - -- -- - : - - - - - - -- - --
2. Farmers face difficult ies dealing with paddy straw because its tremend
ous3 amoun t is ve
5 tillage operati ~ expensive
to evenly spread and work into the soil. It needs labour, time and,3- . ons with d.ff I erel'lt
. for timely sowing of
equipm ent. Farmers are unable to comple te seedbe d prepara tion
mice, etc. harbourinw~eat Withil'l
the 2-4 weeks' window . They also want to control insects, diseases,
. Small farmers g in CR, al'ld
avoid possible yield reductio n by weeds and nutrien t immobi lisation
bear over ~ 3,000/acre incorpo ration or removal costs, and hence
burn CR. are unable to
plant nutrients im
3. When worked into the soil, CR is a source of organic matter (OM) and
of plant nutrien ~ _ proves soil
health and reduces nutrien t leaching. Soil OM - main storeho use
help circulate air water and nutrients, like blood in our body. Field studies at Puniab /n~ Water
f CR . b ~ gncultll
-organi c car on could be sequestered4 into . raI
Univers ity (PAU) illustrated that up to 21 ¼ o
and returnin g all CR to the soil could replace 30-50% of chemical
fertilisers. Total nitroge
of these applied as"
and 34%
phosph orus (P) removed by CR in India is equival ent to 30%
d by fertiliser s. Burn; c ernica1
fertilisers. Potassium removal by CR represents five times of that supplie
other nutrien ts, kills friendly insects and microo tg ~f CR
causes loss of OM, all nitroge n and some
and deterioratess the soil structur e. About 90% of agricult ural carbon dioxide emissions in i9ad~ISrns,
· · Id n 1a are
from burning CR, predom inantly paddy straw m the fie s.
6 replaced conven tional tillage. Ind·
4. In North American and Europe, conserv ation tillage has widely
for manag ing paddy straw Pian
researchers have develop ed several eco-frie ndly on-farm technol ogies
during the hot and dry su~ rner AU
researchers found that maize and several other• crops' produc tion
h 7
· (-The Tribune)
substantially increased with paddy straw muIc mg ...
( Word-Meanings )

6. tillage act of prepari ng land for

1. predom inant most powerf ul/dom inant
2. inedible not suitable for eating coverin g the soil with
7. mulchin g
3. tremen dous very large decayin g leaves
4. sequestered separated/isolated
5. deteriorates worsens
ng questio ns.
Based on your understanding of the above passag e, answer the followi
(i) To what extent paddy straw is NOT burnt in Punjab ?
(a) 12803 tonnes (b) less than 3000 tonnes
(c) 3000 tonnes (d) more than 3000 tonnes

(i1) Which states produce least paddy straw ?

(a) Punjab, NCT of Delhi (b) Uttarak hand, Haryana
(c) Punjab, Haryana (d) Uttarak hand, NCT of Delhi
table ?
(iii) Which state burns paddy straw the least, according to the data
(a) Uttarakhand (b) NCT of Delhi

(c) Haryana (d) Uttar Pradesh

(iv) How is dry crop residue used by farmers ?
(a) given as a feed to animals (b) burnt as househ old fuel

(c) burnt in the fields (d) all of the above

(v) 80-90% of wheat straw in Punjab is used as animal feed because
(a) it cannot be burnt easily (b) it has high food value

(c) it is digestible for animals (d) it is otherwise useless

(vl) What is the best way to deal with paddy straw ?
(a) to burn it (b) to spread it into the soil

(c) to use it as animal feed (d) to use it for human consum ption

- -- - -'(Section-A : Reading )
, ® - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- -
(vii) Select th e option that correctly lists the reasons of farmers for not working the paddy straw into the soil.
1. impatience to sow new crop
2. expensive process
3. little time for the process before sowing of wheat
4. fear of yield reduction
5. no knowledge of the process
6. dislike of crop residue
(a) 1, 2 and 5 (b) 1, 5 and 6
(c) 1, 2 and 6 (d) 2, 3 and 4
(viii) It is found that the proper working of Crop Residue (CR) in the soil may result in _ _ _ __ for the
next crop.
(a) no use of chemical fertilisers
(b) reduction in the amount of chemical fertilisers
(c) increase in the use of chemical fertilisers
(d) yield reduction
(ix) Proper spread of paddy straw in soil is not - - - - -
(x) Burning of crop residue is essential to control insects. (True/False)
2. Read the passage given below :
In reply to INLD's MLA Abhay Singh Chautala's question on new industrial
investment under the BJP in the Assembly today, the Haryana Government ANNUAL DATA
submitted that in 2018, the state witnessed the setting up of 22,665 new units Year New Investment
with an investment of Rs 4,835.15 crore. 2014 ? 3392.38 er.
The data revealed that industrial investment dipped, to the lowest during the 2015 ? 5177.07 er.
Covid pandemic2 in Haryana in the period 2014-21 . 2016 ? 4 517 er.
In 2019, industrial development fell by 17 per cent to Rs 4,012.89 crore, while 2017 ? 4399.7 1 er.
the new units that were set up in the state amounted to 17,109. 2018 f 483 5. 15 er.
The year 2020, marred by the pandemic, saw a dip of 46.4 per cent (close to 2019 t 401 2.89 er.
half) as only Rs 2,149.68 crore was invested in 20,393 new units. t 2149.68 er.
The dip continued further in 2021 as well as the new investments fell by 23.8 t 1,637.52 er.
per cent, with only Rs 1,637.52 crore being invested in 22,806 new units.
The industry portfolio 3 is with Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala. District-wise, Rewan attracted an
investment of f 4.299.54 crore for
Prof Satish Verma, RBI Chair Professor, Centre for Research in Rural and s,02s units. FI LE PHTO
Industrial Development (CRRID), Chandigarh, said: "The data presented is only •
of registered units. The dip during the Covid period is due to poor demand, particularly of consumer
4 in the supply chain; movement of labour to native states and adverse expectation
durables; disruption
He added there was also a low demand for credit from banks during the pandemic.
"In 2022, the investment is expected to bounce," he added. In 2022 so far, an investment of Rs 423 crore
has already been made in two units in the state.
District-wise, from 2014-21, Rewari attracted the maximum new industrial investment of Rs 4,299.54 crore
for 5,028 units, followed by Faridabad, where Rs 3,041.50 crore was invested in 13,120 units. Sonepat is
at the third place with Rs 2,873.04 crore being pumped5 in 4,773 units.
Kamal saw the investment of Rs 2,434.90 crore, Rs 2,362.63 crore was devoted to Bahadurgarh and
Gurugram recorded an investment of Rs 2073.89 crore.
During the pandemic, Faridabad saw new investment of Rs 248.44 crore in 2020 and Rs 130.74 crore in
2021. Rajiv Chawla, chairman, Integrated Association of Micro Small & Medium Enterprises of India, said
he was hopeful for the revival of the industry.
"The Haryana Government's industrial policies have helped in the past. The state has also benefitted from
industrial model townships (IMTs). From the upcoming Budget, we are expecting a good share for local
bodies for the maintenance of industrial areas and reduction6 in VAT on PNG. The industry has to shift
from fossil fuels to PNG by September 30 in the NCR region."

:tion-A : Reading ) 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- @
I -- - -- ..."lt.a:
d . is going to, c ross aII d'1stncts
· .
·in the matters of new .investment in the coming years. We suffered
hunng t.~e ~armers movement, but_ with M~ruti brand coming to Kharkhoda, the picture looks quite
opeful, said Rakesh Chhabra, president, Ra1 Industries Association.
In ~020, Sonepat saw new investment of Rs 405.13 crore, the highest among all districts, but it dipped
to Just Rs 50.84 crore in 2021, largely due to the farmers' protests.
Deputy CM Dushyant Chautala said: "No big units have closed in the state. The micro and small in~ustry
was affected due to Covid as orders got cancelled. But now with Maruti investing Rs 1_8,000 cror_e, ~.hpkart
Rs 1,300 crore, and Birla's paint unit and Coke coming to the state, the investment 1s set to nse.

( Word-Meanings )

4. disruption trouble
1. dipped went down quickly
5. pumped drawn in
2. pandemic a wide spread disease
6. reduction cut
3. portfolio a range of investments held
by an orgnisation

Based on your understanding of the above passage, answer the following questions.
(i) How many new industrial units were set up in Haryana in 2018 ?
(a) 20393 (b) 22665 ·
(c) 22806 (d) 4773 nd
(i1) During the year 2019 industrial development fell by _ _ _ _ _ due to Covid pa emic.
(a) 46.4% (b) 23.8%
(c) 17% (d) 15.7%
(iii) In 2020 how much money was invested in new units in Haryana ?
(a) 2449.8 crore (b) 2149.68 crore
(c) 1637 crore (d) 423 crore
(iv) According to Satish Verma the dip during the Covid period was due to_. ..
(a) poor demand of consumer durables (b) disruption in supply chain
(c) movement of labour to native states (d) all of the above
(v) How was the banking sector affected during the pandemic ?
(a) few people visited banks (b) banks remained closed for many day~ .
(c) there was low demand for credit (d) many bank officials were Co~ona P?si~ive
(vi) During the years 2014 to 2021 which district of Haryana attracted the maximum industrial investments?
(a) Faridabad (b) Kamal
(c) Rewari (d) Sonepat .
(vii) Who said that he was hopeful for the revival of the industry in Faridabad after the pandemic ?
(a) Prof. Satish Verma (b) Abhay Singh Chautala
(c) Dushyant Chautala (d) Rajiv Chawla
(viii) It is expected that Sonepat will cross all districts in the matters of ............. .
(a) cleanliness (b) new investment
(c) setting up of new units (d) none of the above
(ix) According to the Deputy CM, the micro and small industrial units were adversely affected during the
pandemic because ................... .
(xii) According to Rakesh Chhabra, President Rai Industries Association, the picutre looks dismal because Maruti
brand has come to Kharkhoda. (True/False)

3. Read the passage given below :

1. The lik~ly postponern_ent1 of India's biggest initial public offer from Life Insurance Corporation of India
has raised expectations on Dalal Street that state-owned companies and banks could pay higher
dividends as the government might look at ways to make up for the budget shortfa/12, according to
analysts. The governme~t ~lanned to conclude the LIC IPO before the current financial year ending
March 31 but the_ turmoLl3 in the market has sparked speculation that the issue could be ost oned.
The government 1s yet to comment on the matter. p p

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Section-A: Read1n])

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