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February 15, 2023

Activity 1
EDUC 4- Assessment in Learning 1
Differentiate the following terms in education:

Look for credible sources and include your references in your paper.

Paper size: 8.5 x 11 in

Font Style: Arial
Font Size: 12
Spacing: Double Space
Margin: 1 inch in all sides

This activity will be submitted in PRINT next week (Monday) during our face to face

Note: Follow the format below.
University of Antique
Sibalom, Antique

College of Teacher Education

Activity No. 1

Name of Student: Carlyle Allem M. de la Llave

Course/Year/Section: BPED 2A

Subject: EDUC 4 Date: 20/02/2023

Name of Instructor: Mark Joseph T. Reyes, MAED

Educational measurement is the science and practice of obtaining information

about characteristics of students, such as their knowledge, skills, abilities, and
interests. It involves the development of instruments or protocols for obtaining
information, procedures for analyzing and evaluating the quality of that
information, and strategies for communicating the information to audiences.
Measurement is closely related to testing, assessment, and evaluation, and is the
process of assigning numbers to events based on an established set of rules.
Educational measurement is based on samples of behaviors of interest, such as
mathematics problem solving, interest in various occupations, proficiency in
reading narrative texts, skill in giving a speech, building a birdhouse, writing an
essay, and so on. Inference is an informed conclusion about the student's more
fundamental level of knowledge or skill.

Evaluation is ascribing value or worth to the information collected via

measurement or testing. Assessment is the process of gathering and synthesizing
information from multiple sources to discover and document students' strengths
and weaknesses, plan and enhance instruction, or evaluate and make decisions
about students.
What is testing in education? Almost everybody has experienced testing during
his or her life. Grammar tests, driving license test etc. A test is used to examine
someone’s knowledge of something to determine what that person knows or has
learned. It measures the level of skill or knowledge that has been reached. An
evaluative device or procedure in which a sample of an examinee’s behavior in a
specified domain is obtained and subsequently evaluated and scored using a
standardized process (The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing,

  Educational assessment is the systematic process of documenting and using

empirical data on the knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs. By taking the
assessment, teachers try to improve student learning.
Assessment can be focused on the individual learner or all individuals together,
like the whole class, an institution or specific program. Formative assessment will
give you an overview of your students in the beginning of your instruction. It gives
you the opportunity to still have the chance to improve your instruction.
Summative will give you the outcome of the whole instruction.

Test may be called as tool, a question, a set of questions, an examination which

use to measure a particular characteristics of an individual.
It is something which provides information regarding individual’s ability,
knowledge, performance and achievement.

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