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English 7 Advanced Unit 7 Have a great trip! Date: …………….

Lesson 1-2_Speaking -LWSW
Duration: 90 minutes
Materials Photocopies
- Video, slides

Learning objectives
At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Talk about things that they like and dislike doing on holiday
- Develop and apply strategies to describe details
- Explore ways to improve performance
- Identify and reflect on tips to improve performance
- Discuss and express opinions about tips of improving performance
- Explore and discuss tips for having confidence in yourself using useful language
- Assign Project 1 or 2

Time Activities Content Source

5 1. Warm-up * Game: Hot Seat
mins - Divide Ss into two groups.
- In each turn, two Ss from two teams come to sit in front of the board facing their teammates.
- T writes down a travel- related word on the board. Other Ss have to describe the word for their
friends to guess without mentioning it.
- The faster to give the correct answer earns one point for their team.
25 2. Speaking * Task 1
mins (SB, p.83) - Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss 2 questions in 5 minutes. Ask Ss to add reasons for their answers
Game: Pass the Ball 
T turns on some music and Ss pass the ball around the class. When the music stops, the student Slide

holding the ball has to stand up and answer one of two questions. 

* Task 2
- Elicit a brief description of that picture (slide)
- Ask Ss to discuss 3 questions with their partner, then compare the answer with the other pairs
- Ask some Ss to show their answers

*Task 3
- Go through the Exam Tips with Ss, explain to Ss if necessary. Remind Ss that they should
say as much as you can in a Speaking Exam
- Ask Ss to use the questions in the Exam Tips to describe the photos in Task 2
Ask Ss to practice with their partner before calling some Ss to describe in front of the whole class

* Task 4
- Go through the Useful Language box
- Show 2 pictures on the slide
- Ask Ss to complete the Exam Task, remind them to include as many details as possible in their
- Ask some Ss to describe their pictures
15 3. Discussion *Game: Guess what picture I have discussed
mins - Show 4 pictures on the slide
- Ask Ss to work in group of 3. Each Ss chooses 1 picture to describe. Remind Ss not to tell their
friends what picture they choose Slide
- Ask Ss to describe the picture in details as much as possible. The others in group have to guess what Video 1:
picture their friend chooses https://www.
- Call some Ss to describe in front of the whole class. The others guess what picture is
* Discussion v=rVHlXTg
- Divide Ss into group of 3. Ask Ss to watch video 1, and ask them what they can see in the video Dm04&t=61s
( elicit in the city and in the countryside)
- Ask Ss to discuss in group the advantages and disadvantages of having a holiday in the city and in
the countryside. Ask 1 Ss in each group to take note while discussing
- Ask 1-2 representatives in each group to present what they have discussed
- Ask some Ss to answers two questions in Your Ideas
30 4. LWSW * Task 1 (10 mins) Slide
mins (SB, p.83) - Show the phrase “stay healthy” on the slide. Ask Ss to work in pairs and brainstorm ideas on how to Video 2
stay healthy
- Ask Ss to watch video 1 and think if they have the same ideas with those in the video. Ask some Ss
to show their discussion results
- Ask Ss to read the tips and complete the sentences in task 1, then compare the answers with their
(elicit new words:
+ performance: the act of doing something
+ balanced diet (n): eating a variety of food everyday that is good for your health

- Get feedback. Ask SS if they follow this advice, and reasons for it
Key: 1.sleep 3.exercise 4.change

* Task 2 (10 mins)

- Ask Ss “what might happen if someone doesn’t follow the advice in the tips”. Elicit some examples
with pictures on the slide
- Ask Ss to work in group and discuss questions in task 2
- Ask some pairs to volunteer their answers

* Task 3 ( 10 mins)
- Show a picture on a slide. Ask whether Ss agree or not
- Ask Ss to discuss in pairs then call some pairs to answer 2 questions

* Task 4 (15 mins)

- Elicit “ motivated” – having an interest/reasons for doing things
- Go through the Mind your Mind box, ask Ss “Why is it good to be motivated?”
- In group of 4-5, ask Ss to discuss the questions. Distribute an A3 paper to each group. Ask them to
write their ideas on the paper
- Collect Ss’ ideas and stick on the board. Read out loud all the ideas and take a class vote for the
group having the best tip

*Task 5 (5 mins)
- Ask Ss to brainstorm things that motivate them
- Get feedback
10 5. Project 2 - Ask Ss to look through the Useful Language which can help them for the presentation Slide
mins (Homework) - Divide class into 4 groups. Ask 4 groups to do Project 2 (slide)
- Ask them to discuss and illustrate their ideas on the paper (write, draw, etc…) (A3 – A2)
- Remind Ss that they have to allocate the project tasks equally, make sure that everybody has a task.
For example: Ss A thinks of idea, Ss B writes, Ss C draw, Ss C presents
- Each groups will take turns to go to the board to present what they have prepare in the next lesson.
5 6. Wrap up - T wraps up the lesson


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