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State Council for Educational Rearch and Training A.P. Amaravathi
बाल बगीचा – 1
ि‍ितीभ षा ा – हिंदी कक्षा – 7

1.मन करता िंै ( Work Sheet-1 )

अभ्भास – 1 ( Exercise – 1)
शब्द पढ़ढ़ए और िलिखए :
1.सूरज = _________ _________ __________ _________
2.अकड़ = _________ _________ __________ _________
3.िततली = _________ _________ __________ _________
4.कोभल = _________ _________ __________ _________

अभ्भास – 2 ( Exercise – 2 )
कििता के आधार खाली जगिं षररए ।
1.मन करता िंै ______ बनकर आसमान में दौड़ लगाऊँ । ( िंिाई जिंाज़ / सूरज )
2.सब तारों पर ______ ढ़दखाऊँ । ( अकड़ / पकड़ )
3.मन करता िंै _________ बनकर दूर-दूर तक उड़ता जाऊँ । ( पतंग / ततली)

अभ्भास – 3 ( Exercise – 3 )
गलत शब्द को सिंी करके िलिखए ।
जैसे – असमन = आसमान
1.िततिल = _________
2.के भल = _________
3.चदा = _________

अभ्भास – 4 ( Exercise – 4 )
एक िाक्भ में उत्तर िलिखए ।
1.आसमान में कौन दौड़ लगाना चािंता िंै ?

2.िततली क्भा करना चािंती िंै ?
3.तारों पर कौन अकड़ ढ़दखाना चािंता िंै ?
अभ्भास – 4 ( Exercise – 4 )
गीत की प्रथम चार पंिक्तभों का षाि अपने शब्दों में िलखेए ।

Work sheet : 2
1.मन करता िंै ( अंितम 6 पंिक्तभाँ )

अभ्भास-1 ( Exercise-1 )
शब्द पढ़ढ़ए और िलिखए ।
1.कोभल = _________ _________ ________
2.िचिड़भा = _________ _________ ________
3.शोर = _________ _________ ________
4.चरखी = _________ _________ ________
5.पतंग - _________ _________ ________
अभ्भास-2 ( Exercise-2)
गीत के आधर पर खाली जगिं षररए ।
1.कोभल बनकर मीठे -मीठे _______ सुनाऊँ । ( गीत / बोल )
2.िचिड़भा बनकर चीं-चीं-चू-ँ चूँ _____ मचाऊँ । ( शोर / िंंगामा )
3._______ लेकर पीली-लाल पतंग उडाऊँ । ( चरखी / चक्र )
अभ्भास-3 ( Exercise-3 )
प्रश्न के उत्तर एक िाक्भ में िलिखए ।
1.कोभल कै सी बोल कै सी िंै ?
2.कौन शोर मचाना चािंते िंैं ?
3.पतंग कै सी िंै ?

अभ्भास-1 ( Exercise-1 )
जोड़ी बनाइए और िलिखए ।
1.सूरज तारें = _______________________
2.चंदा मीठे -मीठे बोल=_______________________
3.िचिड़भा आसमान = _______________________
4.चरखी शोर = ________________________
5.कोभल पतंग = ________________________
अभ्भास-2 ( Exercise-2 )
पिक्षभों के नाम िलिखए और पढ़ढ़ए
1.कोभल = ____________ __________ __________
2.तोता = ____________ __________ __________
3.कबूतर = ____________ __________ __________
4.कौआ = ____________ __________ __________
अभ्भास-3 ( Exercise-3 )
गलत शब्द को सिंी करके िलिखए ।
उदा : असमन - आसमान
1.िततिल -
2.के भल -
3.िचढ़दभा -
4.पंतग -
5.शौर -
अभ्भास-4 ( Exercise-4 )
प्रश्नों के उत्तर िलिखए ।
1.अगर तुम डाक्टर बनोगे तो क्भा करोगे ?
2.अगर तुम सौिनक बनोगे तो क्भा करोगे ?
3.तुम क्भा बनना चािंते िंो ?
अभ्भास-5 ( Exercise-5 )
मन करता िंै िचिड़भा बनकर
चीं-चीं-चू-ँ चूँ शोर मचाऊँ ।
मन करता िंै चरखी लेकर
पीली-लाल पतंग उड़ाऊँ ॥
अपने शब्दों में षाि िलिखए ।


2.सच्चा दोतत
Work Sheet-1
अभ्भास-1 ( Exercise-1 )
Page No. 5 के िचत्र में क्भा ढ़दखाभी दे रिंा िंै ? उनके नाम िलिखए ।
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.
अभ्भास-2 ( Exercise-2 )
शब्द पढ़ढ़भे और िलिखए ।
1.अमर = ________ ________ _________
2.रोज़ = ________ ________ _________
3.दोतत = ________ ________ _________
4.छात्रा = ________ ________ _________
5.नौकरी = ________ ________ _________
अभ्भास-3 ( Exercise-3 )
पाठ के आधार पर खाली जगिं षररभे । ( P.No. 6 )
1.िंर रोज़ अमर _______ के पास जाता था । ( बगीचे / पेड़ )
2.________ बीतता गभा । ( समभ / काल )
3.________ शाखाओं से झूलता था । ( अपनी / उसकी )

अभ्भास-4 ( Exercise-4 )
ु ताक्षरिाले शब्द पढ़ढ़ए और िलिखए ।
1.दोतत = _______ _________ ________ ________
2.प्भार = _______ _________ ________ ________
3.पत्ता = _______ _________ ________ ________
4.इकट्ठा = _______ _________ ________ ________
अभ्भास-5 ( Exercise-5 )
प्रश्नों के उत्तर िाक्भ में िलिखए
1.अमर ढ़कसका दोतत था ?
2.अमर ढ़कससे माला बनाता था ?
3.अमर नौकरी की तलाश में किंाँ गभा ?

Work Sheet-2 ( for page No. 7 )

अभ्भास-1 (Exercise-1 )
जोड़ी बनाइए और िाक्भ पूरा िलिखए ।
1.अमर टूट गभा था । ______________________
2.ििं लगाने का िनणणभ िलभा ______________________
3.अमर का घर शिंर चला गभा । ______________________
4.उसने पेड़ के पास गभा । ______________________
अभ्भास-2 ( Exercise-2 )
सिंी शब्द से खाली जगिं षररए ।
1.ििंाँ खूब ________ कमाभा । ( नाम / पैसा )
2.अब अमर ________ िंो गभा था । ( बूढ़ा / जिान )
3.इस तरिं पेढ़ ने अपनी ________ दोतती िनषाभी । ( सच्ची / पक्की )
4.________ बड़ा दुखी हुआ । ( पेड़ / अमर )
Work sheet-3
अभ्भास-1 ( Exercise-1 )
इन शब्दों को पढ़ढ़ए और िलिखए ।

1.पत्ता - पत्ते 2.नदी - नढ़दभाँ 3.लकड़ी - लकिड़भाँ
____ _____ ____ ______ _____ _______
4.शाखा - शाखाएँ 5.नौकरी - नौकररभाँ
____ ______ _____ ______
अभ्भास-2 (Exercise-2 )
अंक देिखए और पढ़ढ़ए ।
1. 11 = ग्भारिं
2. 12 = बारिं
3. 13 = तेरिं
4. 14 = चौदिं
5. 15 = पंद्रिं
अभ्भास-3 ( Exercise-3 )
प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक िाक्भ में िलिखए ।
1.अमर ढ़कसे अपनी समतभा बताभी ?
2.ढ़कसके कारण अमर का घर टूट गभा था ?
3.कौन अपनी सच्ची दोतती िनषाभी ?
4.अमर क्भों दुखी हुआ ?


3.हिंदी ढ़दिस
Work Sheet-1
अभ्भास-1 ( Exercise-1 )
शब्द पढ़ढ़ए और िलिखए । (page no. 12 का िचत्र और page no. 13 Half
page )
1.अध्भापक = _________ _______ __________

2.छात्र = _________ _______ __________
3.प्रधान अध्भापक = _________ _______ __________
4.िि‍भालभ = _________ _______ __________
अभ्भास-2 ( Exercise-2)
िनम्न अक्षरों से शब्द की पू्त कीिजए ।

िनम्न अक्षरों से शब्द की पू्त कीिजए ।

( ‍भा, त, धा, भण )
1.बा ___चीत
2.का ____ क्रम
3.िि ____ लभ
4.संिि ____ न
अभ्भास-3 ( Exercise-3 )
एक शब्द में उत्तर िलिखए ।
1.कौन-कौन सिंेिलभाँ िंैं ?
2.ढ़कसके िि‍भालभ में हिंदी ढ़दिस का काभणक्रम चल रिंा िंै ?
3.हिंदी ढ़दिस कब मनाभा जाता िंै ?
4.हिंदी राजषा ा के रूप में कब अपनाभी गभी ?

Work Sheet-2 (page No. 13 के आधे षाग से अंत क )

अभ्भास-1 ( Exercise-1 )
शब्द पढ़ढ़ए और िलिखए ।
1.संििधान = ______ ________ ________ ________
2.राजषा ा = ______ ________ ________ ________
3.षा ण = ______ ________ -________ ________
4.बधाई = ______ ________ _______ ________
अभ्भास-2 ( Exercise-2 )
उिचत शब्द से खाली जगिं षररभे ।

1.संििधान में हिंदी ___के रूप में अपनाभी गभी । ( राजषा ा/ मातृषा ा )
2.हिंदी बोलनेिाले िंमारे देश में सब से _____ िंैं । ( कम / अिधक )
3.आप सब को हिंदी ढ़दिस की ______ बधाई । ( बड़ी / िंार्ददक )
अभ्भास-3 ( Exercose-3)
जोड़ी बनाइए । पूरा िाक्भ िलिखए ।
1.कल एक ििशे िंै न !
2.तुम आज बड़ी बोलो ।
3.कल 14 िसतंबर काभणक्रम िंै ।
4.हिंदी िंमारे देश खुश िंो ।
5.हिंदी सीखो, हिंदी की राजषा ा िंै ।
अभ्भास-4 ( Exercise-4 )
अपने शब्दों में िलिखए ।
हिंदी के बारे में चार िाक्भ िलिखए ।

Work Sheet-3 (Total Lesson )

अभ्भास-1 (Exercise-1 )
शब्द पढ़ढ़ए और िलिखए ।
1.ढ़दिस = ढ़दन, रोज़ _______________ _________________
2.गीत = गाना, गान _______________ _________________
3.अध्भापक = िशक्षक, गुरु _____________ _________________
4.बधाई = मुबारकबाद, शुष संदश े ______________ ___________
अभ्भास-2 ( Exercise-2 )
पढ़ढ़ए और समिझए ।

राज्भ बोली जानेिाली षा ा
1.आँध्र प्रदेश = तेलुगु
2.तिमलनाडु = तिमल
3.पिश्चम बंगाल = बंग्ला
4.के रल = मलभालम
अभ्भास-3 ( Exercise-3 )
पढ़ढए और ’कापी’ कीिजए ।
िंर ि ण 14 िसतंबर को हिंदी ढ़दिस मनाभा जाता िंै ।
अभ्भास-4 ( Exercise-4 )
कु छ हिंदी चैनलों के नाम िलिखए ।


1. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Class: 7 Work Sheet-1 Date: ___________
I. Join the words to form compound nouns (noun + noun)
1. water cloth water bottle
2. hair juice _______________
3. school mouse _______________
4. lunch band _______________
5. table wire _______________
6. lemon bus _______________
7. town box _______________
8. cable bottle _______________
II. Find the two words that make each compound noun.
1. toothpaste = tooth + paste
2. notebook = ____ + ____
3. butterfly = ____ + ____
4. popcorn = ____ + ____
5. raincoat = ____ + ____
6. bookshop = ____ + ____
7. football = ____ + ____
8. birth = ____ + ____
III. Write the other degrees of adjectives.
Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree
great greater greatest
tall _________________ _________________
short _________________ _________________
big _________________ _________________
red _________________ _________________
careful _________________ _________________
good _________________ _________________
IV. Read the passage carefully.
The town mouse and the country mouse were cousins. One day the country mouse invited the
town mouse to his village. The house of the country mouse was a mouse hole. The town mouse
was not able to feel comfortable in the village. The town mouse did not like the country weather,
the living place, the quiet surroundings and the food offered by the country mouse.
Choose the correct option:
1. The town mouse and the country mouse were __________. ( )
a) friends b) cousins c) classmates d) sisters
2. The country mouse invited the town mouse to his__________. ( )
a) town b) city c) village d) hostel
3. The house of the country mouse was a ___________. ( )
a) box b) room c) mouse hole d) cup-board
4. The town mouse was not able to feel comfortable in the ________. ( )
a) town b) city c) village d) hostel
5. The town mouse did not like ____________. ( )
a) the town b) the traffic
c) the food offered by the country mouse d) none of the above
1. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Class: 7 Work Sheet-2 Date: ___________
I. Fill in the blanks choosing the words from the box.
money, food, balls, time, books
1. Well, I have some water to drink.
2. Well, I have some _________to read.
3. Well, I have some _________to eat.
4. Well, I have some _________to play.
5. Well, I have some_________to prepare for the exams.
6. Well, I have some _________ to buy a new dress.
II. Write the words under correct headings picking from the given sentence.
S.No. Sentence Naming Word Action Word
1. Sita is singing. Sita singing
2. Raju is dancing.
3. A monkey is jumping.
4. John is playing.
5. Birds fly.
III. Make the following nouns into adjectives by adding the suffix 'ful'.
The first one has been done for you.
1. care + ful = careful
2. wonder + =
3. colour + =
4. beauty + =
5. doubt + =
IV. Read the passage carefully.
Soon after the country mouse had entered the town, he saw all types of pollution there. Air,
water, food, noise, everything was polluted. The country mouse got headache also because of the
traffic. The town mouse offered bread and jam, different kinds of fruits, slabs of chocolate and a
huge piece of lovely cheese.
Answer the following questions.
1. What did the country mouse see after entering the town?
2. Why did the country mouse get headache?
Say whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The country mouse saw all types of pollution in the town. ( )
2. The town mouse offered sugarcane. ( )
3. Everything was polluted in the town. ( )
1. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Class: 7 Work Sheet-3 Date: ___________
I. Fill in the blanks with am / is / are ('Be' forms)
1. I ________ reading a story.
2. They _________ in the classroom.
3. Rajani _________ my sister.
4. Vani and Rani ________ her classmates.
5. It _______ raining.
II. Write five sentences using the substitution table.
We am students
You a teacher
He is ready
She reading
It are a book.
1. __________________________________________.
2. __________________________________________.
3. __________________________________________.
4. __________________________________________.
5. __________________________________________.
III. Rearrange the words to make a meaningful sentence and write it in the given space.
1. am / not / I / angry 1. _______________________________
2. happy / The / are / girls 2. _______________________________
3. friends / We / are 3. _______________________________
4. singing / hobby / My / is 4. _______________________________
5. waiting / is / he / for / me 5. _______________________________
IV. Read the passage carefully.
But he could not eat properly because they had to run and hide for safety whenever the
cupboard was opened. The country mouse got tired of running and hiding. The country mouse
could not stay in the town and decided to go back to the country because they may not have much
food in the country, but at least they can eat in peace.
Answer the following questions.
1. Who could not eat properly?
2. Why could he not eat properly?
Choose the correct option:
1. The country mouse got tired of __________. ( )
a) walking b) sitting and standing c) running and hiding
2. The country mouse could not stay in the __________. ( )
a) village b) town c) mouse hole
3. The country mouse decided to go back to _________. ( )
a) the country b) town c) city
1. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Class: 7 Work Sheet-4 Date: ___________
I. Write plural forms to the following compound nouns.
The first one has been done for you.
Singular Plural
1. football footballs
2. notebook
3. water bottle
4. raincoat
5. butterfly
6. handkerchief
II. Write sentences using 'full of' with the help of the following table.
The kitchen cupboard was audience.
The hospital is delicious food.
My house is full of joy.
The theatre is patients.
My brother is relatives.
1. The kitchen cupboard was full of delicious food.
2. ______________________________________.
3. ______________________________________.
4. ______________________________________.
5. ______________________________________.
III. Write the words related to town and village under correct heading.
traffic, restaurant, farmer, clean air, pollution, park, field, hut,
Mostly in the towns Mostly in the villages

IV. Write sentences using the following table. The first has been done for you.
Could I have some money to drink?
Would I have some time to eat?
Can I have some water to get ready?
Shall I have somebiscuits to buy a new pen?
1. Could I have some water to drink?
2. ____________________________.
3. ____________________________.
4. ____________________________.
5. ____________________________.
1. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Class: 7 Work Sheet-5 Date: ___________
I. Write the past form and past participle form of the following words.
The first one has been done for you.
Present form Past form Past Participle form
1. clean cleaned cleaned
2. paint _______ _______
3. add _______ _______
4. wear _______ _______
5. buy _______ _______
6. put _______ _______

II. Change the following adjectives into adverbs by adding 'ly'

The first one has been done for you.
Adjective Adverb
1. sudden suddenly
2. slow ________
3. neat ________
4. dreadful ________
5. affectionate ________
6. silent ________
7. careful ________
8. decent ________
III. Make the statements into questions. The first one has been done for you.
Statement Question
1. They are living in a town. Are they living in a town?
2. It is so quiet here. ___________________?
3. You will enjoy that. ___________________?
4. I have suddenly remembered. ___________________?
5. He arrived in the town. ___________________?
6. I don't eat raw food. ___________________?
1. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Class: 7 Work Sheet-6 Date: ___________
I. Circle the word that has wrong spelling and correct it.
country fruit thought
recieve juice kitchen
cousin piece traffic
thruogh suddenly reply
1. ______________
2. ______________
3. ______________
4. ______________
5. ______________
II. Write sentences using the following table.
a book on the table.
is nothing he could do.
There was many students in the classroom.
are many animals in the forest in olden days.
were a park in our town.
so many books in our school library.
1. There is nothing he could do.
2. _______________________.
3. _______________________.
4. _______________________.
5. _______________________.
6. _______________________.
III. Find the odd one out.
1. sugar-cane root coconut water house __________
2. train bus tree bike __________
3. ice-cream village chocolate cheese __________
4. country town road city __________
5. clothes chair dress skirt __________
1. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Class: 7 Work Sheet-7 Date: ___________
I. Imagine that you are town mouse and your friend Venu is country mouse and express the
the town mouse /he = I
the country mouse = Venu
The town mouse did not enjoy his dinner at all. He nibbled at the root and the sugarcane and
then said he wanted to sleep. The country mouse showed a corner in the mouse hole and said,
"There you are; you can sleep there."
______ did not enjoy his dinner at all. ______ nibbled at the root and the sugarcane and then
said ______ wanted to sleep. _______ showed a corner in the mouse hole and said, "There you
are; you can sleep there."
II. There are seven main verbs in the above passage. Write them down below.
1. enjoy
2. _____________
3. _____________
4. _____________
5. _____________
6. _____________
7. _____________
III. Write noun forms of the following verbs.
The first one has been done for you.
1. enjoy enjoyment
2. expect _________
3. believe _________
4. manage _________
5. organise _________
6. educate _________
7. attend _________
8. improve _________
IV. Write sentences using 'when'.
1. Sita saw a snake they were waiting at the bus-stop.
2. He was injured when she was driving.
3. Sumathi fell down he was playing.
4. They lost their bag she was going to school.

1. Sita saw a snake when she was going to school.

2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
1. The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Class: 7 Work Sheet-8 Date: ___________
I. Write sentences using the following table.
The first one has been done for you.
go now?
help you?
Can I talk to you?
make a call to you?
take your book?
see the picture once?
1. Can I go now?
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
4. __________________________
5. __________________________
6. __________________________
II. Express the following using 'may'.
1. Your friend wants to use your dictionary. Give permission using 'may'.
2. It is very cloudy outside and can rain at any time. Express this possibility using 'may'.
3. Your sister wants to play with your toys. Give her permission using 'may'.
4. Vimala wants to use your bike. Give her permission using 'may'
III. Express the wishes of the people mentioned below using unreal past (wish + subject + past tense)
The first one has been done for you.
1. Rupa wants to become a doctor but she doesn't know anything about dance.
How would she express her wish?
A: I wish I knew dance.
2. Suman wants to become an IAS officer but he could get through the interview.
A: ___________________________________________________
How would Suman express his wish?
3. Humpty Dumpty wanted to climb the wall but he fell down.
How would Humpty Dumpty express his wish?
A: ___________________________________________________
4. Priya wants to serve the poor but he didn't have enough money.
How would she express her wish.
A: ___________________________________________________
2- C.V. Raman The Pride of India
Class: 7 Work Sheet-1 Date: ___________
I. Read the following passage:

Raman was born on November 7, 1888 at Tiruchirapalliin Tamilnadu. His father was a college
physics teacher. He was a brilliant student. When Raman passed his matriculation, his parents
were keen to send him abroad for higher studies. But on medical grounds a British surgeon advised
them against it and Raman stayed in the country to do M.A.course at Presidency College in

Say whether the following statements are true or false.

1. C V Raman was born in Calcutta. ( )

2. His father was a college chemistry teacher ( )

3. Raman's parents wished to send him abroad. ( )

4. Raman's mother was a college physics teacher. ( )

5. Raman failed matriculation. ( )

6. He stayedin the country to do M.A. course at Presidency college in Madras.( )

II. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.

November, matriculation, brilliant, teacher. British, Tiruchirapalli


III. Fill in the blanks with past and past participle forms.

present form past form past participle

1. send _______________ _______________

2. pass _______________ _______________

3. advise _______________ _______________

4. stay _______________ _______________

5. come _______________ _______________

IV. Fill in the blanks with suitable words/phrases.

1. Raman was ____________________ on November 7, 1888.

2. His father was __________________ a college physics teacher.

3. His parents keen to ________________him abroad.

4. Raman _____________________in the country to do M.A. course.

2- C.V. Raman The Pride of India
Class: 7 Work Sheet-2 Date: ___________
I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
Raman was born on November 7, 1888 at Tiruchirapalli in Tamilnadu. His father was a
college physics teacher. He was a brilliant student. When Raman passed his matriculation, his
parents were keen to send him abroad for higher studies. But on medical grounds a British surgeon
advised them against it and Raman stayed in the country to do M.A. course at Presidency college
in Madras.
Answer the following questions.
1. If you were Raman when do you celebrate your birthday?
2. What was his father?
3. Was Raman good at studies?
4. What was doctor's advice to Raman's parents?
Abbreviation Full form
M.A Master of Arts
B.A ______________
a.m ______________
p.m ______________
C.M ______________
P.M ______________
III. Write past forms (V2forms) of the following verbs
V1 V2
1. pass ______________
2. study ______________
3. advise ______________
4. stay ______________
IV. Fill in the blanks (take reference in the above paragraph)
1. Raman was born on ___________________.
2. His father was a ______________.
3. He was a _____________________syudent.
4. He stayed in the country to do ________________.
2- C.V. Raman The Pride of India
Class: 7 Work Sheet-3 Date: ___________
I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman was showing a visitor some of his instruments, K.S.krishnan
rushed in and announced that Professor Compton has won the Nobel Prize. A few years earlier,
A.H.Compton had shown that the nature of x-rays changes when passed through matter. The
change was dependent on the kind of matter. This effect was called Compton effect.
Answer the following questions.
1. What was Raman showing a visitor ?
2. Who was Rams showing a visitor?
3. Who got the Nobel Prize?
4. What was Compton effect?
II. Fill in the table.
S.No Verb form noun form
1 Enjoyed Enjoyment
2 Rushed
3 Announced
4 Won
5 Surprised
III. Fill In the blanks with 'in', 'on' 'of'or 'at'.
1. K.S.Krishnan rushed ________________and announced.
2. The change was dependent ______________________ the kind of matter.
3. Raman was showing a visitor some ______________________the kind of matter.
4. The nature ____________________ x- ray changes when passed through the matter.
IV. Write about Compton effect.
2- C.V. Raman The Pride of India
Class: 7 Work Sheet-4 Date: ___________
I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
On the busy Bow bazaar Street in Calcutta there was an old building. It was the headquarters
of the Indian Association for Cultivation of Science. In December, on a fine evening in 1927, there
was much excitement in one of its laboratories. Chandrasekhar Venkata Raman was showing a
visitor some of his instruments when a young man, K. S. Krishnan, rushed in and announced,
"Professor Compton has won the Nobel Prize."
Answer the fallowing questions.
1. Where was the old building?
2. What was the building used for?
3. Who won the Nobel Prize?
4. What is the meaning of the word "announced"?
II. Fill in the missing letters.
1. __ __ lcutta
2. __ __ __ ociation
3. __ __ ience
4. __ __ ltivation
III. Write suffixes of the following.
1. Association tion
2. excitement _____
3. cultivation ______
IV. Write possible questions using the table given below.

I sing?
we like music?
Do you read books?
they play cricket?
2- C.V. Raman The Pride of India
Class: 7 Work Sheet-5 Date: ___________
I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
A few years earlier, A.H. Compton had shown that the nature of X-rays changes when passed
through matter. The change was dependent on the kind of matter. This effect was called the 'Compton
Answer the fallowing questions.
1. What is the name of the scientist mentioned in the passage?
2. What is Compton Effect?
3. Have you ever heard about X-rays?
4. What is the use of X-rays in human life?
II. Write correct spelling of the misspelt word.
1. nature, change, effect, dependent.
III. Write negative sentences of the following.
1. I am a dancer I am not a dancer
2. He is a student ______________________________
3. She is a student ______________________________
4 They are eating ______________________________
IV. Write possible sentences
1. I am a teacher ________________________________
2. We is a girl ________________________________
3. She are a ball ________________________________
4. It playing ________________________________
2- C.V. Raman The Pride of India
Class: 7 Work Sheet-6 Date: ___________
I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
When Raman only 19, he became a member of the Indian association for cultivation of science.
Meanwhile, respecting his parents wishes, he took up an administrative job in finance ministry in
Calcutta. His interest in science, however did not flag. He used to spend his hours after office in the
lab of the association working throughout the night.
Answer the following question.
1. what was Raman became at the age of 19?
2. what did Raman do respecting his parents wish?
3. what was his job?
4. what was he used to do after his office hours?
II. write as many words from the word 'association'
Eg: ass etc.
III. Fill the puzzle

1. top
2. stop
3. post

IV. write some important point in the above given passage.

2- C.V. Raman The Pride of India
Class: 7 Work Sheet - 7 Date: ___________
I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
Raman was elected to the Royal society in London in 1924 and the British Government made
him a knight of the British empire in 1929. It was a high honour for any great scientist.
Answer the following questions.
1. which organization was Raman was elected to?
2. In which year Raman was elected to the Royal society?
3. What was he made by the British Government?
4. which was a high honour for any scientist?
II. Fill in the blanks for the following words.
1. G__ v__ __ n m __ __ __ t
2. S__ __ I __ t __
3. L __ n __ __ n
4. H __ n __ __ r
III. Pick up the noun forms from the above passage.

IV. Match the following.

1. a big tree a. on the tree
2. a bird b. coming towards the tree
3. boys are playing c. under the tree
4. a hunter is d. in the forest
2- C.V. Raman The Pride of India
Class: 7 Work Sheet - 8 Date: ___________
I. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.
C.V. Raman was the first Indian scholar who studied wholly in India and received the Nobel
Prize. He was the first Asian and the first non-white to win such a great award in science. He
passed away in 1970 on November 21. February 28, the day on which he discovered the Raman
effect is celebrated as National science day.
Answer the following questions.
1. Who was the first Indian who got the Nobel prize?
2. When was Raman passed away?
3. What was being celebrated as National science day?
4. What was he discovered?
II. Write the words in alphabetical order.
Scholar, Raman, February, effect, day.

III. Write some pronouns from the given passage.

IV. Rearrange the words and rewrite the sentences.

1. I / not / a / dancer / am. ______________________
2. The girls / happy / are. ______________________
3. My dad / smart / is. ______________________
4. Cooking / is / mother. ______________________
Class: 7 Worksheet-1
1. Integers Sub: Mathematics
Class: 7 : Integers Worksheet-1 Date: ______________
I. Answer the following.
1. Which of the following is not a Natural number? [ ]

a) 1 b) 3 c) 0 d) 6

2. Which is the smallest natural number?

3. Which is the smallest whole number?

4. Which of the follong are integer? [ ]

a) 1/2 b) -1.8 c) 9 d) 5.01

II. Match the following?

5. Group-A Group-B

i) Predecessor of 6. a) 7 [ ]

ii) successor of -9 b) 9 [ ]

iii) smallest Integer c) -8 [ ]

iv) The number of Integers between -5 and 5 d) 5 [ ]

e) -9 [ ]

f) does not exist [ ]

III. Solve the followingq

6. Write the following Integer in ascending order.

(i) -10, -7, 8, 0, 2 (ii) 3,-9, -25, 10, 6

7. Write the following Integers in descening order

(i) -8,2,0,5, -13 (ii) -2, 8, 6, -11

IV. Solve the following.

8. Represent -1, -5, 0, -3 on a number line.
1. Integers
Class: 7 Worksheet-2 Sub: Mathematics
Class: 7
Lesson.1 : Integers
Worksheet-2 Date: ______________
I. Answer the following.
1. What number added -5 to set 0?

2. When you added a position Integer in which direction did you move on the number line?

3. Use appropriate sign >, < or = in the given boxes.

(i) (-8) + 4 7 + (-6)

(ii) (-3) + 6 -6 + 3

(iii) 5 + (-7) -7 + 5

II. Answer the following.

4. Complete the following.

i) 14+(-10) ii) (-15) + 20 iii) 13-(-8) iv) -25 - (-3)

5. Express ‘-3’ on the sum of a negative integer and a whole number.

6. Subtract the sum of 15 and -8 from 20.

7. Represent the following additions and subtraction on a number line

(i) 3+4 ii) -5+8 iii) 6-9 iv) 7-(-3)

8. Can you find a pattern for each of the following. If yes, complete them.

a) 7,3, -1, -5, ___, ____, ___

b) -11, -8, -5, -2, ____, ____, ____

c) -3, -5, -7, -9, ___, ____, ____

d) 25, 20, 15, 10, ____, ____, ____

Class: 7 Worksheet-3
1. Integers Sub: Mathematics
Class: 7 : Integers Worksheet-3 Date: ______________
I. Answer the following.
1. Product of two integers always can be. [ ]
a) Positive b) Negative
c) zero d) All or the aove three
2. The product of three negative integers is _____ [ ]
3. (-1) x (-1) x ....... 101 forms _______
a) -1 b) 1 c) 101 d) -101
4. Replace the blank with an integer
________ x (-13) = -143
II. Answer the following.
5. Find the following products
i) (-2) x 3 x (-4) ii) (-1) x 225 iii) (-25) x 0 x 35 iv) (-15) x 16
6. Check these products. What do you observe?
i) 25x(-5) = (-25)x5 ii) -20x16 = 20x -16
III. Answer the following.
7. Give an example for these statements.
i) The product of two negatibe integer is a positive integer.
ii) The product of positive and negative integers in a negative integer.
IV. Answer the following.
8. In a class test contans 10 questions. ‘2’ marks are given for each correct answer and -1
make for wrong answer. Tushar sored 15 marks and attempt all questions. How many
questions attempted correctly? How many questions in correct?
1. Integers
Class: 7 Worksheet-4
Worksheet-4 Date: ______________
Sub: Mathematics
Lesson.1 : Integers
I. Answer the following.
1. For any integer x (-1) is _____ [ ]

a) x b) 1 c) -x d) not defined

2. (-12) (-6) = _______

3. Division of negative integer by another negative integer then quotient is __ [ ]

a) Positive b) negative

c) Zero d) Can’t say

4. Fill with suitable integer

(-15) _____ = -15

II. Answer the following.

5. Write Divison statements of the given multiplication statement as gven example?

3x-4=12 ; -12 3 = -4, 12 (-4) = 3.

i) fx(-3) = 24, ii) (-4) x (-5) = 24

6. Compute the followings

i) (-100) 5 ii) (-32) (-16) iii) 64 (-4) iv) 125 25

III. Fill in the blanks

7. i) 169 _____ = 169 ii) (-50) ____ = -1 iii) ____ 1 = -75

iv) (-256) _____ = 1 v) 20 _____ = -2 vi) _____ 4 = -3

IV. Answer the following

8. The part of integer a and b such that a b = -4. Write the different values of a and b.
1. Integers
Class: 7
Class: 7
Sub: Mathematics
Date: ______________
Lesson.1 : Integers
I. Answer the following.
1. What is the additive Identity of Integer.
2. For any integers a, a 0 is [ ]
a) a b) 0 c) 1 d) not defined
3. The multiplicative identity for integers is. [ ]
a) 0 b) 1 c) -1 d) a and b
4. The reciprocal of 1/6 is _____.
(-15) _____ = -15
II. Answer the following.
5. Define commutative property of addition of integer with the help of an example.
6. Which property is used to prove {10x(5+2)} = {(10x5) + (10x2)}. Using the same rule
find the value of 99x101.
III. Match the following.
7. Group A Group B.
1) a x 1 = 1 a) Associative under multiplication.
2) ax(bxc) = ax(bxc) b) Closure
3) a+b = b+a c) Addition Identity
4) a+(bxc) = (axb) + (axc) d) Multiplication Identify
5) a+0 = 0+a = a e) distibution proparty
f) Commutative under addition.
IV. Answer the following.
8. Verify the following.
(i) 18x[7+(-3)] - [18x7] + [18x(-3)]
ii) (-21) x [(-4) + (-6) ] = [(-21) x (-4)] + [(-21)x(-4)]
1. Integers
Class: 77 Worksheet-6
Worksheet-6 Sub:
Date: Mathematics
Lesson.1 : Integers

I. Answer the following.

1. The addition Inverse of -55 is ____________

2. The number ‘0’ is an integer. The sign of this number is. [ ]

a) Positor b) Negative

c) does not have any sign d) some times positive and some times negative

3. State whether true or false. For all non-zero integers a and b, axb is always greater than

either a and b.

4. For any integer a, a 0 = ______

II. Answer the following.

5. In how many ways can -12 be written as a product of two integers. Write it.

6. Find the product usion. Suitable properties. (i) 26x(-48) + (-48) x (-36)

III. Solve the following.

7. Write five pain of integers ‘x’ and ‘y’. Such that x y=-3, One such pair in (6,-2) because

6 (-2) =-3.

IV. Answer the following

8. An elevation descends into a mine shoft at the rate of 6 meters per minute of the descent

starts from 10m above the ground level. How lons will it take to reach - 350m.

(i) 18x[7+(-3)] - [18x7] + [18x(-3)]

ii) (-21) x [(-4) + (-6) ] = [(-21) x (-4)] + [(-21)x(-4)]

1. Integers
Class: 7 Worksheet-7
Worksheet-7 Date: ______________
Sub: Mathematics
Lesson.1 : Integers
I. Answer the following.
1. The value of 1-2+3-4+5-6+........+19-20 is. [ ]

a) 20 b) -20 c) -10 d) 10

2. The pair of integers (a,b) such that a÷b=-4 is. [ ]

a) (-2,2) b) (8, -2) c) (-4,2) d) (4,1)

3. Fill in the blank using > or < to make the Istatement true.

8+(-13)+(-15) ________(-15)-39+6

4. _______+23 = 0

II. Answer the following.

5. Arrange the following in ascending order

(i) 21x(-34)x(-12) ii) (7x8)-9 iii) 7x(5-9) iv) 21x(-34)x12

6. Fill in the following blanks.

(i) -150 ÷ ______=150 ii) _____÷ 1=-50 iii) 100 ÷ 0 = ____ iv) 0 ÷ 1 = ____

III. Answer the following.

7. Write down pair of integer whose

(a) sum is -7 (b) difference is -10

(c) Product is 12 (d) sum is 0

IV. Evaluate the following.

8. (a) 795 x (-25) + (-795)x75 (b) (-59)x(-19)+59 (c) (-1)x(-2)x(-3)x(-4)x(-5)

1. Integers
Class: 77 Worksheet-8
Worksheet-8 Date: ______________
Sub: Mathematics
Lesson.1 : Integers
I. Answer the following.
1. Addition Inverse of -25 is __.

2. (-28)+96+125 ______ (-451)+193+76(UIC >,< = in the blank)

3. How many integer lies between -1 and 6?

4. The value of P of px(-9) = 135 [ ]

a) -15 b) 15 c) -1215 d) 144

II. Answer the following.

5. In a quit team ‘A’ scored -40,10,0 and team B. Scored 10,0,40 in three successive rounds.

Which team scored more?

(i) 21x(-34)x(-12) ii) (7x8)-9 iii) 7x(5-9) iv) 21x(-34)x12

6. Evalute each of the following.

Verify the property ax(b+c) = (axb)+(axc). When a=12, b=-4, c=2

III. Answer the following.

7. Fill the following pattern upto products?

(-1)x5 = -5

(-1)x4 = -4

(-1)x3 = -3




IV. Evaluate the following.

8. (a) A cement company earns a profit of Rs.8 per bag of white cement sold and loss

of Rs.5 per bag of grey cement sold.

(b) The company sells 3000 bags of white cement and 5000 bags of grey cement in a

month. What is its profit or loss?

Class: 7 Worksheet-9
1. Integers Sub: Mathematics
Class: 7 : Integers
Lesson.1 Worksheet-9 Date: ______________
I. Answer the following.
1. Which of the following statement is false.
(a) (-7)+(-6) = -13 (b) (-5)+1 = 4 (c) 2+(-1)=1 d) 8+(-9) = 1
2. Use the sign of >, < or = in the box to make the statements true.
(i) (-8)+(-4) (-4)+(-8) (ii) (-3)+7-19 15-8 +(-9)
3. Statement A : Integers closed under division.
Statement B : Integer commutative under multiplication.
Which statements are true of the above.
(a) A and B are true
(b) A is true B is false
(c) A is false, B is true
(d) A and B are false
4. What number should -240 be divided to obtained 16.
a) -15 b) 15 c) -30 d) 30
II. Answer the following.
5. What will be the sign of the product, if we multiply together.
(a) 8 negative integers and 3 positive integer
(b) 5 negative integer and 4 positive integers
6. Verify a-(-b) = a+b for the following values ‘a’ and ‘b’.
(i) a-21, b=8 (ii) a=28, b=11
III. Answer the following.
7. Find the products of the following.
(i) 3x(-1) ii) (-18)x(-5)x(-4) iii) (-3)x(-6)x(-2)x4 iv) (-25)x0x(-16)
IV. Answer the following
8. Write a pair of Integers whose sum and difference given
(i) negative integer.
(ii) zero
(iii) an integer smaller them both the integer
(iv) an integer greater then both the integers.
2. Fractions, decimals & Rational numbers
Class: 7 Worksheet-1 Date: ______________

1. Write five examples, each of proper, improper and mixed fractions?

2 5
2. Draw two pictures to represent (i) (ii)
5 8

3 4
3. Write five equivalent fractions for and ?
5 7

5 3
4. Which is bigger or
8 5

2 1
5. Add 2 and 3
3 2

1 1 1 5 5 1
6. Arrange the following in ascending order (i) , , (ii) , ,
2 3 5 8 6 2

5 1 4
7. Simplify (i) (ii) 1
8 6 7

2 1
8. A rectangular sheet of paper is 5 cm long and 3 cm wide. Find its perimeter..
3 5

Class: 7 WORK SHEET –2 Sub: Maths

2. Fractions, decimals & Rational numbers
Class: 7 Worksheet-2 Date: ______________
Lesson.2 Fractions, Decimals & Rational numbers

1. Check whether in this square the 6 13 2

13 13 13
sum of the numbers in each row
3 7 11
and in each column and along the 13 13 13
12 1 8
diagonals is the same. 13 13 13
2 1
2. Find (i) 4 (ii) 7
7 3
2 2
3. Simplify (i) 3 2 (ii) 4 1
7 9
4. Find the perimeters of

(i) Triangle ABE

(ii) The rectangle BCDE in this figure.

Which figure has greater perimeter and by how much?

5. Multiply the following. Write the answer as a mixed fraction.

3 6 2
(i) 10 (ii) 2 (iii) 5
6 7 9

1 5 3
6. _____________
2 2 2

1 1 1
7. 2 3 4 _______________
3 3 3
2. Fractions, decimals & Rational numbers
Class: 77
Class: WORK SHEET –3
Worksheet-3 Sub: Maths
Date: ______________
Lesson.2 Fractions, Decimals & Rational numbers
7 5
1. ______
3 3

2 1
2. ______
3 2

1 5
3. 3 2 ______
2 6
4. Shade:

(i) of the circles in box (a)

(ii) of the triangles in box (b)

(iii) of the rectangles in box (c)

(iv) of the circles in box (d)

1 2
5. Find (i) of 12 (ii) of 15
3 5

2 4 3 1
6. Which one is greater? of or of
5 7 4 2

7. Narendra reads of a short novel in 1 hour. What part of the book will he have
read 2 in hours?

1 1
8. __________
2 3
Raja walks 1 ½ meters in 1 second. How much distance will he walk in 15 minutes?
2. Fractions, decimals & Rational numbers
Class: 7
Class: 7 WORKWorksheet-4
SHEET –4 Date: ______________
Sub: Maths
1. Find the reciprocal of each of the following fractions.

1. Find the receprocal of each of the following fractions.

5 8 13 3
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
8 7 7 4

2. Will the reciprocal of a proper fraction be a proper fraction? Give TWO examples.

3. Will the reciprocal of an improper fraction be an improper fraction? Give TWO examples.

3 1 1 3 1 9
4. Find (i) (ii) 2 (iii) 5
5 2 2 5 6 2
2 4 4 3
5. Solve (i) 3 (ii) (iii) 5 4
3 9 5 7
3 1
6. 1 2 _______________
5 2
2 2
7. 4 _______________
5 3

8. Reciprocal of 1 = _______________

9. Reciprocal of 0 = _______________

10. Reciprocal of -1=_______________

Class: 7 WORKMathematics
SHEET –5 Sub: Maths
2. Fractions, decimals & Rational numbers
Lesson.2 Fractions, Decimals & Rational numbers
Class: 7 Worksheet-5 Date: ______________
3 4
1. Write five equivalent fractions for (i) (ii)
5 7

5 3
2. Which is bigger or
8 5

3. Represent pictorially 2

2 1 3
4. Arrange the following in ascending order , ,
5 3 10

8 7 1
5. Simplify (i) 7 (ii)
3 9 3

2 1 3
(iii) 2 (iv) 18
3 2 4

1 3
6. The recipe requires 3 cups of flour. Radha has 1 cups of flour. How many more
4 8
cups of flour does she need?

7. At Ahmed’s birthday party, part of the total cake was distributed. Find how much
cake is left?

1 1 1 1
8. Find and using diagram
2 5 5 2

1 1 1 1
check whether
2 5 5 2

9. Rehana works 2 hours each day on her embroidery. She completes the work in 7
days. How many hours did she take to complete her work?

10. Shankar ’s family consumed 3 kg sugar in the first 15 days of a month. For the next
15 days they consumed 3 kg sugar. How much sugar did they consume for the whole
Class : 7 Sub: Science
Topic : Food Components ;
Sub Topic : Essential Components WORK SHEET-1 Date : ___________
I. Fill up the given blanks with suitable answers.

1. Food we take in the morning is called __________________

2. We get energy from ________________ to do work.

3. Which of the following is a steam cooked food
A) Pulihora B) Upma C) Idly D) Doas
4. Which of the following is called as a complete food
A) Milk B) Biryani C) Banana D) Biscuits

5. Food materials with large number of proteins are ________________.

II. Answer the following with One Word or Sentence.
6. Name the activities that occur even at the time of sleeping.

7. Which organ is involved in the process of blood circulation.

8. What will happen if do not take food ?

III. Essay Questions : Answer the following Question with 4-6 Sentences.
9. Explain the process of making biryani.

10. Read the following table and answer the given questions.
Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Vitamins & Minerals

Rice Fish Butter Milk

Potato Eggs Eggs Pulses
Maize Milk Milk Mushroom
Milk Pulses Meat Soyabeans

1. What is the essential food component present in Rice ?

2. Which food material has all the essential components.

3. Name the food component present in fish.

4. What are the main essential components that are present in eggs ?

Class : 7 Science
Topic : Food Components ;
Sub Topic : Conformation of food components WORK SHEET-2 Date : ___________

I. Fill up the given blanks with suitable answers.

1. Solution used in the confirmation test of starch is __________________.

2. Fats turn the paper into ________________.

Pickout the right answer from the following.
3. Amount of sodium hydroxide to be taken during the confirmation test of proteins.
A) 2% B) 10% C) 5% D) 8%
4. In which of the confirmatory tests of food materials, food turns from blue to purple colour
A) Viamins B) Proteins C) Carbohydrates D) Fats
5. Identify whether it is true or false.
Crystals of iodine when dissolved in water shows yellow or brown colour.

II. Answer the following with One Word or Sentence.

6. What essential components are to be taken in our daily food ?

7. In which of the confirmatory test of food materials banana is used ?

8. How is 2% copper sulphate solution prepared ?

III. Essay Questions : Answer the following Question with 4-6 Sentences.
9. Explain the process of confirmatory test of proteins.

10. a





Class : 7 Sub: Science
Topic : Food COmponents
Sub Topic : Testing for materials WORK SHEET-3 Date : ___________
I. Fill up the given blanks with suitable answers.

1. Growing children and adolescents need __________________ food.

2. Abundantly found food material in tubers is ________________.

Pick out the right answer from the following
3. Which of the following food materials are required in minute quantities by our body.
A) Minerals B) Proteins C) Carbohydrates D) Fats
4. Identify whether it is True of False.
Requirement of quantity of Carbohydrates, Fats depends on the age and work done by an
5. Match the following.
1. Carbohydrate ( ) A) Leafy vegetables

2. Fats ( ) B) Pulses
3. Proteins ( ) C) Butter
4. Vitamins & Minerals ( ) D) Rice
II. Answer the following with One Word or Sentence.
6. Why should we take balanced diet ?

7. What are the nutrients present in Milk ?

8. Mention some protein rich food materials.

III. Essay Questions : Answer the following Question with 4-6 Sentences.
9. Name different types of components and food materials required for the needs of growing

IV. Draw the pictures of your favourite pictures and mention the the components of food present
in them.

Class : 7 Sub: Science
Topic : a
Sub Topic : a WORK SHEET-4 Date : ___________
I. Fill up the given blanks with suitable answers.

1. __________________ are present in the boiled sweet potatoes along with carbohydrates.

2. Fruits and vegetables are to be cleaned with ________________ water.

Choose the right answer from the given 4 options.
3. Which of the following fruits are eating along with peal.
A) Banana B) Jack fruit C) Papaya D) Grapes
4. Which of the following peels of vegetables are used for making chutney.
A) Ribbed guard B) Bitterguard C) Drumstick D) Banana

5. We should ensure that our food should contain all ________________ every day in adequate

II. Answer the following with One Word or Sentence.

6. What are Cereals ? Given examples.

7. Why should we clean the fruits and vegetables with salt water ?

8. What are the forms of fibres in our foods.

III. Essay Questions : Answer the following Question with 4-6 Sentences.
9. How do roughages help our body. What are the sources of roughages ?

IV. Draw the picture of some fruits and vegetables which prevent from constipation.

Class : 7 Sub: Science
Topic : Food Components
Sub Topic : Water WORK SHEET-5 Date : ___________

I. Fill up the given blanks with suitable answers.

1. __________________ is also an essential component needed by our body.

2. Metalloic activity facilitated by drinking water is ________________.

3. Which of the following fruits posses more amount of water ?
A) Apple B) Banana C) Custard apple D) Jack
4. Which of the following vegetables posses more amount of water ?
A) Drumstick B) Cucumber C) Brinjal D) Carrot
5. Mention the following sentence is correct or not.
Water is also or component of food.

II. Answer the following with One Word or Sentence.

6. Mention the metabollic activities that occur in our body.

7. How do we send food into food pipe ?

8. Which component facilitates the digestion of solid foods.

III. Essay Questions : Answer the following Question with 4-6 Sentences.
9. What is the need of water for our body. Menton some water rich fruits and vegetables.

IV. Draw the picture of the activity that shows the need of water for digestion.

Class : 7 Sub: Science
Topic : Food Components
Sub Topic : Balanced Diet WORK SHEET-6 Date : ___________
I. Fill up the given blanks with suitable answers.

1. Salad means __________________.

2. Pista, Badam are ________________.

3. Choose the right option from the 4 options.
Which of the following foods gets digested easily ?
A) Curd rice B) Idly C) Upma D) Biryani
4. Which of the following fruits is available only during summer ?
A) Banana B) Mango C) Guva D) Custard apple
5. Identify whether the following sentence is True or Fasle.
Healthy persons should take only some kind of fruits.

II. Answer the following with One Word or Sentence.

6. What gives health and energy to our body ?

7. Which vegetables are used in making salads ?

8. Which fruits are to be taken both as fleshy and dry forms.

III. Essay Questions : Answer the following Question with 4-6 Sentences.
9. What is a balanced diet ? How do you make your meal as a balanced one.

IV. Read the following table and answer the given questions.
Breatfast Lunch Dinner

Idly Rice Pulka

Chapathi Dal Leafy Vegetables
Fruits Fruits Fruits
Milk Curd Buttermilk

1. Mention the break fast item that is taken by most of the people

2. Which of the food item can be taken 3 times per a day ?

3. Which of the diary product is preferred by most of the people during Lunch ?

4. What is the use of leafy vegetables to our body ?

Class : 7 Sub: Science
Topic : Food Components
Sub Topic : Balanced diet is cheap WORK SHEET-7 Date : ___________
I. Fill up the given blanks with suitable answers.

1. Balanced diet is __________________ .

2. Junk food spoils our ________________ .

3. Which of the following is rearely taken by us.
A) Rice B) Cheese C) Curd D) Milk
4. Which of the following is to be taken less amounts.
A) Leafy vegetables B) Vegetables C) Animal food D) Fruits
5. Mention whether the given sentence is True or False.
We should avoid the materials made with jaggery.

II. Answer the following with One Word or Sentence.

6. How are the nutrients of food lost ?

7. What are the disadvantages of taking junk food ?

8. What are the cheapest balanced food materials ?

III. Essay Questions : Answer the following Question with 4-6 Sentences.
9. Mention the types of food materials and their quantity that is to be taken by us in our daily

10. Read the following paragraph and answer the given questions.
Scientists have found out that a balanced diet need not necessarily be costly. Every one
can afford it, even the poor. If a person eats dal, rice, rotis, green vegetables person eats dail,
rice, rotis, green vegetables little oil and jaggery all the food requirements of the body are
fulfilled. Just balancing our diet with different kinds of foods is not enough. It should be
coocked in a proper way.
1. What did the scientists tell about the balanced diet ?

2. Mention any two cheapest balanced foods.

3. How should we take a balanced diet ?

4. How do we get energy from a balanced diet ?

Class : 7 Sub: Science
Topic : Food Components
Sub Topic : Food-Culture, History of nutrients WORK SHEET-8 Date : ___________
I. Fill up the given blanks with suitable answers.

1. __________________ could be cured by taking fresh fruits and vegetables.

2. Cooking, eating habits also reflect the ________________ of people.

3. Choose the right option from the given.
Who is the founder of modern science of nutrition.
A) Lavoisier B) CV Raman C) JC Bose D) Aristotle
4. Food that is mostly preferred by north India is
A) RIce B) Chapathi C) Pulihora D) Pongali
5. Match the following.
1. Papaya ( ) A) Dry fruit
2. James Lind ( ) B) Junk food
3. Pizza ( ) C) Vitamin A

4. Raisin ( ) D) Scurvy
II. Answer the following with One Word or Sentence.
6. What is nutrition ?

7. Mention the food materials that are mostly preferred by South Indians.

8. Who discovered the scurvy disease.

III. What precautions do you take, while cooking.

IV. Draw the pictures of seasonal fruits that you take during the 3 seasons and mention the
nutritional values of those.

General Science
Class : 7 2. Acids and Bases Sub: Science
Class: 7
Lesson: 2 Acids and Bases Worksheet-1 Date: ______________

I. Fill in the blanks:

1. The substances that turn blue litmus to red are ____________ in nature.

2. The substances that turn red ltmus to blue are ________ in nature.

3. Identify the forming colour, when lime water is added to turmeric. [ ]

a) Yellow b) Red c) Black d) Blue

4. Identify the natural indicators. [ ]

a) Hibiscus b) Beetrot c) mango leaf d) All the above

II. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences

5. What are indicators?

6. What kind of tastes do food substances we eat have?

7. Do substances change their taste, when added to some other substances?

III. Answer the following question.

8. Turmeric stains on white clothes, when washed with soap, turned red. Why?

IV. Fill the following table.

S.No Sweet Sour Bitter Salty Spicy
1 Sugar Lemon juice Bitter ground Salt Red mirchi
General Science
Work Sheet-2
Class : 7 2. Acids and Bases Sub: Science
Class: 72 ( Acids and Bases)
Lesson: Worksheet-2 Date: ______________
I. Match the following


1. Lime Water [ ] a) Magnesium Hydroxide

2. Glass cleaners [ ] b) Ammonium Hydroxide

3. Soaps [ ] c) Calcium Hydroxide

4. Milk of Magnesium [ ] d) Sodium Hydroxide

II. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences

5. What are natural acids?

6. Why the burning sensation, when bitten by an ant?

7. Which tell us whether a substance is acidic or basic?

III. Answer the following question

8. How will you prove that Magnesium ribbon is basic in nature?

IV. 9. Fill the following table.

S.No Acid Substances
1 Acetic acid Vinegar
2 _____________ Lemon
3 Butyric acid _____________
4 _____________ Butter milk, churd

5 Ascorbic acid _______________

General Science
Work Sheet-3
Class : 7 2. Acids and Bases Sub: Science
Class: 7
Lesson: 2 ( Acids and Bases) Worksheet-3 Date: ______________
I. Answer the following bits.

1. Methyl orange gives _______________ colour with acids.

2. Phenol phthalein gives ________________ colour with bases

3. Hydrogen discovered by. [ ]

a) Lavoisier b) Henry Cavendish c) James Lind d) C.V. Raman

4. Which gas catches fire with a sound

a) Oxygen b) Carbondioxide c) Hydrogen d) Nitrogen

II. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

5. what is acid rain?

6. Can you guess and write the reason for acid rain in Visakhapatnam.

7. What is the colour of hydrogen gas?

III. Answer the following question.

8. why are acids not stored in a metal container?

IV. Diagram

9. Draw a neat diagram of experiment that shows the release of hydrogen.

General Science
2. Sheet-4
Acids and Bases
Class : 7 Sub: Science
Class: 7
Lesson: 2 ( Acids and Bases)
Worksheet-4 Date: ______________
I. Answer the following bits.

1. In the process of ______ both the acidic and basic qualities are neutralised

2. The gas that put out the burning matchstick ______________

3. Which ofthe following is neutral in nature [ ]

a) Lemon juice b) Salt c) Lime water d) A & C

4. To protect tooth decay we are advised to brush our teeth regularly. The nature of the tooth

paste commonly used is [ ]

a) Acidic b) Basic c) Natural d) A & B

II. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

5. What happens when Nitric acid is added to egg shell?

6. Which gas, turns lime water to milky white?

7. What is neutralization?

III. Answer the following question.

8. How will you prove that Co 2 releases?

IV. Diagram:

9. Draw a neat diagram of the experiment that shows the release of Co 2.

General Science
Work Sheet-5
2. Acids and Bases
Class : 7 Sub: Science
Class: 7
Lesson: 2 ( Acids and Bases) Worksheet-5 Date: ______________

I. Answer the following bits.

1. Salts whch change blue litmus to red are ____________salts

2. Salts which change red litmus to blue are _____________ salts

3. We use common salt, to preserve food. ( True / False )

4. We use sodium hydroxide for removal of grease stains (True/False)

II. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

5. what are neutral salts?

6. Which acid a used in making medicines and dyes.

7. What are the uses of acids

III. Answer the following question.

8. why si out sweat salty?

IV. 9. Fill the following table

S.No uses Name of the Acid/Base/ Salt

1 Preparation of pickels Acetic acid

2 Preparation of Pulihora _______________

3 Removal of ink stains _______________

4 Preparation of Bleaching powder ________________

5 Preparation of cold drinks and cake ________________

Social Studies
1. Reading maps of different kinds
Class: 7 Worksheet-1 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions.
1. The —— is a the model of the earth

2. ————is the capital of India

3. ——————is the capital of Uttarakhand

4. ———————is a line joining the places with equal height.

5. ……………… maps show the roads, counry, borders and cities.

6. How is the sea level measured?

7. How are maps helpful to people?

8. What is the shape of contour lines?

II. Read the following paragraph and write a note on the importance of physical maps.
You will find some maps in your atlas called ‘Physical Maps’. In these maps, you
will usually find different parts of the land coloured in green, yellow or brown. Actually,
they show the variety of landforms (plains, mountains, plateaus, etc.) and depict the heights
of places.
10. Geethika went from Hyderabad to Bhopal in which direction did she travel. ( )

A) East B) West C) North D) South

11. Rashmika went from Lucknow to Chennai in which direction did she travel. ( )

A) South B) West C) East D) North

12. Libya is in….. ( )

A) Europe B) North America C) South America D) Africa

13. Total number states in India… ( )

A) 28 B) 29 C) 27 D) 26

14. Match the following.

1.Chattisgarh, Odissa ( ) A. South to Andhra Pradesh

2.Tamil Nadu ( ) B. North to Andhra Pradesh

3.Karnataka ( ) C. East to Andhra Pradesh

4.Bay of Bengal ( ) D. West to Andhra Pradesh

Social Studies
1. Reading maps of different kinds
Class: 7 Worksheet-2 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions.
1. —————————state lies towards south of Andhra Pradesh

2. We use …….. to show any physical object on the map

3. Himalayas are towards …. Side of India.

4. …….is the colour given to the sea in a map.

5. Maps showing ….. are very essential when roads or dams have to be constructed.

6. What is a contourline ?

7. What are the characteristics of the contour lines?

8. When will be the contour lines far from each other?

9. What are the symbols we use to show ay physical object on the map?

10. What does a physical map show?

11. What are symbols?

I. Read the paragraph and comment on it.

12. “ A contour is a line joining the places with equal heights. On the map of Nimpur
you would have seen that there is a line passing through the village, this is the 50 meter
contour line. All places on this line will have the same height of 50 meters. Contour lines
will be in irregular shape depending upon the land form. These cannot cut with each other.
The distance between two contour lines will depend upon the landscape. If the land has a
steep climb then the contour lines will be near to each other. If the slope of the land is
gentle, then the contour lines will be quite far from each other.”
13. A book of maps called as….. ( )

A) Atlas B) Globe C) Thesaurus D) Encyclopedia

14. Maps showing distribution of forests are…… ( )

A) Physical map B) Thematic map C) Historical map D) Political map

15. Blue colour is used in maps for showing…. ( )

A) Water bodies B) Mountains C) Plains D) Hills

16. Dark Green colour is used in maps for showing…. ( )

A) Water bodies B) Mountains C) Plains D) Hills

17. Match the following

1.Districts, states, capitals ( ) A. Physical Maps

2.Mountains, plateaus, plains ( ) B. Political Maps

3.Distribution of People ( ) C. Historical maps

4.Boundaries of a kingdom ( ) D. Thematic map

Social Studies
1. Reading maps of different kinds
Class: 7 Worksheet-3 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions.

1. All heights on the land are calculated from the …………………..

2. Brazil is located in ……….. continent.

3. The distance between two contour lines depend upon ……………..

4. M.SL. means………………….

5. When the dams are to be constructed ……………….. maps are required.

6. Give examples for different land forms.

7. What does a physical map show?

8. What are the ways used to show heights on maps?

9. What are the uses of maps showing heights?

Read the following paragraph and write a few lines on the essentiality of maps that
showing heights.
10. Maps showing heights are very essential when roads or dams have to be constructed.
If we have to lay roads in an undulating region between two places such maps help us in
deciding the route to be taken by the road. Similarly, when dams are planned it is necessary
to know how much land will be submerged by the water of the dam.
11. Yellow colour is used in maps for showing…. ( )

A) Water bodies B) Mountains C) Plains D) Plateaus

12. Green colour is used in maps for showing…. ( )

A) Water bodies B) Mountains C) Plains D) Forest Areas

13. Which of the following places is in a high altitude? ( )

A) Banglore B) Chennai C) Amaravathi D) Shimla

14. Which of the following places is in a low altitude? ( )

A) Daman B) Panaji C) Kavaratti D) Tripura

15. Match the following.

1.Symbols ( ) A. To show variety of land forms

2.Colours ( ) B. To show physical objects

3.Contour lines ( ) C. To show heights in a map

Social Studies
1. Reading maps of different kinds
Class: 7 Worksheet-4 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions.
1. ………………….. maps deal with various land features of an area.

2. …………………… maps help us to know the terrain.

3. ……………………….. maps help us for construction of roads.

4. Blue colour represent ………………….. in a map

5. …………….. colour represent low lands in a map

6. To show variations in land forms we use ……………… in maps.

7. What is the Mean Sea Level?

8. What is a map?

9. Name the boundaries of Andhra Pradesh state?

10. Name the important rivers and tributaries of Andhra Pradesh.

11. What is a tributary?

12. Why do we use colours in a map?

13. What are the colours basically used in a map?

14. China is located in this continent ( )

A) Europe B) Asia C) Africa D) Australia

15. The distance between two contour lines depends upon… ( )

A) The water B) The air C) The landscape D) The oceans

16. MSL means… ( )

A) Mean Sea Level B) Mean Soil Level C) Most Sea Level D) Maximum Sea

17. The maps, that give the information about heights and edepths of a place are…. ( )

A) Political Maps B) Geographical Maps C) Physical Maps D) Climatic Maps

18. All heights are calculated from this level ( )

A) Ground Level B) Mean Sea Level C) Road Level D) Surface Level

19. Match the following.

1. The state located on the Eastern side ( ) A. Laddak

2. The State located on the Western side ( ) B. Tamil Nadu

3. The state located on the Northern side ( ) C. Gujrat

4. The state located on the Southern side ( ) D. Arunachal Pradesh

Social Studies
1. Reading maps of different kinds
Class: 7 Worksheet-5 Date: ______________

I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions.

1. ……………………….. indicates average of high and low sea level.

2. ……………………………… line joins all the places with equal heights.

3. If the slope of the land is gentle, then the contour lines will be quite ……….. from each

4. If the land has a steep climb, then the contour lines will be ……………….. to each other.

5. …………………… maps show lands forms like mountains, plateaus and plains.

6. …………………… maps show political divisions.

7. A dark point in a map used to mark ……………………….

8. Write one difference between map and picture?

9. What are the uses of maps showing heights?

10. Why are the levels of all the seas equal in the world?

11. What difference do you find between the life style of people living on high altitudes and
low altitudes?

12. Why should we study different kinds of maps?

13. How do you measure height on land?

14. What are the different types of maps?

15. Why do we use colours in a map?

16. Match the following

1.Evergreen forests ( ) A. Visakhapatnam

2.Sahara Desert ( ) B. Antarctica.

3.Ramakrishna Beach ( ) C. Western Ghats

4.Ice covered Place ( ) D. Libya

Social Studies
1. Reading maps of different kinds
Class: 7 Worksheet-6 Date: ______________

I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions.

1. The plateau region itself is cut by mainly Godavari and …...... Rivers. ( )

A) Kaveri B) Ganga C) Tapati D) Krishna

2. When dams are to be constructed ………….. Maps are required. ( )

A) Political B) Physical C) Global D) Height Showing

3. Different shades of colours are used to depict the following on the map. ( )

A) Depths B) Heights C) Width D) Areas

4. A Contour line joins ( )

A) Places with equal depth B) Places with same climate

C) Places with equal heights D) Places with equal population.

5. ……………… tells us about how high or low the places are ( )

A) Maps B) Globe C) Plans D) Books

6. Maps showing distribution of forests are… ( )

A) Physical maps B) Thematic maps C) Historical Maps D) Political Maps.

7. The maps that give the information about heights and depths of a place are…. ( )

A) Political maps B) Geographical maps C) Physical maps D) Climatic maps

8. Different shades of colours are used to depict the following on the map ( )

A) Depths B) Heights C) Width D) Areas

9. A contour line joins… ( )

A) Places with equal depth B) Places with same climate

C) Places with equal heights D) Places with equal population

10. Match the following.

1. Point Symbol ( ) A. Post Office

2. Line Symbol ( ) B. Delhi

3. Area Symbol ( ) C. Krishna River

11. Match the following.

1. Raipur ( ) A. Himachal Pradesh

2. Shimla ( ) B. Chattisgarh

3. Leh ( ) C. Itanagar

4. Chandigarh ( ) D. Laddak.

5. Arunachal Pradesh ( ) E. Punjab

Social Studies
2. Rain & Rivers
Class: 7 Worksheet-1 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions:

1. The process of changing water into water vapour by heating is......................

2. The process of changing water vapour into water by cooling is ........................

3. Evaporation and condensation together, one after the other is called as ...................

4. The amount of invisible water vapour present in the air is called ................

5. The process in which water vapour changes into water is called.......

6. What is meant by evaporation?

7. What is meant by precipitation?

8. What is meant by humidity?

9. Which are called South west Monsoon winds?

10. What are tributaries?

11. River Krishna is flowing towards ( )

A) Westr B) East C) North D) South

12. This is an example for perennial river. ( )

A) Godavari B) Mahanadi C) Krishna D) Sindhu

13. Match the following

1.Manjeera ( ) a) Krishna

2.Thungabhadra ( ) b) Thungabhadra

3.Sagileru ( ) c) Godavari

4.Bhadra ( ) d) Penna

14. Locate the following places in outline map of India.

River Godavari , Madhya Pradesh, River Penna, Laddak

Social Studies
2. Rain & Rivers
Class: 7 Worksheet-2 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions:
1. When water changes into a gasesous state is called...........
2. The rate of condensation and evaporation depends on ...............
3. Winds that blow in a particular direction are called..................
4. The rivers originate in western ghats are...........................
5. .......................... monsoon winds blow in the summer.
6. ........................ are the vast water bodies.
7. When do the North East monsoons blow from?
8. During which season will the coastal regions receive much rainfall?
9. How do we measure rainfall?
10. Why is our state easily prone to cyclones and floods?
11. Normally when do the cyclones and floods occur?
12. How are forests and vegetation helpful in preventing floods?
13. River Narmada is flowing towards... ( )
A) South B) West C) North D) East
14. Western Ghats are not located in the following states. ( )
A) Gujarat B) Maharashtra C) Karnataka D) Andhra Pradesh
15. Match the following
1.Godavari ( ) a) Guntur
2.Krishna ( ) b) East Godavari
3.Penna ( ) c) Kurnool
4.Thungabhadra ( ) d) Anantapur
16. Locate the following places in outline map of India.
West Bengal, Hyderabad, River Krishna, Arabian Sea
Social Studies
2. Rain & Rivers
Class: 7 Worksheet-3 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions:
1. The amount of invisible water vapour present in the atmosphere is known as...................

2. The process of evaporation speeds up with the increase in ................

3. The ............... winds carry rain clouds to india from Arabian sea.

4. ................% of earth surface is covered with water

5. ................ are the large water bodies

6. ————————— water bodies have high rate of evaporation.

7. In Andhra Pradesh ............... region receive the rain first.

8. How do governments meet the challenges of disasters?

9. Explain the causes for devastating floods?

10. Give examples for water bodies.

11. What is silt?

12. What is River Bed?

13. What is Drought?

14. Where does evaporation is maximum? ( )

A) Oceans B) Rivers C) Tanks D) Canals

15. In between which months in coastal Andhra Pradesh heavy rains occur? ( )

A) Oct- Dec B) June – Sep C) Oct – Nov D) Dec- March

16. Match the following

1.Evaporation ( ) a) Condesend water vapour that falls to the earth’s surface

2.Condensation ( ) b) the transformation of water from liquid to gas

3.Evaporation ( ) C) the transformation of water vapour to liquid water


17. Locate the following places in outline map of India.

Luknow, Gandhinagar Imphal Allahabad

Social Studies
2. Rain & Rivers
Class: 7 Worksheet-4 Date: ______________

I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions:

1. ——————— is the instrument to measure rainfall.

2. Krishna and Godavari rivers originate in ................ Ghats

3. Krishna and Godavari drains into.......................

4. The coast line of Andhra Pradesh is ......... kms.

5. What is a flood plain?

6. Explain how water changes into water vapour?

7. Explain how clouds are formed from water vapour?

8. Where does evaporation and cloud formation take place on a large scale?

9. Describe the stages of the water cycle?

10. Change of water into vapour known as.. ( )

A) Precipitation B) Evaporation C) Humidity D) Rain

11. Drought occurs due to ( )

A) Heavy rainfall B) No rainfall C) Moderate rainfall D) above 150 cm rainfall

12. Match the following

1.Monsoons ( ) a) west flowing

2.Narmada ( ) b) below 60 cms

3.Krishna ( ) c) Rain guage

4.Ananthapur ( ) d) Seasonal winds

5.Rainfall measured ( ) e) East flowing.

13. Locate the following places in outline map of India.

Thiruvananthapuram, ArunachalPradesh, Sikkim, Mizoram

Social Studies
2. Rain & Rivers
Class: 7 Worksheet-5 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions:
1. Winds coming from the Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal are called.........

2. Rain caused by whirling storms is called......

3. The amount of rainfall for a unit area will be measured in ..........

4. Thungabhadra is the tributary of the river............

5. Explain the causes for devasting floods?

6. What is a perennial river?

7. The Godavari and Krishna flows from the west to east. Why?
8. What are the rainiest months in Andhra Pradesh?
9. Explain how forests and vegetation help in preventing floods.
10. In which season there would be more evaporation?
11. List all the places from which evaporation take place.
12. What is dew?
13. What is fog?
14. In which season do you hae more foggy days?

15. Out of the districts in A.P. which receive high rainfall.... ( )

A) Prakasam B) Nellore C) Kurnool D) Ananthapur

16. Where do rivers like the Krishna and Godavari starts from? ( )

A) Eastern Ghats B) Western Ghats C) Deccan Plateau D) None of the above

17. When was ‘ HudHud’ cyclone hit Visakapatnam? ( )

A) 2015 B) 2015 C) 2012 D) 2013

18. Match the following:

1.Godavari ( ) a) Varaha hills

2.Krishna ( ) b) Nandidurga

3.Penna ( ) c) Mahabaleshwar

4.Thungabhadra ( ) d) Triambak

19. Locate the following places in outline map of India.

Patna, Nagaland, Eastern Ghats, Bay of Bengal

Social Studies
2. Rain & Rivers
Class: 7 Worksheet-6 Date: ______________
I. Fill in the blanks & answer the following questions:
1. Manjeera is the tributary of the river.............
2. After an unbearable heat of April, May and June .............. season follows.
3. The evaporation process takes place from .................................
4. How is snowfall is different from rain fall?
5. Where does River Godavari originate?
6. Where does River Krishna Origin?
7. Where does river Penna originate?
8. Where does Thungabhadra originate?
9. Where does Manjeera originate?
10. In Which districts does the River Godavari flow in Andhra Pradesh?
11. What are the tributaries of Godavari?
12. In Which districts does the River Krishna flow in Andhra Pradesh?
13. What are the tributaries of River Krishna?
14. In Which districts does the River Penna flow in Andhra Pradesh?
15. What are the tributaries of River Penna?
16. In Which districts does the River Thungabhadra flow in Andhra Pradesh?
17. Rain caused whirling storms is called as... ( )
A) Snow rain B) Cyclonic rain C) San rain D) Frost
18. What is the other name of retreating monsoon? ( )
A) Northe eastern monsoonB) North western monsoon
C) South eastern Monsoon D) South western monsoon
19. In india which place receives highest rainfall? ( )
A) Mawsynram B) ChirapunjiC) Jaisalmeer D) Delhi
20. Jaisalmer located in the state of.. ( )
A) Gujrat B) Rajasthan C) Punjab D) Haryana
21. Locate the following places in outline map of India.
Raipur, Shillong, Chennai, Banglore

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