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Social Media Marketing Almanac.

 An effective profile is vital because people use it to make a snap judgement about
your account

 The goal of a profile is to convince people to pay attention to your social media

 Optimize for Five Second - Think of tinder profile where you give five seconds or
less before making decision

 Make a mantra— two to four words that explain why you or your organization exists.

 Your profile should give the impression that you are likable, trustworthy, and

 You need to fold social element into all your creative, including for traditional media,
and into every interaction with your customers, whether by commenting on Tumblr,
gamifying a banner ad, engaging on a news aggregator or sending people to Facebook
at the end of your radio spot.

 Great marketing is all about telling your story in such a way that it compels people to
buy what you are selling.

 People buy the product which they find personal or represent their identity.

 Jabs are the lightweight pieces of content that benefit your customers by making them
laugh, snicker ponder, play a game, feel appreciated or escape; Right hook are calls to
action that benefit your business. There is no sale without the story; no knockout
without the setup

 A Great marketing story is one that sells stuff. It creates an emotion that makes
consumers want to do what you ask them to do.

 Your story isn’t powerful enough if all it does is lead the horse to water; it has to
inspire the horse to drink, too.

 The better you learn the psychology of your social media consumers, the better you
can tell the right story at the right time.

 Different platforms allow you to highlight different aspects of your brand identity, and
each jab you make can tell a different part of your story. Have fun with that.

 Successful online content marketer pays especially close attention to variables such as
environmental fluctuations and demographic shifts. It’s not enough to experiment you
have to respond to what the results tell you.

 Perfect right hook always includes three characteristics

o They make the call to action simple and easy to understand.
o They are perfectly crafted for mobile, as well as all digital devices.
Social Media Marketing Almanac. 1000
o They respect the nuances of the social network for which they are making

 Social media equation requires quantity and quality. Content for the sake of content is
 4 Cs of success on Instagram
o Creator Mindset
o Content Strategy
o Collaborations
o Consistency
 Integrate your content into the steam where people can consume it along with all their
pop culture candy.
 Your Job as marketer is not just about selling more products, but increasingly about
making sure that you are first to market as often as possible in terms of timing, the
quality of your micro-content, and the originality with which you respond to the world
around you.
 Whatever experience people are seeking on their preferred platforms, That’s what
marketers should attempt to replicate.
 Mantra for creating content
o Make it Simple
o Make it memorable
o Make it inviting to look at
o Make it fun to read.
o Make it for your customers, not for yourself
 Right hook is about what is valuable to you. Jabs are about what is valuable to others.
 The emotional connection you build through jabbing pays off on the day you decide
to throw the right hook.
 Your story needs to move people’s spirits and build their good will, So that when you
finally do ask them to buy from you, they feel like you’ve given them so much it
would be rude to refuse.
o Jab, Jab, Jab, Jab, Jab … Right Hook
o Give, Give, Give, Give, Give … Ask.
 Increase the shareability of the post. Ask what will make people share this with there
friends. Check what kind of memes have your friends shared with you and what made
them do that.
o People like calling out others on their Bullshit. They like it when someone else
say’s what they want to but can’t out loud.
o When you unlock nostalgia, which they have forgotten now but had a deep
connect at one point in their life.
o They like to share something extremely weird or insane.
o Thing which is not a popular opinion but some people resonate with it.
 Creators don’t make a video go viral – incremental user sharing does. Even when you
spend money to ‘boost’ your content, only when it’s share-worthy does organic reach
start growing and get your results.
 Share-worthy content saves you millions in distribution costs by ensuring that content
organically reaches your users or audience.
 Every company today is first a media company and only then a tech company.

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