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About the holy rosary
Praying the Rosary of St. Joseph is similar to Pray the ‘Glory Be’ afterwards.
praying the Rosary of our Blessed Mother.
On the first large bead, recite and ponder on a
One difference is instead of praying the ‘Hail mystery then pray the Our Father.
Mary’ on the small beads, pray the ‘Hail Joseph’
On the ten small beads, pray the ‘Hail Joseph’.
In addition, the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious
Mysteries are different as they pertain to St. After each set of 10 small beads, pray the ‘Glory
Joseph. Be’ and the ‘Fatima Prayer’
• On the Crucifix, † Make the sign of the Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the
Cross and pray the ‘Apostle’s Creed’. Holy Spirit world without end, Amen
Fatima prayer
• On the large beads, pray the ‘Our Father’.
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the
• On the small beads, pray the ‘Hail Joseph’ fires of hell, And lead all souls to heaven
• End by praying the ‘Glory Be’ and the especially those in most need of Thy Mercy.
Fatima Prayer after each set of 10 small
Repeat up to the (5th) decade announcing and
pondering on the different Mysteries.
Instructions After the fifth decade, conclude by praying the
On the Crucifix, make the † Sign of the Cross ‘Memorare to St. Joseph’
and pray the ‘Apostle’s Creed’. On the first Remember, O Most Chaste Spouse of the Virgin
large bead, pray the ‘Our Father’ and in the 3 Mary, that never was it known that anyone who
consecutive small beads, pray the ‘Hail Joseph’: fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or
sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired
Hail Joseph Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee. by this confidence, I fly unto you, my spiritual
Blessed are you among men, and blessed is thy father, and beg your protection. O Foster Father
foster Son, Jesus. of the Redeemer, despise not my petitions, but in
Holy Joseph, guardian of God’s Son, Pray for us your goodness hear and answer me Amen.
sinners, now and at the hour of our death, Amen
The Joyful Mysteries 3. Joseph flees to Egypt with Mary and
1. The Annunciation to Joseph. “An angel of the Lord appeared in sleep to
The angel of the Lord appears to Joseph in a Joseph, saying: Arise, and take the child and
dream saying, “Joseph, son of David, fear not His Mother, and fly into Egypt”. (Mt. 2)
to take unto yourself Mary your wife, for 4. Jesus is Lost in Jerusalem.
that which is conceived in her, is of the When Joseph and Mary returned to
Nazareth, “the Child Jesus remained in
Holy Spirit.” (Mt. 1:20)
Jerusalem; and His parent knew it not”. (Lk
2. The Birth of Jesus.
“And she brought forth her firstborn Son”. 5. The Death of Joseph.
( Lk. 2:7) Joseph glorifies God. Having faithfully fulfilled his role in God’s
3. The Circumcision and Naming of Jesus. providence, Joseph expires in the presence
“Joseph, son of David, You shall call His name
of Jesus and Mary.
Jesus, for He shall save His people from
their sins”. (Mt.1:20).
4. The Presentation of the Baby Jesus in the
The Glorious Mysteries
“A light to the revelation of the Gentiles and
the glory of your people Israel…. And Joseph 1. The Glorification of St. Joseph.
and His mother were wondering at those Joseph accompanies Jesus after His
things which were spoken concerning Him”. resurrection to share in Jesus’ glory for all
(Lk 2:32-33) eternity and become our intercessor.
5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple. 2. St. Joseph, Patron of Universal Church.
And when Mary and Joseph saw Him in the As he once cherished, nurtured and
temple, they were amazed…... and He went protected the Son of God, St. Joseph now
with them to Nazareth and was subjected to continues his guidance and protection of His
them”. (Lk. 2:48;51) Mystical Body on earth, the Church.
3. St. Joseph, to you we have recourse in
our affliction.
The Sorrowful Mysteries
Defend, O most watchful guardian of the
1. Joseph’s spouse Mary is found to be child. Holy Family, the chosen offspring of Jesus
“Joseph, her husband, being a just man and
4. St. Joseph, Protector of Families.
not willing publicly to expose her, was minded
As head of the Holy Family, St. Joseph
to put her away privately”. (Mt. 1:18-19)
blesses intercedes for all, Christian families
2. The Journey to Bethlehem. that they also may become holy families in
“Mary, wife or Joseph, was great with the sigh.
child…… and there was no room for them in 5. St. Joseph, Patron of a Holy Death.
the inn”. (Lk. 2:5-7) As he died in the presence and care of Jesus
and privilege Mary, St. Joseph will obtain for
us that same blessed at our passage from
this life to eternity.

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