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План самостоятельной работы учащегося _9 _ класса по английскому


IY term.
Unit: Travel and tourism.
Lesson number:__4_
Theme: Natural wonders

Task 1.Match 1–5 with a–e to make phrasal verbs.

1___ 2___ 3___ 4___ 5___
1 turn a in your luggage
2 set b off late
3 come c back and go home
4 stop d across something interesting
5 check e off in a village on the way
Task 2.Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

board book check fasten


1 Please _____________________ in your bags at the desk.

2 Don’t forget to _____________________ your seatbelt!
3 We need to _____________________ off early if we want to arrive on time.
4 You can _____________________ your tickets online.
5 Ladies and gentlemen, you can _____________________ the plane now.

3.Hometask .
Student’s book:ex.2 ,p.96(прочитай и выбери нужное слово)
Read and translate the text:
Lake Kaindy is at an altitude of 2000m and geologically very young. This 400m long lake was
formed in 1911 after an earthquake triggered an enormous limestone landslide, which formed a
natural dam in the gorge that was covered by spruce trees. Water started flooding the basin and
submerged the forest.
The dried-out trunks of the trees rise above the surface of the water, looking like the masts of
sunken ships.

The lake is almost 30 m deep and if you look underwater, which is very easy because the water
is very clear, you can still see the needles on the submerged trunks. Due to the cold temperatures,
the trees were naturally frozen and well preserved in the water.

You could go diving in this lake to see its unique beauty, but brace yourself for the cold! The
temperature of the lake is maximum 6ºC in summer.

4.Выполненные задания отправь учителю на проверку.

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