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J Appl Physiol 133: 87–103, 2022.

First published May 19, 2022; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00114.2022


The influence of longitudinal muscle fascicle growth on mechanical function

Avery Hinks,1 Martino V. Franchi,2 and Geoffrey A. Power1
Department of Human Health and Nutritional Sciences, College of Biological Science, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario,
Canada and 2Department of Biomedical Sciences, Neuromuscular Physiology Laboratory, University of Padua, Padua, Italy

Skeletal muscle has the remarkable ability to remodel and adapt, such as the increase in serial sarcomere number (SSN) or fascicle
length (FL) observed after overstretching a muscle. This type of remodeling is termed longitudinal muscle fascicle growth, and its
impact on biomechanical function has been of interest since the 1960s due to its clinical applications in muscle strain injury, muscle
spasticity, and sarcopenia. Despite simplified hypotheses on how longitudinal muscle fascicle growth might influence mechanical func-
tion, existing literature presents conflicting results partly due to a breadth of methodologies. The purpose of this review is to outline
what is currently known about the influence of longitudinal muscle fascicle growth on mechanical function and suggest future direc-
tions to address current knowledge gaps and methodological limitations. Various interventions indicate longitudinal muscle fascicle
growth can increase the optimal muscle length for active force, but whether the whole force-length relationship widens has been less
investigated. Future research should also explore the ability for longitudinal fascicle growth to broaden the torque-angle relationship’s
plateau region, and the relation to increased force during shortening. Without a concurrent increase in intramuscular collagen, longitu-
dinal muscle fascicle growth also reduces passive tension at long muscle lengths; further research is required to understand whether
this translates to increased joint range of motion. Finally, some evidence suggests longitudinal fascicle growth can increase maximum
shortening velocity and peak isotonic power; however, there has yet to be direct assessment of these measures in a neurologically
intact model of longitudinal muscle fascicle growth.

force-length relationship; force-velocity relationship; passive properties; sarcomerogenesis; serial sarcomere number

INTRODUCTION production for a required task (18–20). Taken together, it is

hypothesized that if a muscle is forced to operate in an
Skeletal muscle can remodel its architecture in response to overstretched position, SSN increases to maintain optimal
conditions imposed on it. An example of muscle architectural actin-myosin overlap regions in its new position (21, 22) or
remodeling that has gained interest in recent years (1–5) is the to reduce the passive tension caused by stretch (23) (see
longitudinal muscle fascicle growth observed following inter- Fig. 1 for a visual representation). This remodeling can
ventions such as immobilization in a stretched position (6), occur in as little as 2 days in animals (6) and appears to relate
stretching a muscle surgically (7), and eccentric training (8). to a muscle’s ability to sense a change in tension, then convert
In studies on human muscle, longitudinal fascicle growth is that mechanical signal into biochemical events regulating
often assumed on a macroscopic scale by an increase in ultra- protein synthesis (21, 24). Other reviews have discussed poten-
sound-measured fascicle length (FL) (9). Increased FL is tial mechanisms in detail (2–5, 9, 25–27).
believed to reflect increased myofiber lengths, which can ei- Skeletal muscle attaches to bones via tendons to articulate
ther run the entire fascicle or present intrafascicular termina- the skeletal system, thus a muscle’s architecture governs the
tions (4, 10). As myofibers, on the smallest scale, comprise characteristics of its biomechanical function (2, 20, 28). Serial
serially aligned sarcomeres, it is believed longitudinal fascicle sarcomere number specifically has been implicated in the shape
growth occurs via an increase in serial sarcomere number of the whole muscle active force-length relationship (12, 29),
(SSN)—a process termed “sarcomerogenesis” that has been maximum shortening velocity (30), mechanical work (31), power
corroborated by numerous studies on animals (6, 8, 11–15). output (32), and passive properties of muscle (33). Longitudinal
The traditional hypothesis for sarcomerogenesis is dictated fascicle growth has been advocated in clinical settings for ham-
by sarcomere force-length properties: active force production string strain injury prevention in athletes (34, 35), and as ther-
is suboptimal in both overshortened and overstretched posi- apy for sarcopenia (36), and spastic muscle (5, 37, 38). Therefore,
tions due to limited actin-myosin cross-bridge formation (16), the functional impact of interventions promoting longitudinal
and passive tension increases exponentially with increasing fascicle growth is of both basic and clinical interest.
stretch (17). From a practical point of view, a muscle’s average Existing literature presents conflicting findings regarding
sarcomere operating length range is believed to favor force the influence of longitudinal muscle fascicle growth on

Correspondence: G. A. Power (

Submitted 23 February 2022 / Revised 20 April 2022 / Accepted 17 May 2022 8750-7587/22 Copyright © 2022 the American Physiological Society. 87

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Figure 1. Visual representation of the hy-

pothesis behind sarcomerogenesis. A: origi-
nal (nonstretched) fascicle. B: the fascicle is
forced into an overstretched position (i.e.,
with a longer than optimal sarcomere length
and elevated passive tension) via interven-
tion. C: to regain optimal actin-myosin over-
lap and/or alleviate passive tension in the
stretched position, serial sarcomere number
increases in the fascicle.

mechanical function, partly due to a breadth of methodolo- growth as an increase in SSN. With that said, quantification of
gies. Depending on the methods employed, important limi- SSN is more common in studies on animals, whereas studies
tations must be considered. Studies on humans (and some on humans rely more on ultrasonographic measures of FL.
studies on animals) rely on data collected from the level of Only one study on humans has directly quantified SSN adapta-
the joint rather than a single muscle. Although it can be tions in a longitudinal manner but did not assess mechanical
argued that joint-level data are representative of the primary function (51). Thus, this review will benefit from studies on
muscle for a joint action (39), muscle length, force, and ve- humans where an increase in SSN can be indirectly inferred.
locity do not perfectly relate to the corresponding joint Altogether, prominence will be given to studies that observed
angle, torque, and angular velocity due to muscle synergies longitudinal fascicle growth in one of the following ways: 1)
and variation in muscle moment arms depending on joint measured FL and sarcomere length (SL), allowing for mathe-
angle (40). On top of this, tendons and intramuscular con- matical estimation of SSN (SSN = FL/SL) or 2) measured opti-
nective tissue can adapt to interventions used to induce mal FL, or measured a muscle’s FL at approximately the
longitudinal fascicle growth (41–43). Stiffer tendons and optimal joint angle (roughly equating to optimal FL if it is the
connective tissue matrixes alter force transmission primary muscle for that joint action). In option 2, though SSN
through the muscle-tendon unit, and may therefore pres- would not be known, an increase in SSN can be inferred by an
ent disconnects between muscle and joint level data (44– increase in optimal FL assuming average optimal SL is approxi-
47). Furthermore, even though strength gains attributed to mately constant in skeletal muscle (52–54). To that end, we are
neural adaptations occur primarily within the first few assuming optimal joint angles for human knee extension, knee
weeks of training, whereas muscle architectural adapta- flexion, ankle dorsiflexion, and ankle plantar flexion are 60 –
tions are thought to contribute more long term (48, 49), the 80 (43, 55, 56), 150 –130 (57), 105 –110 (39), and 70 –80 (58),
neural component of mechanical function warrants consider- respectively. In addition, though some studies have assessed
ation when interpreting mechanical adaptations obtained mechanical function alongside maturation-related longitudi-
from in vivo voluntary contractions (50). Altogether, there is a nal muscle fascicle growth (59–61), we are limiting this review
lack of human data where enough confounding variables are to studies that induced longitudinal fascicle growth via experi-
eliminated to make a direct assessment of how muscle archi- mental intervention. In some cases, studies not fitting the
tecture influences mechanical function possible. This review review criteria are still mentioned briefly where they can pro-
will employ inclusion criteria in effort to strengthen interpre- vide context. The following outcome measures of mechanical
tations of indirect evidence from existing human studies. function were chosen because they were common among mul-
The purpose of this review is twofold: 1) outline what is tiple studies and relevant to SSN-related hypotheses: i) the
currently well argued in the literature regarding how longitu- active force-length relationship, ii) maximum shortening ve-
dinal muscle fascicle growth influences muscle mechanical locity, iii) mechanical work and power output, and iv) the pas-
function, particularly in interpreting indirect evidence from sive length-tension relationship. Our initial search located 57
studies on humans; and 2) suggest future research directions articles investigating outcome measures of mechanical func-
to fill current knowledge gaps and improve on methodologi- tion alongside an observation of longitudinal muscle fascicle
cal limitations. growth, after which our criteria narrowed that down to 23
articles (Table 1). The studies we found investigated i) an exer-
INCLUSION CRITERIA cise training program, ii) static stretch training, iii) denerva-
tion, iv) compensatory overload via synergist ablation, v)
We conducted an extensive literature search for studies that immobilization of a muscle in a stretched position, or vi)
observed longitudinal muscle fascicle growth at any structural stretching a muscle via surgery. We will distinguish between
scale of skeletal muscle and concomitantly assessed at least different means of inducing longitudinal muscle fascicle
one outcome measure of mechanical function. To narrow the growth where appropriate to elucidate confounding variables
focus of this review, we have defined longitudinal fascicle associated with certain interventions.

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Table 1. Adaptations in mechanical function concurrent to longitudinal muscle fascicle growth

Study Participants Intervention Muscles Structural outcomes Functional Outcomes
Tabary et al. (13) Cats 4 wk immobilization in a Soleus 19% :SSN compared No change in joint angle-
stretched position (n = 5) with control passive tension curve
vs. control (n = 6) compared with control
Goldspink et al. Cats 4 wk denervation while im- Soleus 25% :SSN compared No change in joint angle-
(23) mobilized in a stretched with control passive tension curve
position (n = 12) vs. con- compared with control
trol (n = 12)
Kean et al. (62) Cats 28–35 days denervation Flexor digitorum 18% :SSN 13% ;Muscle maximum
(n = 10) vs. contralateral longus shortening velocity com-
control pared with control
Williams and Mice 2–3 wk immobilization in a Soleus 16% :SSN compared 5% :LO compared with
Goldspink (12) stretched position (n = 5) with control control.No change in pas-
vs. control (n = 5) sive length-tension curve
compared with control.
Roy et al. (63) Rats (female) 12–14 wk Compensatory Plantaris 19% :fiber length/mus- 47% ;Maximum shortening
overload by synergist cle length, trend to- velocity compared with
ablation (n = 8) vs. con- ward 10% :fiber control
trol (n = 8) length, no change in
SL compared with
Lynn et al. (64) Rats (male) 5 days of decline running Vastus intermedius 9% greater SSN in 25% ;optimal knee angle
training (n = 8) vs. incline decline-trained com- (corresponding to :MTU
running training (n = 8) pared with incline- length) in decline-trained
trained compared with incline-
Williams et al. Rabbits 20% tibial lengthening at a Tibialis anterior 19% :SSN at low rate, ;Joint ROM (64% and 89%)
(65) low (0.8 mm/day), me- 18% :SSN at me- and :passive tension at a
dium (1.6 mm/day), or dium rate, 13% :SSN 90 ankle angle (8% and
high rate (2.7 mm/day; at high rate com- 7%) with medium and high
n = 3 per group) pared with control rates compared with
Cox et al. (32) Rabbits 3 wk incremental surgical Latissimus dorsi Initially 25% :SSN, Initially 40% ;Maximum
stretch vs. control, then then an additional power output compared
an additional 3 wk of 5% :SSN with addi- with control, maximum
maintained stretch tional 3 wk stretch power output achieved at
compared with 5–7 Hz in control and 2–3
control Hz in stretched muscle.
Increases back toward
control values with addi-
tional 3 wk stretch.
Initially :hysteresis
(energy) loss during pas-
sive work loops compared
with control. Return to
control values after addi-
tional 3 wk of stretch.
Shrager et al. Rats Lung volume reduction Diaphragm 22% :SSN with lung 10% :LO with lung volume
(66) surgery (n = 11) vs. ster- volume reduction reduction surgery com-
notomy (n = 7) 5 mo after surgery compared pared with sternotomy
inducing emphysema vs. with sternotomy
control (n = 8)
Butterfield and Rabbits (female) 6 wk entric training with Tibialis anterior 3%–7% :SSN, greatest Rightward shift in torque-
Herzog (8) stimulation at onset of with activation pre- angle relationship by 2.3
stretch to a short muscle ceding stretch and with stimulation at onset
length (SOS; n = 11), stim- stretching to a long and at short muscle
ulation preceding muscle length length, 7.8 with stimula-
stretch to a short muscle tion preceding stretch
length (SPS; n = 7), and and at short muscle
stimulation preceding length, and 9.6 with stim-
stretch to a long muscle ulation preceding stretch
length (SPL; n = 6) and at long muscle length


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Table 1.— Continued

Study Participants Intervention Muscles Structural outcomes Functional Outcomes
Takahashi et al. Rabbits (male) Stretched tendon transfer Second extensor 20% :SSN 1 wk post- Rightward shifted and nar-
(7) compared with contralat- digitorum surgery, 13% :SSN 4 rower force-length rela-
eral control 1 wk (n = 11) wk postsurgery tionship at 1 and 4 wk
and 4 wk (n = 9) compared with postsurgery
postsurgery controls Passive force-length
curve shifted to left at 1
and 4 wk postsurgery
compared with controls
Larger passive elastic
moduli at 1 and 4 wk in
fiber bundles compared
with controls. In single
fibers, passive elastic
modulus only greater at
1 wk postsurgery.
De Jaeger et al. Rabbits (female) 4 wk static stretch training Soleus 9% :SSN compared 16% ;Peak passive resistive
(67) vs. contralateral control with control torque pre- to post-train-
(n = 7) ing (rightward shift in joint
angle-passive tension
Salzano et al. Guinea fowl High-acceleration training Iliotibialis lateralis 12%–20% :SSN with 12% :LO, 15% :LO normal-
(68) (n = 15) vs sedentary (n = pars training compared ized to limb length with
15) during growth period postacetabularis with sedentary training compared with
of 4–14 wk sedentary
Chen et al. (69), Rats (males) 4 wk decline running train- Soleus 6% :Soleus SSN in No changes in LO
Noonan et al. ing vs. incline running decline-trained com- No change in work of
(70), and training vs. control (n = pared with incline- shortening of whole sol-
Mashouri et 31 total) trained eus or soleus single fibers
al. (71) Single fiber passive stress
and passive modulus in
decline-trained < control
and incline-trained No
effect on fiber bundles
Study Participants Intervention Muscles Structural outcomes Functional outcomes
Blazevich et al. Humans (male 4 wk squat lift þ sprint/ Vastus lateralis SJ: 80% :distal FL of VL, No changes in angle of
(72) and female) jump training (SQ; n = 8); and rectus 39% : proximal FL of peak isometric knee
hack squat þ sprint/ femoris RF pre- to post-training extension torque pre- to
jump training (FHS; n = SQ: 22% :distal FL and post-training
7); sprint/jump training 83% :proximal FL of RF 4% ;10-m sprint time with
only (SJ; n = 8) pre- to post-training FHS and SJ

Reeves et al. Older adult 14 wk conventional resist- Vastus lateralis 8%–10% :Resting FL, 10 Shift in optimal knee
(43) humans (male ance training (n = 9) vs. 10%–18% :FL during extension angle
and female) control (n = 9) maximal contraction,
and 11% :optimal FL
pre- to post-training
Kudo et al. (73) Humans (male 12 wk Eccentric calf raise Medial 9% :FL following only 3% :Dorsiflexion ROM fol-
and female) (n = 11) vs. conventional gastrocnemius eccentric training lowing only eccentric
calf raise training (n = 10) training
Panidi et al. (74) Humans (adoles- 12 wk static stretch training Medial 6%–15% :FL only in Greater :dorsiflexion ROM
cent female) in addition to volleyball gastrocnemius stretch training group with stretch training (22%
training vs. just volleyball vs. 8%), but no change in
training joint angle-passive ten-
sion relationship
Akagi et al. (39), Humans (male 8 wk isometric training at Tibialis anterior 3% :FL following long- Broadening of plateau
Hinks et al. and female) short or long MTU MTU training region of the torque-angle
(75), and lengths (n = 13; nondomi- relationship following
Davidson et nant vs. dominant leg long-MTU training
al. (76) randomized) 11% :Work of shortening,
20% :angular velocity at
10% and 50% MVC loads,
23%–33% :peak isotonic
power following long-
MTU training.
FL, fascicle length; LO, optimal length; MTU, muscle-tendon unit; MVC, maximum voluntary contraction; ROM, range of motion; SL,
sarcomere length; SSN, serial sarcomere number.

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of the most cited examples of a connection between SSN

and whole muscle LO, it is often neglected that they used a
small sample size (n = 5 per group) and did not appear to
run a statistical analysis to compare control and experi-
mental values. Although later studies on immobilization
in stretch improved on these limitations for assessing SSN
(19), they did not also assess the active force-length rela-
tionship. Other later studies instead investigated immobi-
lization in a shortened position and observed a leftward
shift in the active force-length relationship alongside
decreased SSN (77, 78); however, to our knowledge, no
study since Williams and Goldspink (12) has assessed SSN
and the active force-length relationship following immobi-
lization in a stretched position.
Studies investigating surgical stretch-induced sarcomero-
Figure 2. Hypothesis for how longitudinal muscle fascicle growth genesis and the force-length relationship also improved on the
increases the optimal muscle length or joint angle for active force or tor- above limitations. In the rat diaphragm, Shrager et al. (66)
que production. A hypothetical intervention causes overstretching of sar- observed a 22% greater SSN and corresponding 10% longer LO
comeres, then sarcomeres are added in series to maintain the optimal
sarcomere length, increasing the range of the active force-length relation- in rats that received lung volume reduction surgery compared
ship, and shifting the optimal muscle length to the right. Dashed lines with sternotomy 5 mo after inducing emphysema. Takahashi
denote the location of optimal muscle length or joint angle. Red repre- et al. (7) observed 20% and 13% increases in SSN of the rabbit
sents the original nonstretched muscle, and green represents the over- second extensor digitorum 1 and 4 wk, respectively, following
stretched muscle before and after the addition of serial sarcomeres.
surgical stretch, alongside a rightward shift in the active force-
length relationship compared with contralateral controls. They
INFLUENCE OF LONGITUDINAL MUSCLE also observed a slight narrowing, rather than the expected wid-
FASCICLE GROWTH ON THE ACTIVE FORCE- ening of the whole force-length relationship. The authors
LENGTH RELATIONSHIP speculated that an observed rapid proliferation of the extracel-
lular matrix, which can result in a less organized collagen fibril
The active force-length relationship includes an ascending network, impaired the muscle’s force transmission ability, thus
limb (force increases with increasing length), a plateau region narrowing its range for active force production.
(where length for optimal force production, LO, is located), and It should be noted that it is unclear in Takahashi et al. (7)
a descending limb (force decreases with increasing length), as how many SL measurements were conducted to determine
determined by overlap of actin and myosin filaments (16). As average SL. When mathematically estimating SSN, it is im-
the muscles crossing a joint will lengthen and shorten with portant to both: 1) obtain FL measurements from several
increases and decreases in joint angle, respectively, the force- regions of a muscle due to regional variability in FL (8, 79)
length relationship’s shape also applies to assessments of joint and 2) obtain several SL measurements across the length of a
torque and angle (i.e., the torque-angle relationship). As dis- fascicle due to SL nonuniformity (80). For example, the
cussed earlier, maintaining the integrity of this relationship is study by Shrager et al. (66) obtained 10 SL measurements
often hypothesized to drive longitudinal muscle fascicle from 8 fascicles per muscle for strong estimations of SSN.
growth: forcing a muscle to act at a longer length will over-
stretch existing sarcomeres, and over time induce an increase Exercise Training in Animals
in SSN to maintain optimal actin-myosin overlap at that length
Training emphasizing eccentric contractions is often used
(5, 22). Consequently, a shift in the plateau region to a muscle
in attempt to induce longitudinal fascicle growth. The gen-
length or joint angle previously on the descending limb (i.e., an
eral consensus for maximizing sarcomerogenesis and force-
increase in LO), and widening of the whole force-length rela-
length relationship adaptations with eccentric training is
tionship (i.e., an increase in the range of muscle lengths for
that excursions should be performed at high velocity and
active force production) are expected (Fig. 2).
completed through the whole joint range of motion (ROM),
as these factors maximize muscle damage [for a commen-
Immobilization in a Stretched Position and Surgery-
tary, see Davis et al. (5)].
Induced Stretch
In animals, there is evidence supporting the above con-
Sarcomerogenesis induced via immobilization in a stretched sensus. Butterfield and Herzog (8) employed 6 wk of isoki-
position or surgery-induced stretch is often be accompanied by netic eccentric training in the rabbit dorsiflexors, with
a shift in the active force-length relationship; however, some comparison of different strain magnitudes and activation
studies demonstrating this have limitations worth discussing. timings used during training. They found that tibialis ante-
The earliest example came from Williams and Goldspink (12), rior SSN increased to the greatest extent when muscle activa-
who observed a 16% increase in SSN via 2–3 wk of immobi- tion preceded stretch rather than occurring at stretch onset,
lization of the mouse soleus in a stretched position com- and that a similar increase in SSN ( þ 7%) occurred whether
pared with controls, with a concomitant 5% increase in LO. the muscle was stretched to a short or long length. The great-
They did not assess whether there was also widening of est shift in the torque-angle relationship ( þ 10 ); however,
the whole force-length relationship. Despite this being one occurred with stretch to a long muscle length. In addition,

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greater torque values observed on the descending limb of It should lastly be noted that none of the above studies on
their torque-angle relationships suggest widening of the downhill running and sarcomerogenesis investigated whether
whole torque-angle relationship occurred. Through multiple there was widening of the whole force-length relationship.
linear regression, they also added an important finding to Compared with investigations of a shift in LO, data on whether
the literature: peak torque achieved during eccentric con- sarcomerogenesis widens the force-length relationship is lack-
tractions and fiber strain during relaxation were the greatest ing in animal interventions, and the literature would benefit
predictors of the % increase in SSN. from more exploration of this adaptation going forward.
Though not eccentric training, results from Salzano et al.
Exercise Training in Humans
(68) may support the theory that high velocity contractions
induce sarcomerogenesis, observing 12%–20% (in anterior and In humans, there are a number of studies that assessed FL
posterior regions of the muscle, respectively) increases in SSN and the torque-angle relationship following a variety of train-
and a 12% increase in LO of the iliotibialis lateralis pars postace- ing interventions, observing rightward shifts, no shifts, and
tabularis in guinea fowl who completed high acceleration leftward shifts in the optimal joint angle alongside apparent
training compared with a sedentary group. With that said, they increases in FL (41, 56, 85–90). Many of these studies assessed
only obtained 3 SL measurements per fascicle, which may mis- the vastus lateralis or biceps femoris but obtained FL meas-
represent average SL and subject their SSN calculations to urements at a knee angle of full extension, and therefore do
error. In addition, rather than experimentally determining LO, not fit the inclusion criteria of this review. To reemphasize
LO was estimated via a ratio of a known optimal SL for guinea the inclusion criteria: FL can vary depending on joint angle,
fowl to the measured average SL. and measuring from a shortened or stretched position may
In animals, decline running is also often used as a model of underestimate and overestimate, respectively, the magnitude
eccentric training. Lynn et al. (64) observed a 9% greater SSN of longitudinal muscle fascicle growth compared with mea-
in the vastus intermedius of rats that completed 5 days of surement at optimal joint angle (75). Measurement of optimal
decline running compared with rats that completed incline FL or FL around optimal joint angle provides a better case
running. Decline-running rats also had a 25% smaller optimal that sarcomerogenesis occurred (assuming SL is constant)
knee angle (corresponding to a greater knee extensor LO), and and allows better interpretation of adaptations in FL in the
importantly, they observed a significant positive relationship context of active force-length relations.
between SSN and optimal knee angle, supporting the assump- Following 5 wk of three different training programs (squat
tion that adaptations in joint-level data, rather than just mus- lift þ sprint/jump training, hack squat þ sprint/jump train-
cle-level data can be linked to sarcomerogenesis. Though this ing, and sprint/jump training alone), Blazevich et al. (72)
study only compared a decline-running group to an incline- measured FL at proximal and distal regions of the vastus lat-
running (i.e., decreased SSN) group rather than controls, and eralis and rectus femoris at close to optimal joint angle for
only measured SL from one point at the center of the fascicle, the knee extensors (90 ). They observed some instances of
similar results were later obtained on the rat vastus interme- longitudinal fascicle growth, with squat lift þ sprint/jump
dius with these limitations addressed (15), showing an 8% training significantly increasing FL in the distal ( þ 22%) and
greater SSN compared with controls. proximal ( þ 83%) sites of the rectus femoris, and sprint/
Chen et al. (69) later employed 4 wk of decline running in jump training alone increasing FL in the distal site of the
rats and assessed soleus SSN. They found that soleus SSN vastus lateralis ( þ 80%) and proximal site of the rectus femo-
increased to a lesser extent than what was observed in the ris ( þ 39%). FL increases in the hack squat þ sprint/jump
vastus intermedius, with only a 6% increase compared with training group did not reach statistical significance. With
incline-running rats and no difference compared with con- data from all groups pooled, there was a near-significant
trols. There were also no significant differences in LO rightward shift in the knee angle of peak torque. Since there
between any groups, with only a small ( þ 1.5%) average was variation in FL adaptations among the training groups,
difference between decline and incline-trained rats. This better quantification of torque-angle relationship adapta-
study measured FL using calipers rather than imaging tions may have been possible within each group with a larger
software (the method used by other studies above) which sample size (currently n = 7–8/group).
can better account for fascicle curvature, so there is a chance Reeves et al. (43) provides what should arguably be consid-
the FL (and thus SSN) measurements were subject to error. ered gold-standard methods for assessment of muscle force-
Assuming the FL measurements were accurate, a potential ex- length relations alongside longitudinal fascicle growth in
planation for the difference from Lynn et al. (64)’s results is humans. Before and after 14 wk of conventional (i.e., concen-
rat vastus muscles undergo eccentric excursion of 25% of LO tric þ eccentric) resistance training of the knee extensors in
in locomotion (81), compared with 10% in the soleus (82, 83). older adults, they measured vastus lateralis FL at 9 joint angles
As % increase in SSN may depend on peak force during eccen- across the torque-angle relationship, thus allowing true mea-
tric contractions (8), there also may not be enough loading surement of optimal FL. Furthermore, they measured FLs both
stimulus in bodyweight decline running to induce a large at rest and during isometric contraction. This approach
magnitude of longitudinal fascicle growth and an accompany- addresses another common limitation in studies on both ani-
ing shift in LO in the soleus. A recent preprint from our labora- mals and humans, as at the onset of isometric contraction, sar-
tory employing 4 wk of weighted-vest decline running comeres near fiber ends shorten whereas those closer to the
training may support this theory of loading-dependent adap- middle lengthen (80), and fascicles as a whole can shorten up
tation, showing an 8% greater SSN and on average a 4% longer to 35% of their resting length (91–93). Across the knee angles
soleus LO in trained compared with control rats (preprint tested, they found 8%–10% and 10%–18% increases in FL at
Hinks et al. (84)). rest and during isometric contraction, respectively, with an

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11% increase in optimal FL. Correspondingly, there was a 10 optimal length across a wider range of joint angles. This adap-
shift in the optimal knee extension angle. Because they directly tation may also translate to increased force produced during
assessed optimal FL, these results provide, to our knowledge, active shortening, or in other words greater mechanical work
the strongest evidence there is of sarcomerogenesis impacting (see INFLUENCE OF LONGITUDINAL MUSCLE FASCICLE GROWTH ON
the torque-angle relationship in human muscle, assuming opti- MECHANICAL WORK AND PEAK POWER OUTPUT and Fig. 3). Direct
mal SL did not change with training. testing of this hypothesis would require in vivo measurement
Rather than a rightward shift in the torque-angle relation- of both SL and FL across the torque-angle relationship, which
ship, Akagi et al. (39) showed that longitudinal fascicle growth to our knowledge has yet to be done. It is also possible that
in humans can be accompanied by broadening of the torque- broadening of the plateau region is an artifact of widening of
angle relationship’s plateau region. Following 8 wk of isometric the whole torque-angle relationship, but without assessment of
dorsiflexion training at a long muscle-tendon unit length, they active torque across the whole ROM, we can only speculate.
observed a 3% increase in tibialis anterior FL, and concomi- Other studies not meeting this review’s inclusion criteria
tantly a widening of the dorsiflexor torque-angle relationship’s also observed significant increases in torque at several angles
plateau region from a range of 10 –30 of plantar flexion to 5 – throughout a joint’s ROM alongside increases in FL, but did
40 of plantar flexion, as characterized by no significant differ- not investigate whether there was broadening of the plateau
ences in torque at those angles compared with the optimal region or the whole torque-angle relationship (56, 86, 88). In
angle. By contrast, they observed a 3% decrease in FL following addition, some studies have characterized the torque-angle
training at a short muscle-tendon unit (MTU) length and no relationship of the knee extensors at only three angles (41),
broadening of the plateau region. Results from Kubo et al. (94) or at wide (20 ) intervals of angles across the torque-angle
may support these findings (though they did not characterize relationship (89), and concluded no rightward shift in the
muscle architecture and thus do not fit this review’s criteria), torque-angle relationship. Results such as these should be
observing increased torque production at angles throughout interpreted with caution, as the shape of the knee extensor
the ROM following isometric knee extension training at a long torque-angle relationship has been shown to be unpredict-
muscle-tendon unit length, and only close to the training angle able in the plateau region (56).
following training at a short muscle-tendon unit length.
Summary of the Influence of Longitudinal Muscle
Exploring the relationship between FL and peak torque in the
Fascicle Growth on the Active Force-Length
human plantar flexors, a computational model by Drazan et al.
(31) also showed that muscles with longer FLs generate more
joint torque throughout the ROM. A greater SSN may allow There is sound evidence for a link between longitudinal
individual sarcomeres, and thus whole fascicles, to be closer to muscle fascicle growth and rightward shifts in the muscle

Figure 3. Visual representation of how sarcomerogenesis may allow for greater force production for the same absolute fascicle excursion. A: original
fascicle (24 mm, 11 sarcomeres). B: original fascicle (33 mm, 15 sarcomeres). Note that the longer fascicle (B) falls on closer to optimal positions for force
production on the sarcomere force-length and force-velocity relationships (sarcomeres are not to scale).

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force-length and joint torque-angle relationships in animal to increase Vmax. To our knowledge, the influence of sarco-
muscle; however, in humans at the joint level, only one study merogenesis on Vmax in a more neurologically intact interven-
(43) has shown a direct link between an increase in optimal FL tion compared with denervation and compensatory overload
and a rightward shift in the torque-angle relationship. An (e.g., eccentric training) has yet to be investigated. Such a
updated study investigating the influence of longitudinal fasci- study would especially provide insight if performed on a pre-
cle growth induced via immobilization in a stretched position dominately type I muscle (e.g., the rat soleus), reducing the
on the active force-length relationship is also warranted. potential for a fiber type shift.
Lastly, further investigation is needed in both animals and
humans on the ability for longitudinal fascicle growth to widen Exercise Training in Humans
the force-length relationship, and particularly the plateau To our knowledge, no training study fitting this review’s
region, which can be assessed by constructing force-length or inclusion criteria has observed longitudinal muscle fascicle
torque-angle relationships across a wide range with small inter- growth and directly assessed maximum angular velocity of
length/interangle intervals. shortening under no added isotonic load; however, some stud-
ies provide insight. Thom et al. (100) measured FL of the
INFLUENCE OF LONGITUDINAL MUSCLE medial gastrocnemius in young and old men, finding young
FASCICLE GROWTH ON MAXIMUM men to have a 19% longer FL. Vmax estimated from the torque-
angular velocity relationship via the Hill equation was 38%
lower in old compared with young men. When normalizing
The force-velocity relationship dictates that force decreases Vmax to FL, the difference in Vmax between young and old men
hyperbolically with increasing shortening velocity (95, 96). was reduced by 16%, or in other words, the longer FL (and
With increasing speed of shortening, myofilaments slide past assumed greater SSN) of young men accounted for almost half
each other faster, reducing the probability of actin-myosin the difference in Vmax between young and old men. Somewhat
binding and the force produced per cross bridge, thereby lim- contrary to these findings, Akagi et al. (39) observed no change
iting force production at higher velocities (96, 97). It follows in maximum isotonic angular velocity at a low load (10% of
that when shortening under zero load, a muscle can theoreti- maximum voluntary contraction torque) alongside a 3%
cally achieve maximum shortening velocity (VO). As it can be increase in tibialis anterior FL following 8 wk of isometric
challenging to place a true zero-load on a muscle, a theoretical training at a long muscle-tendon unit length. As such, cur-
VO (Vmax) can also be estimated via extrapolation from the rently there is little direct evidence in humans supporting the
force-velocity relationship using a Hill equation (87, 90). In hypothesis that longitudinal fascicle growth can increase Vmax.
humans, maximum unloaded angular velocity of shortening Furthermore, neural adaptations and adaptations in tendon
can also be used as an estimation of VO in vivo. Studies on stiffness are common following resistance training, including
both animals and humans have shown that, assuming a simi- isometric training (41, 56, 94), and likely contribute to shorten-
lar fiber type composition, SSN is directly proportional to ing velocity at the joint level (49, 50, 101, 102). Techniques such
Vmax because a greater SSN can allow individual sarcomeres as correlation coefficients or linear regression (97, 98), or nor-
to shorten less for a given muscle excursion (2, 30, 97, 98). malizing velocity to FL (63, 100) may help better clarify the
Thus, longitudinal muscle fascicle growth may have the individual contributions from neural, tendon, and FL adapta-
potential to increase a muscle’s Vmax. tions to in vivo shortening velocity in humans.
A potential practical application of the influence of longi-
Denervation and Compensatory Overload tudinal fascicle growth on Vmax is shown in studies on sprint
Some investigations of longitudinal muscle fascicle growth performance, as it is generally agreed that sprinting requires
in animals have demonstrated that changes in factors not generation of high shortening velocity in locomotor muscles
related to muscle architecture can affect Vmax irrespective of (103). Strong correlations have been shown between running
an increase in SSN. In cats, Kean et al. (62) observed an 18% sprint time and FL of the vastus lateralis, medial gastrocne-
increase in flexor digitorum longus SSN following denerva- mius, and lateral gastrocnemius (103–105), and between
tion compared with contralateral controls, alongside a 13% front crawl swimming sprint time and FL of the vastus later-
decrease in Vmax. As they also observed decreases in esti- alis and lateral gastrocnemius (106). Blazevich et al. (72) also
mated sarcomere shortening velocity and increases in time to observed a 4% decrease in 10-m sprint time concomitant to
peak twitch tension, they attributed the Vmax decrease to increases in FL in the distal site of the vastus lateralis
changes in biochemical factors and contractile proteins, such ( þ 80%) and proximal site of the rectus femoris ( þ 39%) fol-
as reductions in Ca2 þ -activated ATPase activity and changes lowing 4 wk of sprint/jump training. Other studies that do
in myosin isoform. Via compensatory overload (i.e., ablation not fit this review’s inclusion criteria have also presented
of synergist muscles) of the rat plantaris, Roy et al. (63) potential links between training-induced increases in FL and
observed a 10% increase in fiber length and no change in SL improved sprint performance (89, 107–109).
compared with controls, inferring an increase in SSN.
Summary of the Influence of Longitudinal Muscle
Concomitantly, they observed a 47% decrease in Vmax in units
Fascicle Growth on Maximum Shortening Velocity
of mm/s per 1000 sarcomeres (i.e., normalizing for the SSN
increase), attributed to changes in myosin ATPase activity Despite reports that FL is directly proportional to a
and a fast-to-slow fiber type shift (63, 99). Altogether, impair- muscle’s Vmax, little evidence in animals and humans sug-
ment of biochemical factors related to contractile speed can gests that longitudinal fascicle growth can increase Vmax.
supersede the ability for longitudinal muscle fascicle growth With that said, Vmax has not been assessed within a

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neurologically intact animal model of sarcomerogenesis, stretched muscle. They concluded these detriments to
such as eccentric training, and in humans, confounding fac- work loop performance were caused by an increase in
tors such as neural and tendon adaptations have not been force during the passive stretch phase of the work loops
fully teased out. Because there are several cross-sectional (i.e., increased negative power, and loss of net power out-
studies on the topic, there should also be further investiga- put) due to an increase in collagen content, which con-
tion into the relationship between training-induced longitu- tributes to muscle passive stiffness (see INFLUENCE OF
dinal muscle fascicle growth and Vmax in the context of LONGITUDINAL MUSCLE FASCICLE GROWTH ON THE PASSIVE
sprint performance. LENGTH-TENSION RELATIONSHIP). This conclusion was sup-
ported by a shift back toward control values for maximum
power output with an additional 3 wk of maintained (i.e.,
not further increased) stretch, as SSN increased another
FASCICLE GROWTH ON MECHANICAL WORK 5% and collagen content decreased back to control val-
AND PEAK POWER OUTPUT ues. Further research is required to understand the influ-
ence of sarcomerogenesis on maximum power output
Muscle power production is defined as the dot product of
with other, less detrimental experimental interventions
contractile force and velocity. Therefore, per the force-velocity
(e.g., eccentric training). A recent preprint from our labo-
relationship, peak isotonic power occurs when force and veloc-
ratory provides insight, as rats who completed 4 wk of
ity are both submaximal (100, 110). As SSN is believed to be
weighted decline running training had an 8% greater SSN
proportional to maximum shortening velocity, the hypothesis
than controls, alongside increased net work output in
can be made that longitudinal fascicle growth can improve
some work loops (84). Furthermore, adaptations in intra-
peak power output. Power can also be quantified as the rate of muscular connective tissue likely did not interfere, as
mechanical work, with work being the product of a contrac- there were no differences in collagen content or % cross-
tion’s linear or angular displacement and the force or torque linked collagen between trained and control rats.
produced during displacement (111). These definitions can be To elucidate whether the observed longitudinal fascicle
applied to obtain work and power from isokinetic (constant ve- growth contributed to the improved work loop perform-
locity) and isotonic (constant load) shortening contractions (75, ance, we estimated mathematically what the SL operating
76), sinusoidal contractions (i.e., work loops) that simulate ranges and sarcomere shortening velocities would have
real-world locomotion in vitro (32, 112), and Wingate or coun- been based on the FL, SSN, cycle frequency, and length
termovement jump tests in humans (113, 114). As theorized by change values [described in preprint Hinks et al. (84)].
Baxter et al. (115) and Drazan et al. (31) based on computational Briefly, by estimating FL at the end-ranges of a certain
models, increasing SSN may allow individual sarcomeres to length change, the SL range can then be estimated by
shorten slower and remain closer to the region of optimal force dividing FL by the known SSN. As seen in the preprint’s
production during shortening, increasing mechanical work Table 1, the sarcomeres of trained rats were estimated to
(and potentially power) by increasing force during displace- shorten/lengthen relatively less from optimal SL and oper-
ment for a given whole muscle excursion and shortening veloc- ate at relatively slower shortening velocities than controls.
ity (see Fig. 3 for a visual representation). Therefore, it is possible that in the cycle frequency/length
In Animals change combinations investigated, the increased SSN
placed sarcomeres at more advantageous positions on the
Against what is hypothesized, currently it does not appear force-length and force-velocity relationships, increasing
that sarcomerogenesis impacts isokinetic work of shortening force production throughout the ROM and contributing to
in animals. Chen et al. (69) observed a 6% greater soleus SSN a greater net work output.
in rats following 4 wk of decline running training compared
with incline running training; however, values for isokinetic In Humans
work of shortening were similar between groups. Furthermore, There is inconclusive evidence implicating longitudinal
Mashouri et al. (70) showed the same rats did not have differ- muscle fascicle growth in increased mechanical work of
ences in work of shortening in soleus single fibers, teasing out shortening and peak isotonic power in humans. First,
potential confounding factors at the whole muscle level (e.g., though they do not meet this review’s inclusion criteria, it
intramuscular connective tissue). is worth noting the large quantity of studies that have
In addition to isokinetic and isotonic contractions, observed increases in peak concentric torque or 1-repeti-
work and power can be assessed in cyclic contractions via tion maximum strength (which may imply increased work
the work loop technique [for a review, see Ahn (112)]. Cox of shortening) concurrent to apparent increases in FL (85,
et al. (32) measured maximum work loop power output 107, 116–122). Following 8 wk of isometric training at a long
[(work of shortening – work of lengthening)  cycle fre- muscle-tendon unit length, our laboratory observed an
quency] across a range of cycle frequencies (i.e., speeds of 11% increase in isokinetic work of shortening in the dorsi-
sinusoidal active shortening followed by passive length- flexors alongside a 3% increase in tibialis anterior FL,
ening) after 3 wk of incrementally surgically stretching although we observed a similar increase in work of short-
the rabbit latissimus dorsi. They observed a 25% increase ening following training at a short MTU length alongside a
in SSN, but concomitantly maximum power output 3% decrease in FL (75). In the same training study, how-
decreased 40%. The cycle frequency with optimal power ever, training at a long muscle-tendon unit length led to
output also shifted to 2–3 Hz compared with 5–7 Hz in greater increases in isotonic power at loads of 10% and
controls, indicating preference for slower velocities in the 50% of maximum torque (76). It should be noted that those

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measures cannot deduce the true peak isotonic power, as INFLUENCE OF LONGITUDINAL MUSCLE
that would require assessment across a range of isotonic FASCICLE GROWTH ON THE PASSIVE
loads due to the force-velocity relationship (110). In addi-
tion, it is crucial to consider the confounding factor of ten-
don adaptations in joint-level data. For more compliant Noncontractile elements such as the elastic protein titin,
tendons, the joint level excursion may be primarily taken the intramuscular collagen matrix, tendons, and aponeuro-
up by the tendon rather than muscle fascicles, whereas ses contribute to a muscle’s passive tension development
stiffer tendons present a more proportional relationship when stretched (17, 128, 129). It follows that passive tension
between fascicle shortening and joint angular rotation. increases exponentially with muscle length, forming the ba-
Using ultrasound to track actual fascicle excursions (rather sis for the passive length-tension relationship (20). Since
than just joint excursions) during isokinetic contractions titin spans the half-sarcomere, a greater SSN may allow indi-
is becoming more common (123) and may help address vidual sarcomeres to stretch less during joint or muscle dis-
this confounding factor going forward. This technique placement, reducing passive tension especially at longer
may also help address more complex questions such as: muscle lengths. Hence a rightward shifted, less steep passive
does longitudinal fascicle growth impact mechanical work length-tension relationship is expected with longitudinal
during a slow contraction to the same extent as during a fascicle growth. With lower passive tension at longer muscle
fast contraction? Altogether, though studies linking lengths, longitudinal fascicle growth may also be expected to
increased isokinetic mechanical work of shortening and increase joint ROM.
peak isotonic power to longitudinal fascicle growth in
humans are currently lacking, they provide grounds for Old Compared with Young Muscle
further exploration.
Though not an intervention, comparison between old
There has also been some investigation into the role of FL
and young muscle provides insight in this area. When com-
in practical measures of peak power. Wingate peak power out-
paring the medial gastrocnemius of old and young rats,
put has been shown to be related to quadriceps and gastrocne-
Power et al. (130) found that young rats had a 10% higher
mii anatomical cross-sectional (ACSA) and vastus lateralis
SSN. Correspondingly, the older muscles (with fewer serial
and medial gastrocnemius pennation angle (PA), but not FL
sarcomeres) had greater passive forces at longer lengths (130).
in sprint cyclists (124, 125). These relationships are somewhat
With that said, the age-related decreases in SSN could not
understandable, as ASCA and PA are associated with maxi-
entirely explain the elevated passive tension, and age-related
mum force or torque production (2, 126), which plays a role in
increases in passive tension are also associated with stiffening
power generation as well. Instead, vastus lateralis and medial
of the intramuscular collagen matrix (131), which may have
gastrocnemius FL had negative relationships with time to
contributed to these results as well. As made apparent in the
peak power output in sprint cyclists (124), suggesting longitu-
sections below, there is a clear trade-off between SSN adapta-
dinal fascicle growth may shorten the time to develop maxi-
tions and adaptations in intramuscular collagen for influenc-
mal power. Conversely, vastus lateralis FL was found to
ing a muscle’s passive length-tension relationship.
explain Wingate peak power output together with the percent-
age of type II fibers in road cyclists (113), and partly explain Immobilization in a Stretched Position
Wingate peak power output in male rowers (127). Correlations
have also been drawn between vastus lateralis FL and coun- Tabary et al. (13) immobilized the cat soleus in a stretched
termovement jump power (114), and some studies not fitting position for 4 wk and observed a 19% increase in SSN com-
this review’s inclusion criteria have observed increased coun- pared with controls. Against what is hypothesized, the joint
termovement jump power concomitant to apparent increases angle-passive tension curves were identical between the immo-
in vastus lateralis FL (107, 122). More longitudinal training bilized and contralateral control muscles. Similar results were
studies on humans with assessment of optimal FL are needed observed by Goldspink et al. (23) with a larger sample size (n =
to determine if longitudinal fascicle growth influences these 12/group instead of n = 5–6/group) and an even greater increase
practical assessments of peak power output. in SSN ( þ 25%) when denervating the soleus while immobi-
lized in a stretched position. A limitation of these studies is
Summary of the Influence of Longitudinal Muscle they did not specify how many fascicles they performed SSN
Fascicle Growth on Mechanical Work and Peak Power estimations on, thus the magnitudes of SSN increase they
Output reported may be subject to error. With that said, the results
Longitudinal muscle fascicle growth does not appear to of Williams and Goldspink (12), who estimated SSN from 5
affect mechanical work of isokinetic shortening, however, may fascicles per muscle, are consistent with the above find-
increase net work output in sinusoidal contractions. To our ings. Following immobilization in a stretched position, they
knowledge, no study on animals has assessed peak isotonic observed a 16% increase in mouse soleus SSN compared with
power alongside an observation of longitudinal fascicle growth. controls, and no differences in the whole muscle passive
Some evidence in humans implicates longitudinal fascicle length-tension relationship. Although the same laboratory
growth in improved peak isotonic power; however, further showed that 7 days of immobilization in a stretched position
investigation is needed obtaining true peak power (i.e., across a did not alter intramuscular connective tissue content observed
range of isotonic loads). There are also many cross-sectional via Picro-sirius red staining in the rabbit soleus (42), a closer
studies suggesting longitudinal fascicle growth can improve look at time-course changes by Ahtikoski et al. (132) found
practical measures of peak power output, and more longitudi- hydroxyproline concentration (the primary protein constituent
nal studies are needed to corroborate those findings. in collagen) began to significantly increase in the rat soleus

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starting at 7 days of immobilization in a stretched position. adaptations (e.g., increased stretch tolerance) rather than mor-
Therefore, since the above studies immobilized the muscle for phological adaptations. Furthermore, correlations between FL
4 wk, it is possible they did not observe changes to the passive and ROM have only been reported when adjusting for muscle
length-tension relationship due an interplay between increased slack angle (136). Panidi et al. (74) also pointed out that
collagen content and increased SSN. As we are only speculating, increased FL following static stretch training in humans tends
further investigation is needed on the influence of intramuscu- to only occur with training interventions longer than 6 wk and
lar collagen adaptations on the passive force-length relationship with long stretching durations to maximize mechanical ten-
following immobilization in a stretched position. sion (137, 138). Altogether, the hypothesis that longitudinal fas-
cicle growth induced by static stretch training can increase
Surgery-Induced Stretch joint ROM and shift the passive length-tension relationship is
More profound incidences of intramuscular collagen coun- only supported by studies on animals. Although some human
teracting the influence of sarcomerogenesis on the passive studies have reported increases in FL following intense static
length-tension relationship are seen in studies on surgery- stretch training, none have directly assessed whether a shift in
induced stretch. After surgically stretching the rabbit second optimal FL occurred [Reeves et al. (43)], and doing so in future
extensor digitorum, Takahashi et al. (7) observed 20% and 13% research may help refine current interpretations.
increases in SSN 1 and 4 wk postsurgery, respectively, com-
pared with controls. Despite the increase in SSN, the stretched Eccentric Training
muscles produced greater passive tension at longer muscle In animals, there is evidence linking eccentric training-
lengths than controls. A follow-up analysis comparing the induced longitudinal muscle fascicle growth to a shift in the
muscle’s single fibers and fiber bundles found the same effect passive length-tension relationship. Chen et al. (69) observed
to occur in fiber bundles but not in single fibers. Since fiber a 6% greater soleus SSN in rats following decline running
bundles contain intramuscular collagen whereas single fibers training compared with incline running training. In those
do not, they concluded the passive length-tension curve’s left- same rats, Noonan et al. (71) observed lower passive stress
ward shift was due to collagen proliferation following the sur- and an 50% lower passive elastic modulus in single fibers
gery. In rabbits, Williams et al. (65) observed a 64%–89% loss of decline-trained rats than incline-trained rats, thus the
in ankle joint ROM and a leftward shift in the whole muscle greater SSN may have allowed for less passive tension devel-
passive length-tension relationship concomitant to an 13% opment during stretch of single fibers. There were no differ-
increase in tibialis anterior SSN induced via tibial lengthening ences in passive stress or modulus in fiber bundles, however,
compared with controls. They attributed the increased passive suggesting a potential interference of intramuscular collagen
tension to collagen accumulation seen by Picrosirius red stain- such that there may not be similar adaptations in passive
ing. Lastly, as mentioned in In Animals, Cox et al. (32) observed properties at the whole muscle level. A recent preprint from
decreased net work output due to increased work of lengthen- our laboratory addresses this question. Following 4 wk of
ing in passive work loops as a result of collagen accumulation, weighted decline running training in rats, we observed an
despite a 25% increase in SSN following 3 wk of incremental 8% increase in soleus SSN compared with controls [preprint
surgical stretch of the rabbit latissimus dorsi. Hinks et al. (84)]. Concomitantly, the soleus of trained rats
had a rightward shifted passive length-tension relationship
Static Stretch Training
compared with controls, with 45–62% lower passive forces
Unlike the studies on surgical stretch, De Jaegar et al. (67) produced across the muscle lengths tested. We also observed
observed no changes in collagen content and a 9% increase no differences in collagen content or % cross-linked collagen
in rabbit soleus SSN following 4 wk of static stretch training between groups, bolstering the interpretation that the pas-
compared with contralateral controls. Aligning with what is sive length-tension relationship shifted due to the observed
hypothesized for sarcomerogenesis, they observed a right- longitudinal fascicle growth.
ward shift in the joint angle-passive tension relationship (a The influence of eccentric training-induced longitudinal
16% decrease in peak passive torque). fascicle growth on the passive length-tension relationship in
Results from studies on humans disagree with the above humans is less clear. Kudo et al. (73) assessed medial gastro-
observations in animals. Panidi et al. (74) employed 12 wk of cnemius FL at approximately the optimal plantar flexion
static stretch training of the plantar flexors in young female angle following 12 wk of eccentric compared with conven-
volleyball players. Performing ultrasound measurements at tional calf-raise training. They observed an increase ( þ 9%) in
approximately the optimal plantar flexion angle, they observed FL and a concomitant increase ( þ 3%) in dorsiflexion ROM in
a 6% increase in FL at the middle region of the medial gastro- only the eccentric training group. An association between
cnemius, and a concomitant 22% increase in maximum dorsi- these two measures should be made with caution, however,
flexion ROM. However, the joint angle-passive tension since they did not assess whether there were statistically sig-
relationship did not change following training, and ROM nificant relationships between FL and ROM. As well, due to
increased to the same extent in the contralateral (i.e., not potential cross-education effects of training on ROM as
exposed to stretching) plantar flexors, suggesting a cross-edu- reported in the static stretch training studies above, assessing
cation effect of training on ROM. Increases in ROM of the ROM in a contralateral control limb would have provided
trained and untrained limb also occur following static stretch insight. Assessment of passive resistive torque throughout the
training in the absence of FL adaptations (133–135). These ROM could have also elucidated whether the increased ROM
observations have led authors to conclude that increased ROM was associated with morphological adaptations. Although a
following static stretch training in humans is due to neural study employing a similar training program on the plantar

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flexors did observe a rightward shift in the joint angle-passive Our review highlights additional benefits such as increases in
tension curve (23% decrease in passive resistive torque), shortening velocity, force production throughout the ROM,
they did not measure FLs (139), so we can only speculate. and power production are also hypothetically possible with
longitudinal fascicle growth. However, many of the beneficial
Summary of the Influence of Longitudinal Muscle mechanical adaptations associated with longitudinal fascicle
Fascicle Growth on the Passive Length-Tension growth are supported more by whole muscle data from ani-
Relationship mals rather than more clinically applicable joint level data
from humans. This gap raises the question: in understanding
Studies on animals provide strong evidence that longi-
how longitudinal fascicle growth can influence mechanical
tudinal muscle fascicle growth can reduce passive tension
function, is joint level data more important than data from iso-
at long lengths at levels of the single fiber, whole muscle,
lated muscle? In everyday life, neural inputs and all the
and joint, unless there is concurrently considerable prolif-
muscles and tendons surrounding a joint are involved, rather
eration of the intramuscular collagen matrix. Further
than one muscle alone.
investigation is needed to clarify whether such prolifera-
The confounding factors of in vivo joint-level data (i.e.,
tion of the intramuscular collagen matrix occurs later (i.e.,
neural adaptations, tendon adaptations, muscle synergy)
beyond 7 days) when immobilizing a muscle in a stretched
have yet to be teased out from most of the interpretations
position, and how that impacts passive tension. More
in existing literature. As outlined throughout this review,
research also is needed with assessment of optimal FL and
there are cases in studies on humans both where the
contralateral controls to elucidate whether longitudinal
hypotheses for how longitudinal fascicle growth influences
fascicle growth induced via static stretch training and
mechanical function are proven correct, and incorrect. It is
eccentric training impacts the passive-length tension rela-
possible that in some of these studies on humans, con-
tionship and joint ROM in humans.
founding factors are interfering with the hypothesis, like
what has been observed with intramuscular collagen adap-
FUTURE DIRECTIONS tations and the passive length-tension relationship in stud-
ies on animals (described in INFLUENCE OF LONGITUDINAL
Due to longitudinal muscle fascicle growth’s potential to MUSCLE FASCICLE GROWTH ON THE PASSIVE LENGTH-TENSION
increase the range for active force production, increase optimal RELATIONSHIP). Although it is arguably impossible to fully
muscle length, and reduce passive tension at longer muscle isolate adaptations from an intervention to increases in FL,
lengths, interventions promoting longitudinal fascicle growth several methodologies exist to better understand how longi-
may be beneficial in certain clinical settings (e.g., muscle strain tudinal fascicle growth influences in vivo mechanical func-
injury prevention, sarcopenia, muscle spasticity) (5, 34, 36). tion in humans.

Figure 4. What is currently known about how longitudinal muscle fascicle growth influences mechanical function. Red X’s indicate a particular modality
did not show the indicated functional adaptation. Question marks indicate inconclusive findings in current literature.

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As discussed, an approach such as Reeves et al. (43) (i.e., These outcome measures have been assessed concomitant to
construction of a torque-angle relationship, with measurement longitudinal fascicle growth across a wide range of interven-
of FL via ultrasound at all joint angles) should be employed tions including immobilization in a stretched position, surgical
when determining optimal FL in vivo. Alongside this, microen- stretch, denervation, compensatory overload, various exercise
doscopy provides a noninvasive way to measure SL in vivo (51, training programs, and static stretch training (summarized in
140, 141), and can thereby allow measurement of in vivo opti- Fig. 4). This review aimed to outline gaps and limitations in
mal SL and estimation of SSN. Furthermore, tracking fascicle the literature on how longitudinal fascicle growth influences
excursion during shortening contractions would elucidate any mechanical function to guide future research.
uncertainty related to tendon compliance (123). There is currently strong evidence across various types of
Unfortunately, microendoscopy systems currently have interventions that longitudinal fascicle growth can induce a
limited availability. Other methods exist, however, to pro- rightward shift in the muscle force-length and joint torque-
vide better precision in interpreting data from humans in angle relationship in animals; however, in humans, existing
the context of longitudinal fascicle growth. The average evidence is less concrete due to methodological limitations.
human SL (2.64 μm) determined by Walker and Schrodt (53) More investigation is also needed on the ability for longitudinal
from cadaver inspection is sometimes used to estimate SSN fascicle growth to widen the whole force-length relationship,
from ultrasound-measured FL (75). For better precision, one and particularly the plateau region. There is currently little evi-
could also take biopsies from a muscle after determining in dence in animals or humans supporting that longitudinal fasci-
vivo optimal FL via ultrasound and construction of the tor- cle growth can increase Vmax; however, this question has yet to
que-angle relationship, then test single fibers obtained from be investigated in a neurologically intact model of longitudinal
the biopsies to determine an average optimal SL for that fascicle growth such as eccentric training. There has also been
same muscle. Those FL and SL measurements can then be almost no investigation of the influence of longitudinal fascicle
used to estimate SSN. Once SSN has been determined, it can growth on peak isotonic power across a range of loads in ani-
also be used alongside FL measurements (SL = SSN/FL) to mals or humans. Longitudinal fascicle growth may also reduce
estimate SLs throughout the ROM, as described in a recent passive tension at long muscle lengths unless there is consider-
commentary (27). Like the microendoscopy method described able proliferation of the intramuscular collagen matrix. In ani-
above, this may provide insight into adaptations such as mals, it appears that increased SSN in the absence of collagen
broadening of the plateau region and increased work of accumulation can also increase joint ROM. In humans, how-
shortening. ever, it is unclear whether increased joint ROM is associated
On top of the methods described above, linear regression with longitudinal muscle fascicle growth, or solely neural
or correlation coefficients can be employed to elucidate the adaptations. To fill current knowledge gaps and improve real-
influence of FL, compared with other variables (e.g., tendon world applicability, future research can assess optimal FL and
stiffness, CSA, pennation angle, fiber type), on measures of estimate SSN in vivo, track fascicle excursions in dynamic con-
mechanical function. These types of analysis are currently tractions, account for regional variability in muscle architec-
common in cross-sectional studies investigating FL and me- ture, and employ statistical models to assess the relationships
chanical function (103–106, 114, 124, 125, 127), but less so in between different variables.
intervention studies (8, 64).
Finally, FL, SL, and SSN, and how they adapt to interven-
tions, are subject to regional variability (8, 51, 72, 79). Future
studies should consider interpreting how longitudinal fascicle This review received funding from the National Sciences and
growth influences mechanical function in the context of how Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) (to G. A. Power).
different regions of muscle adapt: it seems sarcomeres are
added distally on a fascicle (51), but do distal, mid-belly, or DISCLOSURES
proximal FL adaptations influence mechanical function to dif- No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are declared by
ferent extents? This limitation applies to studies on animals as the authors.
well: most take an average across several FL and SL measure-
ments to estimate SSN, inherently ignoring assessment of re-
gional variability in SSN adaptations. Furthermore, at least 6
FL measurements and 6 SL measurements per fascicle appear A.H. prepared figures; A.H. and G.A.P. drafted manuscript; A.H.,
to be the current consensus for estimating SSN (69, 142); how- M.V.F., and G.A.P. edited and revised manuscript; A.H., M.V.F.,
ever, to our knowledge, no study has verified the validity of and G.A.P. approved final version of manuscript.
this quantity of measurements against other quantities.
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