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MD II – Seminarul 4


Dentistry, which is a part of stomatology, is the branch of medicine that is involved in the
evaluation, diagnosis, prevention, and surgical or non-surgical treatment of diseases, disorders and
conditions of the oral cavity, maxillofacial area and the adjacent and associated structures and their
impact on the human body. Dentistry is widely considered necessary for complete overall health.
Those who practice dentistry are known as dentists. The dentist's supporting team aides in providing
oral health services, which includes dental assistants, dental hygienists and dental technicians.

evaluation (syn.) assessment - evaluare

to evaluate (syn.) to assess - a evalua
prevention (syn.) prophylaxis - prevenție, profilaxie
preventive (syn.) prophylactic - preventiv, profilactic
to prevent - a preveni
diagnosis (pl. diagnoses) - diagnostic
to diagnose (syn.) to make a diagnosis - a diagnostica, a pune un diagnostic
diagnostician - diagnostician
diagnostic procedure - procedură de diagnosticare
overall (syn.) total - total
to aid (syn.) to help - a ajuta
dental assistant - asistent dentar
dental hygienists (syn.) oral hygienists - igienist dentar
dental technicians - tehnician dentar

Dentistry usually encompasses very important practices related to the oral cavity. Oral
diseases are major public health problems due to their high incidence and prevalence across the
globe with the disadvantaged affected more than other socio-economic groups.

to encompass - a cuprinde, a îngloba, a include

prevalence - prevalență, răspândire, incidență, frecvență
prevalent - prevalent, predominant
to prevail - a prevala, a predomina

Although modern day dental practice centres around prevention, many treatments or
interventions are still needed. The majority of dental treatments are carried out to prevent or treat
the two most common oral diseases which are dental caries (tooth decay) and periodontal disease
(gum disease or pyorrhea). Common treatments involve the restoration of teeth as a treatment for
dental caries (fillings), extraction or surgical removal of teeth which cannot be restored, scaling of
teeth to treat periodontal problems and endodontic root canal treatment to treat abscessed teeth.

dental caries (syn.) cavity (syn.) tooth decay - carie dentară

scaling - detartraj
scaler - instrument de detartraj
tartar (syn.) dental calculus – tartru, calcul dentar
gum (syn.) gingiva (pl. gingivae) - gingie
pyorrhea, pyorrhoea (syn.) purulent discharge - pioree, scurgere purulentă
periodontitis (syn.) periodontal inflammation - periodontită, inflamaţie periodontală
filling (syn.) obturation - obturație, plombă
root canal filling - obturație de canal (radicular)
to fill a tooth (syn.) to obturate - a plomba
root (syn.) radix (pl. radices) - rădăcină, radix
root fracture - fractură radiculară
abscess - abces
apical abscess - abces apical
gingival abscess (syn.) gumboil (sin.) parulis (pl. parulides) - abces gingival, parulis
periodontal abscess - abces parodontal

All dentists train for around 4 or 5 years at university and qualify as a 'dental surgeon'. By
nature of their general training they can carry out the majority of dental treatments such as
restorative (fillings, crowns, bridges), prosthetic (dentures), endodontic (root canal) therapy,
periodontal (gum) therapy, and exodontia (extraction of teeth), as well as performing examinations,
radiographs (x-rays) and diagnosis. Dentists can also prescribe certain medications such as
antibiotics, fluorides and sedatives but they are not able to prescribe the full range that physicians

crown (syn.) corona (pl. coronae) - coroană

coronal - coronal
bridge (syn.) fixed dental prosthesis - punte
prosthetic - protetic
prosthesis (pl. prostheses) – proteză
removable prosthesis - proteză dentară mobilă
prosthetics – protetică
prosthetist - specialist în protetică
dental prosthetist - protetician
provisional denture - proteză provizorie
exodontia (syn.) exodontics - exodonţie, exodontică
exodontist - exodontist, medic specialist în exodonţie
to prescribe - a prescrie
prescription (syn.) medication order - rețetă
prescription drug - medicament pe bază de rețetă
non-prescription drug (syn.) over the counter drug (OTC) - medicament fără rețetă

Dentists need to take additional qualifications or training to carry out more complex
treatments such as sedation, oral and maxillofacial surgery and implants. Whilst the majority of oral
diseases are unique and self-limiting, some can indicate poor general health, tumors, blood
dyscrasias and abnormalities including genetic problems. Dentists also encourage prevention of
dental caries through proper hygiene (tooth brushing and flossing), fluoride, and tooth polishing.
Dental sealants are plastic materials applied to one or more teeth, for the intended purpose of
preventing dental caries (cavities) or other forms of tooth decay.

sedation - sedare; calmare

sedative - sedativ, calmant
sedative action – acţiune sedativă
oral and maxillofacial surgeon - chirurg buco-maxilo-facial
poor health - sănătate precară, șubredă
good health - stare bună de sănătate
benign tumor (syn.) non-cancerous tumor - tumoare benignă
malignant tumor (syn.) cancerous tumor - tumoare malignă
erythrocyte (syn.) red blood cell (RBC) - eritrocit, hematie, globulă roșie
leukocyte (syn.) white blood cell (WBC) - leucocit, globulă albă
dyscrasia - discrazie
dyscrasic (syn.) dyscratic - discrazic
eucrasia - eucrazie
eucrasic (syn.) eucratic - eucrazic
dental floss - ață dentară
waxed dental floss - ață dentară cerată
unwaxed dental floss - ață dentară necerată
polishing - periaj profesional; șlefuire, lustruire
sealant - sigiliu

Dental Specialities

oral and maxillofacial surgery - chirurgie buco-maxilo-facială (BMF)

orthodontics - ortodonţie
prosthodontics - protetică dentară
periodontics - parodontologie
endodontics (syn.) endodontology - endodonţie
pediatric dentistry (syn.) pedodontics - pedodonţie
oral pathology - patologie orală (o specialitate de graniţă între stomatologie şi medicina
generală, care se ocupă în principal cu diagnosticarea şi tratamentul afecţiunilor mucoasei
bucale. Cele mai multe dintre afecţiuni sunt localizate la nivelul mucoasei bucale: obraji,
limbă, palat.)
public health dentistry - stomatologia sănătăţii publice
forensic odontology - odontologie judiciară
oral and maxillofacial radiology - radiologie buco-maxilo-facială
esthetic dentistry - estetică dentară

orthodontist - ortodont
ortho- formă combinatorie cu sensul de drept
prosthodontist - specialist în protetică dentară
periodontist - parodontolog
endodontist - endodont
pediatric dentist (syn.) pedodontist - pedodont, dentist de copii
odontologist - odontolog, dentist; stomatolog

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