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TEXT: Matthew 5:14-16

• Jesus is the One being referred to as “the Light” of this world (John 8:12). Jesus was making a confident
claim in this passage that He is the Light of the world, and it was proven true as we continue to read
through the Word of God (Isaiah 9:2 – predicted the ministry of the Messiah; Matthew 4:12-16 – quotes
this passage as clearly fulfilled in the Galilean ministry of Jesus. Jesus brought light to this region). For
Jesus to claim to be the "light of the world" was no small thing. In fact, it is a claim to equality with God
/ proves of His deity (1 John 1:5). The word “light” is used as a metaphor or an emblematic expression
for God (Psalm 27:1 – “the Lord is my light…).
• Following the Beatitudes section of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5:13-20 describes the essential
role of His disciples and followers here on earth. He described these people as the “salt of the earth” and
the “light of the world”. These analogies depict the influence Christians are supposed to make on this
world. That is why it is so important that they carry out the good activities that God has assigned to them.
Otherwise, they'll lose their value as salt and light if they don't. Instead, they should carry out those tasks,
allowing these people to shine in a dark world so that everyone who see it will praise God.


1. It must not be hidden (Matthew 5:15; Luke 11:33)
• Hiding that makes it useless. It is like putting a cover over the only lamp in a dark room. Just as a
lamp should be displayed out in the open so that all can benefit from its light, so the word and
work of God should be displayed. The following verse is a famous expression of the need for
Christians to be visible to the world. We are to be open and must have a confident stand of our
faith and love for the Lord.
2. It must be kept clean and pure. (Luke 11:34; 1 Timothy 4:12)
• Jesus warns about the inner darkness that we have. We must get rid of the wicked attitudes and
habits that affects our testimony for Jesus. We are to be an example in what we say, in what we
do, in love, in our attitude, in faith, and in purity. These things reflect an example of godliness.


1. To shine out of darkness. (2 Corinthians 4:6; John 3:19-20; Ephesians 5:11-14; Philippians 2:15)
• Instead of associating with ungodliness, we reveal the unfruitful works of darkness. However, we
do not do this for the purpose of merely talking about them (which is shameful), but for the purpose
of educating ourselves enough to avoid them. As Christians, we are to be teaching or influencing
the world for Christ instead of the world influencing us.
2. To warn people of danger (Colossians 1:27-28)
• The Holy Spirit shines truth into other people's life through our character and behavior, showing
what they are lacking—righteousness. They may feel uncomfortable or guilty when the Spirit
convicts them, but this is a necessary process for their salvation. If you do not know the Lord the
Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you are walking to spiritual darkness
3. To give growth and strength. (Ephesians 4:11-12; Luke 22:32)
• Plants can grow as long as light is present. This all should be true of Christians in a dark world.
As they shine their lights, friends, family, and co-workers grow.
4. To give clear paths and directions. (Psalm 119:105)
• As how a light in a lighthouse directs boats on the sea, the same also is to Christians when it comes
on directing and guiding others as we get direction from the Lord himself.
5. To give delight to others. (Hebrews 3:13)
• As reflectors, we are to encourage and cheer others. It gives warmth and energy. We are to be a
blessing to others.


1. Draw near to Christ, who is the source of Light (James 4:8)
2. Have fellowship with fellow godly believers (Proverbs 13:20)
• Our efficacy will decrease if we constantly surround ourselves with folks who are not walking
for Christ. You will not really be effective reflectors of the light if you are always along with the
enemy’s side.
3. Have a firm foundation of the truth (2 Thessalonians 2:15)
• Paul urges his readers to stand their ground against the false teachers' influence. We must ensure
that our lives are based on biblical principles. We risk leading people astray if we don't. We need
to stand firm of the truth of the teachings that we have received from the Word of God.
4. Have the right motive in every good work – to give glory to God (Matthew 5:16 – “and glorify your
Father…”; Ephesians 6:6; 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)
• People are watching us, and what we say and do has a greater impact on them than we may realize.
That is why it is so important that our attitudes, words, and actions represent Jesus Christ. It
emphasizes not only on the quality of the works, but also on their aesthetic appeal. This will draw
people to God.
• We must consider why we must be effective reflectors of light. It is not for humans to glorify
ourselves, but for God to be glorified. Instead of living for God, most individuals live to earn a
reputation for themselves.
5. Continue a life of prayer and obedience. (2 Thessalonians 3:1, 4)
• Effective ministry requires praying for individuals and seeking opportunities to communicate the
gospel. It prepares their hearts to listen and our minds to speak. These can have amazing results
when the Lord is directing our efforts. We can only have godly influence if we ourselves are godly.
When we live faithfully before the Lord, He will open doors to influence other people in
accordance with His will.

• As Christians, as followers of Christ, we are called and commanded to reflect the Light and Love of Jesus
in this world. Although Matthew 5:14 tells us that “ye are the light of the world”, the believers do not have
an inherent light. What we have is a reflective light. As we behold the glory of the Lord, we reflect it.
Although light serves a variety of purposes, the main objective is for it to shine brilliantly so that people
would be brought to Christ and worship God. Therefore, to shine as successfully as possible, we should
keep the following things in mind.

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