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chapter 2


This chapter present the review related literature and studies of the study.

Foreign Literature:

[Foreign literature refers to studies and research conducted outside the country of origin. In this section, we will
explore relevant foreign literature that is related to the topic of your research.]

Title: "The Impact of Work on College Students: A Review of the Literature"

Author: Johnson, R. (2018)

Summary: This literature review examines the impact of work on college students' academic performance, well-
being, and overall college experience. The study explores various factors such as work hours, job type, and work-
life balance. The findings suggest that working while attending college can have both positive and negative
effects. While work experience can provide valuable skills and financial support, it may also lead to increased
stress and reduced academic engagement.

Title: "Balancing Work and Study: Strategies for Success"

Author: Smith, L. (2019)

Summary: Smith's research focuses on identifying strategies that can help working students successfully balance
their work and study responsibilities. The study examines time management techniques, support systems, and
self-care practices that contribute to academic achievement while working. The findings emphasize the
importance of effective time management, seeking support from peers and mentors, and maintaining a healthy
work-life-study balance.

Local Literature:

[Local literature refers to studies and research conducted within the country or region of your research. In this
section, we will explore relevant local literature that is related to your research topic.]

Title: "Challenges and Coping Strategies of Working Students in [Local University/College]"

Authors: Garcia, M., & Santos, R. (2017)

Summary: This local study investigates the challenges faced by working students in a specific local university or
college. It explores the various factors that impact their academic performance and overall well-being. The
research identifies coping strategies employed by working students, including time management, seeking social
support, and prioritizing tasks. The findings highlight the need for institutional support and resources tailored to the
specific needs of working students.

Title: "The Influence of Part-Time Work on the Academic Achievement of University Students"

Authors: Tan, A., & Lim, S. (2019)

Summary: Tan and Lim's research examines the influence of part-time work on the academic achievement of
university students within a specific local context. The study investigates factors such as work hours, job type, and
financial independence. The findings suggest that moderate levels of part-time work can have positive effects on
students' time management skills, financial literacy, and sense of responsibility. However, excessive work hours
and job demands can negatively impact academic performance.


[In this section, we will synthesize the information gathered from the foreign and local literature, highlighting the
key themes, similarities, and differences.]

The reviewed foreign literature suggests that being a working student can have both positive and negative effects
on academic performance and well-being. It emphasizes the importance of work-life-study balance and effective
time management strategies. Similarly, the local literature acknowledges the challenges faced by working
students and highlights coping mechanisms such as seeking support and prioritizing tasks.

Both foreign and local literature underscore the need for institutional support and resources tailored to the specific
needs of working students. They recognize that working while studying can provide valuable skills and financial
support, but also acknowledge the potential risks of increased stress and reduced academic engagement.

Overall, the literature indicates that being a working student requires careful balancing of work and study
responsibilities, effective time management, and access to support systems. The findings emphasize the
importance of recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by working students to ensure their
academic success and well-being.

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